PSCH100 SP2020(1) - Lecture notes 3 PDF

Title PSCH100 SP2020(1) - Lecture notes 3
Author Zahrah Bennett
Course General Biology
Institution University of California Los Angeles
Pages 8
File Size 216.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 119
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lecture notes...


Psychology 100: Introduction to Psychology 4 Credit Hours; Spring 2020 Instructor name:

CRN/Course Number: 21026

Candice Burkett

Sec t i on:CL1

Office location:

Times and days class meets: TR 2-3:15

BSB 1015 Office phone: N/A

Classroom location: BSB (Behavioral Sciences Building) 250 Instructor office hours: TR 12:30-1:30 or by appointment

E-mail address:

[email protected]

Teaching Assistants (may be updated later in semester): Head TA: Krista Miller [email protected] Vi-An Nguyen [email protected] Lauren Duffy [email protected] Joshua Buffington [email protected] Ruby Toledo [email protected] Samantha Villasanta [email protected]

Important Websites: Class Website:

Subject Pool (PECOLSUS) Website:

Course Description, Goals, and Objectives I’m excited you’re taking PSCH 100 this semester! This course is designed to provide an introduction and overview to psychology and will give you an overview of the field of psychology and expose you to the many sub-disciplines that make up the science of psychology.

REQUIRED MATERIALS Required Text: Cervone, D. (2015). Psychology: The science of person, mind, and brain. Macmillan Higher Education.


Courtesy: Our goal is to develop a classroom environment based on mutual respect to provide a maximal learning experience for all. When you are in class, I ask that we all be courteous and respect others and their opinions during classroom discussion. Classroom courtesy includes:   

I ask that you do not use your cell phone during class. Conversations with your classmates during class are very distracting; please don’t talk in class during lectures or when others are speaking. Laptop/iPad/tablet use is not allowed in the classroom (unless you have a documented need to use these in class). If you have an accommodation for these items, please let me (Candice Burkett) know as soon as possible. Research has shown that distracting yourself by multitasking during class impairs your performance. Inappropriate and/or disruptive classroom behavior may result in you being asked to leave the room so that you are not disrespecting others and interfering with the learning of other students.

ATTENDANCE Lecture Attendance: You will be responsible for material presented both in class and in the textbook, so it is in your best interest to attend class. Although attendance is not mandatory it is strongly encouraged. Please make sure to arrive on time. Given the arrangement of the classroom, it can be distracting if you walk in late. If you need to leave class early, please make sure that you sit as close to an exit as possible so that you do not disrupt the class when leaving.

Discussion Section Attendance: In addition to attending lecture, you also will be attending a discussion section once a week. Critical information for the class will be presented in your discussion section, so you are strongly encouraged to attend. Attendance will be taken in your discussion section. Importantly, some material on the exam will be related to what you learn in your discussion section, so it is so important that you attend your discussion section.

GRADES There will be a total of 571 possible points you can earn in this class. Scores earned by students in sections taught by other instructors have no effect on the calculation of your grade. 3 (out of 4) Exams (100 points each) 10 Quizzes (5 points each) Assignments 2 APSP Papers (40 points each) 12 Discussion Section attendance (3 points each) 8 Psychology Experience Credits (10 pts each)

300 50 25 80 36 80 571

points points points points points points points

Course Grades: A = 90% B = 80% C = 70% D = 60% F = 59% and BELOW Grades will be posted on Blackboard. It will be your responsibility to keep track of your scores on Blackboard. Be sure to keep copies of all of your graded assignments in case any discrepancies arise. If you notice that a score has been incorrectly entered into Blackboard, you must show the original paper with the correct grade to me by Monday of finals week. If you are unable to produce the graded work, you will receive the grade that appears in Blackboard.

Exams: Exams are multiple-choice. There are 50 questions per exam. Each exam is worth 100 points. Exams 1-3 will be held during class (see course schedule on last page of this syllabus). Exam 4 will be held during finals week. Exam 4 (final exam) is not cumulative, that is the last exam will not be over all the material you learned all semester, just the final three chapters we cover (see below). When calculating your grade at the end of the semester, I will drop your lowest exam grade therefore there are NO make-up exams for any reason. Missed exams will be counted as a zero and subject to the drop policy. To get the highest possible grade in class, it is in your best interest to take all 4 exams. Exam 1: Exam 2: Exam 3: Exam 4 (Final Exam):

covers Ch. 1, 2, 12, 13, 4 (121-130) covers Ch. 14, 15, 16, 6 covers Ch. 7, 8, 9, 10 covers Ch. 11, 3, 5

Quizzes: A total of 10 quizzes consisting of 5 multiple-choice questions (each) will be given throughout the semester. Quizzes will be given online and late quizzes will not be accepted for any reason. Quizzes will not be re-opened for any reason. I recommend making sure you have a stable internet connection prior to opening the quizzes. Quizzes can only be attempted once and must be completed in one session. Due dates are found on the schedule below.

