Quiz \'s 7 answers - Information about Immanuel Kant, Kantian Ethics, teleology, Utilitarianism, PDF

Title Quiz \'s 7 answers - Information about Immanuel Kant, Kantian Ethics, teleology, Utilitarianism,
Course Introduction To Ethics
Institution Towson University
Pages 1
File Size 32.4 KB
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Information about Immanuel Kant, Kantian Ethics, teleology, Utilitarianism, the categorical imperative, ethical/psychological egoism, altruism, and a scenario. Professor Wilson...


1. I witness someone attack an innocent person with deadly force. According to the principle of forfeiture a. I may intervene, using deadly force if necessary. 2. In the example of the captain who can save 20 healthy men on his lifeboat if and only if he throws overboard four badly injured men – who haven’t volunteered to go- the principle of double effect says no. why? a. The killing of four was the MEANS to saving the 20, and the bad cant be the means to the good. 3. Always putting the interests of others ahead of one’s own is called a. Altruism 4. Psychological egoism a. Is a descriptive theory which claims that all human action is, be definition, selfish 5. Ethical egoism a. A prescriptive theory claiming that humans ought always to act in their own best interest 6. Utilitarianism is a type of a. Teleogy b. Consequentialitonism 7. A utilitarian follows the principle of prudence 8. The founder of utilitarianism a. Allows one to consider his own happiness when calculating what’s the right thing to do 9. Which of the following is a partial list of criteria our reading said should be used to measure the pleasure assoc. w a. Purity, intensity, fecundity, duration 10. Immanuel Kant is a. Rationalist b. Deontologist 11. Lant said the two kinds of commands-imperatives- are a. Hypothetical and categorical 12. The categorical imperative says to act always so that a. The maxim of your action could be willed by a rational being to be a universal law 13. Kant says the only good thing is a. A good will 14. The categorical imperative a. Forbids suicide...

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