Psychology 104 notes PDF

Title Psychology 104 notes
Course Introductory Psychology I
Institution MacEwan University
Pages 34
File Size 335.5 KB
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Psych 104 with Sean Rogers ...


Sat ur day ,May1,y

Psychol ogyNot es Chapter One: Scientific Thinking

-Psychol ogy :t hesc i ent i fi cs t udyoft hemi nd,br ai n,andbehav i our -Sci ent i fi cst udy :weuses ci ent i fi cmet hodst odi sc ov ernewt hi ngsandt or ev i sewhat wet hi nkweal r eadyk now t i pl esci ent i ficmet hods;al loft hem i nv ol v egat her i ngev i denceandan•t her ear emul hatev i dencei nas y s t emat i cway al yz i ngt

•t hegoali st obeasobj ec t i v eandunbi as edaspossi bl e -TheMi nd:anabst r actc onceptt hati ncl udest hi nki ng,s ensi ng,per cei vi ng,pl anni ng, or gani z i ng,r emember i ng,f eel i ng,anddoi ng

•t hemi ndi swhaty ourbr ai ndoes •wecanonl yseeormeas ur et heout putoft hemi ndort hecor r el at esoft hemi nd -TheBr ai n:madeofmi l l i onsofneur onsandconnect i onsbet weenneur onsaswel las ot hercel l s ar i et yofc hemi cal st hataffecti t sf unct i oni ng •al s oi nc l udesav

-Behavi our :c anbesi mpl e( fi r i ngofas i ngl eneut r on,bl i nki ngwhens omet hi ngi snear y ourey e)orcompl ex( r ai s i ngaf ami l y )

•somebehavi our sar eobvi ous;wal ki ngt oschool •somear et ought oobs er v e;dr eamsandsecr et s -Level sofAnal y s i s :l owerl ev el st i edc l osel yt obi ol ogi c ali nfluencesandhi gherl ev el s t i edt os oci ali nfluences

•Lowl ev el sofanal y s i s:t ypi cal l yr ef ert obi ol ogi calquest i onsorex pl anat i ons •Psychol ogi call ev elofanal y si s :“ whatar emyper cept i ons ?”


Sat ur day ,May1,y

•Hi gherl ev el sofanal y s i s:west ar tt hi nki ngaboutot herpeopl e;t hes oci alandcul t ur all ev elofanal y s i s

-Nat ur eNur t ur eDebat e:bi ol ogi c al / genet i cex pl anat i onsf orbehav i our sv sex per i ence andupbr i ngi ng

•t hedebat ei sn’ tr eal l yadebat eanymor e;notal otofps y chol ogi s t sev ersayi t sal lof oneandnoneoft heot her ,butt hatt her e' sani nt er act i onbet weent het wo

-Theor y :anov er ar c hi ngex pl anat i onf orsomet hi ng;basedonl ot sofr esear chev i dencebyl ot sofdi ffer entpeopl e

•hel psust ounder st andt hebi ggerpi ct ur e •basedont her esul t sofal otofhy pot hesi st es t i ng -Hypot hesi s:av er ys peci ficst at ement ;i t sapr edi ct i onaboutt heout comeofaspeci fic s i t uat i on

•t heycanbet est ed;goali st opr ovi deev i dencet hatal l owsust os t r engt hent heor i es orr ej ectt hem *Sc i encei sempi r i cal =gety ourev i dencet hr oughobs er v at i on

-Confir mat i onbi as :t endencyt oseekoutev i dencet hats uppor t sy ourhypot hes i sand denyevi dencet hatcont r adi ct si t

-Bel i efper sev er ance:t endenc yt ost i ckt oouri ni t i albel i ef sev enwhenevi denc econt r adi ct st hem ence:setofcl ai mst hatseem sci ent i ficbutar en' t -Pseudosci

-Adhoci mmuni z i nghypot hesi s:l oophol et hatdef ender sofat heor yus et opr ot ect t hei rt heor yf r om f al si ficat i on

-Pr i nc i pl esofSci ent i ficThi nki ng: i ngoutr i v alhy pot hesi s :hav ei mpor t antal t er nat eex pl anat i onsf ort hefi ndi ngs •1.Rul beenex cl uded? r el at i onv scausat i on:canwebesur et hatacausesb? •2.Cor


Sat ur day ,May1,y

•3.Fal si fi abi l i t y :cant hecl ai m bedi spr ov ed? •4.Repl i cabi l i t y :c ant her esul t sbedupl i cat edi not hers t udi es ? •5.Ext r aor di nar ycl ai ms :i st heevi denceass t r ongast hecl ai m? •6.Occam’ sr az or :doesas i mpl erexpl anat i onfitt hedat aj us taswel l ?