Quiz/Exam Grade Challenge: If you want to dispute an answer on a quiz, you will need to fill out the Request to Review Quiz form. On the form you will have to list what quiz answer you are disputing, and the relevant material in the book that supports your answer. Print out the form and hand the paper copy to me (Candice Burkett). If I accept your dispute, you will receive full credit for the question you challenged. A similar form will be available for exams. To look at your quiz or exam, please come to my office hours.

Discussion Section Points:

Each week your TA will take attendance in your discussion section. You will receive 3 points for every class you attend up to a maximum of 12 classes totaling 36 points. If you are late or need to leave early for any reason, you will need to get your TA’s permission in order to get attendance credit. You may not receive attendance points if you are more than 10 minutes late or leave more than 10 minutes early.

Psychology Experience Credits (PEC): As part of this course, you are required to earn 8 Psychology Experience Credits (PECs) by two methods: (1) participating as a subject in Institutional Review Board (IRB)-approved research studies conducted under the supervision of Psychology Department faculty, and/or (2) writing summaries of published empirical research using the resources of UIC's Daley Library. You can earn all 8 PECs by any one of these methods, or you may earn some PECs by each method. More information that explains each of these methods in more detail will be given to you during lecture on Thursday, January 16th. Important! If you earn 3 credits through participating in experiments by Friday, March 6th you will then be eligible to complete 1 extra PEC (a 9th PEC), which will count towards your grade. It is in your best interest to earn credits through participating in research as early as possible in the semester.

Papers: Applying Psychological Science Paper (APSP) There will be two papers you will need to complete in this course; more information will be given to you by the Teaching Assistant (TA) for your discussion section. If you have any questions about the papers ask your teaching assistant first, and if you still have a question after talking to your TA you can ask me (Candice Burkett). The papers will be graded on a 40-point basis. That is, there are 80 paper points total, 40 for each of the two papers. Papers that are late will receive a 4 point penalty for each 24-hour period of time from the due date with a maximum penalty of 20 points. Note that you have to submit both of the papers to receive a grade in the course (this is a UIC rule).

The deadline for your first paper is Monday, February 24th at 11:59pm, and the deadline for your second paper is Monday, April 13th at 11:59pm.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY Please don’t cheat in any way in this class. As an academic community, UIC is committed to providing an environment in which research, learning, and scholarship can flourish and in which all endeavors are guided by academic and professional integrity. All members of the campus community–students, staff, faculty, and administrators–share the responsibility of ensuring that these standards are upheld so that such an environment exists. Instances of academic misconduct by students will be handled pursuant to the Student Disciplinary Policy:

Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:  Cheating: either intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, people, or study aids in any academic exercise, or extending to or receiving any kind of unauthorized assistance on any examination or assignment to or from another person.  Fabrication: knowing or unauthorized falsification, reproduction, lack of attribution, or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.  Facilitating academic dishonesty/plagiarism: intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.  Bribes, favors, threats: bribing or attempting to bribe, promising favors to or making threats against any person with the intention of affecting a record of a grade, grade, or evaluation of academic performance. Any conspiracy with another person who then takes or attempts to take action on behalf or at the direction of the student.  Examination by proxy: taking or attempting to take an exam for someone else other than the student is a violation by both the student enrolled in the course and the proxy or substitute.  Grade tampering: any unauthorized attempt to change, actual change of, or alteration of grades or any tampering with grades.  Non-original works: submission or attempt to submit any written work authored, in whole or part, by someone other than the student. (Above guidelines from %20Integrity.pdf) Students caught cheating will be automatically given a 0 for that assignment (including exams and papers). Additional disciplinary actions may be taken and are detailed in the student disciplinary policy .

OTHER COURSE POLICIES Disability Accommodations: The University of Illinois at Chicago is committed to maintaining a barrier-free environment so that students with disabilities can fully access programs, courses, services, and activities at UIC. Students with disabilities who require accommodations for access to and/or participation in this course are welcome but must be registered with the Disability Resource Center (DRC). You may contact DRC at 312-413-2183 (v) or 312-413-0123 (TTY) or see the following website:

Religious Holidays: If you wish to observe a religious holiday sometime in the semester, you should notify me (Candice Burkett) by Friday, January 24th of the date you will be absent. I will make every reasonable effort to honor your request.

