PSY357-RS-Developmental Periods PDF

Title PSY357-RS-Developmental Periods
Author Brianna Cruze
Course Lifespan Development
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 11
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PSY-357 – Lifespan Development Developmental Periods Directions: For each developmental period, discuss the physical, socioemotional, and cognitive developmental theories, and identify the theorists. Include any concerns/issues that might arise during each developmental period. While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines. Each description should be a minimum  of 50 words with two to three outside references, not including your textbook, for each developmental period. You will add information to the chart as you study and research each developmental group throughout the course. You will summarize your information each week in discussion questions. Plan your time accordingly for the DQ deadline. The entire chart, filled out completely, is due to your instructor at the end of Topic 8. You will not be required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Physical Development Prenatal and Infancy

There are three periods of prenatal development. The first is the period of the zygote, which is weeks 1-2. The period begins with fertilization and ends when the zygote attaches to the wall of the uterus. The next period of prenatal development is the embryo, which is weeks 3-8. This period is defined by the development of various body structures and internal organs.

Socioemotional Development Socioemotional development is vital during infancy. This was can be explained by Erikson’s psychosocial developmental theory, specifically stage one of trust vs. mistrust. Infants will express, perceive, and experience emotions before fully understanding them. This is done when infants learn

Cognitive Development

Concerns or Issues

During the first two years of life, children are developing mentally each day. This is done through interactions, which creates new connections in the nerve cells within both their brains, and between their brain and body. Much of what experts know about cognitive develop came from Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.

There are plenty of concerns during prenatal and infancy development. Common issues during prenatal development are due to complications during the pregnancy leading to a miscarriage. Another concern is birth defects. For example, pregnancies

This period follows two important developmental principles. The first being that the head develops before the rest of the body. The second is that the arms and legs develop before hands and feet. The last stage of prenatal development is the period of the fetus. This occurs on the ninth week and continues until birth. During this period, the “finishing touches” are placed on the systems. This includes respiration, digestion, and vision. Physical development during infancy is characterized by the development of gross and fine motor skills (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016).

Early Childhood

Early childhood development takes place around the ages of 3-7. During this time both the gross (large) and fine motor skills continue developing. The ability to walk is a gross motor skill that is developed from infancy to early

to recognize, label, manage, and communicate their emotions while also attempting to understand the emotions of others around them. Socioemotional development for infants and toddlers is in an interpersonal context, depending on their relationship with familiar and surrounding adults. Although the relationships formed contribute to the development of the newborn/infant, it will take years for them to master the skill of communication (CDE, 2016). In early childhood, Erikson’s psychosocial development primarily involves stages 2 and 3. In stage 2, autonomy vs. shame, the child will develop a greater sense of self-control. The stage

Piaget separated infancy into six sub-stages: reflexive activity, primary circular reactions, secondary circular reactions, coordination of secondary schemes, tertiary circular reactions, and beginning or representational thought (Oswalt, n.d.)

for women over the age of 35 are considered high risk. In addition, these women are also at a higher risk of having a child with down syndrome or autism.

During early childhood development, the ability for a child to produce language blossoms. Instead of using their senses they begin to use their words. A child’s vocabulary during the beginning of the early

Concerns or issues during early childhood can include the following: Picky eating, thumb sucking, and sleep issues Sleep issue sand thumb sucking are more common within


childhood. In infancy, the walk is more robotic and during early childhood it becomes swifter. In addition, children will begin to run and jump as well. Fine motor skills are defined as more precise movements including the use of hands and fingers. In earlier ages this is like scribbling on paper. Towards the end of early childhood this can be identified by the child using a fork or spoon when eating (Oswalt, n.d.)

Middle and Late Childhood

takes place between the ages of 11/2 to 3. An example of this would be potty-training. Additionally, in stage 3, initiative vs. guilt, children become more interested in other children, increasing the likelihood of them initiating group play and sharing toy. This stage occurs during the ages 3-5 (Cherry and Gans, (2017).

childhood only consists of around 900 words. As age increases, so does their vocabulary and grammar skills. According to Piaget, children are in the sensorimotor stage. Children learn to use words and pictures to represent objects. During this stage, pretend play is very common. Lastly, due to their egocentric nature children struggle to see things from another’s perspective (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). Throughout middle Socioemotional changes During middle and late childhood, children begin to during middle and late childhood, children enter in grow at a steady pace, childhood are primarily Piaget's stage of concrete typically more in their legs. from forming new operations becoming less until Girls and boys are relationships and egocentric. In other words, around the same size for most friendships. This is the children are less confused of these years later in stage where a child with reality and fiction, development. Both fine and begins to figure out who rarely confusing reality. gross motor skills continue their best friends are and Children during this stage improving during this stage. begin to discuss any are also able to reverse their According to Kail and personal problems in their thinking, having the ability Cavanaugh (2016), "girls tend lives with those people. to solve perspective-taking to excel in fine motor skills This is called problems correctly. This is that emphasize dexterity as co-rumination and is shown throughout school

younger children. In addition, parents are usually concern on whether their child is ready for school. Lastly, a common issue in early childhood is communicating. If the child is very introverted, he or she may not want to initiate any group play. Sharing of toys may also be a struggle for children during this age.

