PSY 213 Exam 3 - Lecture notes 2-5 PDF

Title PSY 213 Exam 3 - Lecture notes 2-5
Course Social Psychology
Institution Illinois State University
Pages 7
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Exam 3 PSY 213 100 Points November 16, 2017 Multiple Choice (2 pts. each) 1. Regarding adolescent sexuality, which of the following statements is true? A) One in 4 teenage girls will become pregnant. B) Adolescents’ use of contraceptives has recently declined. C) Adolescents are increasing their use of contraceptives. D) One in 3 adolescents report same-sex attractions. 2. Mario is a 14-year-old boy who everyone knows as a class clown. He frequently engages in attention-getting behaviors, such as making noises, hopping up on tables in the lunch room to make jokes and fake announcements, etc. His behavior illustrates: A) Imaginary audience. B) Personal fable. C) Postformal reasoning. D) Identify foreclosed. 3. Bullying that takes place through cell phones or social media is called: A) Cyberattack. B) Fake News. C) Cyberbullying. D) Social Aggression. 4. According to Erikson, adolescents are faced with the following developmental task: A) Industry vs. Inferiority B) Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt C) Intimacy vs. Isolation D) Identity vs. Identity Confusion 5. Young people who are ____ have explored their options, experienced a crisis that was favorably resolved, and have committed to an occupation and ideology. A) Identity diffused B) Identity foreclosed C) Identity achieved D) In moratorium 6. One reason that younger adolescents have difficulty controlling emotions and engaging in effective decision making is that the ______ develops quickly before other regions that help to control it. A) Prefrontal cortex B) Corpus callosum C) Cerebellum D) Amygdala


7. Which of the following individuals is at greatest risk for long-term mental health problems and criminal behavior in adulthood? A) Leah, age 15, who smokes cigarettes with her friends, shoplifted makeup once last year, and sneaks out of her house to meet her 18-year-old boyfriend B) Michael, age 13, who threw severe tantrums as a toddler, got into frequent fights in kindergarten, slaps and kicks his dog when angry, was arrested last year for stealing cigarettes, and has destroyed most of the furniture in his home C) Valerie, age 17, who got pregnant her junior year of high school, dropped out of school, and lives at home with her mother so she can work full-time to support her child D) Ben, age 16, who smokes pot with his friends and was recently suspended for fighting 8. In adolescence, the ________ thickens, leading to improvements in information processing. A) Prefrontal cortex B) Amygdala C) Hippocampus D) Corpus callosum 9. Sixteen-year-old JaNell often engages in risk-taking behavior. For example, she frequently drives 20 miles over the speed limit, takes prescription pills that are not prescribed to her, and has unprotected sex. When confronted about her behavior, JaNell often shrugs and says, “Nothing bad will happen to me. I know what I’m doing and I know what my limits are.” JaNell is demonstrating the cognitive distortion known as A) Personal fable. B) Imaginary audience. C) Animistic thinking. D) Identity diffusion. 10. According to Marcia’s four stages of identity development, the least mature status is: A) Identity Diffusion. B) Identity Foreclosure. C) Identity Moratorium. D) Identity Achievement. 11. Most teenagers who experiment with drugs A) Report doing so to rebel against controlling parents. B) Are antisocial and come from broken homes. C) Become drug abusers by early adulthood. D) Are psychologically healthy, sociable, and curious. 12. Parent-child conflict in adolescence A) Increases dramatically between ages 15 and 19. B) Decreases after age 17. C) Is atypical and is an indication of family dysfunction. D) Is especially intense between fathers and daughters. 13. Which of the following girls is at greatest risk for anorexia? A) Nora, who is a straight-A student and a perfectionist B) Blair, who began puberty at age 15 C) Tonya, whose parents are distant and uninvolved in her life D) Daniella, who became sexually active at age 13


14. Both of Shelby’s parents are teachers, as is her older sister. Shelby decides to follow in her family’s footsteps and does not explore other career options. Shelby is demonstrating identity A) Achievement. B) Foreclosure. C) Moratorium. D) Diffusion. 15. Meg and Matthew are both teenagers who live in dysfunctional families. Both have also experienced severe bouts of depression. According to research, which of the following statements is true? A) Matthew is more likely to attempt suicide, while Meg is more likely to commit suicide. B) Neither Meg nor Matthew is likely to attempt suicide. C) Meg is more likely to attempt suicide, while Matthew is more likely to commit suicide. D) Meg and Matthew are equally likely to commit suicide. 16. Terrell and Michelle are 14-years-old and recently started dating. They were fixed up by friends. When they go out to eat or to a movie, they usually go with other couples. Research on the stages of adolescent dating indicates that Terrell and Michelle will A) Date for at least a year. B) Cheat on one another. C) Remain close friends if they break up. D) Only date for a few weeks or months. 17. Valerie, age 17, is at a normal weight for her age and height. She is extremely preoccupied with her weight and has an intense fear of getting fat. Although she is not overweight, Valerie believes that she is heavy and wants desperately to be smaller. Her mother notices that Valerie often eats extremely large portions of food. She gets Cs and Ds in most of her classes, hangs out with friends who drink and smoke, and has engaged in some minor criminal activity, such as shoplifting. Based on the test and our discussion of eating disorders, Valerie suffers from A) Anorexia nervosa. B) Bulimia nervosa. C) Both anorexia and bulimia. D) Adolescent-onset body image disorder. 18. Regarding substance use and abuse in adolescence, _____ has decreased in recent years. A) Opiate use B) Cocaine use C) Prescription drug use D) Alcohol and cigarette consumption 19. The three leading causes of death in American teenagers are: A) Unintentional injuries, homicide, and suicide. B) Obesity-related illnesses, cancer, and suicide. C) Suicide, overdoses, and car accidents. D) Homicide, cancer, and medical errors.


