Psych 311 Intro to Experimental Psychology - Final Csusb Flashcards Quizlet PDF

Title Psych 311 Intro to Experimental Psychology - Final Csusb Flashcards Quizlet
Course Introduction to Experimental Psychology
Institution California State University San Bernardino
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PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB Terms in this set (84) -______________ for the potential


influence of extraneous or confounding variables. -Completely eliminating the influence of all extraneous or confounding variables. -Hold the influence of the extraneous variables or confounding variables constant across the various levels of the independent variable

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

________________ the extent to which

Internal Validity

the independent variable produced the observed effect measured by the dependent variable. Experiment is valid internally, if the observed effect is due only to variation in the independent variable, but not other confounding variables.

______________ is the extent to which

External Validity

the results from the sample allow us to generalize to the population.

_______________ is the extent to which

Construct Validity

the abstract construct or conceptual variable of interest can be inferred from the operational definition of that construct.

______________ is the extent to which

Ecological Validity

the results from a study conducted in a lab setting can be generalized to real-life settings.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

______________ may occur in a design

History Effect

involving repeated measures. These events (in addition to the IV)may have influenced the post-measurement, and thus become a plausible alternative explanation to the change that occurred between pre and post-measurements. Ex. pre- and postmeasurements

_____________ may occur when

Maturation Effect

repeated measures designs are adopted. Changes involve both biological and psychological processes (e.g., age or learning) that resides within the individual Any conditions internal to the individual that change as a function of the passage of time may be referred to as _______________.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

__________________ refer to those

Instrumentation Effect

changes that occur as a function of measuring the dependent variable. changes that occur during the process of measurement (e.g., observers might be influenced by factors like fatigue, boredom, or degree of sophistication in conductingobservations To minimize observation bias: -More than one observer has to be used -Should receive appropriate training before

_______________________ often occurs

Effect of Statistical Regression

when an experiment involves only two groups of participants who have extreme scores (e.g., extremely high and extremely low), and the experiment requires pre- and post-testing on the same dependent variable measure.

_______________ is likely to occur

Selection Effect/Bias

when random assignment is not possible. ex post facto

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

_____________ refers to differential

Mortality Effect

participant loss from the various comparison groups. ________________ are most likely to occur when longitudinal approach is adopted.

_______________ are any changes in

Subject Effect

performance that can be attributed to a participants motives or attitudes. Ex. Demand Characteristics: cues of what the purpose of the study is.

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PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

________________ refer to any of the

Demand Characteristics

cues associated with an experiment (e.g., the instructions given by the experimenter and the experimental setting) that allow the participants to create perceptions of the purpose of the experiment and the requirements of the task. A participant may have a tendency to make a positive self-presentation; that is, to respond in such a way as to present himself or herself in the most positive manner.

Any change in a participant's

Experimenter Effect

performance that can be attributed to the experimenter is called ______________.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB


Sequencing Effect

_____________________ can exist when a design involving repeatedmeasures(within subject) is adopted. occurs when participation in one condition affects the response that the participant makes in a subsequent treatment condition. Also called carry-over effect. 2 Types -> Positive: refers to a participant's general improvement during the course of testing. -> Negative: refers to a participant's regression during the course of testing.

______________________ refers to the

Effect of Subject Sophistication

biasing influences that usually arise from a participant's knowledge. Ex. Using psych. students as participants for a psychological experiment.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

1. Randomization

Control techniques include

2. Matching 3. Counterbalancing (1. & 2. are between-subject and 3. is within-subject)

The technique of _____________________


provides control for unknown as well was known sources of variation. ______________________ is the only technique that allows us to control unknown sources of variation. Control for unknown and known

________________ is when every

Random Sampling

member of a particular population has an equal chance of being chosen as a participant. Important for issue of generalization

_______________ is when each

Random Assignment

selected participant has an equal chance of being included in any treatment condition. Important for issue of control

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

Once we have controlled one

Logic of Randomization

characteristic of the participant by randomization, we have actually controlled all other possible characteristics as well. validates that participants characteristics were random and by chance and did not affect DV

__________________ is a random

Block Randomization

assignment technique in which participants are balanced over the conditions at the end of each participant assignment ________. It is often used to schedule participants for testing and to control for confounding variables which do not fluctuate randomly from session to session.

