Psy1011 Assignment 1 Guide PDF

Title Psy1011 Assignment 1 Guide
Course Psychology 1A
Institution Monash University
Pages 14
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Oral presentation guide of Assignment 1. Rubrics included....




Oral Presentation of Essay Plan (Powerpoint slides and Youtube video) This document contains everything you need to know for your first assignment. Please make sure to read this in full prior to asking any questions on Moodle.

Below are the key things covered and the corresponding page numbers for easy access.

Assignment 1 Oral Presentation of Essay Plan (Powerpoint slides and Youtube video) 2 Step 1: Choose one of the following topics:


Step 2: Find 3 suitable sources


Step 3: Prepare your PowerPoint presentation


Step 4: Record your presentation


Step 5: Upload your video to Youtube


Step 6: Submit the Powerpoint File with your YouTube link to Moodle


Marking Criteria


Assignment 1 Resources


How to record your video


How to upload your video to Youtube




Assignment Template



Assignment 1 Oral Presentation of Essay Plan (Powerpoint slides and Youtube video) This assignment is an oral presentation of your essay plan (worth 30% of your final grade). You will be outlining key arguments and sources that will support your plan for your final essay (worth 40% of your final grade). You will do this by creating a series of Powerpoint slides containing your information, and then record a video of yourself delivering your presentation. Both the powerpoint slides and the presentation video will be submitted to Moodle and marked. Why is this assignment important? This assignment will help you to prepare some of the key arguments that you will present in your final essay. You will be able to get feedback on the strength of your arguments and the quality of your sources from your tutor. This will allow you to revise and implement your plan before submitting Assignment 2. Additionally, this first assignment will help to develop your critical thinking, communication, and presentation skills, all of which are very crucial skills for employment. How do I complete the assignment?

Step 1: Choose one of the following topics: 1. Provide justification for any scientific theory that explains where memories are stored in the brain. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this theory? Can you conclude whether the literature provides support for this theory? Feel free to draw on any material from the topics of memory and biological psychology in the textbook. ○ See chapters 2 & 9 (Biological Psychology and Memory) for starting information. 2. What is the evidence that women mature psychologically faster than men? What is the theoretical and functional basis of this assertion? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this assertion? Can you conclude whether the literature provides support for this assertion? Feel free to draw on any material from the topics of developmental and biological psychology in the textbook. ○ See chapters 2 & 5 (Biological Psychology and Developmental Psychology) for starting information. 3. Provide evidence that cultural competence or cultural sensitivity training reduces racism and/or prejudice. What is the theoretical basis of this type of training? What

3 are the strengths and weaknesses of such training? Can you conclude whether the literature provides support for the effectiveness of this type of training? Feel free to draw on any material from the topics of indigenous and/or cross-cultural psychology in the textbook. ○ See chapters 7 & 8 (Cross-Cultural Psychology and Indigenous Psychology) for starting information.

Step 2: Find 3 suitable sources ● For this assignment you will need to provide evidence for your position on the topic from 3 sources (i.e. textbooks, newspaper articles, journal articles, and government and not-for-profit reports (such as those from Worksafe, Headspace, Beyond Blue, The Australian Government). ○ Journal articles and reports are generally considered stronger sources of evidence so these are most recommended, however the textbook and newspaper articles may also be used ● Ways to find suitable sources for the assignment will be modeled in tutorials. You can also use the following links to search for books, journal articles and reports: ○ Monash Library ○ Google Scholar ○ Scopus ○ Science Direct

Step 3: Prepare your PowerPoint presentation ● Use the PowerPoint presentation template provided on Moodle to create your presentation slides. ○ You may be as creative as you’d like, you can add images, colours, elements, animations etc. However, you cannot add any additional slides. The presentation is 11 slides maximum. ■

You may use less slides if you wish, but you may not cover enough information

○ Your presentation has a maximum of 900 words (excluding the title page and reference list slides). Please ensure that you are presenting the information in an engaging and succinct way though. ● Key things to address: ○ Slide 1: Cover page with topic chosen ○ Slide 2: Objectives of the presentation (i.e., key arguments for the position taken in the major argumentative essay) are clearly defined. ○ Slides 3-8: Evidence from 3 sources (2 pages per source; a summary of the evidence provided in each of the sources for the topic/supporting your position)

4 ○ Slide 9: Evaluate broad pros and cons of the evidence presented (strengths and weaknesses of each of the sources are acknowledged both individually and as a whole). ○ Slide 10: Conclusion from the evidence in terms of current support for your argument or position (based on the evidence provided and the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence, what can be concluded about the topic?) ○ Slide 11: Reference list (APA formatted reference list for the 3 sources of evidence provided in assignment 1) ● Types of references: As noted in step 2, you should only be using textbooks, newspaper articles, journal articles, and government and not-for-profit reports (such as those from Worksafe, Headspace, Beyond Blue, The Australian Government).