20. Regarding anorexia nervosa: A) Most people suffering from the disorder have weight that falls within the average range. B) An intense fear of gaining weight does not decrease with weight loss. C) Treatment outcomes are more favorable than with bulimia nervosa. D) Most people suffering from the disorder become obese in later adulthood.

21. According to recent statistics presented in class, 1 in ____ young people will contract a sexually transmitted infection. A) 3 B) 6 C) 10 D) 15

22. Regarding peer pressure, which is 16-year-old Taylor MOST likely to go along with? A) Stealing a car B) Drinking alcohol C) Taking OxyContin D) Abstaining from sexual contact 23. Fifteen-year-old Hailey woke up this morning with several small pimples on her face. She storms downstairs and tells her mother she’s not going to school or the Homecoming dance this weekend because everyone will be looking at her face and making fun of her. Which cognitive distortion is Hailey demonstrating? A) The personal fable B) The imaginary audience C) Idealism D) Self-deprecation 24. One in ____ individuals either scores lower than 70 on an IQ test or higher than 130 on an IQ test. A) 25 B) 50 C) 75 D) 200 25. In class, I discussed a 4th grade child, who was gifted, with high functioning autism (formerly caused Asperger’s syndrome). What was he especially interested in? A) Baseball B) Computers C) Environmental pollution D) Astronomy 4

26. Ten-year-old Ellen lived near the site where the Washington, IL, tornado struck during the fall of 2013. Ellen’s family sustained some property damage and several of her friends lost their homes. Following the event, Ellen experienced a short-term period of anxiety, hypervigilance, and fear. According to the text and our class discussion, Ellen is demonstrating characteristics of _____ disorder. A) Post-traumatic stress B) Acute stress C) Panic D) Generalized anxiety

27. IQ is not considered stable until about age ____. A) 4 B) 7 C) 10 D) 15 28. Liam is skilled at detecting and responding appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and intentions of others. According to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, Liam likely scores high in ________ intelligence. A) Emotional B) Creative C) Naturalistic D) Interpersonal 29. In class, we talked about peer acceptance. Research indicates that ________ children, once thought to be in need of treatment, are actually well-adjusted. A) Rejected-aggressive B) Rejected-withdrawn C) Neglected D) Average 30. In early childhood, high self-esteem predicts effort and initiative. In middle childhood, an inflated self-esteem may predict A) Narcissism. B) High achievement and effort. C) Giftedness. D) Low IQ scores. 31. Christopher is good at applying what he learns to real-world situations. He can think through a problem, figure out what steps he needs to take, and put his ideas into practice. According to Sternberg’s theory, Christopher would score high in _____ intelligence. A) Analytical B) Creative C) Spatial D) Practical


32. According to your textbook and our class discussion of bullying, which child is most likely to experience bullying? A) Anna, who is in 7th grade B) Jamal, age 17, who plays in his school band C) Max, a 3rd grader D) Misty, an 8th grader who is new at her school 33. Which of the following has contributed to a decline in the average age of menarche since the mid19th century? A) Pesticides B) Prenatal difficulties C) Delinquency D) Obesity 34. _____ is the belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes. A) Industry B) Self-concept C) Self-efficacy D) Self-regulation 35. A test that presents the question, “What images come to mind when you hear the phrase, sitting alone in a dark room?” is assessing A) Divergent thinking. B) Convergent thinking. C) Analytical intelligence. D) Spatial intelligence. 36. The _______ is a structure in the brain that monitors eating and sex. A) Pituitary gland B) Amygdala C) Hippocampus D) Hypothalamus 37. Marcus is a star football player at his high school. Although Marcus is athletically talented and admired by his peers, his grades are very poor and he often gets into trouble at school. Which subcategory of peer acceptance best describes Marcus? A) Popular-antisocial B) Popular-prosocial C) Neglected D) Controversial 38. The image below is an example of: A) Picture communication exchange system. B) Assistive technology. C) Media-based instruction. D) Gist memory.


Giveaway Questions! 39. Which of the following is not considered sexual identity? A) Male B) Female C) Intersex D) All of these are part of sexual identity 40. The holiday that you are going to celebrate next week is called: A) Thanksgiving B) Christmas C) Columbus Day D) Arbor Day True or False (2 pts. each) 41. Today, most researchers agree that identity development is complete by late adolescence. 42. Anorexia is 10 times more likely to occur in females than males. 43. Regarding pubertal timing, late-maturing boys and early-maturing girls tend to have more a more favorable body image, are more popular, and are better adjusted than early-maturing boys and late-maturing girls. 44. Most of today’s intelligence tests measure both convergent and divergent thinking. 45. In 2016, scientists cured the first case of autism spectrum disorder. 46. Self-concept refers to our global evaluations of the self. 47. According to research on peer acceptance, a class clown would fall under the category of “controversial.” 48. Crowds refer to cliques of students who are similar in interests and who spent a great deal of time together. 49. Between 15 and 20 percent of adolescents experience a major depressive disorder. 50. Today, most researchers agree that adolescence is best characterized as a period of “storm and stress.”


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