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PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

_________________ is a less powerful


technique for equating groups of participants on all extraneous variables, but it is the best technique in terms of increasing the sensitivity of the experiment. Control for the known source of variance

The technique of ____________________

Matching by holding variables constant

produces control by including in the study only those participants with a given amount or type of extraneous variable and excluding from the study participants with certain extraneous variables so that they cannot influence the results.

1.) The technique restricts the

Disadvantages - Matching by holding variables

size of the participation


population. In some cases, it may be difficult to find enough participants to be involved in the study. 2.) The results of the experiment cannot be generalized beyond the type of participants that were included in the experiment.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

________________ the technique that

The Technique of Precision Control

matches participants in the various treatment conditions on a case-by-case basis for each of the selected extraneous variables increases the sensitivity of the experiment by ensuring that the participants in the different groups are equal on at least the matched variables.

The difficulty in finding matched

Disadvantage - The Technique of Precision Control

participants increased disproportionately as the number of variables to be matched increases.

A method of controlling for


order effects(sequence) in a repeated measure design by either including all orders of treatment or by randomly determining the order for each subject

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

_________________technique that

Technique of Frequency Distribution Control

matches groups of participants by equating the overall distribution of the chosen variables. is more flexible than the technique of precision control. However, the combinations of variables may be mismatched in various groups.

__________________ technique controls

Intrasubject Counterbalancing Technique (or the

for sequencing effects by

ABBA Technique)

having each participant receive the treatment conditions in more than one order may be used to control for the sequencing effect if the effect was linear

Non-linear sequencing effects

ABBABAAB Technique

may be controlled by having each treatment condition appear in every possible position in the sequence, this is done with __________________.

Each group is counter balanced

intragroup counterbalancing

- Adds variability error, eliminates systematic error

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

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a. every possible sequence of

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complete counterbalancing

the various treatment conditions must be enumerated b. every sequence that is enumerated must be used.

a. for the sequences

incomplete counterbalancing

enumerated, each treatment must appear an equal number of times in each ordinal position. b. each treatment condition must precede and be followed by every other condition an equal number of times.

Examples to ____________________:

Control for Subject Effects

-Double-Blind Technique -Deception -Disguising the Experiment -Obtaining an independent measurement of the dependent variable

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

By using the ______________________,

Double-Blind Technique

neither the experimenter nor the participant is aware of the treatment conditions administered to the participant.

__________ involves providing all


participants with a purpose of hypothesis that is unrelated to the true purpose or true hypothesis of the experiment. Ethical issues

___________________ is conducted in a

Disguising the Experiment

context that does not communicate to the participants that they are participating in an experiment. Ex. Candid Camera Ethical issue

Experimenter and participant


interaction very minimal. Ex. Online SONA

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

-It specifies the procedure to

The design of a study is the basic outline of an

be used in seeking an answer to


the research question. -It specifies how data are to be collected and analyzed. -It specifies how unwanted variation is to be controlled. -It determines whether reliable, valid, objective, and accurate answers to the research questions will be obtained. Only well-designed studies can provide conclusive answers

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

-Can be used to match

The notion of pretesting

participants and thereby increase the sensitivity of the experiment. -Can be used to test a participants initial position on the DV, and thus allows us to determine if a ceiling effect (or floor effect) exists. -Can be used to test participants' initial comparability. Ex: the results of the pretest can be used to determine whether randomization has resulted in compatible groups. -Can be used to provide evidence of change.

