Prof. Ed (The School, and Community Organization) PDF

Title Prof. Ed (The School, and Community Organization)
Course General Education
Institution Pangasinan State University
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Republic of the Philippines PANGASINAN STATE UNIVERSITY Bayambang Campus COLLEGE OF TEACHER EDUCATION Bayambang, Pangasinan



Year and Section: Assignment 3 – Let us check your understanding (50 points) I – Answer the following essay questions. 1. The Bible says: 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.14 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16) • Based on topic the teacher as a community leader, How do these biblical passages apply to the professional teacher? (10 points) ANSWER The biblical passages meant that all of us are made for a purpose as to why we exists and why we do the things we are doing right now. Everyone of us are entitled to fulfil that purpose. We may have different path to choose and to look forward but the end game will still be the same, and that is to do what we ought to do as long as we can. Teachers in the same way has a role to fit in. We became teachers not just by coincidence but we are destined to be in this track. Sometimes we may lose track because of the problems and challenges we faced as an individual but that necessarily mean we should stop but rather we stand firmly to what is solemnly important to us because if we let that problems to hinder us, then we are letting ourselves doubt the things we ought to do. Remember that as a teacher we are the role models of the students, colleagues

and even people around us, so how can we inspire other if we don’t trust our abilities and continue doubting ourselves? We all know that teachers are not just for the school but teachers also engages themselves in the community. We are not just a teacher but we are a teacher. Don’t let others crumpled us down just because we failed, we commit mistakes or even at the bridge of giving up we should always remember that as a teacher we have the power to change lives and touch the heart of our students and even the people around us. If this path is for us then who can be against us. Teachers are the leader of themselves. We all know the hardship we go through just to be in this position despite of being aware that teaching will not guarantee us financial stability but still we continue to look forward, because of all the profession teaching will give us the satisfaction that other profession can’t give to us just by seeing our students fulfilling their dreams in lives, and the happiness we feel looking that our students are doing their best in everything. As a teacher, we should continue to do our best in everything, we may not see the outcome of our efforts in an instant but still we should strive and be an inspiration to others. Let our light shines that even in the darkest hour of our life we may see hope and encouragement because we are a living evidence that nothing can outcast us if we know our purpose in life.

2. “I don’t hear what you are saying because you speak louder than what you say”. How does this quote apply to the professional teacher as a community leader? Discuss. (10 points)

ANSWER: The quote simply means that we as are a living proof of what we really are as an individual and as a person with a responsibility to hold on. It is not the words that came out from our mouth which defines us but the actions we show to others. “Our actions speaks louder than our words” we are all familiar with this quote. Our actions carry much more weight than words in building a trust. It is easy for us to build trust by speaking some words, however it will never create a long-lasting relationship but

building trust through actions may be difficult but it can guarantee a strong relationship. As we all know teachers are not just base on the four-cornered room but they are borderless. Teachers are leaders too. They have many roles to fit in. They help in making and building relationships not just in the school premise but with the community as well. People tend to look in teachers with high respect because they look in them in a noble way, teaching is a noblest profession indeed if we act as one because not all teachers are committed, and we all know that. In some instances people make bad impressions for teachers because there are others who disobey the code of ethics and do the things they just want to do even if they are seen by others. Our actions really defines us. But despite of that, many teachers still considers that which will benefit they’re students to shape them as an individual and to empower them to make the best of what they are. That is why teachers make goals. Actions are huge requirement when committing to a goals. If we are passionate enough to fulfil that goals then it would be seen in our actions. To say something and to do something are two different things because words can easily be expressed but doing it, in reality, takes real effort and dedication. Actions are certainly of paramount importance when it comes to leadership. The orders and instructions from a leader will not matter much if the leader is actionless, how can we order others to take action when we as a leader ourselves won’t do it. Don’t expect others to act in full accordance if they see you doing nothing it, you are just making yourselves look bad and untrustful. As a teacher who has a public image let us do the right things even if others disagree, as long as we have the good intentions in doing so, and what matters most is the attitude we put in our actions to achieve that goals we know it will benefit our students and the community we live in. 3. A teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, the only way to salvation. As a result, she proselytes. Can her good intention of salvation for all justify her proselyting? Why or Why not? (10 points) ANSWER:

