"Into the Vortex, Journal for Star Wisdom 2015 PDF

Title "Into the Vortex, Journal for Star Wisdom 2015
Author Kevin Dann
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JOU R NA L FOR S TA R W I S D OM 2015 JOU R NA L FOR STA R W I SDOM 2 015 E di t e d by Robe r t Pow e l l E D I TO R I A L B OA R D William Bento Brian Gray Claudia McLaren Lainson Lacquanna Paul Robert Schiappacasse Lindisfarne Books Lindisfarne Books an imprint of Steinerbooks / Anthroposophic Pr...








E di t e d by Robe r t Pow e l l E D I TO R I A L B OA R D William Bento Brian Gray Claudia McLaren Lainson Lacquanna Paul Robert Schiappacasse

Lindisfarne Books

Lindisfarne Books an imprint of Steinerbooks / Anthroposophic Press, Inc. 610 Main Street, Suite 1 Great Barrington, MA, 01230 www.steinerbooks.org

Journal for Star Wisdom 2015 © 2014 by Robert Powell. All contributions are used by permission of the authors. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. With grateful acknowledgment to Peter Treadgold (1943–2005), who wrote the Astrofire program (available from the Sophia Foundation), with which the ephemeris pages in the Journal for Star Wisdom are computed each year. Disclaimer: The views expressed in the articles published in the Journal for Star Wisdom are the sole responsibility of the authors of these articles and do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial board of the Journal for Star Wisdom. Design: William Jens Jensen

isbn: 978-1-58420-177-9 (paperback) isbn: 978-1-58420-178-6 (eBook)



The Rose of the World (Rosa Mira) by Daniel Andreev


Editorial Foreword by Robert Powell


Working with the Journal for Star Wisdom


Zodiacal Ages and Cultural Epochs by Robert Powell


Ascension Visions by Estelle Isaacson


At the Gates of Damascus by Claudia Mclaren Lainson and Robert Powell


The Evolving Tradition by Richard Tarnas


Into the Vortex by Kevin Dann


Power of the Sun by Nicholas Kollerstrom


Bulletin on Biodynamic Pest Control by Brian Keats


Background to Lunar Perigee Plantings by Brian Keats


Working with the Star Calendar by Robert Powell


Symbols Used in Charts




Commentaries and Ephemerides: January–December 2014 by Claudia Mclaren Lainson with Monthly Astronomical Sky Watch by Sally Nurney Glossary References About the Contributors




he Sophia Foundation was founded and exists to help usher in the new Age of Sophia and the corresponding Sophianic culture, the Rose of the World, proph-

esied by Daniel Andreev and other spiritual teachers. Part of the work of the Sophia

Foundation is the cultivation of a new star wisdom, Astro-Sophia (Astrosophy), now arising in our time in response to the descent of Sophia, who is the bearer of Divine Wisdom, just as Christ (the Logos, or the Lamb) is the bearer of Divine Love. Like the star wisdom of antiquity, Astrosophy is sidereal, which means “of the stars.” Astrosophy, inspired by Divine Sophia, descending from stellar heights, directs our consciousness toward the glory and majesty of the starry heavens, to encompass the entire celestial sphere of our cosmos and, beyond this, to the galactic realm—the realm that Daniel Andreev referred to as “the heights of our universe”—from which Sophia is descending on her path of approach into our cosmos. Sophia draws our attention not only to the star mysteries of the heights, but also to the cosmic mysteries connected with Christ’s deeds of redemption wrought two thousand years ago. To penetrate these mysteries is the purpose of the yearly Journal for Star Wisdom. U

For information about Astrosophy / Choreocosmos / Cosmic Dance workshops Contact the Sophia Foundation: 4500 19th Street, #369, Boulder, CO 80304 Phone: (303) 242-5388; [email protected]; www.sophiafoundation.org

PREFACE Robert Powell, Ph.D.


