Mbios Exam 3 Lecture Notes PDF

Title Mbios Exam 3 Lecture Notes
Course [B] Introductory Microbiology
Institution Washington State University
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Professor: Consetta Helmick...


MBIOS LECTURE NOTES - EXAM 3 --- Immune System  10/16/19 Symbiosis: Relationship between organisms (all life forms) Terms: - Commensalism – One organism benefits and the other is unaffected o Ex. Staphylococcus epidermis on the skin o Ex. Pilot fish and shark - Mutualism – Both organisms benefit o Ex. Bacteria (E. Coli) in your large intestine o You provide home, protection and food o Bacteria (for us) produce Vitamin K (blood clot) and Biotin (ATP Production) o Ex. Cow – ruminant animals (four chambers) o Ex. Termite and gut bacteria -> food -> glucose -> food-> back to termite and gut bacteria (arrow between breakdown of cellulose) - Parasitism – One organism benefits at the expense of the other o Find balance between organisms o Ex. Tapeworms and host (Cattle, pigs, you) o Ex. Ticks/flea – need blood meal from host to produce eggs and reproduce o Ex. Virus – require host cells to make more virus particles - Ectopic Parasite Host – Parasite in wrong host o Parasite wanders through tissue o Ex. Ascaris Canis - Dogs round worm o 1900’s – tumors in kids’ eyes (worms got into wrong host) o Ascaris sp. - Pigs round worm Normal Flora Organisms - Live on or in the host (you, dog, cat etc.) - You – eyes (bacteria) o Eyes, ears, large intestine, nose, mouth, urinary, etc. - Depends on sex – male/female, age, body temperature - Can be bacteria: ex. Staphylococcus sp., micrococcus sp. o Fungi – ex. Candida o Arthropods – ex. Skin/eyes o Protozoan – ex. Trichomonas, Vaginalis - Cat – ringworm – fungi 10/18/19 Opportunistic Organisms: - Normal flora microbes become pathogenic (cause disease) if “their” environment changes - Ex. OB tampon -> toxic shock syndrome o Staphylococcus aureus

- Ex. Cat – ringworm – fungi True Pathogen: - Always cause disease - Ex. Streptococcus pyogenes – strep throat - Ex. Flu, TB, meningitis – college student Signs and Symptoms: - Signs: can be measured or seen o Temperature o Leison/ulcer/rash/pus o Swelling/anemia - Symptoms: How you feel? o I want to “throw up” o Pain/nausea/chills o On a scale of 1-10 Integumentary System: - Skin, nails, hair, sweat glands. - Protects body, helps regulate body temperature, receives stimuli Skeletal System: - Bones, cartilage, ligaments, joints - Supports and protects body, important in movement, stores calcium - Bone marrow – hemopoatic factory Muscular System: - Skeletal muscles that enable us to move. - Cardiac muscle of the heart, and smooth muscle of internal organs Nervous System: - Brain, spinal cord, sense organs, nerves - Principal regulatory system Endocrine System: - Ductless glands that release hormones. - Works with nervous system in regulating metabolic activities and many other functions Cardiovascular System: - Heart, blood vessels, blood - Transports nutrients, oxygen, hormones, and other substances throughout body. (Arteries: red, veins: blue) Immune/Lymphatic System: - Lymphatic vessels, lymph, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils - Returns excess tissue fluid to blood, absorbs lipids, defends against disease Respiratory System: - Lungs, air passageways

- Supplies oxygen to blood, excretes carbon dioxide Digestive System: - Digestive tract and glands that secrete digestive juices - Processes food and eliminates wastes Urinary System: - Kidneys, urinary bladder, associated ducts. - Kidneys remove metabolic wastes and excess minerals from blood, produce urine - Helps regulate blood chemistry Male and Female Reproductive System: - Both consist of gonads and associated structures. - Sexual reproduction - Maintains secondary sex characteristics 10/21/19 1st Line of Defense - Physical and chemical barriers o Ears, eyes, nose (nasal passage/lungs), skin, digestive (mouth  anus), urinary, reproductive. Eyes - Ex. Neonatal conjunctivitis - Mucas/oils - Eye lashes – stirring up air - Tears – Flushing o Lysozyme (lytic enzyme) – natural enzyme and destroys bacteria o IgA – antibody: protein that body makes, prevents attachment of viruses and bacteria o pH – acidic - Normal flora microbes - Eyemites: live in canals of eyelashes - Issues: o Pink eye o Contaminated contacts o Contaminated air/water Ears - Cooler temperature – adv. Bacteria like warmer and specific temperatures - Ear Wax o pH  acidic o Lysozyme - Normal flora microbes – protect ear canal - Ear Hair - Ear Structure