Step 4: Record your presentation ● Select one of the given methods for recording your presentation here. ○ Before recording your video, it might also be helpful to view several examples of good oral presentation style. ○ Make sure that you are presenting visually engaging slides; not including too much text on the slides and ensuring the font is a reasonable size. ● The recording should show your slideshow presentation and then it’s optional to record yourself talking into the webcam as part of the presentation. You do not need to have your face in the video, but we do suggest doing so for engagement purposes. ● We do not expect you to do any fancy video editing for this assignment, just simply record your presentation. ● Be sure to do a short test recording in advance to check that everything is working and the quality of the recording is appropriate.

Step 5: Upload your video to Youtube ● Please see the details here on how to upload your video to YouTube ● If you do not have access to YouTube in your country: you may simply upload the video to Panopto on Moodle. We will provide some separate resources on Moodle for how to do this. Please contact your tutor if you need more information.

Step 6: Submit the Powerpoint File with your YouTube link to Moodle ● Paste the link to your YouTube video into the first slide of your Powerpoint presentation document. Follow this video if you are struggling to find the link to your video on YouTube.

5 ● Then you will submit your PowerPoint file directly to the Moodle submission link.

Download the Assignment 1 powerpoint template to use for your assignment. You may edit the content of the slides and the presentation style, but you cannot add any additional slides.


Marking Criteria Criteria



Presentation objectives


Quality and relevance of evidence provided


Objectives of the presentation (i.e., key arguments for the position taken in the major argumentative essay) are clearly defined. Sources of evidence are well selected to address the topic. Evidence is summarised thoroughly but succinctly and is relevant to the topic.

Strengths and weaknesses of sources addressed


Critical thinking is used to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each of the 3 sources provided. A summary of overall key strengths and weaknesses is provided.



Critical thinking and evaluation of evidence is present. Conclusion is clearly presented and logically follows the strengths and weaknesses of the evidence.

APA Referencing


The reference list adheres to APA 7th and includes all references provided in-text. In-text referencing is provided in the presentation slides for all sources. Total of 3 sources required.

Presentation, engagement and Audibility


Presenter engages and communicates effectively with the audience using PowerPoint visuals and text which appropriately enhance the presentation. Audio is engaging, clear and easy to understand.


-5% for over 900 words or for additional slides added to presentation template; -5% for presentation going over 10 minutes



Assignment 1 Resources Here are some key resources for helping you complete Assignment 1: Where to search for sources of information How to search for sources of information How to evaluate evidence from sources What is critical thinking?; how to incorporate more critical thinking Features of academic writing; how your writing should be structured and the type of tone that you should use when doing academic writing ● How to summarise and paraphrase information; this will be helpful for summarising your three sources without plagiarising (or directly copying) them. ● APA 7th Referencing Guidelines ● ● ● ● ●

● How to write an essay; a broad information source for writing essays, which will be helpful for learning what you are aiming for in Assignment 2. There are also additional resources that you can find here.


How to record your video We do not mind which method that you use for the recording of the presentation, so long as the final presentation is an MP4 video file uploaded to YouTube and linked in the PowerPoint file you upload to Moodle. The first two options give you the ability to record yourself during the presentation, which is highly recommended for engagement purposes.

OPTION 1: Record your presentation through Zoom ● As a Monash student you should be able to start your own Zoom room and record your presentation within that room. ○ Download and install Zoom ○ Log into Zoom here ○ How to record using Zoom tutorial - Zoom version ○ How to record a presentation using Zoom - Monash resource (ignore the group presentation element, you will be doing this presentation alone). ○ This will allow you to record a video of yourself while you also record yourself going through your PowerPoint presentation ● We also suggest you save your recording straight to your desktop rather than uploading the video to the Zoom Cloud Storage. OPTION 2: Screen-o-matic recording of a Powerpoint Presentation ● There is a free recording software called Screencast-o-matic: ○ Download Screencast-o-matic ○ How to use Screencast-o-matic ○ This will allow you to record a video of yourself while you also record yourself going through your PowerPoint presentation ● We recommend you follow the instructions in the tutorial above for trimming the ends of your video (if necessary) to remove any time fumbling with the controls. ● We also suggest you save your recording as a 'Video File' on your desktop rather than trying to publish directly to YouTube through the Screencast-o-matic dashboard. ● Be sure to do a short test recording in advance to check that everything is working and the quality of the recording is appropriate. OPTION 3: Record Your presentation directly in PowerPoint ● You can follow video instructions on how to do this here or you can also follow the Microsoft written instructions here. ● Once you have recorded the presentation and timings, you need to export your file as an MP4 file.

