RA 1 Group 1 - answer PDF

Title RA 1 Group 1 - answer
Author Anonymous User
Course Science Matters
Institution Humber College
Pages 17
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Thread: Post: Author:

M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Vallen Reyes

Posted Date: Status:

May 25, 2020 9:06 AM Published

Which of the following is not an example of Pseudoscience? a) Unidentified Flying Objects found underwater b) The Bermuda Triangle phenomenon c) The age of the universe d) Communication with the spiritual world "(Does Truth Matter?" Page 2, Paragraph 5)

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Thread: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Post: RE: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Author: Parth Kapadia

Posted Date: Status:

May 26, 2020 12:27 AM Published

according to me, i think the correct option is D because there is no scientific definition behind spiritual world. Science has so far answered all the logic or possibilities behind such events. Not everybody can see or talk with spirits at all; even there is not proper way to contact them. So I think it is nothing more than just a hypothetical world.

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Thread: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Post: RE: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Author: Evan Stolpmann

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 10:04 AM Published

My answer would be C, because Although The Age of the Universe is seemingly "unproveable" we do have a hypothesis based on Physics and Mathematical insights that lead us as a world to create trial and error calculations that give us our best possible answer which is not guided purely on human intuition, but other sciences and maths.

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Thread: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Post: RE: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Author: Mary Noel

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 4:26 PM Published

Some people think ''Pseudoscience is a bad category for breakdown, it somewhat exist entirely as a negative attribution regarding scientist and individuals that is not identified as a scientist sometimes throw others people but never apply to themselves.

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Thread: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Post: RE: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Author: Dave Kirsh

Posted Date: Status:

June 3, 2020 10:38 AM Published

Posted Date: Status:

May 28, 2020 11:41 AM Published

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 11:35 PM Published

The age of the universe is entirely provable, Evan

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Thread: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Post: RE: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Author: Mary Noel

b) The Bermuda Triangle phenomenon

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Thread: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Post: RE: M.C.: Science vs. Pseudoscience Author: Vallen Reyes

The answer is c, as the age of the universe is established through logical and mathematical reasoning.

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Thread: S.A.: Defense Against Pseudoscience Post: S.A.: Defense Against Pseudoscience Author: Vallen Reyes

Posted Date: Edited Date: Status:

May 25, 2020 9:30 AM May 25, 2020 9:31 AM Published

Most of the examples of Pseudoscience provided in the article seem easy to distinguish from actual Science. However, this distinction might not always be as simple and clear. Provide a list of good practices one might keep in mind during the process of sifting through information to distinguish Pseudoscience from Science. (Does Truth Matter? Page 2)

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Thread: S.A.: Defense Against Pseudoscience Post: RE: S.A.: Defense Against Pseudoscience Author: Evan Stolpmann

Posted Date: Status:

May 29, 2020 3:13 PM Published

In the reading Carl Sagan states "Wisdom lies in the understanding of our limitations". That would be were this list would begin in order to undertsand external sources have truth you need to understand your ability to parse certain information through your own cognitive biases. 1. Be careful who's opinions influence you. 2. Do not reject unpleasant evidence automatically.

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Thread: S.A.: Defense Against Pseudoscience Post: RE: S.A.: Defense Against Pseudoscience Author: Vallen Reyes

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 11:39 PM Published

Those are great points. I would also add the importance of checking the references or methods in which the proposed idea was established.

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Author: Seun Oyewole

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 1:42 AM Published

MC - The scientific method

The principle of simplicity as explained by William of Ockham simply explains

(A) patterns and irregularities (B) falsifiability (C) theories are to be clear and straight forward (D) steadfast observations (Page 2/3 lesson1)

S.A on Ockham's Razor Scientific Method Give a simple illustration/example that explains Ockham's Razor (Page 2/3 lesson1)

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post: RE: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question Multiple Choice Question Author: Kylle Balbido

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 7:33 PM Published

MC - The scientific method My answer would be C. As explained by William of Ockham, the principle of simplicity is a practice of having theories to be as clean and straightforward as possible. In other words, the simplest answer to a question is the one that requires the fewest assumptions or the one that has the simplest explanation.

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post: RE: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question Multiple Choice Question Author: Seun Oyewole

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 4:01 PM Published

You are correct because William of Ockham emphasizes "Don't multiply entities beyond necessity".

