Quiz with answers for Unit 6 PDF

Title Quiz with answers for Unit 6
Course Programming 2
Institution University of the People
Pages 8
File Size 177.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 88
Total Views 133


Unit 6 self test quiz with answers for practice...


St ar t edon St at e

Wednesday ,14Oct ober2020,10: 00PM Fi ni shed

Compl et edon Ti met aken Gr ade

Wednesday ,14Oct ober2020,10: 36PM 36mi ns9secs 10. 00outof10. 00( 100%)

Top of Form

Question 1 Cor r ect Mar k1. 00outof1. 00


qaid=49773209&q 0

Fl agquest i on

Question text 3

Whi choft hef ol l owi ngst at ement sar et r ue ? Sel ectoneormor e: a.As ock eti saki ndofopeni ng.

b.As ock etr epr es ent soneendpoi ntofanet wor kconnec t i on.

c .Apr ogr am us esas ock ett oc ommuni c at ewi t hanot herpr ogr am ov ert henet wor k .

d.Dat awr i t t enbyapr ogr am t ot hes ock etatoneendoft heconnect i oni st r ans mi t t edt ot he s ock etont heot herendoft heconnect i on,wher ei tc anber eadbyt hepr ogr am att hatend.

Question 2 Cor r ect Mar k1. 00outof1. 00


qaid=49773210&q 0

Fl agques t i on

Question text 3

Whatdoest hi scodedo?

i mpor tj av a. i o. * ; / /( Text Reader . c l assmus tbeav ai l abl et ot hi spr ogr am. ) publ i ccl as sTenLi nesWi t hText Reader{ publ i cs t at i cv oi dmai n( St r i ng[ ]ar gs ){ t r y{ Text Readeri n=newTex t Reader (newFi l eReader ( ar gs[ 0] )) ; f or( i ntl i neCt=0;l i neCt...

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