Quiz Finding historical evidence jkl jlñk jñl kñj lkj ñl j PDF

Title Quiz Finding historical evidence jkl jlñk jñl kñj lkj ñl j
Course Derechos Sociales
Institution Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Pages 1
File Size 37.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 34
Total Views 122


klj ñlk jñkl jlkñ jñl kj lñkj lñkj ñlkj lñk ñklj ñl j lkj lkj l j lk,j lj l,j olkñj ñlkj ñlkjl ñkj oñlkj ilkj k,j...


Economic History | UC3M 2022 | Dr Emiliano Travieso & Dr Oliver Dunn

Quiz: Finding historical evidence Questions can be answered with evidence available in the datasets and online repositories linked in the course page at Aula Global. Make a note when you come up against a technical term or anything else you don’t understand and bring it to class. Remember to reference in your answers where you got your evidence from. Good economic historians (unlike journalists!) always reveal their sources. 1 Which country had the highest GDP per capita in 1900: Sweden, Argentina, or South Korea (Republic of Korea)? When did their relative positions change? [A graph could help] 2 Approximately how many enslaved Africans were taken across the Atlantic in the 18th century in British ships? And how many in Portuguese ships in the 19th century? 3 Which USA state had the largest share of slaves in its total population in 1860? 4 Of the population 10 years and older registered as engaged in an occupation in the United States in 1870, how many worked in agriculture? What was the agricultural share of employment in Georgia and in Massachusetts?...

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