Psych Extra credit PDF

Title Psych Extra credit
Author Arielle S
Course Life-Span Psychology: From Infancy to Old Age
Institution Los Angeles Pierce College
Pages 3
File Size 45.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 95
Total Views 190


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1. 2. 3. 4.

Chapt er Onwhatpagei nt het ext booki st heWhat ’ sYourVi ew?mat er i al ? Li s tal l t heWhat ’ sYourVi ew?Ques t i ons. St at eyourr es ponsest ot heWhat ’ sYourVi ew?Quest i ons.

1. Chapter 1 2. Page 13- Children of Immigrant Families- Window on the world, What’s your view? 3. Are you (or any members of your family) immigrants or children of immigrants? If so, what factors helped or hindered your (or their) adjustment to life in the United States? How do you imagine life may be different for children of immigrants 40 years from now? 4. My parents both immigrated from Israel to the United States. Things that helped my parents with their adjustment to living in the United States included their friends. They had friends who offered them jobs to get them on their feet and shortly after they started becoming successful, they had my siblings and I. Also, back then, homes were much cheaper, and life was much more sustainable. Imagining how life will be different for children of immigrants 40 years from now is a bit hard. I’d see them as having a harder time living a sustainable life here due to all the expenses rising and many people in the U.S. opposing immigrants.

1. Chapter 2 2. Page 41- Purposes of cross-cultural research- Window on the world, What’s your view? 3. Can you think of a situation in which you made an incorrect assumption about a person because you were unfamiliar with his or her cultural background? 4. I definitely have been in a situation where I made an incorrect assumption about a person because I was unfamiliar with his cultural background. I have a family friend named Ariel and this was the first time I met him, I didn’t know what his parents looked like and so based on his looks, with his narrow eyes and bigger lips, I automatically assumed his background was from Asia, but I came to find out his dad is Mexican and his mom is White!

1. Chapter 3 2. Page 61- Genetic Testing- Research in action, What’s your view? 3. Would you want to know that you had a gene predisposing you to lung cancer? To Alzheimer’s disease? Would you want your children to be tested for these genes? 4. I personally would like to know if I had a gene predisposing me to any type of cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. I think it is important to know what we may face on later in life. I would definitely want my children to be tested for those genes to know if I should prepare for anything in the near or far future. As I said before, it is important to know these crucial things because what if there’s a trial that may be able to stop these diseases from consuming you.

1. Chapter 4 2. Page 113- The Autism “Epidemic”- Research in action, What’s your view? 3. Have you ever known anyone with autism? If so, in what ways did that person’s behavior seem unusual? 4. I have encountered many people with autism. In fact, I have had a couple friends who have been on the spectrum. Things that stuck out to me in their behavior that seemed a little unusual was their social skills. They tend to be a little more socially awkward, not always knowing what to do with themselves in situations. Another behavior that stuck out is them always seeking for approval. Although all of us do that, we tend to do it more discreetly, while others may be either too vocal about it, making it too indiscreet.

1. Chapter 5 2. Page 142- Do infants and toddlers watch too much television? - research in action, What’s your view? 3. At what age would you let a baby watch television or a videotape or a computer game, and what restrictions, if any, would you place on such activities? 4. I would only start letting my baby watch TV at 2 years old, starting with 30 minutes a day with educational baby shows. I wouldn’t let my child play a videogame until they were at least 5 or 6, limiting their time to 30 minutes and gradually building on that.

1. Chapter 6 2. Page 181- Are struggles with toddlers necessary? - Window on the world, What’s your view? 3. From your experience or observation of toddlers, which of the two ways of handling sibling conflict would you expect to be more effective? 4. Being a triplet and having a little brother means sibling conflict. I think that when children are given a privileged position until three and after that they are expected to willingly cooperate with social expectations is the better one of the two ways of handling sibling conflict. It is important for the older child to understand that they’re not the only child and that their cooperation is very helpful.

1. Chapter 7 2. Page 205- Surviving the first 5 years of life- Window on the world, What’s your view? 3. What might be done to produce more rapid and more evenly distributed improvements in child mortality throughout the world? 4. In order create more rapid improvements in child mortality, we could vaccinate kids against diseases like pneumonia and malaria. Another good way to prevent children from contracting these are to keep them nourished so that they have a stronger immune system as well as keep them away from people who are sick or battling a disease.

1. Chapter 8

2. Page 243- Does play have an evolutionary basis? 3. From your observations of children’s play, what immediate and long-range purposes does it appear to serve? 4. From my observations, children’s play serves as a good way to help them gain social skills as well as creativity....

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