Quiz 17 - Questions and Answers to the quiz PDF

Title Quiz 17 - Questions and Answers to the quiz
Course Introduction To Biochemistry
Institution University of Oklahoma
Pages 4
File Size 95.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 99
Total Views 144


Questions and Answers to the quiz...


Quest i on1 1/1pt s Pl ant scanfixcar bonandni t r ogen. Fal se. YouAnswer ed Tr ue.

Quest i on2 1/1pt s I nosi nat ei sapyr i mi di net hatcanul t i mat el ybeconver t edt oadenyl at eandguanyl at e Fal se. YouAnswer ed Tr ue.

Quest i on3 1/1pt s Aspar t at ei st hesecondni t r ogendonorf orur eacy cl e? Cor r ect ! Tr ue.

Fal se

Quest i on4 1/1pt s I nbet aadr i ner gi csi gnal t r ansduct i on,adenyl at ec ycl asecat al yz est hef or mat i onof phosphor yl at i onoft hecyt osol i cdomai nof7TM

hydr ol yz esGTPt oGDP. Cor r ect ! cAMPf r om ATP.

Quest i on5 1/1pt s Thei ncr easei ncal ci um i onconcent r at i oni nt hecyt osolofbet acel l scausesi nsul i n secr et i on. YouAnswer ed Fal se.

Tr ue.

Quest i on6 1/1pt s I nbet aoxi dat i on,anFADH2mol ecul ei sl ostwi t hev er ydoubl ebond. Cor r ect ! Tr ue.

Fal se.

Quest i on7 1/1pt s Bet aoxi dat i onpr oduceswat ert hr ought hepr oduct i onofNADHandFADH2.Bot h ul t i mat el ydonat et hei rel ect r onst or educeoxy gent owat er . Cor r ect ! Tr ue.

Fal se.

Quest i on8 1/1pt s El ect r onsext r act edf r om desat ur at i ngf at t yaci dsar eusedt ogener at eATP. Cor r ect ! Fal se.

Tr ue.

Quest i on9 1/1pt s Di acyl gl ycer olac yl t r ansf er asecat al yz est he s ynt hesi sofDAG ;asecondar ymessenger . Cor r ect ! l astst epoft hesy nt hesi st r i gl ycer ol .

fir stst epi nbet aoxi dat i on.

fir stst epi npyr oxi somalf at t yaci doxi dat i on.

Quest i on10 1/1pt s I nhi bi t i onoft heHMGCoAs ynt hasecanhel pr educechol est er olconcent r at i oni nt he bl ood. Tr ue. Cor r ect !

Fal se.

Quest i on11 1/1pt s Thel i k el yr easonext r emeaci di cpHenvi r onmentoft hest omachi sopt i malf orpr ot ei n di gest i onsi sdenat ur i ngpr ot ei nsandhenceexposi ngpept i debondsf ordi gest i on. Fal se Cor r ect ! Tr ue....

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