Chapter Two: Research Methods

-Whyr es ear chdesi gnmat t er s ? l i t at edCommuni cat i on:ai deswer esur ef aci l i t at edcommuni cat edwor k edand •Faci t hei rnai v er eal i s ml edt hem t os eec hi l dr en’ sabuseal l egat i ons“ wi t ht hei rown ey es ”andt hei rconfi r mat i onbi asc r eat edasel f f ul fil l i ngpr ophecy

•Pr ef r ont alLobot omy :f orsev er aldecadesment alheal t hpr of essi onal swer econv i ncedt hatapr ef r ont all obot omywasaneffect i v epr ocedur ef orschi z ophr eni aand whenr es ear chands t udi eswer eper f or medr esear c her sf oundi tt obeus el ess * Sc i ent i fict hi nki ngr equi r est heuseofsci ent i fi cr esear chmet hods

-Oper at i onaldefi ni t i on:i dent i fiesoneormor especi fi c,obser v abl eev ent sorcondi t i ons s ucht hatanyot herr esear chercani ndependent l ymeas ur eandort es tf ort hem

•awor k i ngdefini t i onofwhatar esear cheri smeasur i ng •al l owssci ent i st st or epl i cat er esear c handt ocompar er es ul t s ,k nowi ngt hatev er yonemeanst hesamet hi ngwhent heyuseapar t i cul art er m udi es:r es ear chdes i gnt hatex ami nesoneper sonoras mal lnumberofpeo-CaseSt pl ei ndept h,of t enov eranex t endedper i odoft i me ef er st oaper sonoras mal lgr oup( f ami l yorwor kpl ace) •acase:r

•youmi ghtdoasi ngl ei nt er vi eworf ol l owt hesameper sonf ory ear s;acaseusual l y knowst hey ’ r ebei ngst udi ed


Sat ur day ,May1,y s:abi l i t yt os t udysomet hi ngr ar eorunus ual ,canuset heex i st enceoft he •Benefit caset ogener at eahypot hes i sort r youti deas

•Cons:notusef ulf ordet er mi ni ngcauseandeffectr el at i onshi psorr ul i ngoutal t er nat i v eex pl anat i ons

-Nat ur al i s t i cObser v at i on:wat chi ngbehavi ouri nr ealwor l ds et t i ngswi t houtt r yi ngt o mani pul at et hesi t uat i on v eandr ecor dbehav i ourwi t houti nt er f er i ng;y ou’ dfi ndas potwher ey oucoul d •obser obser v eandr ecor dbehav i ourwi t houtaffect i ngt hebehavi ouroft hosey ou’ r e wat c hi ng

•youhavet ohav eas y s t em ( codi ng)t hatal l owsy out obeconsi st entabuthowy ou l earcodi ngs y s t em hel pst oav oi ds omebi ases mak ey ournot es;c

•Benefit s :s i ncepeopl ear eunawar et heyt endt obehav ei nagenui nemanner ;y ou av oi dsomeoft hepr obl emsass oci at edwi t hl abor at or yex per i ment s

•Cons:can’ tgener al i z ebey ondt hecont ext( speci ficbehavi our si ns peci ficcont ex t s) ; r esul t smi ghtnotber epr esent at i v eofent i r egr oupofs t udy

-Sel f Repor tandSur v ey s: •al ar ge,r andom,sampl eofpeopl et oans weral l oft hesamequest i onsandt hen uset hos eans wer st ol ookf orcor r el at i onandot hert hemes

