Psychosocial research - Investigación psicosocial - en ingles PDF

Title Psychosocial research - Investigación psicosocial - en ingles
Course Psicología
Institution Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego
Pages 22
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Psychosocial research - Investigación psicosocial - en ingles - Psychosocial research - Investigación psicosocial - en ingles - Psychosocial research - Investigación psicosocial - en ingles - Psychosocial research - Investigación psicosocial - en ingles...


FACULTY OF HUMAN MEDICINE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY PSYCHOSOCIAL RESEARCH WORK PLAN “Marijuana use in young people between 17 and 25 years old in the city of Chimbote in the urbanizations of Miraflores, La Libertad, Trapecio and Caleta "


Psychosocial Problems


Mg. July Chávez Lozada


2021 1

1) JUSTIFICATION The present work has the purpose of explaining the effects of marijuana consumption in the lives of young people between 17 and 25 years old; They wanted to investigate this psychosocial problem because we consider that it goes unnoticed nowadays, because today there are many facilities to acquire cannabis and there are also people who see it as normal for a young person to consume today; Through the use of quantitative and qualitative tests, data will be collected from young people from different districts of Peru and then the responses in the report will be interpreted, at the end of the work process, a conclusion will be reached as to why young people enter with much ease to the world of drugs.


Determine if young people aged between 17 and 25 in the city of Chimbote in the urbanizations of Miraflores, La Libertad, Trapecio and Caleta, consume marijuana, in order to develop a psychosocial intervention proposal.


Identify strategic allies and generate coalitions that favor the execution of the intervention.

Identify the factors involved that are reversed in youth drug use.

Identify the risk and protective factors that determine the behaviors of these young people.

Identify the risk behaviors that young people present when using marijuana.

Determine the level of frequency in which young people engage in behaviors associated with the use of marijuana.

Determine the percentage of young people who have used marijuana more times during the pandemic than in previous years.

3) METHODOLOGY 1) Quantitative Instruments: The survey application which was raised in two ways with dichotomous questions and frequency scale, The application was directed clearly to seventy-nine (79) young people who live in the urbanizations of Miraflores, La Libertad, Trapecio and Caleta and whose ages They are between 17 and 25 years old. 2) Quantitative Instruments: The Focus Group technique was considered, which was planned and developed with six (6) people, clarifying that none of them had participation in the quantitative instruments. The people who collaborated were:

• • • •

19-year-old student occupation, without commitments.

26-year-old worker occupation, without commitments. 26-year-old adult worker occupation, without commitments Young 18 year old student occupation, without commitments.


• •

23-year-old, hard-working occupation, without commitments. Young 20-year-old student occupation, without commitments.


1. ORIGIN OF MARIJUANA Cannabis is native to Central and South Asia There is evidence of inhalation of cannabis smoke dating back to the third millennium BC, as indicated by the charred cannabis seeds found inside a ritual brazier in an old cemetery in presentday Romania. Cannabis is also known to have been used by the ancient Hindus and Nihang Sikhs of India and Nepal for thousands of years. The grass was called

ganjika in Sanskritganja, in modern Indian languages). The ancient drug soma mentioned in the Vedas is sometimes associated with cannabis. The Assyrian people were also aware of cannabis and its psychoactive properties. Under the name of "qunubu " (name that probably gave rise to the later cannabis) used it within religious ceremonies. Cannabis was introduced to the Aryan people by the Scythians and Thracians / Dacians, whose shamans (called

kapnobatai, "Those who walk on smoke / clouds") burned flowers of the plant to induce trance states. In the northwest of China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, a leather basket filled with leaf fragments and cannabis seeds was found in 2003 next to a mummified shaman, some 2,500 to 2,800 years old. Cannabis sativa from Vienna Dioscurides

Cannabis have a long history in rituals religious all over the world. Archaeologists inPazyryk discovered hemp seeds that suggest ancient ceremonial practices such as the ingestion of these by the peoples written during the century V and II a. C., which confirms previous historical reports ofHerodotus. One writer has claimed that ancient Jews and Christians used cannabis as a religious sacrament, due to the similarity between the Hebrew word qannabbos ("cannabis ") and the phrase in HebrewBosem qené ("aromatic cane "), which was used by the Muslimsin various orders sufis since the period Mameluke as, for example, qalandars. A study published in the South

African Journal of Science revealed that "pipes unearthed from Shakespeare's house in Stratford-upon-Avon contained remains of


cannabis. "The chemical analysis was carried out after researchers hypothesized that the" well-known weed "(noted weed) mentioned in his Sonnet No. 76, and the "journey in my head" ( journey in my head) of Sonnet No. 27 could refer to cannabis and its use.

