Quizlet Niddah Final (Mikvah) PDF

Title Quizlet Niddah Final (Mikvah)
Course Laws of Niddah (R'L)
Institution Yeshiva University
Pages 8
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Niddah Bichinah (final - mikvah time) Study online at quizlet.com/_8cyurb 1.

1. When is the earliest time to do hefsek taharah

a. Raah - Mincha gedolah (most of the day is over) b. Sidrei tahrah - plag Hamincha (R' Yehudahs Mincha) c. Beis Yosef - Mincha katanah (pleisi - as that is night after plag hamincha) d. SA, Aruch Hashulchan - bein Hashmashot


2. Is it meakeyv to do a moch dachuk for a one day reyeah (as opposed to usually where It is just a chumrah)

a. Ramban, SA meakayv b. Rashba, Rama - not meakayv

3. Can you use a bedikah cloth for moch dachok

a. Rav Moshe - no b. R' Leibowitz - Yes if chorin usdakin (bedeived)

4. How do we have a case of a one day reyah

a. Shach - kesem in 7 nekeim b. Toras Hashlamim Kallah doing zaying nekeim c. Chazon ish - if she does a hefseyk taharah early only when 4 or 5 days are up




5. What Is the lomdous behind hefsek tahrah


6. What are Nafkah Minahs of hefsek tahrah being meitzot or part of the tahrah

a. If she knows she stopped bleeding do you need a hefsek i. Rashba - yes ii. Nodah beyhudah - no b. If a women constantly sees dam Makkah can she just wait? c. Is Bedeykas chorin uSdakin meakiv i. Most ishonim yes ii. Raavad - no d. Is hefesek deoreysah or derbanan i. Toes Harosh, Rambam - deoreysah ii. Or Zurah -derbanan e. Can she do a hefsek immediately after washing herself out i. Chazon ish - no


7. How late can a women do hefseyk

a. Rav Moshe - 9 minutes after shkeyah b. Rav Willig and Rav Shachter shekeiah


8. Can you do a hefsek tahrah if it is after the community has accepted Shabbos

a. Terumas Hadeshen - too late b. Maharil, Rema (bedeived) - maakil, its just Shabbos for Shabbos not for niddah c. Shach - too late if she davened (most poskim disagree)


9. Do you have to wash yourself out before the hefseyk

a. Rema - yes b. Aruch Hashuchan - no meakeiv c. Shach Taz - - can be done even during the nine days because it is not a racheytzah of tanug


10. If she knows she's bleeding but manages a good hefsek tahrah can that count

a. Chazon ish - no (badai hashulchan showing she cant just do tons of bedeikos and wait for one to finally be clean) b. Rav Sobolofsky - 15 minutes between each one


11. What if a women has a Makkah, how does she do a hefsek tahrah

a. Bodekes (day 1 and day 7) b. Zichron Yosef - if she never bleeds past x days then that is a good enough hefsek tahrah (remah sidrei tahrah don't like it because either vestot not deoreysah or mishchan) c. Nodey Beyhudah - if she concentrates and cant feel blood that is good enough (R' Sob - in shaas hadchak we can combine these opinions)

a. Is it prepration that is NEEDED for tahrah b. Just SEEING if the metzios


12. How many bedeykot do you have to do a day

a. Ramban, Toes, Rashba, Rosh, Tur - ONCE b. Sefer Haterumah Smag Smak Mordachai - twice because of theraos i. SA paskins this way c. Rav Willig - is meikeil lechatchilah (Rav' L - you can rely on shas hadcahch) d. Rav Wosner - if you do it once a day do it in the morning because that's ikkar


13. When is the earliest time you can do a bedeikah

a. Should not be before neitz b. But bedeived after alos


14. What's the minimum number of bedeikos required during shivah nekyim

a. Rambam, Rosh, Rashba, Raavad - paskins like RAV in the gemarah only ONE b. Smak and Hagaos Maymanoys (SA) - bookend so two

15. If you hold you only need one bedeikah then will one work in the middle

a. Raavad and Tur - yes, who cares b. Baal Hamor - yes, but should be machmir because we don't have a mesorah for this case

16. Lehalacha what do we tell people who want or have done one bedeikah

a. SA - Nope you need it and ein lehakil b. Chasam sofer - can be meikel if they had tashmish c. Rav Rosner and R' L both were meikil d. If she has to then do a middle one because you cant have a laps of sex days i. (2 weeks post childbirth is not a reason to do one bedeikah)




