PSYC-Online-326-0001-Group-and-Team-Behavior Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University PDF

Title PSYC-Online-326-0001-Group-and-Team-Behavior Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Author Paul Barela
Course Cognitive Science
Institution Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Pages 10
File Size 139.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 98
Total Views 117




WW-PSYC326 Group and Team Behavior Online Course Syllabus Worldwide 2020-10 October

Course Information Credit Hours:3 Delivery Method: Online (Internet/Canvas)

Required Course Materials Title: Group Dynamics ISBN: 978-137408851 (Hardcover) 978-1337671088 (eBook) Authors: Donelson R. Forsyth Publisher: Cengage Learning Publication Date: 2019

Suggested Course Materials Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) ISBN: 978-1433832161 (Paperback) 978-1433832185 (eBook) Authors: American Psychological Association Publisher: American Psychological Association Publication Date: 2019 Edition: 7th

Catalog Course Description This course focuses on using experiential learning techniques to cover group/team behavior, from learning basic human communications skills to applying these skills in small groups. Effective small groups functioning from the viewpoint of systems theory is presented, and the stages of group development. Topics include participative management, decision making, groupthink, social loafing, problem solving, organizational change, etc. Prerequisite(s): None

Course Goals The goal of this course is to provide students with tools/techniques for participating, leading, and facilitating professional or personal teams/groups; in addition, students will understand the scientific theories and research techniques used to understand and study groups, with a particular emphasis on group and team behavior in the workplace.

Student Learning Outcomes 1. Understand theoretical underpinnings of group/team behavior and their influence on organizational and individual functioning. 2. Demonstrate interpersonal communication skills such as attending, listening, paraphrasing, etc. 3. Demonstrate the skills needed to serve as group leader, member, facilitator, and recorder and the training/characteristics required for group/team participation. 4. Describe how to deal with disruptive behaviors in groups, and the impact of such behaviors on group performance. 5. Explain the role of groups/teams in organizational settings and their impact on various components of organizational performance.

Grading Scale 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69  0 - 59

Grade A (Superior) B (Above Average) C (Average) D (Below Average) F (Failure)

Evaluation Items & Weights Discussion                             5% Quizzes                              20% Group Dynamics Case Study Deliverables   25% VCL                                 10% Group Dynamics Case Study Report       25% Reflection Journals                     15% Total                               100% Discussion There is one discussion assignment in this course. This goal of this discussion is for you to meet, greet, and engage with your classmates. For this discussion, you will provide our initial reply to the discussion prompts/questions in video format. You will read and reply to at least two of your classmate's posts. Replies to classmates can be in written or video format. Quizzes You will complete nine quizzes in this course. Each quiz is comprised of 20 randomly selected multiple-choice and true-false questions. Questions will test how well you understand and have retain knowledge from the textbook reading material and concepts you learn throughout the module. Be sure to read all of the assigned chapter readings and review the module presentations to prepare for each quiz. You will have 45 minutes and one attempt to complete each quiz. Course Project Group Dynamics Case Study Report The overall course project in this course is the Group Dynamics Case Study.

For all activities and assignments associated with the course project, you will work within a team. You will work with your team members to complete the various Case Study Deliverables and develop the final report, due in Module 9. Your instructor will assign you to a team at the start of the course. Make sure you reach out to your team member as soon as you begin Module 1 and conduct the Initial Team Meeting by the middle of Module 2. Review the Initial Team Meeting Instructions on the Group Dynamics Case Study Initial Team Meeting Reminder page in Module 1. Make sure you read all of the information provided on the Important Information About the Course Project page within the Course Specific Information module. The final case study report must be in APA format. Each team's report will vary in length. There is not a specific page length requirement; however a thorough report should contain five to ten pages. The report submission will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin when you submit your assignment in this activity. Turnitin is a service that checks your work for improper citation or potential plagiarism by comparing it against a database of web pages, student papers, and articles from academic books and publications. Ensure that your work is entirely your own and that you have not plagiarized any material! Group Dynamics Case Study Deliverables This course project contains a variety of elements that you will work with your team on throughout this course. Collaborate with your team members through virtual meetings and document collaborations. Teams are free to use any platform they wish to use for virtual meetings and collaboration. However, you have access to Microsoft Teams through Ernie. You can also use the Canvas Groups area to create discussions and collaborate. Resources are provided on the Important Information About the Course Project page within the course. There are eight deliverables that you will collaborate with your team to complete. By completing each module deliverable, you and your team will work towards the final deliverable, the Group Dynamics Case Study Report. Plan accordingly for each deliverable. Deliverable due are listed on the Important Information About the Course Project page. VCL In preparation for the final submission, each team will decide upon one specific deliverable to submit to the Virtual Communication Lab (VCL) for tutoring. Your team may select any component of the project except the Initial Meeting Notes Summary and the Proposal. It will be extremely important to schedule the tutoring appointment as soon as possible, even

if the meeting occurs later in the term. This will ensure the VCL schedule can accommodate the appointment request. Waiting until the final module may result in 0 appointments available for your team. Read the Virtual Communication Lab Tutoring Opportunities page in the Course-Specific Information module for detail and instructions related to the VCL activity. Note:For the VCL grade category, each team is required to complete at least one VCL Tutoring Opportunity. For any opportunity your team elects to skip for a given module week, a zero will be entered into the grade book; however, the grade book will automatically ignore each zero when calculating your grade for the category. Please keep this information in mind when you check your grades throughout the course.