-May increase the amount of

Problems with pretesting

time and money required to complete the investigation. -May sensitize participants to the experimental treatment condition.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

BAD-no baseline data to

One-group after only design

compare to and results could be due to confounding variables (maturation effect) a single group of participants is measured on a dependent variable after having undergone experimenter treatment

_________________ is a true

Before-after design

experimental design in which the treatment effect is assessed by comparing the difference between the experimental and control groups' pre- and posttest scores. OG COW STUDY

-Control for extraneous

Advantages for before-after design

variables such as history, maturation, instrumentation, regression, and selection

pretest will sensitize

Drawback to before-after research design


PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

-Select a design that will

Factors to consider when choosing a research design

provide an answer to your problem. (test for hypothesis) -Select a deign that will provide maximum control over confounding variables. -If you have a choice of a between-subjects or withinsubjects design, choose withinsubjects. within > between

1. Design must allow us to

true experiment

conduct statistical tests that will provide an answer to our research question. 2. Should allow us to control for extraneous variables or confounding variables so that the observed effects can be attributed to variations of the independent variable. internal validity 3. Must allow for the possibility of the results to be generalized. external validity

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

-What type of participants are

Decisions to be made after research design and

to be used in the study? (Ex.

before data collections

Cows, Children,F, M, etc.) -Where can required participants be attained? -How many participants are to be used? -What type of apparatus should be used to present the independent variable and to measure the dependent variable? -What instructions are to be given to the participants? -How will the schedule for participant participation be set up? -What procedures are to be used in the processes of data collection?

a specific treatment


combination in a factorial design (e.g., 6 treatment combinations so 6 cells)

the average score of the

Cell Mean

participants in a single cell (e.g.,

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

the average of all participants

Marginal mean

on one level/condition of the independent variable, ignoring the other independent variable conditions. (e.g., Mean A1)

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When _________________ refer to

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Using animals as subjects

"Care and Use of Laboratory Animals".

When ________________, to be tested,

Using child participants

it is necessary to obtain parents' or guardians' consent and have permission letters signed by them. When ___________________, an oral agreement (assent) must be made with child.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

The _____________________ to be used

Number of participants

in a study is related to the design of the study, 1. the variability of the data, and 2. the power of the statistical tests.

Just large enough

In the phase of _________________,

Data collection

participants' responses cannot be corrected and the procedures cannot be changed. The primary principle in __________ is to adhere as closely as possible to the procedure that has been laid out.

____________________________, the

Purpose of debriefing after data collection

experimenter should conduct a post-experimental interview (or debriefing session) with the participants. -Carries and conveys an ethical function -Carries and conveys an educational function -Carries and conveys a methodological function

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

__________________ is when you


debrief the participants about any deception that was used in the experiment.

____________________ is when you


eliminate any undesirable influence that the experiment may have had on the participants

1.) Questionnaire approach

Two basic approaches used in a debriefing session

2.) Face-to-face interview

_____________ involve procedures

Descriptive Stats

for organizing, summarizing, and describing quantitative data.

______________ include methods for

Inferential Stats

making _________ about a large group of individuals on the basis of data collected on a much smaller group.

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A ______________ is a large group of

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PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

A _______________ is a smaller set of


participants drawn from the population.

A ____________________ is a

Treatment population

hypothetical subgroup of individuals in the population who would be tested under a particular ___________ condition if we had a chance to test the entire population.

________________ are summary


quantities calculated from the data of a sample.

_______________ are measures


calculated from all observations of a population, assuming that we are able to measure all individuals in the population.

________________________ from a

Stats based on data

sample(mean) are used to estimate the corresponding parameters in the population(mean).

The influence or the effect of an

What is meant by a main effect?

Independent Variable on the Dependent Variable.

PSYCH 311 : Intro to Experimental Psychology - FINAL CSUSB

"The main effect of A on the

What are the main effects?

Dependent Variable, the main effect of B on the Dependent Variable."

The ____________________ is the effect

What is meant by a simple main effect?

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