Issues that revolve around this phase can be school-related. For example, if a child's reading or math level is not high enough then this can be a concern for parents. In addition, obesity is also an uprising problem today especially in the United States. Many children are no longer meeting the standards for being


well as in gross motor skills that require flexibility and balance; boys tend to excel in gross motor skills that emphasize strength. Growing pains are also very common during this stage. Permanent teeth beginning growing in as well. Girls during middle childhood also have an increase in fatty tissue to prepare their bodies for puberty during adolescence (Oswalt, n.d.).

especially common with girls in this stage. During summer camp or school, cliques can form and set standards for how children are supposed to act. These are behavioral norms and may lead to children comparing themselves to others around them. Lastly, in accordance to Erikson's psychosocial developmental theory child are in stage 4, industry vs. inferiority. Industry is referring to a child's involvement which requires patient and demanded work (i.e. school). Inferiority is a feeling when a child feels like they cannot finish or master their work. Success in this stage will lead to competence (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016).

when children begin to practice knowledgeable skills including math, writing, and reading. Memory also improves during this stage of development (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016).

physically fit. Participating in sports can help to reduce this. Lastly, rejection is a big concern for some children in middle and late childhood. As mentioned, groups tend to form throughout school and popularity is sought by children during this stage.

Physical changes during adolescence is typically marked by the onset of

Physical changes throughout this time can impact an adolescent’s

Cognitive development in adolescents’ changes drastically throughout

A concern during adolescence is substance or drug

puberty. There are two types of general changes: bodily changes, and sexual maturation. For girls, puberty usually starts around 11 but it may start as early as 6 or 7 years of age. In males, puberty usually starts around 12, or as early as 9 years old. Physical changes through puberty are identified with "the appearance of body hair, the emergence of breasts, and the enlargement of the penis and testicles are all signs that the child is gone, and the adolescent has arrived" (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016, p. 274).

Early Adulthood

As people enter early adulthood they start to hit their peak in life when they are the most physical and active such as in their muscle strength, sensory abilities, and reaction time. Early adulthood is known to be

psychological development. One of the major impacts is body image. Throughout teenage years, it is very common for a child to be concerned with their overall appearance. Girls throughout this time are often not satisfied with the looks of their body and constantly compare themselves to more developed teens. Guys can also become concerned with their body image when reflecting on their muscle mass. In terms of Erikson this stage would correlate with intimacy vs. isolation. (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2016). As adults enter their early adulthood within their Socioemotional Development they tend to start having less mood swings, become more responsible, they become more attached to their

adolescent years. In terms of Piaget's stages of development, there is an onset of formal-operational thinking where an individual’s thoughts will begin to become abstract and egocentric will continue to decrease. This will allow adolescence to have a wider perspective. Memory, insight, and organization will also increase during this stage (Boundless, 2016).

abuse. Peer pressure is extremely high during this stage. It is very common, especially during the last year of high school and beginning of college, for adolescence to participate in underage drinking. Additionally, the use of other substances such as marijuana, and Adderall have increased in popularity as well.

The cognitive developmental stage in early adulthood is that this is where dramatic and critical changes occur in their time in life. Also, most adults at this age have fully develop their brains so

Issues and concerns in early adulthood are due to the aging process of the body beginning. The immune system becomes less adaptive at fighting off infections. Another

ages between 20-40 and this is where adult’s physical maturation is complete. For women this is the time in their life where they begin to have children and developing another life. At the age of 30 in particular this is where adults start having changes occur to them physically. Some changes that might occur is that their vision decreases, hearing decreases, and their hair starts to thin out and could start to turn a grey color (Knapp,  2004). Middle Adulthood

During the middle adulthood stage this is where adults are usually in their 40-65. At this point in life most people start to need glasses because their eyes have gotten really bad. Also, their skin is very dried out and more wrinkling than those in their early adulthood stage. Men and women start to develop the belly where their fat to muscle ratio has increased due to them not working out as much and

loved ones by using them as a secure base. This is the time in life where most people are developing relationships with the spouses or boyfriends or the best friends. Most people in their late 20s and early 30s develop depression and go through some issues such as suicidal thoughts, eating disorders (“Early Adulthood in Psychology”, 2 008).

their knowledge that they have is now being applied in life in a positive way by using good reasoning behind things. Planning, judging, speaking, and just moving muscles is finally developed fully within the brain. With starting a life with a family and with a career it is important to balance the two and this is where most adults learn how to do both and get a gage of the real life on their own (“Early  Adulthood in Psychology”, 2008). During middle adulthood Within the cognitive stage this is where your development in middle “midlife crisis” usually adulthood most people's happens if it does happen. cognitive abilities usually At this time as well, most show to be stable and adults start changing steady throughout these emotionally, and start years in their life. Over becoming more anxious their years the cognition about things, and their does change but once they behavior changes hit the age of 35 that is drastically. Some married known to be their peak in couples got through the development of divorce which impacts cognition. During these the couple emotionally years of life if most people

concern could be the possibility of having a “quarter-life crisis.” This can come about because one being overwhelmed with new responsibilities. For example, a newly wedded couple having their first child.