•Demogr aphi cQuest i ons:r ef er st ot hest r uct ur eofapopul at i on -I e)age,s ex ,i ncome,nat i onal i t y ,r el i gi on,cul t ur e •Psychomet r i cQues t i ons:r ef er st oameasur ementoft hemi nd -I e)y ourknowl edge,pr ef er ences,moods ,ski l l s,bi as es ,andot hert hi ngsy out hi nk orf eel s :r el at i v el yi nex pens i v eandeas yt oi mpl ement ,y oucanmak ecompar i sons •Benefit acr os sst udi es eof t enaskquest i onsi nabi asedway ;don’ tt ak et hes ur v eyser i ousl y •Cons:peopl s ot heydon’ tt hi nkaboutt hei ranswer sort heyl i eandans weri nawayt hatmak es t hem f eel good,canal sobedi ffic ul tt ogetat r ul yr andom s ampl e 4

Sat ur day ,May1,y

-Val i di t y :t het estmeasur eswhati tcl ai mst omeasur e -Rel i abi l i t y :t het estgi v escons i st entr esul t seacht i me -Test Ret es tRel i abi l i t y :y ouwoul dgett hesamescor ei fy oudi dt het estt odayand agai ni namont h

-Cor r el at i onalv sExper i ment alDesi gns: •whatwecan’ tdowi t ht heabov es t udi esi smak est at ement saboutcaus eandef f ect ;cor r el at i oni snotcausat i on r el at i ondesi gnsar eonesi nwhi chwemeasur eanumberofv ar i abl esandt hen •Cor l ookf orr el at i onshi psamongt hosev ar i abl es;gener al l yr el at edt ocor r el at i onal s t at i st i c

•Exper i ment aldesi gnsar eonesi nwhi c hwemani pul at eani ndependentv ar i abl ei n or dert oseei fi thasaneffectonadependentv ar i abl e;al sohav er andom as si gnment st ogr oups

•bi ggestdi ffer enc ebet weenacor r el at i onalst udyandanex per i ment alst udyi st he amountofcont r olt hatt her esear c herhasov erwhatt hepar t i ci pant sex per i ence

-Exper i ment alDes i gns: •af ai r l yl ar ges ampl eofpeopl et hati sr epr esent at i v eoft hepopul at i on •r andoml yassi gnpeopl et obeei t heri nt hecont r olgr oup( wher ey oudonot hi ng)or i nt heex per i ment al gr oup( changeav ar i abl e)

•i fy ous eeanydi ffer encesasar es ul tofy ourmani pul at i ont heny ouknowt hatt he mani pul at i oni swhatcausedt hechange

•becauseexper i ment sal l owt her esear c hert ocont r olt hei ndependentv ar i abl ei tal ncor r el at i onal st udl owsust osayt hei ndependentv ar i abl ec ausescer t ai neffect s;i i esy oudon’ tknowwhi chwayt hecausat i ongoesorwhet hert her ei sanot herv ar i abl et oexpl ai ni t

-Et hi csi nResear c h:


Sat ur day ,May1,y

•t her ear ef eder alagenci est hatpr ovi demoneyf orr esear chandal sopr ovi deet hi cal gui del i nesf orhowr esear c hmustbedone

•t heet hi csboar dev al uat esst udi esbef or et heyar eal l owedt obegi n;f orr es ear ch wi t hhumansandwi t hani mal sandr esear cht hati sdonel ooki ngatar chi v es / r ecor ds t hatar eabouthumans( medi calr ecor ds/ cour tdoc ument s) ePr i nc i pl esofEt hi calRes ear ch: •Cor

-1.Pr ot ect i ngt hes af et yofev er y onei nv ol v edt her es ear ch -2.Bei ngr espect f uloft hepar t i ci pant s -3.Ensur i ngt hatpeopl ear et r eat edf ai r l yandj ust l y •oneoft hemosti mpor t antpar t sofet hi calr esear chi st heconceptofi nf or medcons ent ;ev er yper sonwhoi sapar t i ci panti nr esear chi st ol dwhatt heycanexpectand i ft her ear eanyk nownr i sk sass oci at edwi t hbei ngi nt hatst udy

-St at i st i csandResear chI nt er pr et at i ons : •i t ’ si mpor t antt ousest at i st i calpr ocedur est oev al uat eourr es ul t s •Twot ypesofst at i s t i cswegener al l yr el yon: -1.Descr i pt i v est at i s t i cs -2.I nf er ent i alst at i s t i cs •Descr i pt i v est at i st i cs:onest hatweus et ounder st andt hepat t er nswi t hi nas ampl e -t het hr eemeasur esofcent r al t endencyar er eal l yi mpor t ant ;mean,medi an, mode