17. Do you need to have white sheets nowadays for yimei libun

a. Rav Wosner - not necessary but you should kee it b. YU poskim - meikil


18. Can a women wash white underwear during week of Tisha baav for 7 nekeim

a. Yes


19. Can a women wear a white pad during 7 nekeim to avoid kesamim

a. R' Abadi and other Israeli poskim - Yes - it is just to be aware of whats going on b. Rav Asher Weis and YU - no, now that we have tumas kesamim the point of 7 nekeim is the potential of becoming tamai


20. Is there a mitzvah of actual sfeirah during 7 nekeim

a. Shlah - Yes out loud b. Modah Biyudah - no (words in torah are not meysar)


21. Is there an issue of hesech haddash by 7 nekeim

a. Pesechei Teshuvah - YES, if you don't believe you are tahor or if you completely forget you were in it that wont count for sefeirah b. Most achronim - no because shotah and cherishes can count al yiday someone else (Rav Wosner tries to defent the piscahy teshuvah with maybe she has to wear white which would be no hesech haddas


22. How much time would be an issue of hesech hadas

a. Avnei Tzeddek - one moment (yikes) b. Rav Wosner - a full onah c. Chut shani -specifically daytime onah


23. Does hesech hadaas ruin the 7 nekeim or just pauses it

a. Chochmas adam - ruins and start again b. R Meir Arik - just put a pause on the counting


24. Where does the chumarah come from that first three days of 7 nekeim we don't hold by teleiyos

a. Rema


25. Are there any exceptions to the first three day chumarah

a. Pachus mikigris still meikeil for b. Maybe with tzivonim c. Many poskim will be meikeil if there is a senif lehakil d. Macha Hayeduah Shemiteyah dam (Remah and Toras Haslamim, Shach says still machmir) e. Toras Hashlamim - she can start counting 3 days during the 5 if she gets a clean bedeikah (just not part of ther 7 nekeim)


26. What if she is tamai just because of a kesem are we still machmir for the first three days of 7 nekiem

a. Beis Shmuel - maachmir b. Dagul Mirvavah (and some poskim) - meikeil c. Chchmas adam - if she became tamai because of blood on bedeikah cloth you can be meikeil


27. Does a night bedikah work

a. Rashi - seemingly yes because of zava b. Toes and Ramban - rejects this c. Chazon ish and Rav Wosner - might be able to rely on the the moch dachuk in shaas hadcahk if she only did a bedeikah on the 7th day


28. Do you need a bedeikas Chorin Usdakin (and if so when)

a. Raavad - never only for tahros b. Ramban - yes, but just hefsek tahrah c. SA - every time, but if it is too difficult that at least for hefsek tahrah d. Rema - just do her best but try and do it for hefsek tahar and day 1


29. Can you have to check the bedeikah cloth by candle or need hayom

a. Mishnah has Beis Munbaz that they were praised b. Rashab- therefore it is meaikayv c. Rambam and tur - no mention of it d. Rema - lechatchiala a good idea but or lenar works bedeived i. Shevet Halevi - has his idea like checking colors, so if it is not a question poaskin or lenar if it's a safeyk wait until the day


30. Would Poletet Shivcahs zerah be soser the count of 7 nekeim (meaning 4/5 days of waiting is necessary or not )

a. Rabaynu Tam - only a zav's zerah is soser b. Ravad - only tumah and tahrah c. Rashba and others - yes it does d. Smak - if a women messed up the count and she has tashmish she needs to wait three days and then count the days she missed (so if tashmish on the 6 then count one day) and then go to the mikvah




31. How long is Poletes a problem

32. According to bein hashamashos - if you are roeh dam during bein hashamos do you have to wait 5/6 days

a. Rambam - 3 onos (which might be 24 hour period) b. Most rishinim say 6 - and so 72 hours c. SA - wait 4 days d. Rema - add another day (5) because maybe bein hashmashos


34. Are there exceptions for poletes 4/5 days

a. Shach - If a kessem was found during the 7 nekeim b. Rav Moshe - also if there was another issur like eveilus then you can count from there (but not medical doctors orders) c. (Rav Soloveitchik said if a doctor said not to have tashmish or to do xyz that would be good also (maybe look at covid for a proof for that or disproof)) d. Shach - also a kallah e. If they were doing a common sense pereisha f. After IUI (besides for Rav Wosner) g. Bach - If husband hasn't been in town (shach - is mamchimr) h. If a women gets her period after going to the mikvah and they haven't had tashmish yet (Rav Sobolofsky (would be sad to have to wait another 5 days get as soon as possible)


35. When can an Ashki do 4 days instead of 5

a. Rav Moshe - catskills case if it would mean people would go a week without having tashmish b. Mahrshal - Dam Besuim c. Chazon ish and Rav moshe - for orhtdox infertility