his is the sixth edition of the Journal for Star Wisdom, which is intended as a help to all people interested in the new star wisdom of astrosophy and in the cosmic dimension of Christianity, which began with the star of the magi. The calendar comprises an ephemeris page for each month of the year computed with the help of Peter Treadgold’s Astrofire computer program, and a monthly commentary by Claudia McLaren Lainson (with Sally Nurney). The monthly commentary relates the geocentric and heliocentric planetary movements to events in the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ united the levels of the earthly personality (geocentric = Earth-centered) and the higher self (heliocentric = Sun-centered) in so far as he was the most highly evolved earthly personality (Jesus) embodying the Higher Self (Christ) of all existence, the Divine “I AM.” To see the life of Jesus Christ in relation to the world of stars opens the door to a profound experience of the cosmos, giving rise to a new star wisdom (astrosophy) that is the Spiritual Science of Cosmic Christianity. The Journal for Star Wisdom is scientific, resting upon a solid mathematical-astronomical foundation and also upon a secure chronology of the life of Jesus Christ, and at the same time it is spiritual, aspiring to the higher dimension of existence that is expressed outwardly in the world of stars. The scientific and the spiritual come together in the sidereal zodiac that originated with the Babylonians and was used by the three magi who beheld the star of Bethlehem and came to pay homage to Jesus a few months after his birth. In continuity of spirit with the origins of Cosmic Christianity with the three magi, the sidereal zodiac is the frame of reference used for the computation of the


geocentric and heliocentric planetary movements that are commented upon in the light of the life of Jesus Christ in the Journal for Star Wisdom. Thus, all zodiacal longitudes indicated in the text and presented in the following calendar are in terms of the sidereal zodiac, which has to be distinguished from the tropical zodiac in widespread use in contemporary astrology in the West. The tropical zodiac was introduced into astrology in the middle of the second century ad by the Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy. Prior to this the sidereal zodiac was in use. Such was the influence of Ptolemy upon the Western astrological tradition that the tropical zodiac became substituted for the sidereal zodiac used by the Babylonians, Egyptians, and early Greek astrologers. Yet the astrological tradition in India was not influenced by Ptolemy, and so the sidereal zodiac is still used to this day by Hindu astrologers. The sidereal zodiac originated with the Babylonians in the sixth to fifth centuries bc and was defined by them in relation to certain bright stars. For example, Aldebaran (“the Bull’s eye”) is located in the middle of the sidereal sign/constellation of the Bull at 15˚ Taurus, and Antares (“the Scorpion’s heart”) is in the middle of the sidereal sign/constellation of the Scorpion at 15˚ Scorpio. The sidereal signs, each 30˚ long, coincide closely with the twelve astronomical zodiacal constellations of the same name, whereas the signs of the tropical zodiac, since they are defined in relation to the vernal point, now have little or no relationship to the corresponding zodiacal constellations. This is because the vernal point, the zodiacal location of the sun on March 20/21, shifts slowly backward through the sidereal zodiac

Journal for Star Wisdom 2015 at a rate of 1˚ in seventy-two years (“the precession of the equinoxes”). When Ptolemy introduced the tropical zodiac into astrology, there was an almost exact coincidence between the tropical and the sidereal zodiac, as the vernal point, which is defined to be 0˚ Aries in the tropical zodiac, was at 1˚ Aries in the sidereal zodiac in the middle of the second century ad. Thus, there was only 1˚ difference between the two zodiacs. So, it made hardly any difference to Ptolemy or his contemporaries to use the tropical zodiac instead of the sidereal zodiac. But now—the vernal point, on account of precession, having shifted back from 1˚ Aries to 5˚ Pisces—there is a 25˚ difference and so there is virtually no correspondence between the two. Without going into further detail concerning the complex issue of the zodiac, as shown in the Hermetic Astrology trilogy, the sidereal zodiac is the zodiac used by the three magi, who were the last representatives of the true star wisdom of antiquity. For this reason the sidereal zodiac is used throughout the Journal for Star Wisdom. Readers interested in exploring the scientific (astronomical and chronological) foundations of Cosmic Christianity are referred to the works listed below under “Literature.” The Chronicle of the Living Christ: Foundations of Cosmic Christianity, listed on the next page, is an indispensable source of reference (abbreviated Chron.) for the Journal for Star Wisdom, as, too, are the four Gospels (Matthew = Mt.; Mark = Mk.; Luke = Lk.; John = Jn.). The chronology of the life of Jesus Christ rests upon the description of his daily life by Anne Catherine Emmerich in her four-volume work The Life of Jesus Christ (abbreviated LJC). Further details concerning the Journal for Star Wisdom and how to work with it on a daily basis may be found in the general introduction to the Christian Star Calendar. The general introduction explains all the features of the Journal for Star Wisdom. The new edition, published 2003, includes sections on the megastars (stars of great luminosity) and on the 36 decans (10˚ subdivisions of the twelve signs of the zodiac) in relation to their planetary rulers and to the extra-zodiacal constellations, those constellations above or below

the circle of the twelve constellations/signs of the zodiac. Further material on the decans, including examples of historical personalities born in the various decans, and also a wealth of other material on the signs of the sidereal zodiac, is to be found in Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac, listed below. Also foundational is History of the Zodiac, published by Sophia Academic Press, listed below under “Works by Robert Powell.”

