PSY286 Sha G33260641 for student Georgia Shaw PDF

Title PSY286 Sha G33260641 for student Georgia Shaw
Course Human Development
Institution Murdoch University
Pages 2
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Download PSY286 Sha G33260641 for student Georgia Shaw PDF



Triggers- Attempt to find out if there are triggers for the tantrum such as taking children out when they are hungry or tired. Routine- Keep a daily routine especially for nap and mealtimes.


If you believe a child is exhibiting abnormal tantrum behaviour, you should seek help from one of the options listed below. •

Outings- Have snacks and activities available for the child during outings to keep them occupied.

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(Daniels et al., 2012).

A general practitioner to test for any other issues that may be causing the tantrums Child psychiatrist Paediatrician Child psychiatrist Child psychologist Nurse practitioner


TEMPER TANTRUMS Understanding temper tantrums in toddlers and how to manage them.

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(Daniels et al., 2012)

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Stay calm and soft.

Stick to saying no so the child learns they can’t always have what they want.

REFERENCES Baby & Baby & Toddler - Temper Tots: Terminating Toddler Tantrums. (2016, February 3). Mother & Baby.

Ignore the tantrum so the child isn’t receiving attention for their behavior.

Use humor techniques such as pulling silly faces to get the child out of their state.

Daniels, E., Mandleco, B., & Luthy, K. (2012). Assessment, management, and prevention of childhood temper tantrums. Journal Of The American Academy Of Nurse Practitioners, 24(10), 569-573.

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What are they? Why do children have them? Abnormal temper tantrums Sadness Vs Anger in temper tantrums Long term effects How to minimize them Tips for parents Getty Images, 2021. [image] Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2021]

Put the child in time out to give them time to process their emotions- 1 minute per age of the child is recommended.

Getty images. A mother holding a crying toddler daughter indoors in kitchen [Image]. Retrieved 26 March 2021, from Green, J. A., Whitney, P. G., & Potegal, M. (2011). Screaming, yelling, whining, and crying: Categorical and

Reward children for good behavior with praises, physical rewards such as hugs or stickers.

Offer choices to the child so they feel as though they have some control.

Set examples for children by showing good behavior.

intensity differences in vocal expressions of anger and sadness in children's tantrums. Emotion, 11(5), 1124-1133. Thomson, K., Tey, D., & Marks, M. (Eds.). (2009). Paediatric handbook. ProQuest Ebook Central Wakschlag, L., Choi, S., Carter, A., Hullsiek, H., Burns, J., & McCarthy, K. et al. (2012). Defining the developmental parameters of temper loss in early childhood: implications for developmental psychopathology.

(Baby & toddler, 2016; Thomson et al., 2009)

Journal Of Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 53(11), 1099-1108.

(Getty images, 2021)

WHAT IS A TEMPER TANTRUM? Temper tantrums are universal and can be described as signs of frustration and anger in children. Symptoms of temper tantrums may include ~ Screaming ~ Kicking ~ Crying ~ Pushing ~ Biting ~ Laying on floor ~ Throwing things ~ Breath holding ~ (Daniels et al., 2012; Wakshlag et al., 2012).

WHY DO CHILDREN HAVE TEMPER TANTRUMS? Toddlerhood development is a stage for children to be self-centered and a need for the ability to act on their own interests as well as negotiate what they want

ABNORMAL TEMPER TANTRUMS Abnormal temper tantrums can be defined as tantrums that; • Occur after the age of 5. • Last more than 15 minutes. • Occur more than 5 times a day • Are shown through aggressive behaviour such as causing harm to themselves and others. • Moods do not return to normal in-between tantrums. • Accompanied by bladder control issues, anxiety or aggression which may signify a further problem. Temper tantrums should decrease in frequency, duration and intensity as the child ages. School related tantrums may be due to a learning disability, vision or hearing problems. (Daniels et al., 2012; Wakshlag et al., 2012).

(Thomson et al., 2009).

Association of problems in parents such as hyperactivity, aggression, anxiety and depression or environmental adversity may be a contributing factor to abnormal tantrums (Wakshlag et al., 2009).

SADNESS VS ANGER IN TANTRUMS Understanding the difference between anger and sadness in children’s temper tantrums can help parents and caregivers give the child what they need based on their emotions.

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Anger Screaming, hitting and kicking. Higher vocal frequencies and energy levels. Should be supported by ignoring the child or putting them in time out. Sadness Whining and crying as signs of distress. Lower vocalizations and energy. Requires comfort and security from parent or caregiver. (Green et al., 2011)

LONG TERM AFFECTS OF TEMPER TANTRUMS Behavioural issues that could develop in a child from abnormal temper tantrums include; • Becoming withdrawn from society. • Becoming violent. • Verbal outbursts. (Daniels et al., 2012).

The child is tired, hungry, sick wants attention or doesn’t want to do something and cannot communicate this effectively (Daniels et al., 2012). (Getty images, n.d.)

Mental health issues may stem from frequent temper tantrums in children such as anxiety and depression. (Daniels et al., 2012). Frequent tantrums can have effects on parents and caregivers such as; • Wanting to seek help. • Feeling a loss of control and power. • High stress levels. (Thomson et al., 2009)....

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