The use of cannabis began to be criminalized in several countries at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1911 it was banned in South Africa, in 1913 in Jamaica (then still an English colony), and in the 1920s, in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Canada made the use of marijuana illegal in its Opium and Drug Act of 1923, before any use of the plant was reported in that country. In 1925, at a conference in The Hague on the International Opium Convention, a commitment was made to prohibit the export of "Indian hemp" to countries that were prohibited from using it, and to require importing countries to issue certificates that approved the entry of said herbs, indicating that they were required "exclusively for medical or scientific purposes."

2. WHAT IS MARIJUANA? It is a gray-green mixture of dried, crushed leaves and flowers of the cannabis sativa, the hemp plant. It is one of the most used drugs in the world. There is a growing gap between the latest scientific discoveries about marijuana and the myths surrounding it. Some people believe that since it is legal in some places, it must be safe. But your body can't tell the difference between a legal drug and an illegal drug. You only know the effect the drug creates once you've taken it. Some people smoke marijuana in rolled cigarettes called joints; many use pipes, hookahs (sometimes called bongs), or marijuana cigars called blunts (which are usually made by cutting a cigar lengthwise and replacing all or part of the tobacco with marijuana). Scientists have discovered that the positive or negative feelings experienced by an individual after smoking marijuana are directly related to genetics. Environmental factors such as the availability of marijuana, expectations about its effect, the influence of friends and social contacts, and other factors are different even for identical twins. However, it was also found that the family environment has no determining influence on the effects of marijuana before the age of 18. The main psychoactive substance in marijuana, which is responsible for most of the effects Expectations about its effect, the influence of friends and social contacts, and other factors are different even for identical twins. However, it was also found that the family environment has no determining influence on the effects of marijuana before the age of 18. The main psychoactive substance in marijuana, which is responsible for most of the effects Expectations about its effect, the influence of friends and social contacts, and other factors are different even for identical twins. However, it was also found that the family environment has no determining influence on the effects of marijuana before the age of 18. The main psychoactive substance in marijuana, which is responsible for most of the effects


intoxicating people are looking for, is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This substance is found in the resin produced by the leaves and buds, mainly of the female cannabis plant. The plant also contains more than 500 chemicals, including more than 100 compounds that are chemically related to THC and are known as cannabinoids.

How addictive is marijuana? Marijuana use disorder turns into addiction when a person cannot stop using the drug, even though it interferes with many aspects of their life. Estimates of the number of people addicted to marijuana are controversial, in part because epidemiological studies of drug abuse often use dependence as a proxy for addiction, even though it is possible to be dependent without being addicted. Studies suggest that 9% of people who use marijuana will become dependent on the drug and the percentage increases to 17% in those who start using the drug in adolescence. A drug is addictive when it causes a compulsive and uncontrolled desire to seek and use despite adverse health and social effects. Marijuana meets these requirements. Annually, more than 120. 000 people seek treatment for their primary addiction to marijuana. Additionally, animal studies indicate that marijuana can cause physical dependence, and some people have reported symptoms associated with withdrawal.

3. RISKS OF THE USE OF MARIJUANA There are a number of factors that can put a person at greater risk for using and / or abusing marijuana. The following are some of the most common risk factors and causes:

Genetic factors: Over the years, a significant amount of research has been carried out, which has determined that there is a genetic predisposition to substance abuse problems. This is especially true for people who have a firstdegree relative with an addiction or substance abuse problem.

Physical factors: People who use and abuse marijuana can cause damage to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, which could lead to difficulties in maintaining coordination, lack of accurate perception of time, and disability 5

to preserve the memories. Additionally, if these receptors are damaged, it can affect a person's ability to make good decisions, which in turn could result in continued marijuana abuse.

Environmental factors: There are a number of different environmental factors that can cause a person to start using or abusing marijuana. For example, people who grew up in chaotic homes or those who were exposed to drug use at a young age are more likely to abuse substances.

Risk factor's: •

Family history of substance abuse or addiction Exposure to

marijuana use at a young age Peer / group pressure

• •

Lack of adequate skills to deal with problems Pre-

existence of one or more mental health disorders

Easy access to marijuana

The consequences that result from the use of marijuana largely depend on how long the person has been using this harmful substance. Studies done to evaluate long-term marijuana use have not yielded convincing results. However, it could be said that people who are dependent on marijuana are less motivated and less satisfied with their lives. The following are some additional effects that may occur as a result of long-term marijuana use:

Weakening of the immune system

Increased risk of developing lung infections

Upper respiratory infections Memory


Adverse effects on learning

Increased risk of developing depression, anxiety, or

schizophrenia Alcohol abuse

Cancer development

Poor academic performance

Participation in risky behavior or criminal activities 6

Interaction with law enforcement agencies


Difficulty to sleep

4. MEDICINAL USES OF MARIJUANA Marijuana is a controlled substance in the United States. Federal law prohibits its use for any reason. However, many states allow the medical use of marijuana to treat pain, nausea, and other symptoms. Medical marijuana (also called medical cannabis) is a term for derivatives of the Cannabis sativa plant that are used to relieve severe and chronic symptoms. When is medical marijuana considered appropriate?

