Quizlet for MJEC Midterm PDF

Title Quizlet for MJEC Midterm
Course Medieval Jewish History (Berger)
Institution Yeshiva University
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Midterm MJEC Study online at quizlet.com/_7l90sl 1.

2. Where the divergence of Judaism and Christianity starts

a. Gospels b. Attitude towards ceremonial law, not being universal c. Sermon on the mount d. Plucking corn on the sabbath


3. What does the crucifixion mean for Christians

a. Doesn't really matter at first, resurrection means he still messiah b. Died for the sins of man - issaih 33 as a proof text c. Original sin was a problem - he was born without original sin


4. What do jews deal with in terms of Christianity in medieval age

a. Jesus being the messiah b. One of the persons of god c. Avodah Zarah issues (which would lead into conversion questions and economic one) d. Jewish people are set aside for the Christians e. Reinterpretation of the bible to fit into Christian doctrine f. Christians thinking they are the new Jews g. Carnal jews versus embodiment h. The younger is preferred over the older in the Bible i. Eisav are the jews and Jacob is the curch ii. Might explain why jews called the church Edom


5. Christian proofs in the bible

a. Multiplitcity b. Kadosh kadosh kadosh and so on c. Betzalmanu d. Incaranation - isaih 9 - son is morn e. Virgin birth - almanah f. Transubstantiation i. Maybe malkey tzedek but weak


6. How does Rome become Christian

a. Constinine wins battle of Milvian Bridge where he becomes more tolerant of Christians, and may have converted b. Council of Nicea 4th century conformity in Christianity in its doctrines


7. First laws against Jews in relation to Christians

a. No slave holding (don't want them to be circumzised) b. No marrying Christians c. Harsh language

8. Changes in Jewish leadership at the beginning of Middle ages

a. Nesiem dye out b. No more smicha



9. How did Jews selfgovern

a. No fines, corporal punishment or capital punishment (seemingly) b. Flexibility across the communities c. Most governments gave jews autonomy d. Democracy was an option e. Whoever pays taxes votes f. City council of 7 (rare) g. There was a tension between lay leaders and rabbis (but would try to consult rabbis on religious issues) h. Taxes were used for tzdakah and paying court officials etcetrah


10. How did they punish people

a. Shluchasayu from original beiz din was a bit of a stretch (although there might have been from the government who wanted them to keep order in their towns) b. They are doing accordance with the melech - according to the Ran (prob not used) c. CHEREM - useful if soecity will obey the cherem and that person has no where else to go i. Prison without walls, works until the age of spanoza d. Severe punishments - the galus requires it because it is needed in society, so malkus was allowed, even capital punishment in certain cases (Rash saw execution in Spain, from informers)


11. State of persecution in Roman empires

a. STOW - Theodosian code - Jews who belittle Christianity loose rights b. Stow - Roman and eclisastal law said no positions of authority c. Stow - early medieval period was lax on jews, allowed to have Christian slaves, jews were doctors in Antioch, d. Eastern Roman Empire i. Justinian - Justinian code, ii. Jews can't hold positions of authority iii. Novella 146 - could read Greek translation of Torah and Jews could not stop it, and should use the Septuagint 1. Which included Almah as virgin and (mishley disproves as young women who is not a virgin) iv. No oral law - in the shul i. All this didn't las long


12. What are the laws against jews Abogard quotes

a. Stow i. Council or orleans - jews cant summon Christians to court ii. Maron - 581 - cant become government officials iii. Paris 614 - jews cant become government officals 1. More about social ascendancy than power



13. 616 628 Israel Jews help Persians and kill Christian in Masacre of Mamila

a. Byzantines reconquer Israel and many are forced out of Israel into Europe b. Apocalyptic fears are present at the time

14. Why were Jews allowed to live in a Christian world

a. Practical reason - Christians were more focused on pagans because they were the big players b. Augustinian doctrine - Jews are witnesses of the truth of Christianity, Jews suffering and in exile because they rejected Jesus, Hebrew Bible and they are the bearers and preserved they show the world the truth of the bible (slichot might have a nod to this we are sitting her like false witnesses that are found out) i. Proof from psalm 59:12 - you should not kill them shake them ii. 11th chapter of Romans - gifts of good are not taken back (Israel will be saved in the future) 1. Pope takes this position in Rome


