Q AND A Multiple Choices Profed (Professional Education) PDF

Title Q AND A Multiple Choices Profed (Professional Education)
Author Jesriel Palmares Nimer
Course Speech and Theatre Art
Institution Notre Dame of Kidapawan College
Pages 11
File Size 96 KB
File Type PDF
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CHAPTER 1LESSON 11 on the elements of a profession given in this Lesson, can the taxi driver be considered a professional? — AnalysisA. No, because driving is not a college/university degree. B. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver. C. It depends on the technical and ethical compete...


CHAPTER 1 LESSON 1 1.Based on the elements of a profession given in this Lesson, can the taxi driver be considered a professional? — Analysis A. No, because driving is not a college/university degree. B. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver. C. It depends on the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver. D. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest 2.Which are elements of a profession like teaching? — Analysis I. Long years of professional education Il. Passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA III. Continuing Professional Development IV. Adherence to a Code of Ethics for the professional group A.1, 11 and 111 C. 1, 111 and IV B.11, 111 and IV D, 1, 11 and IV 1.In the Philippines there was no teacher preparation since the Spanish regime. Is the statement CORRECT? — Understanding A. No. C. There was but informal. B. Yes. D. There was and for men only. 2.Which is the first legal document that professionalized teaching in the Philippines? — Remembering A. RA. 7836 C. RA. 9192 B. PD 1006 D. RA 8981 3.Did teacher preparation in the Philippines begin with 4 years? —Remembering A. Yes. C, No. B. Yes, 4 years but informal D. No, it began with I year 1: Teaching is a vocation. What does this mean?— Understanding I. Teaching is a calling to serve. Il. Everyone is called to teach. Ill. The response to the call to teach is a must. A. I only C. 11 only B. 11 and 111 D. 1, 11 and 111

2. If teaching is considered as your mission, which applies / apply? — Understanding

I. You will be faithful to teaching no matter what. Il. You will teach for recognition of efforts.

Ill. You will be faithful to your mission and you want to succeed. A. 1, 11 and 111 C. 1 and 11 B. 11 and 111 D. 1 and 111

1.Which is/are TRUE of a professional? — Analysis A. Completed college/university degree B. Required of NC IV from TESDA C. Demonstrates solely ethical competence D. Abides by his personal Code of Ethics 2.Which statement is TRUE of society's demand from the professional teacher? — Analysis A. The professional teacher is concerned only with classroom teaching. B. Effective teaching is the primary duty of the professional teacher. C The professional teacher is not expected to lead in community affairs in order not to jeopardize her teaching. D. Because the professional teacher is expected to be highly enlightened, he is expected to campaign for the good candidate during election time. 3. The Filipino teacher is a professional. What is/are expected of her/ him? — Analysis I. Technically competent Il. Highly ethical and moral III. Has superior IQ IV. Popular among learners A. 1, 11 and III

B. 1 and 11

C. 1, 11 and IV

D. 1 and IV

l. Which teacher's personal trait is demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in his ways? — Understanding A. Fairness C. Passion B. Sense of Humor D. Motivation 2.Teacher A claims she cares for students? Which is/are a manifestation of genuine care? — Analysis I. Knows students Il. Creates a favorable learning atmosphere Ill. Maintains professional distance with students A. 1 and 111 C. 1 and 11 B. 11 and 111 D. 1, 11 and 111 Who is excluded in the definition of professional teacher in the Code of Ethics? – Remembering A. The School Division Superintendent B. The Librarian C. The Principal D. The Master Teacher

Private school teachers are also required of a professional license. Is this statement TRUE?

A. Yes, it is true B. No, it is false C. It depends on the kid of private school. D. It depends on the teachers’ years of teaching Which competence are professional teachers expected to demonstrate? I. Personal II. Professional III. Scientific IV. Psychological A. I and IV B. II and III

C. II and III D. I and II

1. Which statement on academic freedom is CORRECT? a. In search for truth, a professional teacher has the privilege to share the product of his research whether or not in support of the declared state policies. b. A teacher’s academic freedom is absolute. c. A teacher’s academic freedom is limited. d. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in tertiary level. 2. How, in the performance of her/his duty, can a professional teacher support the state? a. Campaign for the political administration b. Instill nationalism in learners c. Doctor research findings to favor the state. d. Use his position to influence learners to support his interest. 1. How can teacher be a facilitator of learning? a. By providing a conducive learning atmosphere b. By earning social recognition from the community c. By relating professionally with community officials d. By keeping community leaders informed of school development 2. Can a professional teacher take the initiative to organize community activity for community development? a. No, the professional teacher is confined only to the classroom. b. Yes, as a professional teacher he is a community leader. c. No, community development is the concern of government officials. d. Yes, provided he always involves the learners. 3. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and traditions? a. Reject local customs and traditions which are different from his. b. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements of given local customs and traditions. c. Disparage the community. d. Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions.