Literature (See also “References” section) General Introduction to the Christian Star Calendar: A Key to Understanding, 2nd ed. Palo Alto, CA: Sophia Foundation, 2003. Bento, William, Robert Schiappacasse, and David Tresemer, Signs in the Heavens: A Message for our Time. Boulder: StarHouse, 2000. Emmerich, Anne Catherine, Visions of the Life of Jesus Christ (new edition, with material by Robert Powell). San Rafael, CA: LogoSophia, 2012. Paul, Lacquanna, and Robert Powell, Cosmic Dances of the Planets. San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2007. ———, Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac. San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2007. Smith, Edward, The Burning Bush: An Anthroposophical Commentary on the Bible. Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 1997. Steiner, Rudolf, Astronomy and Astrology. Finding a Relationship to the Cosmos. London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 2009. Sucher, Willi, Cosmic Christianity and the Changing Countenance of Cosmology. Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 1993. Isis Sophia and other works by Willi Sucher are available from the Astrosophy Research Center, PO Box 13, Meadow Vista, CA 95722. Tidball, Charles S., and Robert Powell, Jesus, Lazarus, and the Messiah: Unveiling Three Christian Mysteries. Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 2005. This book offers a penetrating study of the Christ mysteries against the background of Chronicle of the Living Christ and contains two chapters by Robert Powell on the Apostle John and John the Evangelist (Lazarus). Tresemer, David (with Robert Schiappacasse), Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner: A Life Seen Through the Oracle of the Solar Cross. Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 2007.

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Astrosophical Works by Robert Powell, P h.D. Starcrafts (formerly Astro Communication Services, or ACS): History of the Houses (1997). History of the Planets (1989). The Zodiac: A Historical Survey (1984). www.acspublications.com www.astrocom.com Business Address: Starcrafts Publishing 334 Calef Hwy. Epping, NH 03042 Phone: 603-734-4300 Fax: 603-734-4311 Contact [email protected]


Orders: (703) 661-1594; www.steinerbooks.org; PO Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172.

The Astrological Revolution: Unveiling the Science of the Stars as a Science of Reincarnation and Karma, coauthor Kevin Dann (Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 2010). After reestablishing the sidereal zodiac as a basis for astrology that penetrates the mystery of the stars’ relationship to human destiny, the reader is invited to discover the astrological significance of the totality of the vast sphere of stars surrounding the Earth. This book points to the astrological significance of the entire celestial sphere, including all the stars and constellations beyond the twelve zodiacal signs. This discovery is revealed by the study of megastars, illustrating how they show up in an extraordinary way in Christ’s healing miracles by aligning with the Sun at the time of those events. This book offers a spiritual, yet scientific, path toward a new relationship to the stars. Christian Hermetic Astrology: The Star of the Magi and the Life of Christ (Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 1998). Twenty-five discourses set in the “Temple of the Sun,” where Hermes and his pupils gather to meditate on the Birth, the Miracles, and the Passion of Jesus Christ. The discourses offer a series of meditative contemplations on the deeds of Christ in relation to the mysteries of the cosmos. They are an expression of the age-old hermetic mystery wisdom of the ancient Egyptian sage, Hermes Trismegistus. This book offers a meditative approach to the cosmic correspondences between major events in the life of Christ and the heavenly configurations at that time 2,000 years ago.

