PSYC-Online-350-0001-Social-Psychology Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University PDF

Title PSYC-Online-350-0001-Social-Psychology Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Course Aviation Psychology
Institution Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Pages 11
File Size 141.3 KB
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WW-PSYC350 Social Psychology Online Course Syllabus Worldwide 2020-10 October

Course Information Credit Hours:3 Delivery Method: Online (Internet/Canvas)

Required Course Materials Title: Social Psychology ISBN: 978-0078035296 Authors: David G. Meyers Publisher: McGraw Hill Education Publication Date: 2012 Edition: 11th

Suggested Course Materials Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association ISBN: 9781433832154 (Paperback), 9781433832185 (eBook) Authors: American Psychological Association Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Date: 2019 Edition: 7th

Catalog Course Description This course is intended to provide students with an introduction to the interactional forces between groups and the individual in society. Topics include the following: introduction to social psychology, group influence, the self in a social world, prejudice-disliking others, social beliefs and judgments, attraction and intimacy, genes, culture and gender, altruism-helping others, conformity, and persuasion. Prerequisite(s): None

Course Goals The goals of this course are to have the students become aware of the many theories which have been developed to explain and predict human behavior and to better understand themselves and the behavior of others. This Social Psychology course offers a method by which students will have the opportunity to learn about universal human behavior from a social psychological perspective. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify, comprehend, and implement critical thinking skills related to significant concepts involving the topic areas listed under the Course Description.

Student Learning Outcomes Alignment with departmental program outcomes is indicated in parentheses. Upon completion of the course and—if necessary—with multiple revisions of specific writing tasks, students will be able to do the following: 1. Define social psychology, describe its goals and paradigms, and distinguish it from other sciences which study human behavior. 2. Describe the methods of research used in the field of social psychology. 3. Explore social cognition in relation to the self, social beliefs, judgments, behavior and attitudes. 4. Identify differences in social influence from the standpoint of culture, conformity, compliance and obedience. 5. Understand why some people are attracted to each other and others are not. 6. Explore social relations in terms of prejudice, aggression, discrimination, conflict and peacemaking. 7. Recognize verbal and nonverbal cues and explain how they help us recognize people's true feelings. 8. Classify the different types of antisocial behaviors and how to recognize symptoms of each. 9. Analyze how stress develops, how it affects mental health and physical health and how to cope with it. 10. Assess the various different social forces that are placed on a group versus an individual. 11. Prepare formal research paper in proper APA format

Grading Scale 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69  0 - 59

Grade A (Superior) B (Above Average) C (Average) D (Below Average) F (Failure)

Evaluation Items & Weights Discussion Activities             15% Weekly Quizzes                15% Assignments and Case Studies    20% Paper Topic                    00% Demonstration/Experiment Paper   20% Midterm Exam                  15% Final Exam                    15% Total                         100% Discussion Activities Your participation in discussion activities is required. The discussions are provided to engage students in topics that address the Learning Outcomes for the course and Module Objectives for each module. The instructor will inform you of the discussion posting requirements. Weekly Quizzes Weekly Quizzes test your retention and understanding of the module readings. Each quiz consists of multiple-choice questions covering the material in the module. You will have a time limit to complete each quiz, and you must complete it in one continuous session. You may use your notes, course handouts, or any other related material. You must work on the quizzes independently. Assignments and Case Studies This course includes two case studies. The case studies are designed to help you apply the concepts presented in the course. Each case study describes a social situation and is followed by questions about the situation. The questions require use of critical thinking skills to explain and apply course

concepts. Additionally, there are five written assignments which reinforce the module learning objectives. Paper Topic You will research and select an area in social psychology that is of interest to you for the Demonstration/Experiment paper. This is a required assignment; however, it does not represent a percentage of your overall grade in this course. You must complete the paper topics as it supports the paper overall. Demonstration/Experiment Paper Design and conduct one demonstration or experiment to try out a concept presented in this class on a group of people (at least six to eight). Upon completing your demonstration or experiment, you will write a short paper (approximately four to five pages). In your paper, be sure to: describe the phenomenon/concept (e.g., persuasion); describe the methodology used; and describe what happened by reporting on whether the people in your demonstration/experiment conformed to expectations and explain why you believe they did or did not conform. Your paper should follow the format of an empirical research report, but does not need to be as formal. Use the following structure: 1. In the introduction, describe the concept/phenomenon briefly (a couple of paragraphs may suffice). You need to cite primary sources. Use the PsycINFO database to find at least two primary source journal articles. 2. Discuss how many subjects (people) you included and why you chose them. Describe the task your subjects performed. 3. The results will be descriptive, and should answer questions such as the following: What did the subjects do? What was their reaction? Did your experiment go as planned? Can your results be broken down into averages (e.g., “Forty percent of subjects felt that…”)? Finally, a discussion section should focus on how you felt your demonstration or experiment "worked" overall.

The paper will be submitted via Turnitin, a plagiarism detection tool. This assignment will comprise 20 percent of your course grade. This assignment is only to be submitted once for credit. There is not an option for revising and resubmitting for a higher grade. Midterm Exam and Final Exam Each exam consists of five short essay questions and will address learning outcomes presented in Modules 1 through 5 (Midterm) and Module 6 through 9 (Final), You will have one hour to complete each exam. Please make sure you read each question carefully and thoroughly answer all parts in order to receive full credit.