o Trying to protect ear drum and internal canals - Issues: o Ear infections o Ear Wig – Insect crawl into ear  Boy Scout Nose/Nasal Passage - Nose Hair – traps everything that’s trying to get into lungs - Breathing/coughing/sneezing - Normal flora microbes - Cilia – sweeping motion - Mucus: snot, lysozyme, IgA (antibody, preventing attachment of viruses and bacteria) - Mast cells: release histamine, runny nose/eyes, allergy, antihistamine. o Benadryl - antihistamine - Issues: o Cold – virus o Sinus infection o Flu 10/23/19 Lungs - Trachea o Cilia o Mucus – IgA/Lysozyme - Bronchi o Mucus - Alveoli (air sac) – gas exchanges o Macrophages – aggressive white blood cells, leave blood supply and go into tissue. o Phagocytosis – bulk eating and destroy (ex. Pollen) - Issues: o Pneumonia – fungal, viral, bacterial o TB – tuberculosis o Flu o Measles Skin - Largest organ o Replace cells all the time - Normal flora microbes o Bacteria, fungi, skin mites - Cooler temperature - pH = acidic

Hair – nerves – alert Sweat/sweat glands o Water – cooling – zinc, iron  Lysozyme - Sebaceous glands: oil, luster, lysozyme - Blood flow increases and decreases o Capillary – highway system, dilation/open with movement and cellular activity, cold day – capillaries constrict - Cells o Mast cells – histamine o Dendritic cells - Turn on 3rd line of defense - Issues: o Portal of entry  Injections – shots/IV  Bite – Animal (rabies) – Human (bacteria) – insect (fleas, ticks, mosquito)  Cats – Pasturella  Cuts/Burns  Leprosy – cooler temperature 10/25/2019 Gastrointestinal Tract (first line of defense) - Mouth o Normal flora microbes (millions) o Strep throat – treat with antibiotics o Mouth  Anus 24-26H tube o Saliva – spit  Biological salt  pH 6.5-6  Water  Lysozymes  Growth hormones – repair o Teeth – chewing - Pharynx o Epiglottis – cover trachea  Protects lungs from food and liquids - Esophagus – deliver food from mouth to stomach o Tube transport food (called a Bolus) to stomach o Mucus – lubrication/protection – IgA, Vitamin A - Esophageal Sphincter o Muscular ring – open/closes  Allow Bolus into stomach -

o NOTE: “Acid Reflux” or Heart Burn o HCL back flush up into esophagus – burn/damage   cancer  Esophageal Cancer = most common in men and women 10/28/19 - Stomach o Produces HCl (protein digestion) pH 2  Kills most microbes BUT...  Helicobacter Pylori: only grows in pH 2 – leads to ulcers  Parasite eggs use acid to break protective “shell” – cyst o Ex. Giardia lamblia (Beaver fever)  Some bacteria use acid to activate them: o Ex. E. Coli, Listeria, Salmonella o Stomach also secretes:  Water, mucus, enzymes (protease – protein, lipase - lipids) - Small Intestine – 24 ft long o 3 regions o Go back from pH 2 to pH 7/bicarbonate o Pyloric sphincter  2 tablespoon/minute o Bile – keep lipids into suspension o Function  Major site of digestion  1000’s enzyme  Bile – emulsifier, keep lipid in solution  Mucus  Water o Absorption:  Glucose – ATP, sugars, Lipid – ATP, Amino Acid – protein, mineral, vitamins o NOTE: Over 25 tons of food 90 through GI tract/year o Issues:  Parasites: tapeworms, Giardia – Beaver Fever, Hookworm - dogs  Bacteria: E. Coli, Salmonella  Virus: Polio, Hepatitis A-J - Large Intestine o Reabsorption of water to form semi-solid feces o Mucus production – protection

o 500 species of Normal flora bacteria – Die (involved in blood clot formation – vitamin K, biotin)  Become food for us and other bacteria  Fecal coliforms – cause disease 10/30/19 o Lactose Intolerance: Lactose is two sugars  Galactose and glucose (if do not produce)  Enzyme lactase to break sugars apart.  The lactose travels to large intestine.  NFO Love Lactose – they digest  NFO’s produce acid  Gas, explosive replication, death o Then you are miserable o Appendix:  Function not really known  House white blood cells  Part of 2nd line and 3rd line of defense  Why become infected and has to be removed? Nobody knows. Urinary Tract (first line of defense) - Kidney filter blood o Urine sterile o Acidic pH 6 o Urination – flushing o Mucus – protection o Normal flora organisms - But Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) o Introducing E. Coli from fecal material to urinary tract o After antibiotic treatment, sometime get yeast infection Reproductive Tract (first line of defense) - Sexual secretion – pH 6 o Lysozyme – destroy microbes - Mucus o Normal flora organisms – bacteria yeast - Sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s) o HIV – virus o Syphilis – Bacteria o Genital warts  (human papillomavirus vaccine) – HPV  Prevents some forms of cervical cancer

