Quizlet 183-188 Niddah PDF

Title Quizlet 183-188 Niddah
Course Laws of Niddah (R'L)
Institution Yeshiva University
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Niddah ‫ קפח‬-‫ קפג‬- Rav Leibowitz Study online at quizlet.com/_7elint a. 10th


1. Until what day does she need to do Shimor


2. How do we resolves the contradiction between the gemarahs

a. Rashba, Probably Shulchan Aruch, Rama - don't check before, but checking bloh zman tashmish is a good thing b. Rambam, Shach- check after tashmish only c. Haagoas Maimonis - check before tashmish only


2. How do we set up the cycle of 7 and 11 and what is there Rayah

a. Rambam - 7 then 11 then 7 then 11 (never a break which is a huge chiddush) b. Ramban (rov rishonim) - 7 then 11 then wait until she bleeds again i. Rayah -airichin 8 you can restart your niddah cycle ii. Rambam (via the cavos daas) interuprets the gemarah in a different way


2. What about Seeing blood without a Hargasha

a. Termus hadeshen - tamai b. Beis yosef - that's a chumra yesira c. Shulchan aruch - yeish omrim she Tammai d. (only relevent to women who have mamish hargashas)


2. What is the procedure of a roah machmas tashmish

a. Fisrt husband sees it three times in a row you divorse b. Second husband same thing c. Third husband do a shoferes d. If it is only the sides when shfoferes is done then she is mutar and it was dam makkah, if it is on the top then she becomes an aggunah


2. When is she not belevied

a. She says I was never tamai b. Not enough time passed for her to be tahor


2. Where does the whole sugyah of a women with a vesset shaynu kavuah come up and what are the opinions

a. Niidah 11b and 12b has rav yehudah in the name of shmuel saying two different things. i. 11 b - no bedyekah ever ii. 12 b - need a bdedykah sney edidm like rebey chanina


3. Do you need a verbal confrimation she went to the mikvah

a. Shach, Chavos Daas - yes and the rama means (when she said I am tamai and then gets into bed next to him) she confirmed to him b. Toras Hashalamim, Rav Ovadayah - no read the ramah like pshat i. Rav Ovadyah holds this way because even if Shach is right that is a different case because not enough time elapsed seemingly, many achronim disagree, and a women is in a chazak of toveles bzmanah c. Lmaysah (we try to do it although not needed)


3. How can we reconcile the two ideas

a. Rashi (1 deah) Ritva Toesfos Rid - talking about taharos i. So women today wouldn't need bedeykah b. Rashi (2nd deah) Rabaynu Channel, Rambam, Mordachai b'shem Rabeinu Tam i. There is a stirah in what Shmuel held (Rashi Rejects this because it was both said in the name of rebey yehudah) ii. So bzman hazeh would depend on which statement we paskin like c. Terumas hadeshen - only when should could possibly d. Rif - it is only talking about the first three times


3. How do we paskin Red

a. Nowadays all reds are tamai although in the gemarah they could diferentiate


3. What are the (four) differences between zivah and niddah

a. Korban (zavah only brings that) b. Mikvah (some hold she might need a maayan) c. Shiva Nikiyam (Zavah only needs that d. Day or night teveylah (Night for nidah and zivah can do it the day before)


3. What are the two ways of looking at vestot

a. Prospectively - we are affriad she will bleed so perisha samuch levesta b. Retrospectivly - you probably bled during that time if you had tashmish


3. Why is she allowed to marry another husband, and why allow relations three time

a. Ein kol haeizbaot shavos, Ein kol beyot shavot


4. Black

a. Tamai - its red that was lakah (when jet black b. Although it could be brown that bunched up so Rav Nueburger sometimes uses an instremnt to flatten it and then you can see it is brown


4. How can she get out of this chazakah

a. A shoferes test coming clean b. If we can be toleh on a makkah c. If she can be toleh on a vesses kavuah (nodeh beyhudah) d. If we use Rebbe's refuah


4. Is there and issur derbanan for a Zavah to be tovel on the 7th day (because deoreysah she can be tovel on the 7th)

a. Rashi, Toesfos - Yes gezeyrah that they would have beyah b. Rif, Rambam - No, we trust tey wont have beyah