For me it’s still a NO even though the teacher has a good intention in bringing out the faith of his/her students. According to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers under Article II- The Teacher and the State, Section 5 states that “A Teacher

shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money or service, or any other valuable materials from any person or entity for such purposes.” Eventhough the teacher is fully convinced that her religion is the only true religion, it is not advisable and it is out of her reach to convert her students on the religion she believes because we all have different religious beliefs as well that we considered to be true. A teacher must not promote or denigrate any particular religion, religion in general, or lack of religious belief. A teacher must not interject personal views or advocate those of certain students. Teachers must be extremely sensitive to respect, and not interfere with, a student's religious beliefs and practices. The 1987 Philippine Constitution clearly declares that the separation of church and state shall be inviolable (Section 2, Article 6). School districts limit teachers' religious expression in order to avoid violating the establishment clause, which requires separation between church and state. When teachers speak to their classes, they represent the school and the school board. Teachers, as agents of the government, may not inculcate students in religious matters. Otherwise, they run afoul of the establishment clause. However, this does not mean that teachers can never speak about religion, for religion is an important part of history, culture and current events. As long as the teacher don’t include her own beliefs in teaching it would be okay. There is a big difference between TEACHING ABOUT RELIGION, which is acceptable, and TEACHING RELIGION, which is not. Teaching about religion still needs to be taught by teachers because it has something to do with our past history, how it affects us, and why religion in the first place exists. But teaching religion is not appropriate for teacher to inculcate his own belief to the students. There are always be a limitations for everyone and everything. There is no absolute freedom. Teachers must remember that they are there to educate, and not indoctrinate. 4. One instance that proves that school-community partnership has been established is the Brigada Eskwela of the Department of Education. Research on what Brigada Eskwela is and the good things it has brought to schools. Share your research findings. (10 points)

ANSWER Brigada Eskwela as a nationwide initiative gathers volunteers to help clean,

donate and do maintenance work for public elementary and secondary schools. Established in 2003, the Brigada Eskwela or the National Schools Maintenance Week, became one of the most important programs of DepEd as the logical extension of the objectives stated in the Republic Act 8525 or the Adopt-ASchool Act of 1998. It aims to mobilize parents, alumni, civic groups, local businesses, non-government organizations, teachers, students, and individuals to help out public schools in rebuilding the facilities in preparation for the opening of classes. There are a lot of benefits that come with Brigada Eskwela, it saves resources on the part of the school, it builds oneness and cooperation to all stakeholders where their camaraderie among them develops, the learnings of the students are ensured, the cleanliness of the facilities becomes pleasing and inviting and the school becomes safe and ready to serve Filipino learners. The Brigada Eskwela successfully helps in constructing creative ways of improving the school facilities while highlighting Bayanihan. It makes people embrace the spirit of volunteering. With the act of Bayanihan, it is important to help each other out especially for the improvement that benefits the quality of education of the youth. The head of schools, who take part as the lead role in conducting activities, together with the volunteers makes the whole innovation possible. Helping one another and doing a task together, thus lessening the workload and making the job easier without expecting anything else in return is Bayanihan through Brigada Eskwela.

5. In what other ways can parents and community leaders be involved in the school to improve school performance? (10 points)

ANSWER In order to improve the school’s performance, administrators, teachers, parents, and even community leaders and its officials should take part in it. Let us take the municipality of Bayambang as an example. Many events that our University conduct was supported by the Mayor and its officials so as to ensure a better performance and great outcome of each programs. For example the Tourism Week Program that was held in the Bayambang Auditorium wherein they invited all the South

East Asian exchange student teachers, and the mayor himself welcomed them after the said event. It shows how supportive and hospitable the community leaders are in the municipality. Even community events, they see to it that the schools are included and not left behind. Community leaders and officials are always open if the schools needs them, and that should be a role model for other cities and municipalities as well because community and school are part of the society we lived in. They may functioned differently but they share a common goods and that is to protect, secure and take actions of their people’s need. To improve school’s performance parents also need to take action by participating in an organizational meeting like Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) so that they will have the chance to share what they want to do in order to improve the school premise and to suggests actions and plan to make school conducive to learning. Parents know their child’s needs especially when it comes to their learning, that’s why homeroom teachers make time to meet the parents of his/her students to address the needs for them to take part in planning and to build strong relationship with them as well because both of them are in charge in the child’s learning. Also parents are encourage to attend school meetings conducted by the administrators in making some changes to improve the school and of course their support and decisions are important in the planning. We all want to make school as a place where each students enjoy learning, without the help of everyone it is impossible to achieve it. That’s why everybody are encourage to take part of it, even the students are included because we all want to accomplish the same goal. If one of us is not going to participate then it will be hard for us to meet the same goals that is why unity should always be present....

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