Quizlet chapter 40 hygiene PDF

Title Quizlet chapter 40 hygiene
Course Nursing Process I: Fundamentals Of Patient Care
Institution Borough of Manhattan Community College
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Fundamentals Chapter 40: Hygiene Practice Questions Study online at quizlet.com/_571ikl 1.



The CDC recommends antimicrobial hand cleansing agents in all of the following situations except: A. When there are unknown multiple nonresistant bacteria. B. Before invasive procedures C. In special care units, such as a nursery or ICU D. Before caring for a severely immunocompromised client

A. When there are unknown multiple nonresistant bacteria.


The client is unresponsive & requires total care by nursing staff. Which assessment does nurse check first before providing special oral care to client? A. Presence of pain B. Condition of the skin C. Gag reflex D. Range of motion

C. Gag reflex

The client is complaining of shortness of breath. His Respirations are 28 & labored. The bed is currently in flat position. The nurse puts bed in which position? A. Fowler's B. Semi-Fowler's C. Trendelenburg D. Reverse Trendelenburg

A. Fowler's


Describe the technique used to remove contaminated rubber gloves. A. Have a co-worker assist you in removing the rubber gloves. B. Skin to Skin, Rubber to Rubber. C. Rubber to Rubber, Skin to Skin. D. Rubber to Skin, Skin to Rubber.

B. Skin to Skin, Rubber to Rubber.

The client is in surgery & will be returning to his bed via stretcher. Which bed option reflects that nurse appropriately planned ahead for this client? A. Open bed in low position B. Occupied bed in low position C. Closed bed in high position D. Surgical bed in high position

D. Surgical bed in high position 6.

During discharge planning, the nurse is teaching the client how to prevent dry skin. Which of the following statements is false? A. Bathe daily using soap or detergent only. B. Use bath oils, but take precautions to prevent falls caused by slippery tub surfaces. C. Humidify the air with a humidifier or by keeping a tub or sink full of water. D. Use moisturizing or emollient creams that contain lanolin, petroleum jelly, or cocoa butter to retain skin moisture.

A. Bathe daily using soap or detergent only.

Fowler's is semi-sitting position which should ease client's breathing.

Both the placement of linens for surgical bed & placing bed in high position facilitate client's transfer from stretcher into bed.

Client will be positioned in sidelying position w/ head of bed lowered b/c client is at risk for aspiration. absence of gag reflex lets nurse know that client has no natural defense (cough) & is at higher risk for aspiration.

Use cleansing creams to clean the skin rather than soap or detergent, which cause drying and, in some cases, an allergic reaction.


Hepatitis B and C can be spread by. A. Having unprotected sex with an infected person. B. Blood-to-blood contact with an infected person. C. Eating food or drinking water infected with feces. D. Both A and B.

D. Both A and B.


HIV is spread from person to person by. A. Shaking hands, kissing or hugging. B. Unprotected anal, oral, or vaginal sexual contact. C. Sharing needles to inject recreational drugs. D. Both B and C.

D. Both B and C.




Human Immunodeficiency Virus D. Both B and C. (HIV) is. A. A bacterial illness treated with antibiotics. B. A virus which has no cure, but can be controlled with medicine. C. The virus that causes AIDS. D. Both B and C. Identify the correct statement about vaccines: A. Vaccines are suspensions of whole or fractioned bacteria or viruses that have been treated to make them pathogenic. B. Vaccines are administered to reduce an immune response. C. All vaccines are completely effective and entirely safe. D. Vaccines stimulate active immunity by inducing the production of antibodies and antitoxins.

D. Vaccines stimulate active immunity by inducing the production of antibodies and antitoxins.

Identify the most common type of nosocomial infection: A. Urinary tract infection B. Pneumonia C. Bacteremia D. Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea

A. Urinary tract infection


If you are exposed to a bodily fluid, what is the first thing you should do? A. Contact your supervisor. B. Seek medical treatment. C. Wash thoroughly. D. Dial 911.

C. Wash thoroughly.


Inflammation is local & nonspecific defensive response of tissues to an injurious or infectious agent. Which of following is not sign of inflammation? A. Pain B. Swelling C. Redness D. Fatigue

D. Fatigue


The nurse discovers a fire in a client's room. The first priority for the nurse is A. Ensuring the client's safety. B. Calling the fire department. C. Trying to extinguish the fire. D. Closing the doors to other rooms.

A. Ensuring the client's safety.


The nurse is discussing foot care w/ client who was recently diagnosed w/ diabetes. Which statement by client indicates need for further teaching? A. "I am going to use a mirror to check my feet." B. "I enjoy walking barefoot around the house." C. "I will file my nails." D. "I will increase the time that I wear new shoes each day."

B. "I enjoy walking barefoot around the house."

Five signs of inflammation: Pain Swelling Redness Heat Impaired function of part (if injury is severe)

Client needs to avoid walking barefoot as that could cause injury which may result in infection. Also, neurological impairment is likely which may result in decreased sensation. Client would be unaware of injury.


A nurse is explaining "infection" to nursing student. Which statement demonstrates need for more teaching? A. A local infection is limited to specific body part where microorganisms remain. B. If microorganisms spread & damage different parts of body, it is systemic infection. C. Acute infections may occur slowly, over a long period, & may last months or years. D. Nosocomial infections are classified as infections that are associated w/ delivery of health care services in health care facility.

