Quiz 2 - This helps describe the quiz of the class. PDF

Title Quiz 2 - This helps describe the quiz of the class.
Course Business Prof Responsibility
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 18
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This helps describe the quiz of the class....


True/False: Julia had a much better overall experience working with her study group as opposed to her case competition team. True or False: During Amy Edmondson's study on nurse wards and mistakes, she found that nurse wards with stronger cohesion and team spirit had less mistakes. True or False: During Edmonson’s study at the Boston hospitals she found that the orthopedic ward reported 1 error every 3 weeks and the cardiac ward reported an error every other day due to the culture each team established. True or False: There is strong evidence that group norms play a critical role in shaping the emotional experience of participating in a team. True or False: In chapter 2, Google was able to find patterns in the data of their employees who worked in teams about what kind of personality types, skills, and backgrounds worked best with each other in team settings. True or False: Psychological Safety is a shared belief held by members of a team that the group is a safe place for taking risks. True or False: Research has shown that most good norms in team behavior share one thing in common: they encourage people to take chances. True or False: The most effective norms that Googleʼs surveys said were allowing others to fail without repercussions, respecting divergent opinions, feeling free to question othersʼ choices but also trusting that people arenʼ t trying to undermine you were all aspects of feeling psychologically safe at work. True or False: psychological safety is the belief that a group of team is a safe space for taking risks without being judged or embarrassed. True or False: Those who work in a supportive and enthusiastic group tend to be more successful than those who work in a competitive group setting

True or false: Self-affirmation has been shown to improve the grades of African Americans in high school and college but not the grades of White people. True or false: Working in an enthusiastic, supportive group will lead to more beneficial and productivity of work rather than those working in a competitive group setting. TRUE/ FALSE: The subject line within emails shouldn't always be as concise as possible. True or False: working in a competitive group setting is beneficial as it will foster better ideas and will lead to greater productivity as opposed to working in a more sensitive group True or False: Google found that employees who worked in teams with vastly different personality types, skills, and backgrounds worked best together. True/ False: According to the 2008 study done at Carnegie Mellon on individual IQ and team success, individual intelligence didnʼ t correlate with team performance.

True or False: Self affirmation helps people focus on their important qualities, but it increases anxiety and stress. True or False: Self affirmation allows for many benefits such as lower stress and anxiety, and threats to our sense of self True/False: Teams are always more effective when its members have similar levels of introversion and extroversion

___________ is the ability to feel free from judgment in a team and show one's true self. It is the most important quality a team can have to ensure success. psychological safety Group norms are collective norms of appropriate ________. behaviors _______ ______ play a critical role in constructing the emotional experience of team participation, as shown by strong evidence from studies. Group norms What are two norms that are important for a team to work effectively and why do they matter? Two norms include the fact that teams need to believe their work is important as well as psychological safety. If team members do not feel their thoughts and ideas are being heard and appreciated or if their work is not meaningful, the team is more likely to be unsuccessful. Is it better to join a team that is more professional and serious-minded, or is it better to join a team that is more free-flowing and more informal than professional? Why? The better choice is to be a part of the team that is informal and free-flowing. This is because a serious-minded team will act like individuals when they should acting like a team. However, the informal kind of team will allow everyone to speak their minds and not create a hostile environment like the first team would. You have just been placed on a new team in your business class. You will be working with this team all semester and want to develop a healthy atmosphere and relationships with your teammates. What kind of group norms should you seek to develop? There are five key group norms that one should try and develop in order to help foster a healthy working atmosphere. First, people need to believe that their work is important. Second, everyone needs to feel like their work is personally meaningful. Everyone needs clear goals and defined roles. People need to know they can depend on each other, and lastly the group needs to create a psychological safety net. With these norms in place, people will be able to stay motivated and share their ideas in order to adapt to the situation.

How can personal identifiers be both the source of pride and pain? Personal identifiers, such as race, gender, age, religion, and other specific categories can be praised in certain situations, but can also be used against you or criticized. For example, you can be very proud to be the only woman in the room when presenting at an important business meeting that you worked very hard on. On the flip side, you could be criticized or more heavily questioned because you are the only female working on the presentation, which could cause discomfort or pain. Why did Julia adapt to the second group much better than the first group? As she got to know her group, she was able to develop a psychological safety, making her comfortable to voice her opinion in her group without having the insecurities to say them. Why is psychological safety the most important norm for an effective team? Psychological safety is the most important norm for an effective team because it creates a climate full of respect and comfort that allows each team member to feel like their group is a safe place to share their ideas and take risks. By encouraging an atmosphere where team members can take risks and pitch innovative ideas without fear of repercussions, teams can effectively communicate and complete their work with success and happiness. How does psychological safety encourage higher productivity? Psychological safety is shared belief, held by members of a team, that the group is a safe place for taking risks.” It is “a sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish someone for speaking up. This helps team build interpersonal trust and mutual respect in which people are comfortable being themselves. It also creates a sense of togetherness while encouraging people to take a chance. What are two behaviors that good teams demonstrate? Why are these behaviors effective in creating a positive team environment? (2008 study by Carnegie Mellon and MIT) The first behavior that the researchers discovered was that all the team members in the successful teams spoke for roughly the same amount of time in aggregate. The second behavior that researchers discovered was that the team members had a high social sensitivity (being able to read emotions through voice and facial expressions). These behaviors make up the term psychological safety. This occurs when team members feel like they are being heard and that they feel safe to take risks. Teams with psychological safety are able to share their ideas and have open conversation about disagreements without worry. Establishing psychological safety is the key to a positive team environment. Why should emails be short and concise? People will delete long emails, and the point of email is to communicate effectively, so having emails that aren't short or concise will mean that the usefulness of the email is squandered. What are some things you can do to be more open with people and less judgemental? You can work with a lot of different people to learn various perspectives to see how people who are differerent then you view the world and why they view the world different so that you can become more tolerant and open minded with others.