15. What is Salo Baron's idea for the best Jewish place to be

a. Multinational or racial places, they have to deal with diverse population i. If there is one that makes it more difficult ii. (issue is there is a lack of nationality back in the middle ages) b. This applies to Theodoric who was an Aryan and believed in Jesus being begotten in time and having to deal with many different beliefs (like catholic belief Jesus was primeival)


16. Spanish Law of 612 and persecution

a. Jews are not allowed to own slaves b. There is even violence c. Bakarak - more social and economic reason d. Berger - still there was religious motivations e. Must be baptized - but not fully excepted even if they did f. STOW - visogoths - order to baptize all Jews 613 - 711, and then clergy tells people to stop eating and washing like Jews i. King was religious figure ii. AND Jews were less valuble


17. Later Spanish antisemtism in 8th century

a. STOW discuses Aborgard i. Jews are devils ii. Even blood libels and host attacks iii. HOWEVER no drastic measures iv. Very against the Talmud v. Tells Louis the pious - cautious but humane to da Jews

a. Italy theory b. Stiener - spain and Italy


18. Where did Ashkanazik Jews come from physically


a. Italy - Rabaynu tam says this (stow 19. Where did seems to take this position) Ashkanazik culture come from b. Palestinian - old view c. Seems like the bavli was there even before the crusade with a dash of yerushalmi d. Chaim Soloveitchik - BAVLI - but from another yeshivah we don't know about i. Rabaynu Gershom seems to disrespect geonim which is suprising ii. Robert Brody - that's crazy to think we don't know a yeshiva! e. Grossman - Kalmonous foundation myth - Charlemagne invites them, and it is real f. Stow - 987 apocryphal tale of getting it from Sherira Goan


20. What are the communities in early Ashkenaz like

a. STOW - first one in 850 b. Small communities (could be 1500 in the towns) c. Chayim Soloviethcik thinks Rashi might not have had a vineyard but helped out d. 20,000 Jews in the Rineland, and 5,000 killed in the crusades e. There was a lot of scholarship, a surprising amount i. Stow - there were impressive families f. Talmedi chachamim were not exempt from tax i. Berger - seems to be because the Rabanim were rich g. Democratic nature of communities you can have people stop the kreyas hatorah i. Kalamonus is a big deal


21. why did jewish legal standing change after 11th century

a. First issues come up in the 11th century b. It came from chronicles that said the Jews instigated the muslims desecrating the Holy Seplecare (Chazzan is skeptical of that) i. Greater attacks on heritics c. Richard Landiues - milieneriasm in the year 1— d. POPE Alexander 2nd 1063 says if Jews accept Christian sovereignty the pope will protect them



22. What was the legal Standing in France before crusades

23. Italian Jewry before Crusades

a. Stow - carolignian slave policies i. Abrogard - Jewish slaves that converted to Christianity were freed ii. Greagory - liberation but some expectation iii. Louis the Pious - no fix law b. Stow - Louis the pious i. Titou - for Christians and Jews had rights in legeal process i. Roman law starts going out of style in 9th century opening up Jews to issues c. STOW - Orleans - 1022 - clerics said to be more compassionate to Jews and they were not heretics a. Stow i. Influence Ashkanzi culture 1. Aruch 2. Kalaymounus family 3. Synthizication of Yerushalmi and Bavli 4. Jewish philosophy - Donnolo 5. Yehosphin 6. R' Tam - says it came from there ii. Were more protected because Roman law protected them for longer iii. Still there were restericitons b.


24. How did the Crusades start

a. Urban the 2nd - didn't work b. 2nd crusade - count Emerick as a villain, and Emicho c. His fighters stopped on the way to attack the jews


25. Which Jews were affected

a. French were spared b. Rhine land - not so much i. Worms, Spyeres, and Mainz


26. What was the motivation of crusades

a. Some say it is blood lust - but there was a way out i.e to convert b. There is some role of attacking the infidel in our own land c. Chazzan - points a finger to peter the hermit i. Would rather them convert than kill them


