PSY 1000 - My Case Study #1 on Albert Fish PDF

Title PSY 1000 - My Case Study #1 on Albert Fish
Course General Psychology
Institution Western Michigan University
Pages 2
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Download PSY 1000 - My Case Study #1 on Albert Fish PDF


Case Study #1 Albert Fish Also Known As: “Vampire of Brooklyn” and the boogeyman which makes connections with stories we know (a shadowy monster that will take you and eat your children), we were warned of this in 1931 with the film about the child abuser, cannabal, perverted pedifile

Personal History Family History born on May 19, 1870 his father died when he was young so he was placed in an orphanage

Childhood History received many beatings and he enjoyed them and also enjoyed watching others be beat he even inserted needles into himself to resemble this pain felt rejected by others

Adult Dynamics he visited brothels to rekindle whipping (he whipped them and had them whip him) whipped himself often his wife ran off in 1917, leaving him with their 6 children lived in New York City, big city will over 6 million people at that time he was a traveling salesman and said he molested/killed a child in every state he was in, can’t be confirmed Worked in YMCAs and disadvantaged youth homes and was always fired for suspicious behavior

Crime Features Victims innocent children 5 children the 1st was in Wilmington, Delware On February 11, 1927, he killed Billy Graftine On June 3, 1928, he killed Grace Budd he was implicated in 15 deaths

Weapons Knife Meat Cleaver Hand Saw

Planning he liked to kill disabled, black boys because no one cared about them anyways he wanted to eat their remains because it made him become a part of him forever which he wanted b/c he had always felt rejected killed, cooked, and ate his victims

On Scene Evidence

wrote a letter detailing his actions to the child’s family he enjoyed sending these letters he explained he drained their blood, drink it, made their face/ears/noses/stomach into a stew and ate it, and he roasted everything else in the oven and ate it

How he was found he attempted to cross out the heading on paper on one of the letters sent to the family, but he didn’t do a good job so William King, detective, found him at his boarding house and arrested him on 12/13/1934 59 needles were found in his body and he said that he put these needles in his body to “perche him of evil”

Trial Defense Plea Tried in 1935

Psychological/Psychiatric Determinations his lawyers prepared and submitted that he was insane, but the judge cleared him of that and said that his mind was sane because he had premeditated these murders

Sentence Death Penalty by electric chair On January 16, 1936, he died of electric shock at Sing Sing Pertinuary there’s a theory that the first try the electric shorted out because of the electric in his body, but they fixed it and killed him on the second try...

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