What will Julia's case competition team do when a new case arrives? The team would gather in the library and dive into action, spending hours brainstorming options, assigning research duties, and divvying up writing assignments. Then they would meet again and again and again. What are norms? Norms are the traditions, behavioral standards, and unwritten rules that govern how we function. What was the difference between Google's Project Oxygen and Project Aristotle? Project Oxygen looked at leadership and its relation to effective management. Project Aristotle focused on team dynamic and what made teams more effective. What did the research suggest plays a large role in the success of a team and why? Group norms were seen as a critical role in shaping the experience of participating in a team. The reason is because each group comes together with many different backgrounds, however, the ability for that group to come together and create a foundation they all agree with either made or broke their team. What do team leaders at Google do to make sure everyone feels like they have control? They make a list of people in the meeting and they mark next to someones name when they make a comment. They will then end the meeting when the spread is about equal. What is "Project Oxygen"? "Project Oxygen" is a study done by Google that looked at why some managers are more effective than others. Google's People Analytics' group concluded there were eight critical management skills that managers needed to have in order to be successful and effective.

How should you select your group members if you are the leader? A. High-achieving professionals B. Complementary personalities C. Common Interest D. Doesn't matter as long as you can ensure everyone is free and safe to express their own ideas, "psychological safety" What norms matter in order for a team to be effective? a. Being friends b. Individual intellignce c. Personality traits d. All of these matter for a team to be effective e. None of the above matter for a team to be effective What is the definition of a norm? a. a change in the beliefs or rules b. a new and adopted set of beliefs that governs society c. traditions, behavioral standards, and unwritten rules that govern how we function d. a written set of societal rules that governs how we rule as a nation "People Analytics had determined that Google needed to interview a job applicant only _______ times to predict with 86% confidence, if they would be a good hire." a. two b. three c. four d. five e. six What is psychological safety? a. Feeling safe based on your own actions and decisions b. Believing that you are safe in your home c. The belief that your group/team is a safe space for taking risks without being judged or embarrassed d. it. creates a team climate that is not desirable for the members

Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Key Norms according to Laszlo Bock: a. Teams need to believe that their work is important b. Teams need to feel their work is personally meaningful c. Teams need to talk about their personal life and gossip in the workplace d. Teams need clear goals and defined roles e. Teams need psychological safety

How did the original team of SNL become such a productive and effective team? a. They all spent a lot of time together b. A strong sense of unity from shared history c. Psychological safety d. Lorne Michaels choosing each team member to bring different types of comedy to the table

The People Analytic's group, part of Google's human resources division, helped examine which of the following of it's employees: A. Whether employees were satisfied with their bosses and co-workers B. Whether employees felt intellectually challenged and fairly paid C. Whether employees' work-life balance was actually balanced D. All of the above

One of the most important factors in determining the emotional experience for a group is: A. The intellectual capability of the group's members B. The group norms established by the group C. The number of hours that the group spent working together and separately D. The level of focus that the group would put into a single idea

Which of the following does self-affirmation do?

A) adds stress levels to our daily lives B) gives people complete control over their lives C) helps people focus on the qualities that make us who we are D) makes us feel uncomfortable being around too many people who are different from us

What did the section about Saturday Night Live in Smarter Faster Better teach us? A) It taught us open communication and criticism is good in the workplace, but it can also lead to some issues B) It taught us that open communication and criticism is toxic and needs to be restricted C) It taught us that the only way teams are successful is if you have all the right people who think similarly D) It taught us that teams can last forever with determination

Which of the following is true in regards to self-affirmations? A. Helps people focus on the important qualities that make us who we are B. It has improved the grades of African American students in schooling C. Minimizes the anxiety, stress, and defensiveness associated with threats to our sense of self D. Allows us to stay open to the idea that there is room for improvement in oneself E. All of the above

What is the most important factor for creating a successful team? A. Making sure everyone on the team is smart. B. Making sure everyone on the team are friends outside of work. C. Developing a rigid organizational structure. D. Developing healthy group norms.