-Mean:t heav er age -Medi an:t hemi ddl escor ei nt hedi st r i but i on -Mode:t hemostcommonans wer -i nsomedi s t r i but i onst hoset hr eemeas ur esar ev er ysi mi l art ooneanot her ,buti n ot her st heycanbev er ydi ffer ent


Sat ur day ,May1,y ur eofv ar i abi l i t y;c oul d -anot heri mpor t antpar tofdescr i pt i v est at i s t i csi sameas beassi mpl east her angeorcompl exl i k et hes t andar ddevi at i on( al l owsy out o knowwhet heras cor ei s“ nor mal ”ornot )

-usedt oget hermeas ur esofcent r alt endencyandmeasur esofv ar i abi l i t yl ety ou knowwhaty ours ampl ei sl i k eandal l owsy out ocompar ei twi t hanot hersampl e

•I nf er ent i als t at i st i cs:usedt oseei ft her ear esi gni fi cants i mi l ar i t i esordi ffer ences amonggr oupsorv ar i abl es r el at i onst at i s t i c( r ) :t el l suswhet heronev ar i abl echangespr edi ct abl ywhen -Cor anot herv ar i abl ec hanges

-Posi t i v ecor r el at i on:asonev ar i abl ei nc r easessodoest heot herorasonedec r easessodoest heot her

-Negat i v ec or r el at i on:t hev ar i abl est r av eli ndi ffer entdi r ect i ons;asonei nc r eases t heot herdec r eases

-t hes t r engt hofacor r el at i oni si ndi cat edbyt henumberwhi chr angesf r om 1t o +1;t hec l osert henumberi st o1or1t hest r ongert her el at i ons hi p,cl osert he numberi st o0t heweak ert her el at i onshi p

-St at i st i cal l ysi gni ficant :qui t ec er t ai nt her esul t sdi dn’ thappenbyc hancebutt hat t her esul t sar eduet oar el at i onshi pamongt hev ar i abl es;nott hesameaspr act i calsi gni ficanc e

Chapter Three: Biological Psychology

-Fami l i alI nher i t ance:agenepass edonf r om onegener at i ont ot henex t -I e)adi s ease •wewantt ost udyt hecausesofv ar i ousdi sor der sort ounder st andwhysomepeopl ehav ebet t ers ki l l st hanot her s

•Behavi our algenet i cs :t hes t udyofgenet i candenvi r onment ali nfluencesonbehavi our s 7

Sat ur day ,May1,y

•wel ookats i mi l ar i t i esanddi ffer encesamongbi ol ogi calandadopt edf ami l i es ,t wi ns , andunr el at edpeopl et odet er mi newhet herat r ai tcanbepar t l yex pl ai nedbygenes

•Her i t abi l i t y :per cent ageoft hev ar i abi l i t yi nat r ai tacr ossi ndi vi dual st hati sduet o genes

-Evol v edI nher i t ance:t hec hangei nt hei nher i t edt r ai t sofapopul at i onofor gani sm t hr oughgener at i ons ype:ourgenet i cmak eup •Genot

•Phenot ype:ourobs er v abl et r ai t s •evol ut i onact songenesi ndi r ect l y ;i tact sdi r ect l yont hephenot y pe •si mi l ar i t i esanddi ffer encesbet weenspec i esar eal l i nt er est i ngandhel pusunder s t andeachspec i esbet t er ;i tal s ohel psusunder st andev ol ut i onabi tbet t ert oo

-Ner v ousSy s t em:compr i sedofal loft hener v esi ny ourbody -Cent r alNer v ousSy s t em ( CNS) :y ourbr ai nandspi nalcor d •Spi nalcor d:r el ay si nf or mat i ont ot hebr ai nf r om t heper i pher yandpl ay sapr i mar y r ol ei nsomer eflex es ssur r oundedbymembr anes( meni nges)t hatpr ot ectt heneur onsi nsi de;t he •CNSi t hi ck estoft hemeni ngesi scal l edt hedur amat er( “ st r ongmot her ” )