4. We say that zman veset is a derbanan, a. Rashba, Ran, Shach - it is an asmachta bealma so why is niddah 63b say there is a passuk b. Aruch Hashulchan (responding to asmachta) - she has a chazakah she will bleed so v'hizartem what are you talking about, it would obviously be deoreysah c. Ritvah bsheim Ramban - preisha medoreysah is a few minutes before tashmish while preisha mederabnan is onas achas d. Nodeh beyhehudah - we paskin derbanan retrospectively but deoreysah prospectively i. Chavos daas says we paskin derbanan retrospectively because there was no hargasha ii. Chazon ish - retrospectively derbanan because there are too many factors e. Rav Chaim - concept of veses is deoreysah (gemarah in shevous that has a man daamar that you are chayiv a korban for having beyah shas vest, and the Rambam who establishes the schedule) but the chashash there was blood is only derbanan f. Peschay Teshuva bsheim Raah - being poreysh is Medoereysah because having tashmish raises the possiblity of seeing blood , while being chosheysh for blood is mederbanan (why other kravos could be mutar during that time


4. What if a man sees blood, can she be neeman with an excuse

a. Yes i. Rosh with a butcher shop ii. Sheves halevi contemporary she does laundry after you see it


4. What is the mikor for the rif

a. Milchamos - like second deah in rashi but the statement was just about first three times b. Raavad - he is learning it in a tosefta - about kesubah c. Shach - agrees with raavad - because it is only talking about kesubah so it is only necessary the first three times for the kesubah but not in terms of making her assurah


5. Does the first reyah count to the three reaihs

a. Rambam, Taz, Shach - yes b. Raavad and maybe Tur Shulchan aruch - no i. Lesheytaso because min hastam there is nothing to worry about


5. Do we still believe her if she was mezanah as a penuyah

a. Pischay teshuvah - yes because now it is not embaressing to go to the mikvah unlike when she was a penuyah


5. Lmaysah when do we check

a. Shulchan aruch - frist three bedeykos, but also quotes Rambam and Rosh that you always need bedeykahs b. Shach - no need for bedeykahs c. The Velt - does bedeykos the first three times d. Yu Poskim - no need for bedeykahs cause we do them to early anyway and no need like the shach


5. What is assur durring shaas vestah

a. Shulchan aruch - only beiah b. Bach, and Taz bedas Harash - Shaar kreyvos c. Shulcha Aruch Harav - sleeping in the same bed is assur because the Rambam says that you are allowed to do shaar kreyvos but not sleep in the same bed with aveylus a) LMAYSAH - good chumrah but don't go crazy with it


5. What was Rebbes takanah

a. Anytime she sees blood she waits six days because maybe this is starting yemey zivah


5. White

a. Rosh - tahor b. Beis Yosef - obviously tahor, it must mean even if it is a bit grey or like beat up


6. Goldish

a. Toes, Taz, Shach, Shevet halevi, YU Poskim - gold is tahor even though it is a machlokes tanaim b. Maahrm mintz - machmir on gold if sefek hargasha c. Chochmas adam (Rav Moshe for first three days)- machmir by hefseyk taharah


6. How long after bieyah is conisdered machmas tashmish

a. Gemarah - a shiur that is a few seconds long (seemingly) b. Rama - we are not bekin so anything is samuch c. Shach - anything before morning, morning is not samuch d. Mekor Chaim - 30 minutes e. Shevet halevi - 10 minutes


6. What does lifkod et a. Rashi, Shulchan Aruch - biah mamish eshto afilu beshas veset in b. Rabaynu Tam, Rama - CANT BE, it is diverey ritzui - shaar kravos - but beyah is assur the context of being yotzay laderech


6. What happens if she said tahor ani and later found it she lied once

a. Chavos daas - depends on the time i. During shas vestah she isnt belevied ii. She is believed shloh beshas vestah iii. She is believed tavalti because it is easy (if it isn't easy might be a nafkah minah)


6. What was Rebey Zeyrah's takanah and the three reeasons for it

a. Shivhan nikiem for anything i. Rif, Rosh - Chumrah baalma ii. R' Yonah - 3 day buld up of blood iii. Ramban - so we wont be michshol, where they thing tipas dam would never result in 7


7. Brown

a. Gemarah, rishonim don't mention it b. Rav Yaakov Emdin, aruch hashulchan, YU poskim (Rav Forst after fast days - tahor c. Beis meir chochmas adam - tamei d. Rav moshe, Shevet halevi (although room to be maykil in certain situations) - machmir first three days after hefsek taharah


