PSY101-EXAM1 - student- F21 PDF

Title PSY101-EXAM1 - student- F21
Course Introduction to Psychology
Institution Drexel University
Pages 4
File Size 84 KB
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Exam questions for Psychology 101...


PSY101 Exam 1

1. Little Moby and Little Beck are eating hot dogs for lunch. Moby notices that his hot dog is sliced into six pieces while Beck’s hot dog is sliced into nine pieces. Moby understands, however, that Beck’s hot dog is not actually any larger that his own. This indicates that Moby has reached which stage of development: a. sensorimotor b. formal operational c. concrete operations d. preoperational 2. Which of the following are most associated with humanistic psychology: a. Rogers and Maslow b. Watson and Skinner c. Freud and Erikson d. Wundt and Titchener 3. Neurons send messages by firing a brief electrical charge known as a(n): a. action potential b. dendrite c. refraction d. synapse 4. Infant monkeys raised with a nourishing wire “mother” and a non-nourishing cloth “mother”: a. preferred the nourishing wire “mother” to cling to. b. preferred the non-nourishing cloth “mother” to cling to. c. showed no preference for one “mother” over the other. d. Shifted their initial preference for the wire “mother” to cling to the cloth “mother” to cling to as they matured. 5. Chemical messengers released through the endocrine system which travel through the blood are known as: a. neurotransmitters b. pheromones c. hormones d. reflexes 6. Noxious substances which can disrupt fetal development and prevent an individual from reaching his/her genetic potential are called: a. cell-adhesion molecules b. teratogens c. chaining d. heritability 7. Nas is 8 months old. When his mother plays “Peek-A-Boo” with him, she holds up a towel in front of her face and asks, “Where am I?” Nas grabs the towel and pulls it away from her face. According to Piaget, Nas has probably achieved: a. concrete operations


b. schema potential c. object permanence d. cognition 8. When a child is able to understand that 8 ounces of milk is the same quantity whether it is in a baby’s bottle or carton, the child has achieved: a. fluid constancy b. abstract reasoning c. critical reasoning d. conservation 9. The division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body’s skeletal muscles is: a. motor (efferent) neurons b. interneurons c. sympathetic nervous system d. somatic nervous system 10. The chromosome which determines the sex of a person comes from: a. the mother b. the father c. differentiation d. schemas 11. The psychologist who studied pioneered research on modeling and observational behavior is: a. Watson b. Piaget c. Skinner d. Bandura 12. Loss of the myelin sheath, which insulates axons, can result in a disease in which the individual experiences diminished muscle control. This disease is: a. Parkinson’s Disease b. Alzheimer’s Disease c. Schizophrenia d. Multiple Sclerosis 13. Attachment style in infancy can be a predictor of later social development. a. true b. false 14. In a study comparing London’s taxi drivers and London’s bus drivers, the taxi drivers who studied and passed the final test developed an enlarged hippocampus while bus drivers did not. This change in the brain is an example of: a. natural selection b. agonist system c. glial functionality d. neuroplasticity 15. Erikson calls the feeling that one’s life has been meaningful and worthwhile:


a. despair b. integrity c. generativity d. productivity 16. Jane Goodall used which of the following research methods in her studies of chimpanzees: a. naturalistic observation b. experimentation c. correlation d. habitat synthesis 17. One of the most important factors in helping an infant to develop trust is a string emotional bond between the infant and a caregiver known as attachment. a. true b. false 18. The case of Phineas Gage helps us to understand that damage to the frontal lobes can alter: a. memory b. personality c. consciousness d. sleep 19. Research suggests that perception, memory, language, and attitudes operate on two independent levels: a conscious “high road” and an unconscious “low road.” This is known as: a. parallel processing b. sequential processing c. bilateral processing d. dual processing 20. According to research, which of the following are effects of sleep loss: a. feeling tired, low energy b. more anger, increased relationship conflicts c. weight gain, errors in visual attention d. all of the above e. a and b only 21. Tolerance in the use of alcohol and some drugs is: a. withdrawal behavior reversal b. addiction prevention c. compulsion maintenance d. brain chemistry adaptation 22. Twin studies allow us to examine the _________ of a trait. a. evolution b. adaptation c. orientation d. heritability


23. Rules for accepted and expected behavior are known as: a. society b. social connectedness c. norms d. collectivism 24. Thinking that occurs as we consider right and wrong is ____ while ____ is quick, gut feelings. a. moral action, social identity b. ethical reasoning, intuition c. moral reasoning, moral intuition d. ethics, egocentrism 25. During which age range do physical abilities begin to decline almost imperceptibly: a. late adolescence b. mid-thirties c. mid-twenties d. early forties


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