•i thol dst hecer ebr ospi nalflui di n oodbr ai nbar r i erpr ot ect st hebr ai n;fil t er smol ecul esbyt aki ngs omeoutandl et •Bl t i ngot her si n i pher alNer v ousSy st em ( PNS) : -Per

•di r ectconnect i onsex i stwi t hor gans,gl ands,musc l es,ski n,andot hersenses •wi t hi nt hePNSt her ei st hes omat i cner v ouss y s t em andt heaut onomi cner v ous s y s t em i cner v ouss y st em: •Somat


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-al l owsf orcont r olofmuscl es ,or gans,gl ands ,andpr ovi desi nf or mat i onf r om t hos ebodypar t sbackt ot hebr ai n onomi cner v ouss y st em: •Aut

-cont r ol sal lofouri nv ol unt ar ypr oces ses;k eepi ngy ourhear tbeat i ng,br eat hi ng, di ges t i ngf ood wodi v i si onsi nt heaut onomi cner v ouss y st em;par as ympat het i cf unc-t her ear et t i on&s ympat het i cf unct i on

-Par as ympat het i c :al lbasi cl i f esust ai ni ngs t uffwher et her ear enoemer genc i es •nor malbr eat hi ng,di ges t i on,r epai rf unc t i ons het i c:al l owsy out or espondt oi mmedi at epr ess ur esbydi v er t i ngener gy -Sympat t oar east hatneedi tmost

•i nsomecasesi t ’ sdanger s/ st r essor sorex c i t i ngt hi ngsl i k epar t i es -i ns i det heCNS,i ndi vi dualner v ecel l sar ecal l edneur ons -i ns i det hePNS,bundl esofneur onsar ecal l edner v es -t her ei scommuni cat i onwi t hi nt heCNS;par t soft hebr ai nt al kt oot herpar t soft he br ai n,f r om t heCNSoutt ot hePNS,wi t hi nt hePNS,f r om t hePNSbackt ot heCNS

-youal sogetf eedbackf r om t hemuscl esandj oi nt s -TheBr ai n:connect st ot hes pi neatt hebr ai nst em •Hi ndbr ai n:r egi onbel owt hemi dbr ai n -i nc l udest hecer ebel l um,pons,andmedul l a •Cer ebel l um:br ai nst r uct ur er esponsi bl ef oroursenseofbal ance •Pons:par toft hebr ai nst em t hatconnect st hecor t exwi t ht hecer ebel l um •Medul l a:par toft hebr ai nst em i nv ol v edi nbas i cf unct i ons;hear t beatandbr eat hi ng •Mi dbr ai n:par toft hebr ai ns t em t hatcont r i but est omov ement ,t r acki ngofv i sual s t i mul i ,andr eflex est r i gger edbys ound 9

Sat ur day ,May1,y

•Br ai ns t em:par toft hebr ai nbet weent hespi nalcor dandcer ebr alcor t ext hatcont ai nst hemi dbr ai n,ponsandmedul l a ebr ai n:f or war dpar toft hebr ai nt hatal l owsadv ancedi nt el l ect ual abi l i t i es •For

-i nc l udest hel i mbi cs y st em andt hecer ebr um mbi cSy st em:emot i onalcent r eoft hebr ai nt hatal s opl ay sr ol esi nsmel l ,mot i v a•Li t i on,andmemor y ebr al Cor t ex :out er mos tpar toft hef or ebr ai n;r esponsi bl ef oranal yz i ngsensor y •Cer pr ocessi ngandhi gherbr ai nf unct i ons

-hast wohemi spher est hatar edi vi deddownt hecent r ebutconnect edbyast r i pof connect i ons( cor puscal l os um)

-t het wos i descommuni cat eandbot hsi dessuppor tav ar i et yoff unct i ons pusCal l osum:at oughbandofner v est hatal l owt het wohemi spher est ocom•Cor muni cat ewi t honeanot her

•Fr ont alLobe:f or war dpar toft hecer ebr alcor t ex -cr i t i cal f orcompl ext hought s ,pl anni ng,ands or t i ngoutwhati nf or mat i oni si mpor t ant


