Race Matters Study Guide Chapter 1 Through 8 Black And White PDF

Title Race Matters Study Guide Chapter 1 Through 8 Black And White
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Race Matters Study Guide CHAPTER 1 STUDY GUIDE Summary In chapter 1, Cornel West stated that there are two main points of view in black community. One of them is liberal structuralists, and the other is conservative behaviorists. Liberal tends to call for helps and supports programs which focus on economic and politic, and conservative tend to promote self-help programs which emphasizes on how black people act and live. West believes both are right just on the surface, but they failed to address the essential problem of matter. He believes that nihilism is an actual cause of the problem. It is the living experience of black which creates a sense of hopeless, meaningless and lovelessness. He proposed “politics of conversion” as a solution need to be done. Outline  Liberal and conservative camps Seek for support from outside Conservative promote help-self  Failed to address real problem Nihilism Hopelessness, meaningless and lovelessness  Solution to the problem is “politic of conversion” New model of collective black leadership Change people believe Create the sense of hope and meaning of struggle Reflection Nihilism does exist in any religion because it is a factor of suicide. In order to plan hope for people, we need to light up the flame inside their hearts, and be able to understand their cultures to keep the flame burning. Helpfulvocabularyandchaptercontext Nihilism  : the senses of hopelessness, meaninglessness, and lovelessness. Plight  : danger or risk, a struggle or battle Cliché: a stereotypical expression, or a talking way throughout the cloud. Angst: a strong feeling of anxiety or worry.


A. Chapter presents Cornell West’s views on racial reasoning, or the tendency of African-Americans to refrain from publicly opposing black males in positions of leadership. For example, West uses the appointment of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as an illustration, demonstrating that despite the fact that Thomas was clearly not the most qualified and his politics did not agree with the majority of African-Americans, the community as a whole refused to publicly oppose his nomination, and somewhat supported him in the Anita Hill case. West continues to depict how the public was directly manipulated into believing that Thomas had the interests of African-Americans in heart due to claims to “black authenticity”. That is, believing a person has adopted the principles of the black community just because he shared the struggle against prejudice and racism in the past. In his analysis, West believes that a “prophetic framework” of moral reasoning - paying attention to the current politics of a person and ignoring their prior history, gender, and skin color - is what the AfricanAmerican community should adopt in order to avoid further traps of tokenism in the future. 1.   

II. Outline - Identify the problem of black leadership and its effects on the community: o Racial reasoning o Black authenticity o Inequality within the community itself - Using the case of Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill to clarify the problems - Proposing solutions to the matters: o Moral reasoning o Clearly defining the value and culture of black community III. Vocabulary


2. 3. 2. 1.

A. Racial reasoning: people tend to defend and agree with others of the same race. They assume that anyone with the same race would have similar set of experience, knowledge, understanding and points of views as them just because they share the experience. B. Moral reasoning: understanding the matters clearly without taking discriminations and stereotypes into account. C. Black authenticity: When a black person is believed to be part of the black community simply by sharing the struggles and racism of the past. IV. Chapter Context A. Clarence Thomas vs. Anita Hill case - 1991, President George Bush nominated Clarence, a 43-year-old, conservative, African-American, for the position of Supreme Court judge after Thurgood Marshall decided to retire, despite his lack of experiences. - A few weeks after the nomination moved forward, Anita Hill, a law professor

at the University of Oklahoma, came forward and accused Thomas of sexual harassment during the time she worked under him at the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission. - Thomas denied the allegations and testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee. - There were four other female witnesses, but they were never called to testify. - Despite the incident, the Senates voted 52-48 and appointed Thomas to a seat of an associate justice of Supreme Court. 1. 1. 2. 2.

V. Critical Response Questions A. Could you overcome your “racial reasoning”? B. Why do we always take race into consideration? VI. Reflection CHAPTER 3 STUDY GUIDE

There is no vital community that holds precious ethical and religious ideals, because of it becomes clear why there is a lack of quality leadership in America.  Professional conscientious, personal accomplishment and cautious adjustment is the principal of black middle class life.  Blacks today wear their professional clothing (slacks, tie, 3piece suit) so they can state that “themselves” have it made  Most political leaders today are acting they are putting on a show instead of really feeling for what they believe in. 

In Race Matters, chapter 3 Cornel West the author discusses how in the black middle class there are no black leaders. He continuously compares throughout the chapter 1960’s to the 1900’s that there has been only a handful of leaders to appear in the public eye. He compares Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Ella Baker, and Fannie Lou Hammer all which is known to the black community as inspirational black leaders to Booker T. Washington who felt all black people should stay as labor workers (slaves) , because that is all they are ever good at doing. There needs to be another movement because 1960’s was the last one. Cornel West ponders why does a black leader have to be in the middle class? Part 1 1.