Chronicle of the Living Christ: Foundations of Cosmic Christianity (Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, 1996). An account of the life of Christ, day by day, throughout most of the 3½ years of his ministry, including the horoscopes of conception, birth, and death of Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptist, together with a wealth of material relating to a new star wisdom focused on the life of Christ. This work provides the chronological basis for Christian Hermetic Astrology and the Journal for Star Wisdom. Elijah Come Again: A Prophet for our Time: A Scientific Approach to Reincarnation (Great Barrington, MA: Steiner Books, 2009). By way of horoscope comparisons from conception– birth–death in one incarnation to conception– birth–death in the next, this work establishes scientifically two basic astrosophical research findings. These are: the importance 1) of the sidereal zodiac and 2) of the heliocentric positions of the planets. Also, for the first time, the identity of the “saintly nun” is revealed, of whom Rudolf Steiner spoke in a conversation with Marie von Sivers about tracing Novalis’s karmic background. The focus throughout the book is on the Elijah individuality in his various incarnations, and is based solidly on Rudolf Steiner’s indications. It also can be read as a karmic biography by anyone who chooses to omit the astrosophical material. Journal for Star Wisdom (Great Barrington, MA: SteinerBooks, annual). Edited by Robert Powell and others in the StarFire research group: A guide to the correspondences of Christ in the stellar and etheric world. Includes articles of interest, a complete sidereal ephemeris and aspectarian, geocentric and heliocentric. Published yearly in November for the coming year. According to Rudolf Steiner, every step taken by Christ during his ministry between the baptism in the Jordan and the resurrection was in harmony with, and an expression of, the cosmos. The journal is concerned with these heavenly correspondences during the life of Christ. It is intended to help provide a foundation for Cosmic Christianity, the cosmic dimension of Christianity. It is this dimension that has been missing from Christianity in its 2,000year history. A starting point is to contemplate the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets against the background of the zodiacal constellations (sidereal signs) today in relation to corresponding stellar events during the life of Christ. This opens the possibility of attuning

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Journal for Star Wisdom 2015 to the life of Christ in the etheric cosmos in a living way.

Sophia Foundation Press and Sophia Academic Press Publications

Books available from Amazon.com [email protected] www.logosophia.com

History of the Zodiac (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Academic Press, 2007). Book version of Robert Powell’s Ph.D. thesis on the History of the Zodiac. This penetrating study of the History of the Zodiac restores the sidereal zodiac to its rightful place as the original zodiac, tracing it back to fifth-century-bc. Babylonians. Available in paperback and hard cover. Hermetic Astrology: Volume 1, Astrology and Reincarnation (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2007). This book seeks to give the ancient science of the stars a scientific basis. This new foundation for astrology based on research into reincarnation and karma (destiny) is the primary focus. It includes numerous reincarnation examples, the study of which reveals the existence of certain astrological “laws” of reincarnation, on the basis of which it is evident that the ancient sidereal zodiac is the authentic astrological zodiac, and that the heliocentric movements of the planets are of great significance. Foundational for the new star wisdom of astrosophy. Hermetic Astrology: Volume 2, Astrological Biography (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2007). Concerned with karmic relationships and the unfolding of destiny in sevenyear periods through one’s life. The seven-year rhythm underlies the human being’s astrological biography, which can be studied in relation to the movements of the Sun, Moon, and planets around the sidereal zodiac between conception and birth. The “rule of Hermes” is used to determine the moment of conception. Sign of the Son of Man in the Heavens: Sophia and the New Star Wisdom (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2008). Revised and expanded with new material, this edition deals with a new wisdom of stars in the light of Divine Sophia. It is intended as a help in our time, when we are called on to be extremely wakeful during the period leading up to the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. Cosmic Dances of the Zodiac (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2007) coauthor

Lacquanna Paul. Study material describing the twelve signs of the zodiac and their forms and gestures in cosmic dance, with diagrams, including a wealth of information on the twelve signs and the 36 decans (the subdivision of the signs into decans, or 10° sectors, corresponding to constellations above and below the zodiac). Cosmic Dances of the Planets (San Rafael, CA: Sophia Foundation Press, 2007), coauthor Lacquanna Paul. Study material describing the seven classical planets and their forms and gestures in cosmic dance, with diagrams, including much information on the planets.

American Federation of Astrologers (AFA) Publications

PO Box 22040, Tempe, AZ 85285.

The Sidereal Zodiac, coauthor Peter Treadgold (Tempe, AZ: AFA, 1985). A History of the Zodiac (sidereal, tropical, Hindu, astronomical) and a formal definition of the sidereal zodiac with the star Aldebaran (“the Bull’s Eye”) at 15º Taurus. This is an abbreviated version of History of the Zodiac.

Rudolf Steiner College Press Publications

9200 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks, CA 95628 The Christ Mystery: Reflections on the Second Coming (Fair Oaks, CA: Rudolf Steiner College Press, 1999). The fruit of many years of reflecting on the Second ...

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