PSY1011 unit guide PDF

Title PSY1011 unit guide
Author DC causer
Course Psychology 1A
Institution Monash University
Pages 24
File Size 454.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 30
Total Views 131




                


Unit Guide 

PSY1011 Psychology 1A Semester 1, 2019 

We acknowledge and pay respects to the Traditional Owners and Elders - past, presentand emerging - of the lands and waters on whichMonash Universityoperates.    Handbook link:


Table of contents Unit handbook information




Mode of delivery


Workload requirements


Unit relationships








Chief Examiner(s)


Unit coordinator(s)


Administrative contact


Academic overview


Learning outcomes


Teaching approach


Live streaming


Assessment summary Assessment requirements

7 9

Assessment tasks


Referencing requirements


Assignment submission


Returning assignments


Resubmission of assignments


Special Consideration


Extensions and penalties




Examination material or equipment Feedback to you

17 18

Unit Schedule


Your feedback to us


Learning resources


Required resources


Technological requirements


Recommended resources


Additional unit costs


Other information





Academic Integrity


Special Consideration


Clinical/Fieldwork Placement Procedures and Behaviour Guidelines


Word Count Guidelines


Honours Guidelines


Research Project and Minor Thesis Guidelines


Professional Editing Guidelines


Immunisation and Infection Risk


Police Checks


Working with Children Check Guidelines


Graduate Attributes Policy (within Course Design Policy)


Student Charter


Student Services


Monash University Library


Student Support


Disability Support Services


Information for Malaysia students



Unit handbook information Synopsis This unit provides students with an introduction to the broad foundations of psychology as a scientific discipline. It begins with an exploration of psychology's historical origins. Then, a series of core psychological topics with be introduced: concepts of health, stress and coping will be considered along with the distinguishing features of abnormal psychology and thebiological basis of behaviour. The unit also introduces of theories of learning, memory and development, and familiarises students with key aspects of Indigenous and cross-cultural psychology. Students will also be introduced to academic writing by reporting findings through reading journal articles.

Mode of delivery Malaysia (On-campus) Clayton (On-campus) Caulfield (Flexible)

Workload requirements 1x2 hour eWorkbook per week 1x2 hour Masterclass workshop per week ● 1x2 hour tutorial per week for 10 weeks ● Plus 6 hours of self-directed study per week. Students will have access to online eWorkbooks delivering core content. eWorkbooks, equivalent to lectures in other units, contain embedded videos, as well as narrative and interactive activities. Students attend either online or on-campus tutorial classes, together with optional, recommended Masterclass workshops. Masterclasses comprise both in-class exercises and a presentation which expands on topics covered in workbooks, to provide greater insight and highlight current research in the field. Attendance at Masterclass workshops is not compulsory. Flexible mode students may elect to participate in Masterclass workshops via live streaming. Students are able to attend either physical tutorials on-campus, or online tutorials (i.e., virtual classes in real-time), each week. These interactive tutorials provide students with an opportunity to apply and explore concepts in an active, engaging manner, whilst at the same time developing practical skills in effective communication, critical thinking, and problem solving. Tutorial classes are available during the day or in the evening and, whilst not compulsory, are highly recommended. ● ●

Masterclasses are classes that replace traditional lectures and lectorials. These interactive classes provide students with an opportunity to apply and explore concepts in an active and engaging manner with the subject expert. Masterclasses provide greater insight and highlight current research in the field.


Tutorials provide students with an opportunity to apply and explore concepts in an active, engaging manner, whilst at the same time developing practical skills in effectivecommunication, critical thinking, and problem solving.

Unit relationships Prerequisites None

Prohibitions APY1910, ATS1359, ATS1840, AZA1020, PSS1711, PSS1712.

Co-requisites Must be enrolled in an Undergraduate Degree

Chief Examiner(s) Dr Swati Mujumdar

Unit coordinator(s) Dr Christopher Siva (Australia) Dr Karim Bettache (Malaysia)

Administrative contact [email protected]

Academic overview Learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this unit, students should be able to: 1. Identify key historical and philosophical developments which have resulted in the modern discipline of psychology; 2. Compare and contrast intercultural psychology with particular focus on Australian Indigenous psychologies and mainstream psychological understandings; 3. Develop an understanding of the neurobiological basis of psychology and its application to learning and memory; 4. Understand how psychological abnormalities impact on development, health and stress;


5. Communicate and critique the principles of the neurological basis of psychology and psychological abnormalities to justify research findings.