Black people way back in the 50’s and 60’s the only way for them to be idolized was through entertainment and West states that black America in the middle class only focuses on entertainment still, there is no focus on intelligent leaders. Like forexample political leaders scientists, etc. 2. Race effacing are managerial leaders. Race transcending is prophetic leaders. Race-identifying are protest leaders

3. Part 3

1. What does west mean when he says that the black middle class today us decadent? For the most part, the dominant outlooks and life styles of today’s black middle class discourage the development of high quality political and intellectual leaders. 2. Explain the difference between race- effacing, race-identifying, and racetranscending political leaders.

3. Explain the differences between race- distancing, race-embracing, and racetranscending black scholars. CHAPTER 4 STUDY GUIDE Summary In 1975 it was the beginning of an attack on liberals from conservatives. Many African Americans became conservatives due to the lack of people seeking radical change. Glen Loury says black liberals feel like victims and whites are to blame, too much loyalty to black race is dangerous, how liberals ignore the condition of blacks and cover up bad things about their communities, and how liberals do not take conservatives seriously. Oil crisis of 1973 ended the U.S. economic power and the recession impacted mainly the black working poor and very poor communities. Some black conservatives wanted Affirmative Action eliminated because they wanted to be judged by their skills and not by the color of their skin. Many black Americans became disengaged from elections because they are distrustful of political processes. New conservatives don't examine pervasiveness of sexual and military images used by media to entice consumers. New black conservatives highlight the breakdown of morals in black communities and blame only individuals but don't take seriously the historical background. Private sector is not interested in creating more jobs for poor people because it is not in its economic interests to do so.

Outline Race and Economics (1975) by Thomas Sowell is looked at as the beginning of a strong attack on liberals

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George S. Schuyler, a black conservative of the century wrote funny and harshly in The Pittsburgh Courier for decades and Black and Conservative Many African Americans became conservatives due to lack of people seeking radical change and Reaganism Glen Loury, a points out three things about black liberalism he does not agree with 1.) African Americans feel like victims of whites and blame whites for all problems they face 2.) Too much loyalty to being black can be blinding and is dangerous 3.) Liberals minimize or ignore conversations about the condition of African Americans by covering up negatives about the black community and not taking conservatives seriously and intellectually Loury says that the leadership of Liberalism makes it difficult to communicate efficiently Loury says that African American liberals ignore how they treat each other and other races Loury contradicts himself by spreading insincere ideas then condemns his opponents for same ideas Loury rejects blind loyalty to race and replaces it with blind loyalty to nation, criticizes black liberals for being too different than conservative America because ideas are opposing rest of country, he does not deepen and enrich black intellectual exchange Oil crisis ends U.S. economic power and recession impacted working poor and very poor Black officials elected at all levels to ensure black upward mobility, some felt bad about how whites viewed them Some black conservatives wanted affirmative action eliminated even though that's how they got their positions Black conservatives wanted to be judged by their skills not color Affirmative action policies were political responses to pervasive refusal of many whites judging African Americans by color Black conservatives are preoccupied with wanting acceptance of whites Black conservatives reserve most of their energies for supporting U.S. intervention in Central America and U.S. substantive aid to Israel The decline of jobs for unskilled workers and industrial jobs are the most crucial transformation in U.S. economy affecting black Americans in past forty years The crisis of black liberalism is the result of its failure to put forward a realistic response to the changes in the economy

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Conservatives want to replace black liberals with black Republicans who downplay governmental regulation and stress success-oriented values in black communities New black conservatives are not able to covince most black Americans that their ideology and policies of Reagan and Bush Adm. are morally acceptable and politically advantageous Electoral disengagement of black Americans suggests they are distrustful of American political processes New conservatives don't examine pervasiveness of sexual and military images used by media to entice consumers Most blacks say racism is one cause for their plight. Most say new black conservative assault is a step backward in black community New black conservatives highlight the breakdown of morals in black communities and blame only individuals but don't take seriously the historical background Black conservatives and some neo-liberals overlook the degree to which market forces of advanced capitalist processes thrive on sexual and military images The media/capitalism plays a large role in putting sex and military images for youth It is no surprise that black youth are isolated by the labor market, marginalized by urban schools, devalued by ideals of American beauty, and targeted by drug invasion, high rates of crime, and teenage pregnancy New black conservatives look at black behavior without considering cultural realities and play a deceptive and dangerous game with lives of disadvantaged people The breakdown of morals is bad for the state but good for the market Cutbacks in the the welfare state will not promote self-reliance or strong black families but will only produce even more black cultural disorientation and more devastated black households Important Historical Context 1973 Eclipse of U.S. economic predominance in the world 1973 The structural transformation of the American economy 1973 The moral breakdown of communities throughtout the country, especially among the black working poor and very poor 1973 Oil crisis ends U.S. economic power and recession impacted working poor and very poor 1975 Race and Economics by Thomas Sowell is looked at as the beginning of a strong attack on liberals Vocabulary Words and Definitions