C. Acute infections may occur slowly, over a long period, & may last months or years.

The nurse is observing unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) perform perineal care for client. Which action indicates that nurse needs to discuss additional teaching with UAP? A. Uses a clean portion of washcloth for each stroke. B. Wipes from pubis to rectum. C. Uses clean gloves. D. Does not retract foreskin.

D. Does not retract foreskin


The parent of a toddler is cleaning the child's teeth. Which of the following statements indicates a need for further teaching? A. "I'll brush my child's teeth with a hard toothbrush." B. "I'll give a fluoride supplement daily or as recommended by the physician or dentist, unless my drinking water is fluoridated." C. "I'll schedule an initial dental visit for my child at about 2 or 3 years or as soon as all 20 primary teeth have erupted." D. "I'll seek professional dental attention for any problems such as discoloring of the teeth, chipping, or signs of infection such as redness and swelling."

A. "I'll brush my child's teeth with a hard toothbrush."


T or F: A quarter cup of household bleach to one gallon of water provides a strong enough solution to effectively decontaminate most surfaces, tools, and equipment if left for 10 minutes.



T or F: If you wear gloves when cleaning up an accident site, it is not necessary to wash your hands afterwards.



T or F: Uncontaminated sharps may be disposed in regular trash bags.



Universal precautions refers to what? A. Treating all A. Treating all bodily fluids as if bodily fluids as if infectious. infectious. B. Wearing UV sunglasses outside. C. Never leaving your house. D. Protecting yourself against Universal aliens.


Chronic infections may occur slowly, over a long period, & may last months or years. A local infection is limited to specific body part where microorganisms remain. - true If microorganisms spread & damage different parts of body, it is systemic infection. true Nosocomial infections are infections that are associated w/ delivery of health care services in health care facility. true


A nurse is making the client bed. Which of the following actions should the nurse not do? A. Hold the soiled linen close to his or her uniform. B. Avoid shaking the soiled linen in the air because shaking can disseminate microorganisms. C. When stripping and making a bed, conserve time and energy by stripping and making up one side as much as possible before working on the other side. D. Place linen for one client on another client's bed.

A. Hold the soiled linen close to his or her uniform. Linen should be held away from the uniform.

It is important to retract foreskin to remove smegma that collects under foreskin & can cause bacterial growth.





What are the main diseases of concern when discussing the blood borne pathogen standard? A. HAV, HDV, HEV. B. PVC, BVD, HIB. C. PCP, H2O, CDC D. HIV, HBV, HCV



Which of following means freedom from disease-causing organisms? A. medical asepsis B. asepsis C. surgical asepsis D. sepsis

What is it called when a client is D. Self-care deficit not able to perform one or more activities of daily living (adl)? A. Risk for injury B. Personal preference C. Precautionary feedback D. Self-care deficit When providing foot care for a client, the nurse would perform which of the following? A. When washing, inspect the skin of the feet for breaks or red or swollen areas. B. Does not cover the feet and between the toes with creams or lotions to moisten the area. C. Does not check the water temperature before immersing the feet. D. Wash the feet every other day, and dry them well, especially between the toes.

A. When washing, inspect the skin of the feet for breaks or red or swollen areas.

Which of following is most practical & inexpensive method for sterilizing in home? A. Gas B. Moist heat C. Radiation D. Boiling water

D. Boiling water

B. Asepsis Asepsis is freedom from diseasecausing microorganisms. Medical asepsis includes all practices intended to confine a specific microorganism to specific area, limiting number, growth, & transmission of microorganisms. Surgical asepsis, or sterile technique, refers to those practices that keep an area or object free of all microorganisms; it includes practices that destroy all microorganisms & spores. Sepsis is state of infection & can take many forms, including septic shock.


Which of the following actions is not appropriate for the nurse bathing a person with dementia? A. Move quickly and let the person know when you are going to move him or her. B. Use a supportive, calm approach and praise the person often. C. Gather everything you will need for the bath before approaching the person. D. Help the person feel in control.

A. Move quickly and let the person know when you are going to move him or her.


Which of the following consists primarily of nucleic acid and therefore must enter living cells in order to reproduce? A. Fungi B. Bacteria C. Viruses D. Parasites

C. Viruses

Boiling a minimum of 15 minutes is advised for disinfection of articles in home.

Viruses consist primarily of nucleic acid & therefore must enter living cells to reproduce. Fungi include yeasts & molds. Bacteria are by far most common infection-causing microorganism. Parasites live on other living organisms.




Which of the following statements about disinfectants is incorrect? A. A disinfectant is a chemical preparation, such as phenol or iodine compounds, used on inanimate objects. B. Disinfectants are frequently caustic and toxic to tissues. C. A disinfectant is an agent that destroys pathogens other than spores. D. Disinfectants and antiseptics often have similar chemical components, but the disinfectant is a less concentrated solution.

D. Disinfectants and antiseptics often have similar chemical components, but the disinfectant is a less concentrated solution.

Which of the following statements is correct regarding personal hygiene of the client? A. Gloves are not needed for bathing a client. B. It is best when performed by nursing staff. C. Clients should be encouraged to perform their own perineal care. D. Reddened areas on the skin should be massaged during the bath.

C. Clients should be encouraged to perform their own perineal care.

Disinfectants and antiseptics often have similar chemical components, but the disinfectant is a MORE concentrated solution.

Gloves are needed for bathing a client. It is best when performed by the client. Reddened areas on the skin should never be massaged during the bath.

Which types of precautions are used for clients known or suspected B. Droplet to have serious illnesses transmitted by particle droplets larger than 5 microns? A. Airborne B. Droplet C. Contact D. Connection...

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