Project proposal - Environmental Education PDF

Title Project proposal - Environmental Education
Author Janeaubrey Inocencio
Course Advanced Grammar of English
Institution Bukidnon State University
Pages 4
File Size 115 KB
File Type PDF
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I. Pr Proje oje oject ct Summ ummary ary Tit Tittl tl tle: e: Bas Basura ura m o, it itapo apo apon n mo: Was aste te Co Collect llect llectio io ion n Manag Manageme eme ement nt Ve Venue: nue: Bang Bangcud cud Natio ational nal Hi High gh Sc School hool Sta Start: rt: May 1, 20 2022 22 II. Rati ational onal onale/ e/ Bac Backgr kgr kgroun oun ound d Waste and Garbages can be seen everywhere in the streets, in our community and even in our school. Poor knowledge of waste management and lack of recycle bin are the main reason why we still cannot handle the issue of garbages. Waste reduction projects in schools generate interest in the topic of solid waste as an environmental issue. These projects focus on reducing, reusing, and recycling material waste at a school with the overall goal reduce waste at the school. A successful waste reduction project includes a focus on preventing waste, understanding where waste ends up, and exploring how waste issues impact the land, air, water, and other living things in the local environment. Students involved in waste reduction projects explore topics of how humans interact with the world around them including the use of natural resources, impacts on the land, water, air, and other living things in a local environment. Students think about their actions and learn to make their own choices. Students begin to develop a sense of wonder about the world around them and will understand the importance of caring for the Earth. III III.. Obj Object ect ectives ives This program aims to address the call of sustainable development; a. to reduce the improper waste management. b. to educate the students about proper waste management. c. to educate students the importance of recycling and proper waste disposal thus making the school and eco- friendly campus. IV IV.. Impl Impleme eme emento nto ntors rs a nd Par Parti ti ticipan cipan cipants ts The Yes- O club with the coordination of the SSG officers with their adviser Ms. Aubrey Jane Inocencio shall be lead implementing team for this program. The Science department shall serve as an oversight committee ensuring that the program is executed properly. V. Be Benef nef nefits its Schools engaged in successful waste reduction programs see benefits both financially, academically, and environmentally.

Environmentally:Taking steps to reduce school waste can have a huge impact on the environment. The school can save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and decrease the amount of material in landfills by implementaing waste reduction projects. Reducing waste can have positive impacts on local soil and air quality. Students become champions of the environment. Educationally: Students develop civic responsibility, communication and team-building skills, improve critical thinking & problem solving skills, and cultivate inquiry and analysis skills that are keys to solving any real-world problem. Students learn to value the natural world and understand how humans and the environment interact. VI VI.. Acti Action on Pl Plan an Integrating the 8-Step Action Plan into curriculum recognizes students as integral players not only in the school but within the greater community. Students develop a healthy positive relationship within their community and the natural world. AWARENESS opens a student’s eyes and heart to an ISSUE. In-depth RESEARCH partners students and adults with a diversity of occupations and viewpoints. Students begin to realize that realistic SOLUTIONS are the result of teamwork and that each PLAYER brings his or her own perspective to the table. Taking ACTION is, therefore, a culmination of perseverance, frustration, re-evaluation and communication. Finally, students ASSESS and EVALUATE the immediate and long-term effects of their efforts. The dustbin will be separate for dry waste, wet waste and recyclable waste. The plastic, aluminium containing bags, and the cigarette buds will be placed separately for future upcycling into different products. a. Segregation of Waste: Solid wastes will be segregated as per its kind and types. Basically we will segregate waste on the basis of biodegradable, recyclable and general wastes. b. Composting of biodegradable waste: Wastes like meats, rotten fruits and vegetables, bones, beans, etc. comes under biodegradable wastes. All those collected wastes will be taken in a preferred site tomake compost fertilizer which will be given to farmers nearby in Barangay. c. Recycle of non-biodegradable waste: Plastic, Papers, Glass, Bottles, etc. can be recycled in their own way. All thosewastes collected which can be recycled will be sold to scrap market which will help us to add more dustbins in other parts of the cities. d.Awareness and Information Campaigns:

Only placement of dustbins will not help to achieve our goal to clean or school. Students and teachers must be aware to throw all those wastes as per the segregation of wastes insegregated bins. We are running awareness programs in our school. VI VII. I. Budg Budgets ets The only expense is the grabage bags and dustbins. The SSG officers headed by their adviser will solicit to have money to buy for our dustbins....

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