Liberal - Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. 2.) Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. 3.) Tending to give freely; generous, not strict or literal, loose. Neo-Liberalism - A political movement beginning in the 1960s that blends traditional liberal concerns for social justice with an emphasis on economic growth. 2.) a modern politico-economic theory favouring free trade, privatization, minimal government intervention in business, reduced public expenditure on social services, etc. 3.) a movement that modifies classical liberalism in light of 20th-century conditions. 4.) A political orientation originating in the 1960s; blends liberal political views with an emphasis on economic growth, favors social progress by reform and by changing laws rather than by revolution. Conservatism - Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change. 2. Moderate; cautious: a conservative estimate. 3. Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism. 4. Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement. Neo-Conservative - An intellectual and political movement in favor of political, economic, and social conservatism that arose in opposition to the perceived liberalism of the 1960s. 2. A new movement in conservatism, usually seen as a move further to the right of the position currently occupied by conservatives in politics or in attitudes. Plight - A condition of extreme hardship, danger, etc. Predominance - the quality of being more noticeable than anything else. Context - The conditions and circumstances that are relevant to an event, fact, etc. 2.) The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting. CHAPTER 6 STUDY GUIDE Summary: Jewish-Black relations are deteriorating. Jews and blacks have consorted to petty behavior to racially criticize each other. However there was once an alliance. Prior to the unprecedented economic growth of the sixties, black and Jews shared an alliance-a genuine empathy. While Jews were persecuted and hated in Europe for hundreds of years, blacks were tortured and subdued through terror and violence. This common ground started to erode when Jewish communities started climbing the social ladder and majority of blacks remained poor. Jewish support for American conservatism and anti affirmative action fueled outrage among black communities. Black on other hand have become anti

Semitic. They see Jews as opposing their opinion on Israel and they perceive the Jews to be white, Christ killers and treacherous. They see Jews as nepotistic. Rather than channeling black degradation towards the corporate powers, black leaders like Louis Farrakhan wrongly blame the Jewish Elites for class disparity. This chaos only backstabs the black struggle for freedom and equality.

Outinle: Although tensions are low now between Black and Jewish relations it will not break the bond that they had many years ago. Both Blacks and Jews had one thing in common and that was racism and hatred. Jews were hated in Europe and Blacks had to face racism here in the United States. The cost of the damage the Nazi’s caused while they were trying to commit a genocidal attempt towards the Jews would be in the billions and the emotional toll the Whites caused towards the Blacks is unforgettable. The benefit of having these two races together is useful and respectful. 1.

2. 1. 2.


4. 1. 2.


The combining between black and Jewish relations can show the world that no matter the color of your skin we can still live in peace and harmony. Black Anti-Semitism believed they could not have a good relations with Jews because they resemble the white people in America The Black perception was the Jewish people were identical to any other group benefitting from the white skin privileges in Racist America. The Blacks said bluntly that when black humanity is taken for granted and not made to prove itself in white culture, whites Jews, and others are not that important; they are simply human beings, just like black people. The blacks resented the Jews because the Jews rose up in class. The color of their skin made them American and had it a lot easier than the blacks did. No matter the race, color of your skin, or religion we are all the same All humans were born equally with arms and legs and same body parts like any other person on this planet. We may all have different skin colors but that does not make us any different than the person next to you or the person across the ocean. We should not be judged. We are not anyone to prove ourselves loyal to anyone. No one has a right to belittle us or make us feel inferior because we are all EQUAL.


1. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. 1. 1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cornel West associates his ideas with Malcolm X’s Knowledge on Black Rage an how it was necessary to have "psychic coversion" to make African Americans feel and be accepted by society. Black Rage It is the love for Black people in search of stopping assaults on blacks and their capabilities and the anger of injustice Black Rage is not Hate Racism Sexism Homophobia Economic injustice Goal was to motivate and encourage black rage, in the hopes that it would turn into black love and eliminate elements that negatively affect the community Seeing in other eyes Stop looking giving importance to what has been said about African Americans Use your own eyes instead of “white lenses” Take control of destiny and feel capable Psychic conversion White supremacy is not everything Change how blacks view themselves and : Value Accept Emerge Grow Summary: Malcom X and Black Rage is a chapter where Cornell West shows the anger that Malcolm X had for the states because of their unfair treatment to African Americans. West shaes that Malcolm wanted to help because he trully loved black people. From this chapter you can see that Malcolm X's intension were to create a "psychic coneversion". Malcolm X wanted black people to stop the portrayal socity had of them. Not only did he want "white" poeple to see them differently, but he wanted black peole to se them sleves differently as well. Cornell Shares example such as that of Michael Jackson, where although he was the most talented and popular entertainer, he saw himself through white lenses which may have not allowed him to believe in himself completely. Terms:

psychic conversion: to make a black person truly believe in the capacity his or herself by destroying white racist opresssion

Black Rage: the love for black people that motives change and elimanates negative thoughts of black people  white lenses: racial portrayal of black people in America

Quote: "Malcolm X was the first real black spokesperson who looked ferocious white racism in the eye, didn'y blink, and lives long enough to tell America the truth about this glaring hypocrisy in a bold and defiant manner." (Cornel West Pg. 151) Reflection: Cornel West believes that Malcolm X was the only person that actually viewed the black unfairness in Americ...

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