27. How are the Jews depicted in chronicles

a. Martyrdom b. Ritualized and not ritualized i. Sometimes with rabbis speeches which may or may not have happened c. Conversions i. Chazzan points out that this was not seen as negatively and the people kept Shabbos and kosher after converting (insincere) d. Military resistance (didn't work so well except maybe in prauge) e. Bribes


28. What are Chazzans added defenses from the crusaders

a. Ask burghers for help i. They wouldn't allow crusaders in the town ii. Move the jews iii. Convert the jews iv. Put jews in fortifcations b. Ask empror like Henry i. Issue was crusaders were really strong


29. What was the Halakhic rational to kill yourself during the crusade

a. Hayim Solov. - was not halakhickly allowed, and the justifications were post facto b. Grossman and Tashma - no the Aggadah was considered halakha


30. What are the aggadic sources for suicide

a. The children in the kinah that jumped off the boat b. Shauls suicide c. Peirchey kehuhna that went into the fire d. Akeydah - (some had the mesorah Yitzchak actually was killed) e. Massadah in josaphin - which was respected by ashkanazim f. Chazzan - temple sacrfices g. MOST IMPORTANT - Ach Dimch SAUL, ach is a miyus so it excludes shaul i. Major chilul hashem ii. Issue of torture iii. Publc humiliation 1. AVODAH ZARAH HOW MUCH MORE SO!?!?!?


31. What was Teshuvah Maharm Merutenberg

a. Question was how can someone do teshuvah for killing his whole family when he thought a Christian mob was going to attack b. Answer - We have the story of the 400, and breyshis Rabbah, justifying killing others is more difficult but maybe we can read the passuk for the 1st and second half that even murder for these acts would be ok


32. Impact of the crusades

a. Toesfot - has the institutional memory that these people did the right things b. Chazan - people went back to normal life pretty quickly, it is overstated how big they were


33. Jewish feelings of attack before crusades

a. There was a definite feeling b. Grossman - because they were smaller c. Neinberg - the laws were chill so couldn't have been i. Berger says that's ridiculous because people attacking wouldn't be legal experts d. Gutwirth - Longue duree history long effects


34. What causes change towards jewish attitudes in 11th century

a. Moore - economic, social and political developments including hostility and jewish practies, but mostly economic b. Richard landeyes - apoclatiyc frenzy i. Berger is skeptical of that


35. When did real anti semtism start

a. Langimore - before 12th century it was xenophobia b. 12th and 13th century has more anti semtism with ritual murderes, host desecrators, poising the wells, i. Transistabtian doubts fuled some of that c. Stacey and Saperstien - Jews maybe did desecrate the host i. Berger skeptical


36. What is Yuval's Controversial blood libel article and burgers response

a. Vengance - vengeful redemption i. Burger - not clear if that was true in Ashkanaz, and it is a part not a condition, ALSO God is supposed to not Jews b. The Curse - shfoch chomscha i. Burger - fine, BUT Christians didn't know this until later 1248 c. The blood - martyrdom of killing jews was kaparah i. Christians would have had to known about crusades and theological stances on that d. The Libel - Christian knowledge of the above three


37. Where did anti smetism come from in social structure

a. Cohen - upper and educated b. Landes - superstition because of stench c. Moore - knowghts and lower clergy - libe in Fuldah 1235 was parish priests d. Berger - mulitiple sources


38. What external forces cause antisemtism

a. Peity intensified b. Changing economic reality c. Political social struggle in popular movments - have to keep the masses happy d. Christian become more familiar with Talmud e. Devil a big deal f. Milenerian expectations g. Christian missions h. Church unity i. Anxiety caused by transibstatation


39. Post Crusade violence

a. 1140 - second attack but less in scope in Europe b. John of Spire saved the Jews without bribe


40. Germany's view of their Jews

a. Henery 4th allowed jews to convert back b. There was the investiture controversy and caused a lot of tension i. Jews used as a pawn and first called Sevei camerae - jews are the posetions of the king


41. Violence in Germany after crusades

a. Surfs of the Chamber was used to attack the pope i. Donation of Constantine was supposed to give power to the pope b. Blood libel 1340s in Fulda i. Fredrick the 2nd did the investigation and saw that it was unwartned, pope did it also a. Haverfampf - points out that at first surfs of the chamber helped them but then exploited them later on c. Severe tax in 1330s, desecration of the host caused more violence in later 13th and early 14th - Host desecration was more deadly i. Many people killed in those pogrom maharahm mertenberg, Mordachai 1. Rash flees to Spain because of this ii. Haverfampf - blames ideas of Jews poising the wells with the advent of the plague 1. He also points to smaller expulsions and violence 2. Benjamin of Toledo called it the land of gezeyrah