Studies report that medical cannabis has potential benefits for several diseases. The laws of each state contemplate different diseases authorized for the treatment with medical marijuana. If you are considering marijuana for medical use, check your state regulations. Depending on the state, you may qualify for medical marijuana treatment if you meet certain requirements and have an eligibility condition, such as: •

Alzheimer's disease Amyotrophic

lateral sclerosis (ALS) HIV / AIDS

• •


Crohn's disease

Epilepsy and seizures


Multiple sclerosis and muscle spasms

Severe and chronic pain

Severe nausea

If you experience bothersome symptoms or side effects from medical treatment, especially pain and nausea, talk to your doctor about all the options you have.


you can try before marijuana. Doctors may consider medical marijuana if other treatments don't work. Is Medical Marijuana Safe? Additional studies are needed to answer this question, but possible side effects of medical marijuana may include the following: •

Increased heart rate Dizziness

• •

Impaired memory and concentration

Slower reaction times

Negative interaction with other medications

Increased risk of heart attack and stroke Increased


Potential for addiction

Cyclical vomiting syndrome

Hallucinations or mental illness

Withdrawal syndrome

What to expect: Medical marijuana comes in a variety of forms, including the following: •

Oil to vaporize


Topical applications

Oral solution

Dried leaves and buds

The places and ways to buy these substances vary depending on each state where the medicinal use of marijuana is allowed. Once you have the product, you use it when you need it. The frequency of use varies according to its form and the symptoms you have.

Relief from symptoms and side effects will also vary depending on the type you are using. The fastest effects occur with inhalation of the vaporized form. The slowest onset occurs with the pill form. 8

There are medical marijuana formulas that relieve symptoms without causing the effects of intoxication and mood swings associated with recreational use.

5. MARIJUANA DEPENDENCE Cannabis is the most widely used illegal drug in the world, if one considers the evolution of cannabis use during the last 50 years, it is observed that there was an increase in consumption until 1979.

The prevalences of use between the two sexes have changed over the years: cannabis was usually seen as a substance for use by men, although for about ten years, an increase in the prevalence of use has been detected between women, in such a way that the differences have narrowed greatly

Regarding the data on the prevalence of cannabis dependence, it is considered that between 7 and 10% of the subjects who have tried cannabis at some point in their lives when they start using in adolescence become daily users in the decade of 20-30 years and a third of them become, at least, weekly users, being able to present a picture of cannabis dependence throughout their life around 10% of users, increasing to one of each six when the onset is in adolescence. Basically, the ICD-10 describes cannabis dependence as a syndrome that consists of a set of physiological, behavioral and cognitive phenomena in which the use of cannabis prioritizes the individual's life over other more normalized behaviors. The cardinal symptom of this syndrome is the compulsive desire to consume. Other useful characteristics for the diagnosis are the rapid onset of consumption to avoid the withdrawal syndrome, the speed of its onset after the abandonment of consumption and that once consumption is restarted. In a recent literature review, Budney et al. (2007) have described a withdrawal syndrome characterized by the presence of 6 symptoms (anxiety and / or aggressiveness, irritability, decreased appetite, nervousness and / or anxiety, insomnia (including strange dreams) and restlessness).

Addiction is caused by the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) component in cannabis. THC is similar to some of the substances that neurons produce to communicate


with each other, causing THC to bind to receptors on neurons and severely disrupting brain function. It is possible to become both addicted and dependent on cannabis. Recreational users will begin to show addictive behavior, and after prolonged excessive consumption they will become dependent. As with other drugs, when the diagnosis of substance dependence is applied to cannabis, it carries elements of both addiction and physical dependence. However, cannabis is much less likely to cause addiction and dependence compared to other drugs, even those that are legal. As psychic effects we have that cannabis distorts perception, spoiling sensitivity, decreases memory and will, makes it difficult to think, learn and make decisions, produces anxiety and aggressiveness, altering the psychic balance. Cannabis creates psychic dependence reducing freedom while the affected person thinks the opposite is happening. Causes brain damage. Personal disorder increases and external appearance deteriorates. Psychotic breakouts are common among cannabis users.



Definition Conceptual

Definition Operational



Scales measurement


In Peru, the

Consume of


annual prevalence

Marijuana is the addictive drug of

of use of

higher consumption

marijuana has been

after tobacco

reported in about 0.7%, which is a prevalence very low compared to

and alcohol.1 It is very

from other countries

chemical substance

neighbors, like

what causes

Colombia, Bolivia


and Chile, where the

mental - and others

annual prevalence


of use of marijuana is 2.3,

Similar. Too

4.3 and 6.7%,


concentrates cannabis plant.

(Peruvian Magazine

(National Institute

of Medicine and

on Drug Abuse,

Public health, 2020)


Factors Risk

The ease with which you can

acquire marijuana.


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