9 ○ MAC Users: Converting PowerPoint to an MP4 can result in no sound on Macs. Please use a PC to convert the video or use the Screencast-o-matic method or test to ensure that it works correctly. ○ PC Users: To convert to an MP4 click on “File” > “Export” > “Create a Video” and make sure to select the “use recorded timings and narrations option” as shown below, then click “Create Video”


How to upload your video to Youtube ● Create a youtube profile using a personal email address or your Monash email address ○ For using your Monash email: Click here to opt in to Google Additional Services and follow the directions. Please note: after opting in it may take several hours before you will be able to access YouTube through your Monash account so please do this in advance of the assignment due date. ● Sign in and upload the video file to YouTube: ○ YouTube upload page: upload your video here ○ Instructions for uploading to YouTube

● If you select the wrong privacy setting your marker won't be able to view your video and so you won't receive a mark. So please double check this! ● Be aware that upload times can be significant, so allow sufficient time before the due date to complete the upload and submission process. ● Make sure to also submit your video URL in slide 1 of the Powerpoint file uploaded to Moodle ○ Follow this video if you are struggling to find the link to your video


FAQs Help, I need an extension for my assignment! In Psychology, extensions can only be obtained through a ‘special consideration’ request. This cannot be done by tutors or coordinators and needs to be applied for through the special considerations team at Monash. Please refer to Moodle for more details about this. Do I need to be strict about adhering to the topic I’ve chosen? Yes, please stick to the topic that you have chosen. Marks will be deducted if you stray away from the original topic. Make sure to address all marking criteria and address all key points outlined in the instructions. How long should the video be? Your video should be less than 10 minutes (no leeway, a 5% penalty applies for above this). In addition, tutors will stop watching at 10 minutes. Will I be penalised for going under time? No, there is no specific penalty for being under time. However, by using less time, you may miss out on valuable information which may improve your assignment. Ensure you are adequately addressing all marking criteria. How many references do I need for the assignment? For this assignment you should provide three sources in total. You are not required to provide additional sources beyond these three. We encourage you to come to class and ask your tutor if you’d like to clarify this. What type of references are acceptable? For this assignment, you should only be using academic-based sources such as textbooks, newspaper articles, journal articles, and government and not-for-profit reports (such as those from Worksafe, Headspace, Beyond Blue, The Australian Government etc.). Where do I put my references? You should acknowledge where information comes from throughout your presentation (on the slide, and even in speech if talking about specific studies or reports) through APA in-text citation style. You will then also provide a list of sources used in your final reference slide of the Powerpoint presentation. Can I use direct quotes if I use quotation marks?

12 Direct quotations are not accepted in work within the faculty. Students are encouraged to express ideas based on their own understanding, informed by the original sources, rather than quoting authors directly. How can I find my YouTube video URL? Follow this video if you are struggling to find the link to your video When will I get my assignment marks back? The turnaround time for returning marked assignments is approximately 2 weeks. How will I know that my assignment has been marked? We will post an announcement on Moodle once all the marks are finalised. Do I need to attach a cover sheet to my assignment? No, there is no need to add a cover sheet. When uploading your assignment online you will be presented with a ‘Student Statement’ before you submit. Once you click on ‘I Agree’, you have agreed to the plagiarism and collusion policy of Monash University. This is your electronic cover sheet. In what file format should my document be uploaded? You must upload your document in Powerpoint format ONLY. The URL to your YouTube video should be inside your Powerpoint file on the first slide. Do not upload your assignment in ‘PDF’ or other formats. Save a copy of the assignment on your own personal computer, and don’t forget to back it up via USB/hard drive! How do I submit my assignment? 1. Go to the section “Assignment 1 – Oral Presentation of Essay Plan”. 2. Go to the Submissions Link tab under the Assignment 1 Dropbox section on Moodle and click on the “Submit here” Oral Presentation of Essay Plan link. 3. Follow the prompts and attach your file. Remember, we accept files in PowerPoint format ONLY. 4. Click on save changes. 5. Once you are happy with the assignment and have double checked that your Youtube URL is working, click on 'Submit Assignment'. 6. Accept the Monash University plagiarism and collusion statement and click "Continue". Your assignment is now submitted and no further changes are possible. 7. REMEMBER TO CLICK THE SUBMIT BUTTON. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT ASSIGNMENTS IN DRAFT FORM I have forgotten to click SUBMIT. What should I do?

13 Please contact the unit coordinator as clicking submit after the due date and time will change the submission date thus making it late. We will email you a copy of the plagiarism and collusion statement that you will need to accept and email it back to us.


Assignment Template Please download and use the Assignment 1 Powerpoint Slide template provided on Moodle. You can customize the slides as you see fit, but are not able to add any additional slides....

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