o Gonorrhea – Bacteria o Trichomoniasis - parasite nd 2 Line of Defense - Made up of o White blood cells o Red blood cells - Inflammation - Antimicrobial substances - All of the above protects against microbes Handout Blood: - Water - Nutrients - Minerals - Vitamins - Hormones - Proteins - Clotting factors – blood - Enzymes etc. 10/31/19 Cells: Red blood Cells - Carry O2 to cells and produce ATP (energy) - Remove CO2 (waste product) - O2/CO2 exchange occur in lungs - Stem cells  release immature RBC o Travel to spleen/liver  stays there for 3 days to mature  remove nucleus release into blood lasts about 120 days  wears out  return to spleen and liver  recycle (cell membrane, phospholipids, iron, anything) Platelets - form blood clot when ACTIVATED o blood clot  vitamin K, 13 proteins, platelets, RBC, WBC (white blood cells) - Aspirin – inactivate platelets White Blood Cells (WBC) - Neutrophils o Phagocytes o Can eat anything but loves bacteria o Most abundant o Capture  digest - Basophils

o Involved in inflammation o Works with IgD and IgM (3rd line of defense)

11/4/19 Eosinophils - A hack fungal infections and parasites o Shoots in lytic enzymes - Allergic reactions and inflammation Mast Cells (granules filled with histamine) - Find in skin, nose – allergic reaction, inflammation - Release “histamine” (degranulate) o Cause cells to leak o Runny eyes and nose o Swelling (insect bites) - Benadryl – antihistamine Dendritic Cells - Found in tissue - Process foreign material (antigen) o Become antigen presenting cell (APC) - (foreign) phagocytosis  receptor – antigen T helper cell triggers release of cytokines therefore it reads and turns on the 3rd line of defense. Macrophages - Largest number in circulation - Aggressive phagocytes – “to eat” - 1st to injury site o Eat dirt, debris, dead cells, damaged tissue, etc. Garbage Crew - Sends out chemical signals to get more WBC to location - Police cell: survey body for foreign items o Leave blood vessel o Crawl around body cavity  “ “ in lungs - Becomes antigen presenting cells o Antigen is engulfed into the cell into hole and cell expands the hole. Then the antigen is put on the surface of cell. T-helper reads antigen and activates and turns on 3rd line of defense PCU or Pack Cell Volume – 2nd line of defense - Indicator of what is happening inside you or your dog, cat, etc. o Take blood sample



Normal PCV top to bottom: 50% plasma (yellow), thin white piece (WBC), BC - blood (thin), RBC (50%) Anemia Problem RBC: Plasma (yellow color – most of tube), Above blood is buffy coat, thin BC at way bottom, RBC is decreased. o Problem: bone marrow, trauma – lost blood, Iron deficiency, menstrual period Anemia Problem RBC: Plasma (pink color), thin BC, decreased RBC o Problem: RBC being destroyed, virus bacteria parasite, spleen, liver Infection: Plasma (50%, yellow), Thick buffy coat, RBC (50%) o Problem: look at cells in buffy coat, eosinophils  Cause: Parasites, fungal, Neutrophil  Cause: Bacteria, macrophage  Cause:

11/8/19 3rd Line of Defense - Hormonal response o 5 classes of Antibodies - IgM – Blood typing – cross matching (what type of blood) blood o 1st response Ab o IgM mediated reaction when mixing up type of blood - Type AB  I^A I^B (genotype) - Type A I^A I^A, I^A I - Type B  I^B I ^B, I^B i - Type O  i i 11/13/19 IgA – ALL mucas, tears, saliva. ALL sexual secretions - Prevents attachment of virus, bacteria, parasites, antigen - But bacteria produce IgA are to destroy it! IgD – work with B lymphocytes to produce IgD and IgM. - Mark antigen for destruction - Work with basophils IgE – Involved in allergic reactions, parasitic reactions, specificity IgG – two functions

B cell differentiates to plasma cell producing IgG Macrophage phagocytizes the flu virus

Rh Blood Group (In addition to blood type) Factor - Rh: Circle, RBC - Rh +: Circle, RBC Mom: - Mom is Rh 1st baby Rh + right before birth placenta rips, Rh+ baby blood enter mixes, if Rh- blood and Rh+ blood mixes, mother takes it as an antigen and she produces an antibody against the Rh- blood from the baby. - Mom produce  w/ mom - IgG against Rh+ blood Next Pregnancy: - Mom Rh – - Baby Rh+ - Placenta rips, mixing blood - IgG Rh+ antibody (recognize Rh+ as a threat) cross placenta and attacks Rh+ baby blood – destroy RBC - Hemolytic baby or “Blue baby born.” - No oxygen or blood...

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