42. Background to France and its jews

a. Based on Jordan i. Monarchy was in shambles and weak and a power play would be for the jews ii. Louis the 8th takes away there money iii. 1230 - stops usuary iv. 1235 - jews could pawn a. Mostly economic


43. France and its Jews post crusade

a. Phillip Augustus - France 1182 expelled his Jews from France i. Charges of usury b. Early ritual murder things c. BUT THE TALMUD IS THE BIGGEST i. Jordan - 1240 - trial begins with Donin the apostate ii.


44. Did burning Talmud in 1242 lead to a lowering of scholarship

a. Chazzan - seems to be b. Salberoune - didn't undermine it seriously c. Shatzman - point to polemics that they still had scholarship

45. WHAT led to the expulsion of France in 1394

a. Barons did local expulsions b. Jordan - points to the tensions between the baron vs king c. Usuary was a big issue i. Kings were now more into taking down the JEWS



46. Where did Jews come from to England

a. Normandy after 1066


47. Before expulsion in England

a. Many money lenders b. Was a small community c. First there was lots of taxes d. Then 1190 massacre in York


48. Reason for English Expulsion

a. Edward - because influential members of his court owed jews money (Jews were owed 200,000 marks out of a total 600,000)


49. What were the legal right like in middle ages

a. Chazzan - legally there was a lot out there to be good with (except in france) i. England - Richard gave them legal rights ii. Louis of France - 1315 - Jews can come back but they can only go back to lands, and only allowed for 12 years iii. Austria - 1244 - jewish pracries were protected iv. Poland 1264 - more lax to jews payments cant be demanded on high holidays, no human blood, Christians must protect jewish neighbors


50. Differences between Muslim Spain and Christian Ashkanaz

a. Spain - the language of the intellectual class was the language of the street so there was quick ability for Jews to get to that knowledge and impact them, ideas and culture b. Ashkanaz - French vs. Latin, there was enough of a separation i. Jews spoke the language of the street but not Latin (there were some people who did but only minimally)


51. What language did Jews speak in Europe

a. Almost always the native language to do business b. Judo languages start like Judeogerman which will turn into Yiddish c. Probably did not speak Hebrew (question if maybe they did that in the Yeshiva)


52. Did Jews know about Christian view on Christian theology and Torah

a. Seems like yes because of the polemics


53. Did Ashkanaz learn tanakh

a. Grossman - they did because they have mastery of pesukim b. Dean Berger - maybe, but like no one is questioning if the major Rabinic figures knew tanakh c. Piyutim - there seems to be a major knowledge of tanakh through the piyyutim they have


54. How do you define pshat

a. Interpretation that is contextually reasonable that fits the grammatical parts of the passuk (authorial intent is nisht pashut cause 70 panim letorah)


55. Why did Rashi make a commentary

a. It was inevitable someone would do this, so it was Rashi b. Sfardic interpretation triggered it (but seems like Rashi didn't have great knowledge of it) c. Christian encounter with the text (see bealmah controversy) - grossman thought this was the weakest reason


56. What are example of Rashbam going against Chazal

a. Eved ivrey leavdo leolam (not yovel) b. Seymaney al leybecha - not tefillin c. Vayehey erev (a little more complicated) i. Morty Lauksham has a pshat on that


57. Rav Yosef Bechor Shor innovation

a. Went away from radical approaches of pshat and was more inclined to look at midrash


58. What is the controversy of the luchot interpretation

a. Rashbam said Moshe didn't through them but they dropped, which might have been countering the Christian narrative of two covenants and discarding the old one for the new one. Cohen says there might be chrsitain influence - and they are clost to paris so it could be


59. What was Rashi's style of exegesis on Talmud

a. Line by line like rabaynu Gershom b. Even does it with avodah zarah even though he didn't learn it with his teachers c. Making the text clear - but also has a lot of suffistication i. Might be the most important wo...

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