Psy302 HW 10 - Homework Jamovi PDF

Title Psy302 HW 10 - Homework Jamovi
Author Aly R
Course Statistical Meth Psych
Institution University of Oregon
Pages 2
File Size 173 KB
File Type PDF
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Homework Jamovi ...


Homework 9 (15 points total) Danielle Navarro1 and her partner have a son. When that son was an infant, Danielle noticed that she was getting a lot less sleep, mostly because her son was sleeping irregularly, and that this might be affecting her mood. She started to keep track of how many hours of sleep she was getting, how many hours of sleep her baby was getting, and her level of grumpiness on a scale from 0 (not at all grumpy) to 100 (grumpy as a very, very grumpy old man or woman). She tracked these variables for 100 days and saved the results to a file called parenthood.csv. Load these data into jamovi and answer the following questions. Question 1 (2 points) Paste the descriptive table for the three variables (1 point). Be sure to include an APA-style title (1 point). Table 1 Descriptives for Different sleep variables

Question 2 (2 points) Create a scatterplot showing the relationship between the amount of time the baby sleeps and Danielle’s level of grumpiness 1 point) and paste it here. Be sure to include an APA-style title. (1 point).

Figure 1. Danielle’s level of grumpiness vs. baby’s sleep.

Question 3 (2 points) 1 Who wrote a fantastic free, online statistics textbook, Learning Statistics with jamovi

Create a correlation matrix that shows the relationship between each pair of variables (1 point) and paste it here. Table 2 Correlation Matrix for relationship Between Sleep Variables

Question 4 (9 points) Describe the relationships between each pair of variables. For each, be sure to include the appropriate statistic (1 point each), the confidence interval describing the precision of the estimate (1 point each), and the p-value of the relationship (1 point each). Using a correlation analysis, we found that there was a negative, strong, and significant correlation between the hour the baby slept and the grumpiness level of Danielle, r(10) = -.57, p...

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