Teaching approach PSY1011 (On-campus and Flexible) PSY1011 (on-campus and flexible) uses a blended and flipped learning approach to teaching, with a variety of inclusive teaching practices to support all students in achieving the learning outcomes of this unit. The programme consists of 1 x 2 hour Workshops (masterclasses) per week, starting in week 1 . Both, On-campus and Flexible mode students must complete the online e-workbooks in Moodle in order to be able to contribute effectively to the masterclasses and tutorial activities. Attendance at masterclasses is highly recommended. Tutorial classes are tutor-led either in a virtual classroom (through ZOOM), or face-to-face on campus with opportunities tointeract. Attendance at tutorials is highly recommended. All students have access to innovative teaching and learning resources such as online workbooks. The week-by-week structure of the workbooks aligns with the prescribed readings, where each workbook contains instructional information to supplement lecture videos and interactive activities to enhance understanding of the unit content. There will necessarily be some differences in the way the content is delivered to you, depending on your campus and mode. However, all PSY1011 students have access to the same prescribed readings, same tutorial materials, same e-workbooks, study the same core content and complete the same assessment tasks including the exam. Timetabling: If you have not already done so, make sure you visit the allocate+ website ( ) or via the link in your My Monash portal, to allocate yourself into a lectorial. Once the allocate+ sort has run if you have major issues with your timetable (e.g., an unavoidable clash with another class), your first option is to visit the allocate+ website and see if there is another lectorial option for you to select into. If this does not resolve the issue you can request a class transfer using the “Fix timetable problems‟ website: http://www. . Please note that classes you cannot select yourself via allocate+ are generally full to capacity. Transfer requests can only be considered for serious issues such as a clash with another compulsory class etc. Also, because the other classes are full, it is essential for you to attend the lectorial you have been officially allocated into. Off-shore Day students (Malaysia) The off-shore programme consists of 1 x 2 hour workshops per week, starting in week 1. Off-shore students must also complete the online e-workbooks in Moodle prior to the workshops in order to be able to contribute effectively to the class activities. Attendance at workshops is highly recommended. Please refer to the Coordinator of this unit at your local campus to obtain further information about the timetabling of your classes.


Workshop (Masterclass) Recordings (only for Clayton on-campus and Flexible) The masterclasses will be recorded each week and also live streamed. Recordings will be ready for you to stream or download immediately. When they are available, the recordings can be accessed via the unit Moodle page. Note that masterclass recordings are not examinable and are provided as a complement to live attendance rather than as a substitute for it. Owing to the interactive nature of the masterclasses, it is unlikely that all class-based discussions will be captured on the recordings.

Live streaming If you are allocated to a lecture activity as a livestream unit you do not need to come to campus. A link to the livestreams will be available in your Moodle unit. For information on how to participate in your lectures via live streaming you can review this guide created by the library: If you have any technical issues please contact the service desk: /esolutions/contact If you need more information on timetabling you can visit their site: /timetables/fix-problems

Assessment summary ● ● ● ● ●

12 x online quizzes (10%) Article matrix (900 words) (Part A) (15%) Oral presentation (10 minutes) (Part B) (10%) Literature review (2,000 words) (Part C) (30%) Examination (90 minutes) (35%)

Assessment task


Due date

Weekly Online Quizzes

10%. You will note that there are 12 graded online quizzes that are collectively worth 10% of the total marks for the unit. We will take

Weekly Monday 4.00 pm

overall score for the unit. This means if problems arise that affect your performance on some of the quizzes they will not unduly affect your overall grade. Article Matrix (Part A)


Friday 5th April (week 5), 3:00 pm (AEDST)

Oral Presentation


Friday 19th


Assessment task


Due date April (week 7, Good Friday), 3:00 pm AEST

Literature Review (Critical Thinking Exercise) Part B


Friday 24th May (week 11), 3:00 pm (AEST)

End of Semester Examination


To be advised


Assessment requirements Students are required to note the Faculty’s assessment policy (item 1.2.1) regarding threshold standards/hurdles at: Students are required to refer to the University Academic Integritypolicy and procedure at: The procedures state that: Proofreading: The process of identifying errors and suggesting corrections to a text. This must not involve rewriting passages of text in order to clarify meaning; amending the words used by the author (except to identify the correct spelling of the word used); rearranging passages of text or code, or reformatting other material; contributing additional material to the original; and checking calculations or formulae.

Academic Integrity and Technology In line with the Acceptable Use of Information Technology Facilities by Students Procedures, students are not permitted to use Information and Communications Technology facilities to sell, purchase or offer to write assignments or other assessable work, or to request help with such work. Furthermore, students are required to take steps to minimise opportunities for others to cheat by, for example, not saving work to a shared network drive that is accessible by others and not sharing work on social media sites. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in disciplinary action under Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations for collusion or general misconduct, as appropriate in the circumstances. Students should be aware that the University will monitor and act on information received about the use of cheat sites, paper mills and other online resources that promote dishonest academic conduct. If a student has been found to have used any of these sources to breach the Student Academic Integrity Policy, the University will pursue the matter in accordance with Part 7 of the Monash University (Council) Regulations.