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post:

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 7:46 PM Published

RE: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question Multiple Choice Question Author: Kylle Balbido

S.A. on Ockham's Razor - Scientific Method Ockham's Razor explains the Principle of Simplicity. It simply states that if we are given two competing theories, the one with the simplest explanation is preferred. For example, a student failed her Citizen Science final exam. A possible explanation is a) the student needed to study harder, or b) textbook publishers intentionally put wrong answers in the study guide to sabotage students' grades. In this example, explanation a is the probable reason.

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post: RE: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question Multiple Choice Question Author: Seun Oyewole

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 4:09 PM Published

This is explanatory enough to even widen my understanding of the principle of simplicity

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post: RE: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question Multiple Choice Question Author: Tasneem Khurshid

Posted Date: Status:

May 29, 2020 11:22 PM Published

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 4:15 PM Published

(D) steadfast observations

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Thread: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question - Multiple Choice Question Post: RE: Assignment 1 - Posting Original Question Multiple Choice Question Author: Seun Oyewole

(D) Steadfast observation is incorrect because according to William of Ockham "don't multiply entities beyond necessity".

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Thread: Post: Author:

Lesson 1: Does Truth Matter? Lesson 1: Does Truth Matter? Asmaa Bana

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 1:57 AM Published

What’s the most successful global pseudoscience religion? Mentioned in the article, “Does Truth matters". (Page 6)

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Thread: Post: Author:

Lesson 1: Does Truth Matter? RE: Lesson 1: Does Truth Matter? Evan Stolpmann

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 10:09 AM Published

The Most Successful Pseudo Science mentioned in the article is TM, or Ttranscendental Meditation. It is now broad casted live on television and therefore has created a huge number of followers, claiming to get extra ordinary capabilities after TM. Many scientists, engineers and well educated Academics also participate in TM.

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Thread: Post: Author:

Lesson 1: Does Truth Matter? RE: Lesson 1: Does Truth Matter? Asmaa Bana

Posted Date: Status:

June 1, 2020 8:15 PM Published

Posted Date: Edited Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 10:16 AM May 27, 2020 10:17 AM Published

That answer is correct! :)

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Thread: Post: Author:

M.C: Does Truth Matter? M.C: Does Truth Matter? Evan Stolpmann

What is the "sharpest" distinction between science and psuedoscience? A) A greater appreciation for human imperfections and fallibility B) Human intuition C) Taking Measurements D) Creating Hypothesis

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Thread: Post: Author:

M.C: Does Truth Matter? RE: M.C: Does Truth Matter? Vallen Reyes

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 12:32 PM Published

Answer: A) A greater appreciation for human imperfections and fallibility

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Thread: Post: Author:

M.C: Does Truth Matter? RE: M.C: Does Truth Matter? Mary Noel

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 3:40 PM Published

Answer: A). A greater appreciation for human imperfections and fallibility.

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Thread: Post: Author:

M.C: Does Truth Matter? RE: M.C: Does Truth Matter? Evan Stolpmann

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 11:30 PM Published

The Answer is A ) A greater appreciation for human imperfections and fallibility.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Does Truth Matter? S.A.: Does Truth Matter? Evan Stolpmann

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 10:22 AM Published

What are some of the negative effects that a society as a whole can have from a growing belief of Pseudoscience, rather than real Scientific Knowledge and Literacy?

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Does Truth Matter? RE: S.A.: Does Truth Matter? Vallen Reyes

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 12:43 PM Published

A growing belief of Pseudoscience in a society could alienate and potentially endanger its members, as shown during the witch hunts. It also renders the group vulnerable to exploitation by

individuals who might have more scientific knowledge and literacy but have no regard for morality, through propaganda or other forms of persuasion.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Does Truth Matter? RE: S.A.: Does Truth Matter? Mary Noel

Posted Date: Status:

May 28, 2020 3:41 PM Published

There are some positive effects to others who believe in superstition of pseudoscience, some believe it's more than others who may experienced negative effects. Furthermore, there are self verifications which happens when others try to create social reality into the social world how others may think or view can confirm self conceptions.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Does Truth Matter? RE: S.A.: Does Truth Matter? Evan Stolpmann

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 11:34 PM Published

Many negative effects can come to fruition if a society as a whole becomes attached to belief in pseudoscience. Some of these effects include, if the people of a country do not have scientific literacy they can base many of there decisions without much base in reality, and these decisions can also be manipulated and used politically. Another effect is science is the largest part of innovation within a countries economy, without real science it is difficult to be on the cutting edge of technology in order to compete with other global economies.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? Kylle Balbido

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 7:07 PM Published

Aside from the five key overall solutions listed in the article “Can Scientists Speak?”, can you think of other ways or recommendations to improve science communication policies?