7. What are the possible solutions to Rabaynu Tam's question on Rashi on yotzai laderech

a. Igros Moshe - when there is an external impitus for that triggers another element of mitzvas onah that is docheh the din of vesses b. Ritva - There is a bracha from hashem she will not become a niddah then c. Ritva - it is only allowed in derbanan times but deoreysah vestot (30 min before) it is still assur d. Rav Leibowitz - chiyuv onah there is a kub vasey that is docheh the shayv veal taasay of shas vestah (and don't worry because it is not about asay dochel loh tassay issues (i.e because the lashon for vesset is vehzartem) because really accorsing to rav elchanan it is kum vassey is doceh a shayv veal taash (so lashon doesn't matter as much))


7. What does the Taz think the progression of shiva nikiem

a. All reds are taamai now b. We now do 6 for anything c. Don't want to confuse 6 and 7 days


7. What if the wife isn't frum

a. Rav ovadayah - not sure if she could be trusted b. Rav Leibowitz - maybe rely on the Rav Moshe (Iggerot Moshe, Yoreh De'ah, I, no. 54,) about kosher foor with parents, that you can trust them becaue they are not out to get you and they love you


7. When can you do a bedeykah shfoferes

a. Rashi - only after the third husband (because this bedeykah is scary and rather marry a new husband than assur her forever b. Chassam sofer - you can do it even in the first marribe ONLY if it is later in the marrige c. Rov rishonim - bedika works after she fails her frst husband d. Nodah beyehudah - works for first husband only if it is tzduden e. Shach using the Smag - if she does a bedeykas shfoferes after first husband and she finds blood on the top then she cant get married again because acc. To SMAG it is a sfayk sfaykah that allows you to marry the next husband in the first place

a. Gemarah Sanhedrin - chashud buthcer goes to a new place (cant really work) b. Atzei Levonah - fasts behab and promises to be maticules with the dinim of niddah


8. How does a women do teshuvah for this


8. If you wanna be machmir like the rama and a. We are holding like rabaynu tam rabaynu tam arent you being lekulah on your b. Rav Leibowitz - divrey reytzui might be enough in this case to be yotzai chiyuv chiyuv onah onah


8. Lehalacha can you check after the first husband

a. Shulchan aruch - yes it works b. Ramah - also c. Shach - no you cant


8. Pink

a. Stam pink is tamai in the red family b. Shevet halevi - But someitmes it turn beige - which is tahor (so hold on to it)


8. What is the chiddush of tiypas dam kechardel

a. Ran - even such a small size is assur i. Rejects that because a mashahu is mitamai b. Ran - the color i. We know that already c. Ran - Even though it obviously couldn't have pooled up for three days because it is so small we will still be machmir (Ramban's reason maybe?)


9. Can we believe her to change her mind without an amsalah

a. Kesubos - not neamman for tmieah to tehorah b. R' Yerucahm - yes if it is toch kiday dibur c. Radvaz - we don't apply hapeh sheassur hu hapeh shehitir d. Chavos Daas - she doesn't have migo; she could have said tavalti, because there is no explanation why she lied before so the migo cant start


9. Orange

a. Levushi mordacha - and Rav willig - tahor


9. What happens if shoferes shows nothing, no blood

a. Beis Yosef - this whole thing is trying to be lekulah we wouldn't be machmir here to say she should be an agunah b. Bach - the shefoferes is simulating beyah, so just as any beyah that doesn't show any dam breaks the chazakah so to the the shoferes would break it


9. What is a Hargasha

a. Rambam - Body trembles b. Trumas Hadeshen - feels the utris open c. Nodah Beyhudah - feel moisture inside Dam in the prusdor, which might make sense with the idea of bivsarah (which is probably the pruzdor)


9. What is the Onah achas that you have to be a. Rov Rishonim one daytim unit or one nightime unit poreysh b. Aviaysaf - a 12 hour unit c. Or Zaruah - 2 onahs


10. Can we believe her with an amsalah

a. Rav (in kesubos), Beis Yosef - we do believe her b. Shmuel - Didn't (that was a chumarah for himself (bies Yosef))


10. How is Niddah deoreysah nowadays if Women don't feel haragashot

a. Aruch Hashulchan - they do feel it but confuse it for another bodily function (which is difficult because loh yodeah is usually more about urinating and what not) b. Rav Moshe - it is the feeling of blood leaving the body because maybe that's the feeling of the makor c. Rav Soloviethcik - hargasha is only needed if she doesn't know where the blood came from, so a women who finds blood on her underwear is a niddah deoreysah (we don't paskin this way) d. Peiros Habayis - niddah deoreysah is when she knows there is blood from the makor, hargasha is not nedded it is just one of the indications, just like a bedeykah cloth is another way e. Rav Elyashiv - it is lav davkah, since now people don't it sufices just to see blood


