PSY-362 - Worksheet PDF

Title PSY-362 - Worksheet
Author Katie Koester
Course Social Psychology and Cultural Applications
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 3
File Size 160.3 KB
File Type PDF
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Topic 8 – Altruism and CooperationProsocial BehaviorThis assignment contains two parts. You may type directly into this worksheet.Part I: Random Acts of Kindness Foundation WebsiteVisit the website of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, an organization dedicated to altruistic pursuits. Review th...


Topic 8 – Altruism and Cooperation Prosocial Behavior This assignment contains two parts. You may type directly into this worksheet. Part I: Random Acts of Kindness Foundation Website Visit the website of The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, an organization dedicated to altruistic pursuits. Review the information, literature, and downloadable documents, then in 100250 words answer the following two questions. 1. What is the purpose of this website/movement? The purpose of the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is to make kindness a norm in schools, workplaces, and homes. According to the website, they explain that in order to achieve making kindness a norm, they create content that promotes kindness toward others, and they teach social emotional skills to kids. All of this content is free, so it’s easy to access and anyone can use it. This foundation also allows people to share their experiences of showing and giving kindness to others. 2. What story or stories influenced you the most and why? A story that influences me most was “Parent/child time: Acts of Kindness that can go a long way.” I was influenced by the story because it helps promote parents to teach their kids kindness so that they can grow up to continue the cycle of kindness. Teaching kindness at a young age is extremely important because if done while the child’s brain is still developing, it’s likely those ideas will stick with that child. Like the story mentions, “young people learn a lasting set of morals and values from their families, especially from their parents.” Parents spending time with their kids can help develop positive behaviors, create stronger relationships, build self-esteem in children, and creates happy memories.

Part II: My Prosocial Day Design your own assignment in which you implement five acts of kindness (prosocial behavior) or an entire DAY of compassion and kindness. Use your discretion, common sense, and modesty at all times. Do not put yourself in an environment of potential danger or harm. Answer the following questions, one paragraph per question (100 words minimum) will suffice 1. Describe your implementation of kindness: what did you do, how did you approach the idea, where did you implement it and to whom? My day of compassion and kindness was a day I spent prepping meals, buying clothes, jackets, and blankets, and handing these items out to homeless people and people living

on the streets. There a few parks that are known to be homes for those that are living on the streets and are homeless. I drive past these places daily and I see people with no warm clothes or blankets to sleep on or to keep them warm at night. So, I made a plan and with the help of my family, I made about 200 bags with sandwiches, chips, some crackers and a drink and I went to Goodwill and bought about 100 jackets and blankets. Then I set off and handed them out to anyone I could find that needed these items. 2. Describe the reactions you perceived from others and yourself. I didn’t do this for praise or glory, I simply did it to show compassion to those who are less fortunate than I am. The reactions of those I was helping was heartwarming. They were incredibly grateful and happy to have the help. For myself, I felt proud and even more grateful for the things that I have and the life that I live. I’ve learned to stop taking so many simple things for granted, like the shoes on my feet or the blanket on my bed. 3. Describe what you learned about prosocial behavior from this exercise. Compare the actual application of the behavior relative to this topic material (hint: may want to integrate text info here!). Prosocial behavior is having a concern for the rights, feelings, and welfare for other people. From this exercise, I’ve learned that what motivates people to engage in prosocial behavior is fostered during childhood when adults encourage children to share and be kind to others. This is relevant to myself because from a young age, my parents always taught me to be kind and give what you can to others.

4. If you are a faith-based person, explain how your faith helped you implement your helping behavior. If you are not a faith-based person, explain what philosophy, belief system, or values you connected to helping behavior. Cite a source to support your answers (from the GCU library, the Bible, or textbook). Christians are constantly taught to give to others and always offer support and do God’s work. Helping others and getting nothing in return is truly God’s work. Growing up in the church, this idea was instilled in me. I’ve always grown up doing volunteer work and helping others. Because of my Christian faith, it’s easy for me to get up and lend a helping hand. No reward and no praise needed. Please integrate at least one outside source into this worksheet. While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

References “Make Kindness The Norm.” Random Acts of Kindness,

Cherry, Kendra. “The Basics of Prosocial Behavior.” Verywell Mind,

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