Additional Information APA Format Go to the APA website for additional information about the American Psychological Association Publication Manual . Library Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the most complete library collections of aviation-related resources in the world. The Hunt Library is the library for all Worldwide students regardless of location. For help finding resources for your assignment, project, or topic, or to learn more about the library services available to you, please contact our librarians using the following information: Hunt Library Worldwide: Information, Services, Help Library Basic Training Ask-a-Librarian Library Hours Contact Information Email: [email protected]

Course Policies Academic Integrity Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will involve imposing sanctions which may include, but are not limited to, a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade in a course, suspension, or dismissal from the University, upon students who commit the following academic violations: 1. Plagiarism: Presenting the ideas, words, or products of another as one’s own. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgment of the source. Reuse or resubmission of a student’s own coursework if previously used or submitted in another course, is considered self-plagiarism, and is also not allowed under University policy. 2. Cheating: A broad term that includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. 2. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. 3. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be, or presented as, individual work. 4. Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. Note: The Instructor reserves the right to use any form of digital method for checking plagiarism. Several electronic systems are available and other methods may be used at the Instructor’s discretion. Online Learning This course is offered through Embry-Riddle Online (Canvas) and runs nine (9) weeks. The first week begins the first day of the term and ends at midnight EDT/EST (as applicable) seven days later. Please note that all assignments, unless otherwise indicated, are due by 11:59p.m. EDT/EST on the date shown. Success in this course requires in-depth study of each module as assigned, timely completion of assignments, and regular participation in forum discussions. Late work should be the exception and not the rule and may be downgraded

at the discretion of the Instructor, if accepted at all. Unless all work is submitted, the student could receive a failing grade for the course. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the Instructor and only for the length of time the Instructor deems appropriate. The most important element of success in an online course is to communicate with your Instructor throughout the term. Conventions of “online etiquette,” which include courtesy to all users, will be observed. Students should use the Send Message function in Canvas for private messages to the Instructor and other students. The class discussion forums are for public messages. It is highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all materials submitted as assignments, discussion posts and emails, until after the end of the term and a final grade is received. When posting responses in a discussion forum, please confirm that the responses have actually been posted after you submit them.

Course Specific Policies Late Work Policy:All course work is expected to be completed on time and should be submitted before 11:59 PM ET on the date indicated in the Course Schedule below. Unless otherwise specified in this document, late work will be downgraded 10% for each day it is past due, up to 5 days beyond the deadline. After that, a permanent score of zero (0) will be entered in the Canvas Grades area (Note: please look in the “Assignments” section of the syllabus for more instructions). Please coordinate with the instructor as soon as possible if you know your assignment will be late. In some special cases, a penalty-free extension might be granted if you provide your expected date of submission in addition to the reason you cannot make the deadline (expect to provide supporting documentation). Keep in mind that you are always allocated a sufficient time to complete your assignments, so difficulties encountered less than 24 hours prior to the deadline will not be viewed in a favorable light. Exceptions:Instructors may choose to develop and implement their own policies regarding the following: 1. Discussion boards (initial posts and replies to classmates) 2. Assignments submitted after the last class day

3. Assignments submitted using third-party integrations Any such deviations must be clearly posted in the announcements, instructor bio, and online office (as well as any other appropriate location).

Course Schedule Module 1 Introduction to Social Psychology Introductions Readings Discussion - Research Discussion - Social Psychology Article Quiz - Chapter 1 Module 2 Social Thinking: The Self in a Social World Readings Video - TED Talk: Is there a real you? Discussion - Self Concept Quiz - Chapter 2 Module 3 Social Thinking: Social Beliefs and Judgments Readings Videos - 60 Minutes: Eyewitness Discussion - False Memory Syndrome Case Study - Eyewitness Memory Demonstration/Experiment Topic Selection Assignment - Critical Thinking: Biases, Shortcuts, and Attributions Quiz - Chapter 3 Module 4 Behavior and Attitudes Readings Case Study - Stanford Prison Experiment Discussion - Psychology in the Movies Discussion - Application to Aviation Safety Assignment - Critical Thinking: Article Summary/Critique Quiz - Chapter 4 Module 5 Social Influence and Midterm

Readings Discussion - Stereotypes Assignment - Critical Thinking: Gender and Ethic Stereotypes Quiz - Chapter 5 Midterm Exam Module 6 Conformity and Obedience Readings Videos - Milgram's Obedience Experiment Discussion - The Milgram Study Assignment - Concept Summary Quiz - Chapter 6 Module 7 Persuasion and Group Influence Readings Videos - Cults Discussion - Social Influence Discussion - The Challenger and Groupthink Quiz - Chapter 7 Quiz - Chapter 8 Module 8 Aggression Readings Videos - Aggressive Behavior Discussion - Observing Behaviors Assignment - Anger Observations Quiz - Chapter 10 Module 9 Prejudice Readings Video - TED Talks: Prejudice Discussion - Implicit Associations Quiz - Chapter 9 Demonstration/Experiment Paper Submission Discussion - Capstone Final Exam

© Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University By: Dr. Donna Roberts...

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