Electronic Communication: You are responsible for carefully reading all course-related emails from the instructor. Be sure that you check your UIC e-mail regularly and that you are able to receive e-mails sent through Blackboard. When e-mailing the instructor please indicate the course number and a brief description in the subject line. The instructor will make every effort to

respond to e-mails in a timely manner, but please expect that it may take up to 48 hours until you receive a response.

Academic Deadlines: Please see the following for a list of important academic deadlines this semester:

HELPFUL RESOURCES The Writing Center: The center is located in Grant Hall 105 and offers one-on-one consultation with students who need help developing ideas, need advice, guidance or additional instruction on any aspects of writing in any class. Tutors are prepared to spend fifty minutes per appointment, and there is no limit to the number of tutoring sessions you are allowed each semester. Make an appointment and be on time! For an appointment, call the Writing Center at (312) 413-2206, or stop by room 105 of Grant Hall. Visit the Writing Center website at for more information.

UIC Computer Labs: Computer labs are available throughout campus, where you may write and/or print out your work. For a list of labs and the hours they’re open, go to: NOTE: Make sure you allow plenty of time to print out papers. Sometimes labs have long lines of students waiting for access.

The Academic Center for Excellence: The center can help if you feel you need more individualized instruction in reading and/or writing, study skills, time management, etc.

APA Style: Your paper should be written in APA (American Psychological Association) format. You are responsible for following APA style and citation format in all your writing assignments for this course, when applicable. The most complete resource for APA style is the Publication Manual of the APA, but Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) is a free online reference at the following link:

Psi Chi Tutoring: Students in UIC’s Psi Chi chapter with expertise in various psychology courses hold office hours throughout the week in BSB 2048. The tutoring schedule is usually established a few weeks into the semester and will be posted on the door of the tutoring office in BSB 2048. TENTATIVE CALENDAR OF MAJOR COURSE EVENTS AND DEADLINES The following page contains a listing of topics and assigned readings. Note: This topic schedule is tentative. Topics may take more or less time to cover depending on class understanding of various topics. It is your responsibility to track these changes.


Lecture # / Topic

Reading by

Online Quizzes

Online HW

Chapter Due by 11:59pm (Read before class) T TR T TR T

Jan 14 Jan 16 Jan 21 Jan 23 Jan 28

1 Orientation 2 Introduction to Subject Pool/PECs 3 Introducing Psychology Ch. 1 4 Research Methods Ch. 2 5 Social Ch. 12


Jan 30

6 Social


Feb 4

7 Social / Personality

Ch. 13


Feb 6

8 Personality

Ch. 4 pages 121130


Feb 11 Feb 13

TEST 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 12 & 13) 9 Development


Feb 18

10 Development


Feb 20

11 Disorders 1

Ch. 15


Feb 25

12 Disorders 1 / Disorders 2

Ch. 16


Feb 27

13 Disorders 2


Mar 3

14 Memory


Mar 5

15 Memory



Mar 10 TEST 2 (Chapters 14, 15, 16 & 6) Mar 12 16 Learning Ch. 7 17 Learning / Thinking, Language, Ch. 8 Mar 17 and Intelligence 18 Thinking, Language, and Mar 19 Intelligence Mar 24 NO CLASS: SPRING BREAK Mar 26 NO CLASS: SPRING BREAK


Mar 31 19 Consciousness

Ch. 9


Apr 2

20 Emotion, Stress, and Health

Ch. 10


Apr 7 Apr 9 Apr 14

TEST 3 (Chapters 7, 8, 9, & 10) 21 Motivation 22 Motivation

Ch. 11


Apr 16

23 Brain and the Nervous System

Ch. 3


Apr 21


Apr 23 Apr 28

ONLINE LECTURE 24 Brain and the Nervous System 25 Sensation and Perception 26 Sensation and Perception


Apr 30

27 Wrap-up



Survey Assignment Quiz 1 (Syllabus) Quiz 2 (Ch. 1 & 2) Quiz 3 (Ch. 12 & 13)

Ch. 14 Quiz 4 (Ch. 14) Depression Assignment Quiz 5 (Ch. 15 & 16) Ch. 6

Memory Assignment Quiz 6 (Ch. 6)

Learning Assignment Quiz 7 (Ch. 7 & 8)

Consciousness Assignment Quiz 8 (Ch. 9 & 10)

Nervous System Assignment Quiz 9 (Ch. 11 & 3)

Ch. 5 Quiz 10 (Ch. 5)

Survey Assignment 2

TEST 4 (Final Exam) (Chapters 11, 3, & 5) Date and Time TBA...

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