Which of the following is NOT one of the five key norms for effective teams? a. Believing the work is important

b. Friendships among the team members c. Having clear and defined roles d. Sense of psychological safety __________ is/are the consistencies that are developed over the duration of a group project that help the group proceed smoothly. a) group chemistry b) group norms c) group collaborations

Why did Julia's case competition team work so well together? a. They were from different backgrounds. b. They never shot down each other's ideas. c. They were all engaged and split up the work evenly. d. All of the above

Which of the following group norms does not matter for team effectiveness? A. Being friends B. Personality Traits C. Individual Intelligence D. Being enemies E. All of the above

What made Google one of America's top workplaces? a.) They pay a lot of money to their employees. b.) They only higher people under the age of 40. c.) They devote resources to studying their employee's happiness. d.) Google offices are filled with cutting edge technology. Which good norms did Edmondson find correlate to higher productivity?

A. Encouragement to speak up B. Exposing vulnerabilities C. Suggest ideas without fear of retribution D. All of the above What patterns did researchers find in regard to a team's composition and its success? A). Teams with friends were the most successful. B). Teams with similar individuals (major, career, interests, etc.) had the most success. C). They did not find any noticeable patterns or evidence that a team's composition was related to their success. D). Teams with members of the same personality type (A or B) had the most success.

How long does it take someone to trust a new person? a. a year b. different for everyone c. 3 minutes d. 100 milliseconds

Why are neurologists interested so much in striatal injuries? a. the striatum is involved in Parkinson's disease b. the striatum helps translate decisions into action c. to explain the changes of behavior in people d. it can be linked to the symptoms of Parkinson's

Julia Rozovsky's study group at Yale had left her stressed and drained, while her case competition group kept her energized and motivated. What aspect of the groups' dynamics had made the study group unpleasant for the members, while the case competition group formed a tight knit bond? a. Extroverts vs. Introverts b. Attending an Ivy League school c. Same Personalities vs. Different Personalities d. Group Norms

What norms don’t matter for team effectiveness? a. Individual intelligence b. Personality traits c. Being friends d. All of the above

In order for psychological safety to be present among a group, teammates have to be friends. have to have the same intelligence level. have to make sure everyone feels heard. have to be socially sensitive. both c and d What was the objective of Project Oxygen at Google? A. What norms existed in groups that led to success B. Why some managers were more effective than others? C. How do teams function? D. Which personalities led to good teamwork?

E. A and C Does team composition affect its success rate? A. Yes it does because a good leader would make sure that all team members are happy and productive B. No, it has to do with the norms of the group. Specifically, the psychological safety that members feel C. Yes, the smartest or more experienced group will significantly improve the success rate D. No, it has to do with the sense of individualism that each person feels despite being a team

What were some good norms that Edmondson discover that correlate with higher productivity? A. Suggest ideas without fear of being wrong B. Encouraging to speak up and make your voice be heard C. Exposing vulnerabilities D. All of the Above

There are 5 key norms for effective teams. Which of the following is not one of those norms? a) Having a clear goal and defined roles b) Psychological safety c) Being friends with one another d) Their work needs to feel personally meaningful

How long does it take for you to form an impression of someone? A. 2 years B. 6 months C. 30 seconds D. 100 milliseconds

Duhigg bring up producer of SNL Lorne Michaels as an example of a strong team leader. The author says a key leadership attribute of Michaels is that he isn't someone who's worried about being: A. Polite B. Attentive C. Open D. A Friend

All of these are not apart of the psychological safety checklist : A. Not interrupting teammates B. Admitting when you don't know something C. Not disagreeing with a teammate D. Calling out conflicts within the group

Google encountered an issue where they had to convince employees to feel safe while also encouraging them to be willing to disagree. This need for security can be called a. physical safety b. emotional safety c. psychological safety d. emotional insurance

Where did Julia Rozovsky go for her MBA? a. Harvard b. Tufts c. Yale d. Columbia

What made the cardiac ward a stronger team than the orthopedic ward? A. The dressed professionally B. They made the most mistakes C. They created a space of psychological safety D. If someone made a mistake, it was held against them

Why was Google one of the top workplaces in America? a.) Their offices have the the best technology. b.) They accommodate employees with resources to boost their happiness. c.) They allow employees daily naps. d.) They pay all employees a hire salary.

"People Analytics had determined that Google needed to interview a job applicant only ____ times to predict with 86% confidence, if they would be a good hire." a.) 3 b.) 1 c.) 7 d.) 4 How many years was Google ranked by Fortune as one of America’s top workplaces? a) 14 years b) 6 years c) 2 years d) 5 years Which of these did Edmondson discover correlate with higher productivity? A) Working with friends B) Suggest ideas without fear of being wrong C) Frequent meditation D) Making a to-do list

What was the code name of the project that Google implemented to find out what makes teams effective?

Project Oxygen Project Team Project Aristotle None of the above Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having a best friend...

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