36. Can a women wash herself out really well after beyah to avoid 4/5 days

a. Shulchan Aruch - Yes b. Rema - no


37. How do we know a women needs to be toveles to become tahor

a. R' Yehudah Gaon - Kol Sheken that things she touches need to be toveles b. Ri - tehey beneidasah c. Rabbeinu Tam - teveylas keilim in mey niddah d. Rambam - orchatzo bamayim for all temeim


38. Is teveylah bzmanah a mitzvah

a. R' Meir - Yes b. R' Yossi - no


39. Who do we paskin like for teveylah bzmanah mitzvah

a. R' tam, SA - R' Yossi (so don't keep mikvas open on yom kippur Tisha baav, but keep it open for Friday night because of mitzvas onah etc) b. R' chananel (tur behag or zaruah) - R' meir


40. Can you go to the Mikvah on Tisha baav Shabbos that is nidche

a. Machlokes rema (no) and pischay teshuvah (yes)

a. Some achronim say yes b. Rav Leibowitz - pashut pshat earlier (derbanan lehakel?)

33. What about the a. Rema rejects it cause of onah and minhag to wait 7 days pru urevuh before counting shiva b. Rambam - rejects it also nekeim


41. Should a women go to the mikvah if her husband is out of town

a. SA - doesn't need to b. Mekubalim - don't do it (R' Sobolovsky says our communities don't have to be worried about that


42. Can a women go to the mikvah Friday night when its not her zman (she couldn't go the day before

a. SA - it's fine even if she could have gone earlier b. Rema - talui on the minhag but without a minhag no reason to be machmir c. Rav wosner - meikeil (we want people going to the mikvah as soon as possible)


43. Should a women say the bracha of mikvah on shabbos quietly so nerah kmeykar

a. Har Hakarmel - Yes b. Shevet Halevi - no say it regurally


44. Why can we heat up mikvas before Shabbos

a. Korban nesanel - we never accepted gezeirat balamim on mikavas b. Noda biyehudah - does not like that kulah c. Mordachai - don't even have hot during the week because of mayim sheuvin d. OUR PRACTICE is to open mikvahs early so bein hashmashot


45. Should a women who is banned from tashimish go to the mikvah

a. Rav Wosner - no will lead to hotza zerah levatalah b. Badei Hashulchan, Rav Willig an Rav Schacter - yes


46. Can a women go on the day of the 8th

a. Issue is SARACH BITAH b. Baal Hamor and Hagaos Mayamnois - teveilah bayom is ok because it is ok medoereysah c. Toes & SA - never allowed on the 7th but allow for danger on the 8th


47. Is the 7th ever allowed for a. Bach - ok beshas teveyilah hadchak provided she doesn't have tashmish until the night b. SA - it works bedei eved c. Shach - try to be machmir d. R' willig is really not a fan - but maybe for three day yuntif and the mikvah is too far away


48. When do you get rid of the issue of sarach bitah

a. Rabanu tam - don't come back before teis b. Rashbam - cant work i. SA - paskins not to and SHAC recomonds to do chafifa at home after teis


49. What does a women do if she is going to the mikvah before Shabbos and needs to be back for candle lighting

a. Chasam sofer - she isn't allowed home or stop at anyones until it's tzeis b. Rave Moshe - Machlokes Rashbam and RT was on the 7th day so we can paskin lekulah and have the husband go to shul (Cause he deff won't leave early) i. Shevet Halevi, rav forst, Rav Willig are very against this kulla ii. Rav Sobolofsky and Rav Shachter rely in certain cases


50. Can a kallah go to the mikvah on her 7th day during the day because she wont see the chosson until the night

a. Shach - no b. Daggul Mirvavah - yes, so long as chuppa wont be before tzeis c. RAE and Rav Schacter - meikeil so long as yichud room isn't before tzeis


51. When a chatzitzah a problem medoreysah

a. Rubo omakpid together


52. Meiyut Sheinu Makpid - how do we paskin

a. Rema - we are machmir lechatichilah b. Taz -but not a pesul beideived c. Might just be to simplfy the teveylah process


53. How is hair measured in terms of rov

a. Rambam - the hair is measured as part of the body b. Geonim and Rosh - hair is independent - if most hairs are knotted then it is a deoreysah c. Meirei - not only hair but each eiver is independent d. Tosfoes eiruvin - rashi hold that ros is only relevant to hair, but miut is deoreysah anywhere else on the body (Ritva disagrees with that reading of Rashi)