9 PSY1011 Psychology 1A - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019

Assessment tasks IMPORTANT: All assessment tasks must be attempted and submitted. Assessment title: title:Weekly Weekly Online Quizzes Alignment with learning outcome(s): outcome(s):This assignment particularly aligns with learning outcomes 1, 2, 3 and 4. Details of task: task: Note that these Graded Quizzes are completed online via the unit Moodle site.You need to complete them prior to their respective deadlines (no extensions). The quizzes cannot be accessed after the due date. Check the PSY1011 unit Moodle site for quiz deadlines and more detailed information on what is involved. As part of your revision of the lectorials, there is an assessable multiple-choice quiz (consisting of 10 questions) for each topic starting from week 1. Quizzes will be due every Monday at 4:00 pm starting from Week 1, with the exception of Week 12's quiz which will be due earlier, i.e. Sunday midnight (11:59 pm on 02/06/19), so that there are no assessable pieces due during SWOT VAC.* These quizzes will assess your understanding of basic concepts from the pre-class preparation lesson and prescribed readings. To help you prepare for the graded quizzes it is important to read the prescribed readings and e-workbooks for that week. The online quizzes allow for you to have an idea of how much of the content you understand and what content is particularly challenging and therefore needs further clarification in the Consultations. There will also be an opportunity for you to ask questions about any material that you did not fully understand. The online quizzes will help you to pace your study over the 12 week program, preparing you gradually for the final exam.

Release date: date:Not Applicable Due date: date:Weekly - Monday 4.00 pm Word limit: limit:Not Applicable Value: Value:10%. You will note that there are 12 graded online quizzes that are collectively worth 10% of the total marks for the unit. We will affect your performance on some of the quizzes they will not unduly affect your overall grade. Presentation requirements: requirements:N/A Estimated return date: date:Quiz marks will be released after each quiz’s submission. Feedback on individual questions (whether you answered correctly or incorrectly) will be released immediately after the quiz deadline. The right answers to the quizzes will be provided during SWOT VAC after all quizzes have closed. Hurdle requirements: requirements:The quizzes are not a hurdle requirement, but it is highly recommended that students attempt them as they are assessable. Individual assessment in group tasks: tasks:N/A Criteria for marking: marking:These quizzes involve multiple choice options; one answer out of 4 options is most correct.

10 PSY1011 Psychology 1A - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019

Additional information: Right answers to the quizzes will be provided during SWOT VAC

Assessment title:Article Matrix (Part A) Alignment with learning outcome(s): This assessment aligns with outcomes 3 and 5 Details of task: We will provide you with a particular issue to be addressed in one of three topic areas covered in the course. The particular topics will be provided in Moodle O-week. You must choose to complete your assignment on one of the topics provided. The Article Matrix will require you to use effective search strategies to locate three research papers relevant to your chosen topic and describe key aspects of those papers. Release date: N/A Due date: Friday 5th April (week 5), 3:00 pm (AEDST) Word limit:900 words (strict word limit) Value: 15% Presentation requirements: requirements:Your Article Matrix assignment must be submitted online via the unit Moodle site. You must ensure that you submit your assignment via Moodle, and accept the Student Statement on Academic Integrity. Assignments left in draft form will be subject to a penalty due to not accepting the Student Statement. Since the word limit for the article matrix is less than 1000 words, there is no requirement to pass it through turnitin. Submissions via email, hard copy, fax, and by mail are not appropriate forms of submission, and will not be accepted. Estimated return date: Four weeks after submission due date. Hurdle requirements: This assessment is not a hurdle requirement. Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A Criteria for marking: marking:The marking rubric is also provided on the PSY1011 Moodle site. Section


Reason/Aim/ Rationale- for each article (20%)

Reason, aim and rationale identified and clearly communicated (This covers question 1)

 /20

Hypothesis for each article (10%)

Hypothesis/hypotheses identified and clearly communicated (This covers question 2)

 /10

Method: Participants & Tasks for each article (10%)


Total Grade

 /10

11 PSY1011 Psychology 1A - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019

Participants accurately reported. Participant tasks clearly explained This covers questions 3 and 4) Method: Materials for each article (10%)

Materials for each study accurately reported (This covers questrions 3 and 4)

 /10

Results for each article (10%)

Results described accurately and completely (This covers question 5)

 /10

Conclusion for each article (10%)

Author's conclusion are described accurately and completely (This covers question 6)

 /10

Limitations and future directions for each article (20%)

Reflects student's knowledge of the topic, and scientific reporting (This covers questions 6 and 7)

 /20

APA formatting and referencing (5%)

APA formatted text and reference list

 /5


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