1. How is professionalism manifested when a parent complains to a teacher for her son s

failing grade? a. Blames the son for his failure. b. Inquires on what home is doing to help son cope with his failure. c. Explains the failure is due to learner’s indifferent attitude. d. Objectively shows how the failing grade came about and assures the parents that the son is given all the academic help he needs. 2. How should a professional teacher respond to unfair criticism raised by parents? a. Listen to the criticism but discourages it b. Reject the criticism outright c. Ignore the criticism d. Probe into the criticism and joins the parents afterwards 4. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers prohibit a teacher and student to fall in love with each other? A. Yes, because it is unprofessional. B. No, but the student should be transferred to another class. C. No, but the teacher shall exercise the utmost professional discretion to avoid preferential treatment of the learner. D. Yes, because the teacher will show favoritism. 5. What should be the first and foremost concern of the professional teacher? A. The interest and welfare of the learners B. The progress of the learners C. The social adjustment of the learners D. The happiness of the learners 6. Does the Code of Ethics for professional teachers allow teachers to accept remuneration for students which tutor teachers rightly deserve? A. Yes, they deserve the remuneration for the tutorial services. B. No, except for what is authorized for such services. C. Yes, provided pay is not excessive. D. No, they are professional teachers and so are expected to give tutorial services. 7. Students reported to you about a teacher who has made it a habit to collect money for quizzes that never were mimeographed or photocopied, the very reason for money collection. What is ethical for you to do? A. File a written complaint against the teacher with the students’ oral report as evidence. B. Talk to the teacher concerned and correct his unethical conduct. C. Advised the students to file a written complaint against the teacher. 8. The school was preparing for a national choral competition. What should be the response of the teaching community? A. Let the music teachers do the work since it is music-related. B. All teachers should cooperate with and support the Music teachers in whatever way. C. Teachers complained against by students should not be involved in preparation activities. D. Give passing grades to all students involved in the oral competition.

9. What is the professional obligation of one leaving a position?

A. Pass on organized records to a successor to carry on the work. B. Tender a Despedida party. C. Leave your clerk/secretary for your successor guidance. D. Erase all records; successor does not need them anyway. 10. Appointments, promotions, and transfer of professional teachers are done only on the basic of ________and in the_____. A. Merit-need-interest of the service B. Qualifications – years of service – interest of learners C. Seniority – academic degrees – interest of teachers D. Technical – professional competence – interest of the profession 11. It is professional to support a school’s policy even if you do not personally agree? A. No. B. Yes. C. Yes, if it is a policy for teachers. D. Yes, it depends on the kind of policy. 19. As a professional teacher, you shall manifest genuine _________ and ________ in teaching as a _____________ calling. A. Pride-enthusiasm-new B. Enthusiasm-pride-noble C. Enthusiasm-pride-good D. Genuineness-pride-mission To be nationally and internationally competitive, in which should teacher participate according to Article IV of the Code of Ethics? A. Continuing Professional Education B. Seminars C. Evaluate school courses D. Writing books 21. For a professional teacher to live with dignity all places at all times, which should be his/her principles of personal behavior? A. Self-respect and self- discipline B. Self-discipline, charity, and self-respect C. Charity and self-respect D. Sincerity and self-discipline 22. According to article XI of the Code of Ethics, who should serve as a guide of the professional teacher’s destiny and those of men of nations? A. Learners B. Almighty God C. School head D. Teaching philosophy

23. On what condition can a professional teacher engage in business? A. Income generation is legitimate B. Income generation is related to his/her work C. The business includes books and school supplies D. Adversely affects his/her work

24. Why is a teacher prohibited from direct business transactions involving textbooks and school supplies? A. Possibly exerting influence for his/her business interest B. Her/his main task is to teach not to engage in business C. To Avoid competition D. The Code of Ethics says so What is the maximum number of teaching hours for teachers? A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 Can a teacher go on a study leave for two years? A. Yes, provided given permit by the Secretary of Education B. No, for one year only C. Yes, with salary. D. It depends on the ranking of the teacher. 1. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has become borderless primarily due to: a. Advances in technology b. Use of English as a medium of teaching c. ASEAN integration d. Teacher exchange programs 2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about a professional teacher of the 21st century? a. The Filipino teacher abroad should know and understand the culture of the place of teaching. b. The glocal teacher is one who enhances knowledge and skills to address the global demands but has a strong affiliation to the local culture and traditions. c. Blending the knowledge, skills and values appropriate for the world but preserving those of one’s own country is the essence of glocalization. d. Disregard of cultural diversity and a focus on the 21st century skills is the ultimate goal of globalized education. 3. When Roland Robertson started to use the phrase “think local, act global” he meant that _________. a. Even if you will be teaching in your hometown, your competence is world class. b. You should limit your lessons only to local knowledge, values and aspirations. c. You should use examples in your lessons from foreign countries. d. You believe that the best examples are coming from abroad. 4. To which does global village refer? a. Other countries abroad b. All the countries including your own c. Include all the countries abroad d. Our ASEAN neighbor 5. Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher possess to become a glocal teacher? a. Cultural and historical rootedness and nationalism b. Economic excellence and materialism c. Inclusivity and self-preservation d. Borderless thinking and interconnectivity...

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