Reflection Journals Each module week you will consider your experience working in the assigned team for the Groups Dynamics Case Study project and document your experience in a Reflection Journal entry. The journal entry is a short reflective writing assignment and the written expectation is at least 500 words. While your entry is to be written as a journal description, it should be academically sound and contain supporting details. Use current APA formatting to cite your sources; where applicable.

Additional Information APA Format Go to the APA website for additional information about the American Psychological Association Publication Manual . Library Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the most complete library collections of aviation-related resources in the world. The Hunt Library is the library for all Worldwide students regardless of location. For help finding resources for your assignment, project, or topic, or to learn more about the library services available to you, please contact our librarians using the following information: Hunt Library Worldwide: Information, Services, Help Library Basic Training Ask-a-Librarian Library Hours Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Course Policies Academic Integrity Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will involve imposing sanctions which may include, but are not limited to, a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in a course, suspension, or dismissal from the University, upon students who commit the following academic violations: 1. Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, words, or products of another as one’s own. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgment of the source. Reuse or resubmission of a student’s own coursework if previously used or submitted in another course, is considered self-plagiarism, and is also not allowed under University policy. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. 2. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. 3. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be, or presented as, individual work. 4. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. Note: The Instructor reserves the right to use any form of digital method for checking plagiarism. Several electronic systems are available and other methods may be used at the Instructor’s discretion. Online Learning This course is offered through Embry-Riddle Online (Canvas) and runs nine (9) weeks. The first week begins the first day of the term and ends at midnight EDT/EST (as applicable) seven days later. Please note that all assignments, unless otherwise indicated, are due by 11:59p.m. EDT/EST on the date shown. Success in this course requires in-depth study of each module as assigned, timely completion of assignments, and regular

participation in forum discussions. Late work should be the exception and not the rule and may be downgraded at the discretion of the Instructor, if accepted at all. Unless all work is submitted, the student could receive a failing grade for the course. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Instructor and only for the length of time the Instructor deems appropriate. The most important element of success in an online course is to communicate with your Instructor throughout the term. Conventions of “online etiquette,” which include courtesy to all users, will be observed. Students should use the Send Message function in Canvas for private messages to the Instructor and other students. The class discussion forums are for public messages. It is highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all materials submitted as assignments, discussion posts and emails, until after the end of the term and a final grade is received. When posting responses in a discussion forum, please confirm that the responses have actually been posted after you submit them.

Course Specific Policies Late Work Policy:All course work is expected to be completed on time and should be submitted before 11:59 PM ET on the date indicated in the Course Schedule below. Unless otherwise specified in this document, late work will be downgraded 10% for each day it is past due, up to 5 days beyond the deadline. After that, a permanent score of zero (0) will be entered in the Canvas Grades area (Note: please look in the “Assignments” section of the syllabus for more instructions). Please coordinate with the instructor as soon as possible if you know your assignment will be late. In some special cases, a penalty-free extension might be granted if you provide your expected date of submission in addition to the reason you cannot make the deadline (expect to provide supporting documentation). Keep in mind that you are always allocated a sufficient time to complete your assignments, so difficulties encountered less than 24 hours prior to the deadline will not be viewed in a favorable light. Exceptions:Instructors may choose to develop and implement their own

policies regarding the following: 1. Discussion boards (initial posts and replies to classmates) 2. Assignments submitted after the last class day 3. Assignments submitted using third-party integrations Any such deviations must be clearly posted in the announcements, instructor bio, and online office (as well as any other appropriate location).

Course Schedule Module 1 Introduction to Group Dynamics and Studying Groups Discussion - Introductions: Who Are You? What Groups Do You Belong To? Team Roles Test Group Dynamics Case Study - Initial Team Meeting Reminder Resources Quiz - Chapters 1 and 2 Reflection Journal - Entry 1 Module 2 Inclusion and Identity Formation Group Dynamics Case Study - Initial Team Meeting Summary Resources Quiz: Chapters 3 and 4 Group Dynamics Case Study - Proposal Reflection Journal - Entry 2 Module 3 Cohesion and Development Structure Resources Quiz - Chapters 5 and 6 VCL - Tutoring Opportunity: Group Structure Group Dynamics Case Study - Group Structure Reflection Journal - Entry 3 Module 4 Influence and Power Resources Quiz - Chapters 7 and 8 VCL - Tutoring Opportunity: Power and Influence in Groups Group Dynamics Case Study - Power and Influence in Groups Reflection Journal - Entry 4

Module 5 Leadership and Performance Resources Quiz - Chapters 9 and 10 VCL - Tutoring Opportunity: Leadership and Performance in Groups Group Dynamics Case Study - Leadership and Performance in Groups Reflection Journal - Entry 5 Module 6 Teams and Decision-Making Resources Quiz - Chapters 11 and 12 VCL - Tutoring Opportunity: Teamwork and Decision-Making in Groups Group Dynamics Case Study - Teamwork and Decision-Making in Groups Reflection Journal - Entry 6 Module 7 Conflict and Inter-Group Relations Resources Quiz - Chapters 13 and 14 VCL - Tutoring Opportunity: Conflict and Inter-Group Relations Group Dynamics Case Study - Conflict and Inter-Group Relations Reflection Journal - Entry 7 Module 8 Growth and Change Resources Quiz - Chapters 15 and 16 VCL - Tutoring Opportunity: Group Context Group Dynamics Case Study - Group Context Reflection Journal - Entry 8 Module 9 Crowds and Collectives Resources Quiz - Chapter 17 Group Dynamics Case Study Report Reflection Journal - Entry 9

© Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Last Update: 07/26/2020 By:Dr. Donna Roberts...

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