Quantitative regional contraction analysis of cineventriculography: Reporting, filing, and retrieval functions using a personal computer PDF20160331-28466-177MCR7

Title Quantitative regional contraction analysis of cineventriculography: Reporting, filing, and retrieval functions using a personal computer
Author Edoardo Verna
Pages 10
File Size 735.1 KB
File Type PDF20160331-28466-177MCR7
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Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 1850-59 (1989) Quantitative Regional Contraction Analysis of Cineventriculography: Reporting, Filing, and Retrieval Functions Using a Personal Computer Giorgio Bozzi, MD, Edoardo Verna, MD, Joan M. Skinner, RN, Mary-Lynn Dwyer, RN, and Mario Castelfranco,...


Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 1850-59 (1 989)zy C Quantitative Regional Contraction Analysis of Cineventriculography: Reporting, Filing, and Retrieval Functions Using a Personal Computer Giorgiozyxwvutsr KJIHGFE Bozzi, MD, Edoardo Verna, MD, Joan M. Skinner,RN, Mary-Lynn Dwyer, RN, and Mario Castelfranco, MD A new method for the semiobjective evaluation of left ventricular wall contractionis proposed that uses a percent reduction of areas. The calculation model uses orthogonal coordinates, an internal reference system, and the concept of nonuniform reduction of the cavity, with its obliteration at the apex. From a normal patient population (ten males, four females; aged45 zyxwvuts f 13 years), a "normal reference curve" of contraction was ob- tained. A second patient group(56 males, two females, aged 56 & 7 years) with defnite contraction abnormalities was then analyzed.A third group (eight males, one female, aged56 f 10years) was studied before and after nifedipine administration (1mg over2 min IV). Specifc algorithms compare individual patient contraction curves with the nor- mal reference curve and compute the score point system of contraction analysis. Data are automatically codifed and fled during introduction. This saves time and allows a rapid retrieval of data grouped under diferent coded features. These features include the location and type of wall contraction abnormalities. This method of reading ventriculo- grams has been shown to be in accordance with the diagnosis of experienced observers and can detect small contraction changes that are induced pharmacologically. The method is proposed as a valuable tool for semiobjective evaluation of left ventricle wall contraction and to facilitate data collection in multicenter collaborative studies. Key words: algorithm; cineangiography; diagnosis, computer-assisted INTRODUCTION zyxwvutsrq BA Contrast cineventriculography is used routinely for as- sessment of ventricular function in patients undergoing coronary angiography. Since the mid-I970s, a number of eforts have been made to achieve objective evaluation of ventricular angiograms quantitating ventricular wall mo- tion [l-91. To date, none of the proposed methods has gained widespread use, and most laboratories continue to use subjective evaluation methods to determine left ven- tricular function. The increasing number of diagnostic and interventional coronary procedures and the preva- lence of multicenter collaborative studies have increased our interest in an objective method for evaluation of ven- tricular function. Such a method, using a standard anal- ysis system, would supply accuracy and reproducibility and would facilitate data retrieval. A method that satisfes these requirements is described here. Using a personal computer (PC), end-diastolic and end-systolic ventricular silhouettes, and longitudinal axes (LA), an algorithm generates a curve of contraction. The user creates a reference curve of ventricular contrac- tion from a selected patient population known to have normal ventricular function. This curve is used for clin- ical comparison to score and evaluate quantitatively in- dividual patient regional wall contraction abnormalities. The automatic fling of the coded contraction curves al- lows rapid retrieval of the diagram representing wall con- traction and any related cases grouped by one or more angiographic features. MATERIAL AND METHODS An IBM-XT PC with 640 kbytes of random access memory (RAM) is used with the following adjuncts: an adapter of color/graphic control, a graphic tablet, and a graphic printer. A unique database structure has been developed previously using the B-trieve database engine From the Divisionof Cardiology, Ospedale"L. Sacco," Milan, Italy; the DivisionofCardiology, Ospedale Multizonale, Varese, Italy; and the Centro Cuore Columbus, Milan, Italy. Received December 28, 1988; revision accepted April 18, 1989. Address reprint requests to Giorgio Bozzi, MD, Divisione di Cardio- logia, Ospedale "L. Sacco," via G.B. Grassi 74, 20157 Milan, Italy. zy 01989Alan R. Liss, Inc....

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