Sat ur day ,May1,y

-al s oassoci at edwi t hmot orcont r ol ,l anguage,andspeec h ef r ont alCor t ex :par toff r ont al l ober espons i bl ef ort hi nki ng,pl anni ng,andl an•Pr guage

•Mot orCor t ex :par toft hef r ont all ober espons i bl ef orbodymov ement -ast r i pal ongeac hsi deatt hebackofy ourf r ont all obes •Br oca’ sar ea:l anguagear eai nt hepr ef r ont alcor t ex -associ at edwi t hs peech -mor edomi nantont hel ef themi spher e •Par i et alLobe:uppermi ddl epar toft hecer ebr alcor t exl y i ngbehi ndt hef r ont all obe t hati sspec i al i z edf ort ouchandper cept i on

-pr ocessesal ongofsensor yi nf or mat i on •Sensor yCor t ex :r egi onsoft hecer ebr alCor t ezt hati ni t i al l ypr oces sesi nf or mat i on f r om t hesenses alLobe:par toft het empor all obe;ass oci at edwi t hhear i ngandspeec hcom•Tempor pr ehensi on,aswel lasmusi cpr oces si ng

-al s oi mpor t antf ormemor yandspeci fict hi ngsl i k ef aci alr ecogni t i on ni ck e’ sar ea:l ocat edi nt hecor t exoft het empor al l obe •Wer

-ar eaf orspeechcompr ehens i on -mor edomi nantont hel ef themi spher e pi t al Lobe:backpar toft hecer ebr alcor t ext hati ni t i al l ypr ocessesi nf or mat i on •Occi f r om t hesenses

-pr i mar i l yi mpor t antf orv i s i on i a:st r uct ur esi nt hef or ebear st hathel pt ocont r olmov ement •Basalgangl


Sat ur day ,May1,y


Neur ons :a

s peci al i z edcel l t r ansmi t t i ngner v ei mpul s es

lbody( soma) :mat er i al sneededbyt heneur onar emadeher e •Cel

-wher et henucl eusoft hecel li s •Dendr i t es :por t i onofneur ont hatr ecei v ess i gnal s -r ecei v eneur ot r ansmi t t er sf r om ot herneur ons;t ak eneur onsf r om t hes y naps e •Synapse:t hegapbet weent heax ont er mi nalofoneneur onandt hedendr i t eoft he nex t t i onofneur ont hatsendss i gnal s •Axon:por

•AxonTer mi nal s:wher eneur ot r ans mi t t er sar est or edandgetr el easedwhenanact i onpot ent i alget st her e


Sat ur day ,May1,y i nSheat h:f at t ycoatt hati ns ul at est heax onsofsomener v ecel l s •Myel

-coat st heax onl i k ei nsul at i on -al l owst heel ect r i cal i mpul set ot r av elf ast erandmor eeffic i ent l y •Synapt i cVesi cl e:spher i cals accont ai ni ngneur ot r ansmi t t er s •Neur ot r ansmi t t er :chemi cal messenger sspeci al i z edf orcommuni cat i onf r om neur on t oneur on

•Synapt i cCl ef t :gapi nt owhi chneur ot r ans mi t t er sar er el eas edf r om t heax ont er mi nal i alcel l :cel li nner v ouss y s t em t hatpl ay sar ol ei nt hef or mat i onofmy el i nandt he •Gl bl oodbr ai nbar r i er i onPot ent i al s : -Act

•whent heneur onr eachesapar t i cul arel ect r i calchar gei tl eadst oacas cadeof el ect r i calchar gesf r om t hecel lbodyal l t hewayt ot heax ont er mi nal s

•neur onshav ear est i ngpot ent i al ( negat i v echar ge) ;mor enegat i v el ychar gedi ons i ns i det hecel lt hanout s i det hecel l i ngPot ent i al : •Rest

-t hi sst at eofr est i ngatanegat i v echar gei sr ef er r edt obei ngpol ar i z ed -whendendr i t est ak ei nneur ot r ansmi t t er sf r om as y napse,t heychanget hepot ent i aloft hecel l

•I nhi bi t or yneur ot r ans mi t t er s :mak est hecel lmor enegat i v el yc har ged;causi ngmor e negat i v ei onst omov ei n

•Exci t at or yne...

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