Reference: Magnuson-Ford, K; Gibbs, K. (2014). Can Scientists Speak? Evidence for Democracy, and Simon Fraser University.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? RE: S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? Parth Kapadia

Posted Date: Status:

May 28, 2020 10:46 PM Published

According to me, the researches scientists have are confidential ones. There are secrets which should be open to know for public; whereas there are some which can cause stress and misunderstanding to people; so it vary with content and the stage they are at. If they claims to have or to make something, the somehow if it does not work out the way it was supposed to be, then it might decrease their trust towards scientists. I think once the research is done, it should be available to public to increase their knowledge if it is not harmful to future. If such informations which are not confidential, it should be available for people via YouTube, Twitter, Wikipedia and well known social sites.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? RE: S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? Kylle Balbido

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 10:04 PM Published

I agree with your answer to some extent. In my opinion, information, especially governmentfunded and public institutions, researches should be available to the public. However, as stated in the report, “Reports of widespread muzzling and delayed access to Canadian government scientists have been covered in prominent national and international media.” To avoid this, one of the key recommendations is to “Make it explicit that scientists can speak freely about their research to facilitate clear and timely communication.” On top of that, most articles and researches are targeted to a more expert audience and can often be complex to understand. A public spokesperson should be designated to interpret findings and convey it to the public in a more understandable format and in media platforms that are widely used by citizens today.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? RE: S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? Eren Sengul

Posted Date: Status:

May 30, 2020 5:08 PM Published

Maybe an anonymous message board could be created for scientists to post statements and their work, get the feedback they need(like a controle group) and scientists could publish their work based on the feedback they get.

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Thread: Post: Author:

S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? RE: S.A.: Can Scientists Speak? Kylle Balbido

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 11:24 PM Published

Just like everything else, there are definite pros and cons to anonymous feedback. Allowing colleagues to respond to your research anonymously would take this as an opportunity to give unfiltered opinions without the fear of judgement. On the other hand, mistrust can be a consequence as they will become suspicious of those who will provide negative feedback to their works. Whether it does more harm than good or vice versa, scientists should provide constructive criticisms and feedback, and approach healthy, productive conversations with peers to exchange information effectively.

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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Post: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Author: Parth Kapadia

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 8:40 PM Published

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 10:32 PM Published

Posted Date: Status:

May 28, 2020 8:14 PM Published

Advantage of Pseudoscience. A. Science can not answer them. B. Everyone believes that it is a fact .C. Easier to contrive than science. D. Provide all the details in depth. Reference (page 2 paragraph 3)

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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Author: Asmaa Bana

Answer: Easier to contrive than science.

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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Author: Parth Kapadia

Your answer is correct

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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Author: Seun Oyewole

Posted Date: Status:

May 30, 2020 3:04 PM Published

The answer is C. Easier to contrive than science because science is based on tested hypothesis over a period.

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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter MCQ question Author: Seun Oyewole

Posted Date: Status:

May 30, 2020 3:05 PM Published

The answer is C. Easier to contrive than science because science is based on tested hypotheses over a period.

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Thread: Post: Author:

Does Truth Really Matter question Does Truth Really Matter question Parth Kapadia

Posted Date: Status:

May 27, 2020 8:42 PM Published

When fake organs and blood is used for 'Psychic surgery', how does patients recovered from their actual problem or disease? Reference (page 3, paragraph 1)

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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter question Author: Tasneem Khurshid

Hi Parth, Can you plz share the link of this article.

Posted Date: Status:

May 30, 2020 12:16 AM Published


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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter question Author: Parth Kapadia

Posted Date: Status:

May 30, 2020 5:34 PM Published


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Thread: Does Truth Really Matter question Post: RE: Does Truth Really Matter question Author: Parth Kapadia

Posted Date: Status:

May 31, 2020 11:06 PM Published

According to me Psytric surgery" refers to a variety of healing practiced within the Philippines wherein the healer appears to perform a surgery upon a conscious patient with no anesthesia, apparently opening the patient's body and removing diseased material with bare hands, ...

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