A frequent issue with woman in middle adulthood is menopause, the ending of a woman’s menstrual cycle. This causes a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body. With lower levels of estrogen, the likelihood to develop osteoporosis increases. Also, during middle adulthood eyesight begins to

Late Adulthood

eating more. Also, women start to hit the menopause stage where their fertility declines and hormonal changes occur, loss of memory, mood swings, and less of a sex drive (Knapp, 2004).

and mentally. It also can affect the families in a way where kids must visit their parents on different days out of the week. Some remarry and face new challenges within the marriage; however, this is a point in their life where they have grown a good relationship with their children or their friends, and sometimes their spouse.

stay active physically and mentally they usually do not have decline in their cognitive development. According to “Early  Adulthood in Psychology”, 2008 it says, “through experience, flexible thinking, higher levels of intuition and adaptability, and the support of friendships that have been nurtured over the years, this age group typically conquers these challenges artfully and with expertise. And by adequately managing major life stressors, many individuals gain a sense of empowerment and confidence’ (para.6).

worsen, causing a lot of adults to suffer from presbyopia, also known as farsightedness. Lastly, mid-life crisis is common in this stage of life. They are usually a result or work-related problems. This is likely to occur during Erikson’s generativity  vs. stagnation developmental stage.

Late adulthood are ages from 60 and above. There are a lot of physical changes to the body once someone has reached this age such as their skin has fully loss all elasticity which makes their skin wrinkling, the reaction

Once you hit the years of 60 and above emotions and stability start to change and vary throughout the years. Some adults start to either feel unfulfilled or they cannot quit accept their

As people enter their late adulthood their memory starts to fade, and some develop dementia, “Those  with dementia suffer from cognitive or memory impairments but remain conscious and alert. The

A main issue or concern during late adulthood is developing a health problem. Since memory begins deteriorating, the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease is

time is much slower, and all five senses are not as strong. Cardiovascular and respiratory problems start to occur more often in this stage. During this stage as well shows signs of loss of balance and very slow mobility. At this stage adults are almost at their last days (Wortman,  2008).

End of Life

A physical change in the elderly is a loss of appetite. The want to eat or drink decreases drastically, this is due to swallowing become a challenging task. Additionally, there are changes in breathing making it become less regular. There will be longer pauses in

life at this point. It has proven that people who become older show a better appreciation toward life when they remain active in things that they still love to do. It also makes it easier for them to handle their spouse’s death when they are active and loving life. With that being said, most elderly remain having strong relationships with their friends and family so when going through a hard time like that they tend not to struggle as much (“Early  Adulthood in Psychology”, 2008). Psychological and emotional changes during the end of life are very significant. It is very common for the individual passing to begin to experience a fear of dying. The dying process is different for everyone and everyone

impairment might result in memory loss, difficulty in understanding or using words, confusion, the inability to carry out motor activities despite adequate motor function, and the inability to recognize objects” (“Early Adulthood in Psychology”, 2008). Short term memory is the most common memory that most older adults start to have trouble with; however, long-term memory has shown to remain very strong.

increased with elderly. To add, there are numerous other diseases or concerns that may arise such as heart disease or diabetes. Lastly, the risk of falling is also elevated during this time. A lot of elderly is placed in nursing homes if their children cannot take care of them efficiently.

During the end of life, mental activity begins to decrease resulting in a loss of clarity. There is normally an increase in sleepiness and agitation. This is linked to there being less oxygen traveling to the brain and other metabolic changes. Constant confusion is

Concerns or issues in individuals near the end of life are related to death. It is very important for the person passing to be at peace in every aspect of life (i.e. physically and emotionally). In addition, with peace

between breaths. Medicine and chemical imbalances can cause hallucinations. Some may even experience restless and distress. Lastly, body temperature will begin to decrease resulting in colder hands and feet. Skin can also have a blue tint due to lack of oxygen in the blood (NHS, 2014).

copes in different ways. Some may need isolation to be at peace spiritually. Others may not want to be touched. Individuals may have a change in personality and frequent mood swings ("Understanding Mental and Emotional Changes", 2016). In terms of Erikson's developmental theory, an individual will be going through the last stage ego integrity vs. despair.

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