10. What about a red edge

a. Yu poskim - machmir b. Aruch hashulchan - maykil cuase you could spread it around


10. What are the nafkah minahs of seeing tzdaddim vs no blood at all (nodeh beyhudah)

a. Bedikas shoferes by first husband, blood on the tzdadim would matir her while no blood would not (because it might be his etzbah) b. Nursing preganant - if there is dam then its vaddai a makkah if there is no dam then she might be roah achmas tashmish when she is on her regular cycle c. After bedeykas shfofers - if there was blood we can attribute it to the makkah an muttar liolam, but if it is clean then she would be assur because it's a safeyk still where it is coming from


10. Why would daytime or night time influnce the vest

a. Some meforshim - Mesntration has something to do with sunrise and suset


11. Can a single women go to the mikvah

a. Rivash - don't make a takahah allowing them to go to the mikvah because they will just use this to do znus which is less of an issue then boel niddah


11. Do we do shoferes nowadays and why a. Raavad - no, because we are not bekin in it, and so if you do it she is still assur or why not b. Rosh, Rama - yes, we are bekin, and not part of banos yisral hichmiru, but acc to the Rosh you could be machmir not to trush it (which rav Leibowitz thinks is suprising because it is at her expense)


11. What about tiny spots


11. What happens if you a women goes to a. Shevet Halevi - wait until it is night in america also, but sheva nekeiyim can start once israel and her onah was daytime (so it is it is nightime in israel daytime still in amarica but night in israel)


11. What is a valid Amsalah


12. According to the eviysaf where do a. Drisha - be poreysh 6 hours before and six hour after you put those 12 hours for the onah achas b. Taz - rejects (we hold it has to be a day)


12. If there is a sucessful shofees does she need sheveim nikeim

a. Machlokes achronim (maybe would it depend on blood or no blood?)


12. What is an invalid amsalah

a. I was kidding around


12. What lighting should be used and what are the disadvantages

a. The sun is the best b. Florecent - deamphsizes red c. Incandecent - causes yellow to look red d. LED - pretty acurate


13. How could the Or Zaruah hold two onas iv its shar mifurash onah achas

a. Shach - it was only in the times og the gemarah the vesses was so percice so waiting onah achas was relaible, now that it is dragged out and we are not sure, we should wait two


13. Radvaz opinion about neamanus of isha

a. All of these opinions are not set in stone, it is more a guide posts, how you know your wife, if she could be kidding around and what not or she would never joke around


13. What does the gemarah mean if she has a veses, are we toleh the dam on her veses

a. Rashi - if she is roeh machmas tashmish only in certain times that's a new veses for her b. Rambam, Ramban - if she is roah machmas tashmish samuch leveestah we assume it is her period blood and not machamas tashmish


13. What should we do with changing colors

a. The gemarah has Rebbe chaning his psak two times from what he did at night which might be because he saw it differently - but that cant be becaise we hold ein ldayan ellah mah sheinav raos, so actually we suspend those rules because it is a changning maros

a. Rav forst - red spotts are somet8jes clothing or cloth so try to flick it and it will fall off b. Black spots - are dirt usually

a. Too tired b. Family near by c. Thought it was niddah but wasn;t d. Chassam sofer - made a mistake what day it is today (wednsday vs Thursday) yitzrah albisha. but not if she said tomorrow not today


14. Can you pasken on a wet mareh

a. Bach - no needs to dry b. Taz Shach Rov Poskim - yes you can


14. For the Rambam, and Ramban how can they have beyah samuch levestah

a. Taz - the baal is yotzay lederech b. Shach - we are talking about sinners (after the fact) c. Pischei teshuvah - we are talking about veses b'yom tevilasah (that she has a very short cycle and needs to have beyah then)


14. If a women needs to be tovel but she believes she doesn't, does she say a bracha

a. Badai Hashulchan - no b. Rav Leibowitz - yes if we say the halakhic reality makes it so that she needs to even if she doesn't believe it


14. What are the problems with the Shachs defense of the Or Zaruah

a. Torah Hashlamim - or zaruah had a different girsah then our gmerah b. Rav Akivah Eiger - since it is less precises we have more of a reason ...

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