54. Is the din that the Beis hastarim requiring raoi lebeyas mayim deoreysah or derbanan

a. Tosfos - deoreysah i. Zichron Yosef - reason is not chatzitza but lack of beyas mayim ii. Shiurei tahrah - rejects zichron Yosef this area adds up with other parts of the body b. Ritvah and Ramban - derebanan


55. What if that specific a. SA - batalah daysah eitzal kola women doesn't care dam about that chatzitza


56. What if the women is makpid about something that most people are not

a. Tur and Rambam - it's a chatzitza b. Rashba - it is not because everyone else (SA doesn't mention either) c. Shach - machmir d. Taz - kulah when most woment aren't makipd, but Machmir when some are makipid

57. How long must she want something on her for it not to be makpid

a. Raavad - if she ever wants it off that's a problem (yikes) b. Zichron Yosef - Proves from many gemaras that some amount of time will make einu makpid c. Rav Moshe - if she has a planned time its not a chatzitzah d. Chasam sofer - if one removes something because it is in the way and not that it will get ruined then that's not a chatzitzah





58. What if a women never takes off her rings - is that a chatzitzah

59. Must a women take out a nuva Ring before teveylah

60. Are all chatizitos a problem in the beis hastarim

a. Gan Hamelech - meikeil by netelis yadayim b. Shiurei Tahara - we need to be machmir by niddah though even if a women doesn't take off her rings (unless they had tashmish already) a. Rav Nachum Rabinovitch and Rav shacter - no its floating in liquids so its not chotzetz, ALSO she's not makipidah b. Rav Willig and Rav Sobolofsky ok bedeived but lechatchila better to remove it a. Rav Moshe - huge kulah that it is just things that are stuck, but if is just blocking that is not a chtzitzah (so like cotton in the ear) b. Badei hashulchan does not like it because goes against the bone in the teeth case


61. Are fillings a chatzitzah

a. Chochmas adam - yes b. Rav moshe is meikeil - we don't take them out so it is different (and we have an appointment to do it)


62. Are contact lenses a chatzizah

a. Yes lechatchilah b. Rav Moshe - blocking hetter may apply c. Other poskim the water can pass through that d. We tell people to take it out though


63. What is considered baluah vs beis hastarim

a. Toes Rosh - anyplace water cant go is balua b. Rashba - anyplace sometimes seen is beis hastarim - if not blua c. Chut Shani - any place that could be touch is beis hastarim - so even ad makom sheahshamash dash (uh oh) i. RAE - uses support that she needs to relax muscles and go to bathroom (rav moshe disagrees and says that holding it in causes folds)


64. Are fake fingernails a chatzitza

a. Rav Moshe - would have an issue because not set time to get them off b. Rav Forst meikeil because decorative and desired


65. Are bandages chatzitzah (rishonim)

a. Rambam and tur - think yes b. Rash Rashba - might disagree c. SA - chumarah


66. Is there room to be meikeil for a cast

a. Rav Moshe (Ksav Sofer but then backs of) - meikeil if it cannot be reomoved for three months b. Teshuvah Me'ahavah was machmir


67. Does the hetter of hayno rebeysah (that's how it grows - braided hair) work when it is applied externall or just when it is natural

a. SHiurei tahrah - naturally only b. Meshiv davar - anything that is used for refuah (that's the case of demons braiding har)


68. Why do women cut their nails before teveylah and how long

a. Worried about dough under the nails might be a chtzitzah and issues that present b. Chochmas adam - cut them until close with the flesh


69. Is the (real) nail itself a chatzitza

a. Raavan - yes b. Sa - no c. Rema - since the minhag is to cut them if she forgets then she needs to go back even if nails are clean (Taz - not if they had tashmish already, Shach disagrees and says it is necessary cause hes holding like raavan) d. Aciezer - cant stop a women if she refuses to cut her nails



70. If one has the minhag to shave hair after biah rishonah, is the hair a chatzitzah

a. Chassam sofer - no, so long as theres a step between the gozzez - its not lie kegozays until after biah and wedding

71. Is nail polish a chatizitzah

a. Rav Neubert - meikeil on gel since it is like glass eyeball (which is decorative and not stuck (rav Moshe - disagrees but for glass eye uses the beis hastarim kullah) b. Rav Forst - meikil by normal nailpolosh because it is decorative and desired, c. R' Leibowitz - if it's a bad color or nailpolish is cracked that might be an issue - and if that is the case then it might be a good idea if you cant get it off to do a new coat of paint


72. What should a women do if she is going to the mikvah and forgot to cut her nails ON SHABBOS

a. Taz - clean them rather than get a goy (issue of meayaeh) b. Nekudas Ha...

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