Rachel Simons edu10002-assignment-1b-learning-activity-plan-template (1) (2) (1) PDF

Title Rachel Simons edu10002-assignment-1b-learning-activity-plan-template (1) (2) (1)
Author Rachel Simons
Course Understanding Language and Literacy
Institution Swinburne Online
Pages 3
File Size 175.1 KB
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Handed in 7/4/20...


EDU10002 Assignment 1B: Learning activity plan Your name:

Rachel Simons

url for your SoundCloud oral presentation recording


1. Learning activity title 2. Age group

Creating musical Shakers + Songs and games 3-5 years

3. Learning activity: Description of a practical language or literacy activity you could use in the early childhood setting to support the child/children’s oral language development in the Australian context. How are you going to introduce the activity, what will you do during the activity (to involve the child/children and support their learning) and how will you conclude the activity? (approx. 200 words). To introduce the activity, all kids will create musical shakers, using dry ingredients such as uncooked pasta, chickpeas, rice, beans, and lentils, placing them inside a plastic bottle. (Could get the children to go outside and find their own ingredients e.g. dirt, sand, rocks/pebbles, twigs) Multiple stations will be set around the room with a different ingredient per station. I will go to each station, prompting the children to discuss between themselves relevant topics to the task, for example, contents of the bottle, which ingredients are seen at home, where? What they are used for, how full to make the bottle, will it change the sound with more or less in it? Open up ‘story time’ (my mum did this…) at each different station to influence the children to interact with each other. Encourage children to write their name and the contents on the bottle after creation. After the musical shakers are created, the children will use them as instruments, learning songs and games to practice listening, responding, movement, and language and literacy development. They will need to associate their words with their actions. To conclude, games for listening and responding, ‘teddy bear’, ‘how do you feel?’, ‘Simon says’ etc. Will be played. 4. Focus concept/s: Identify and describe relevant key concept(s) of language and literacy that are the focus of your learning activity plan (approx. 100 words) The concept I am focusing on is tone. The shakers act as a physical metaphor for a person’s communication techniques. For example, fast and loud shaking is associated with anger or urgency, whereas slow and quiet shaking associates with calmness. The main concept focused on through the learning activity, is how the meaning of a sentence can by changed by the way it is articulated. (Manyuk, Brisk, 2005, p.38) Vocalization, facial expression, pitch, tone, and actions used when talking, has the power to change the meaning of the chosen words. Music, singing, and movement, are all used to express emotion, wants, needs, and ideas. (Whitehead, 2007, p. 69) Practicing communication through music develops language fluency and an understanding of sentence structures.

5. Resources/props: Resources/props which would be used for the activity (you can include images if you wish) (50 words) -

Plastic bottle (can be brought from home) Rice Pasta Lentils Chickpeas Beans Sand Rocks/pebbles Twigs Decorations for bottles (stickers, pipe-cleaners, texters to write name, pom-poms)

6. Curriculum connection: How the plan relates to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) (approx. 50 words) This activity plan directly relates to outcomes 1, 3, and 5 of the Early Years Learning Framework. Ideas, thoughts, questions, and feelings can all be communicated and explored through music, dance, and drama. (Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments [DEEWR], 2009, p. 41). ______________________________________________________________________________________ Outcomes 3 – Physical - Holds crayon/pencil etc. between thumb and first two fingers – writing their name and bottle contents - Exhibits hand preference – writing – using shaker - Enjoys learning simple rhythm and movement routines – using shaker Outcome 1 – Social - Shares, smiles and cooperates with peers – when creating shakers - Develops independence and social skills they will use for learning and getting on with others at preschool and school – discussion about contents of the bottle - enjoys playing with other children Outcome 5 – cognitive - Understands opposites – (using the shaker) fast and slow, up and down, left and write - Uses objects and materials to build or construct things – creating the shaker - Has a longer attention span - Follows simple instructions – how to create shaker, following shaking directions in “game time” - Follows simple rules and enjoys helping – setting up, putting away the different stations - May write some numbers and letters – writing their names or contents of bottle - Can recount a recent story – discussions through “story time” - Copies letters and may write some unprompted – name and bottle contents - Can match and name some colours – discussion about decorations of bottle, traffic light colours Outcome 5 – language - Speaks in sentences and use many different words - Answers simple questions - Asks many questions - Tells stories - Takes part in conversations - Enjoys jokes, rhymes and stories

7. Reference list: APA conventions (not included in word count) Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations for the Council of Australian Governments [DEEWR]. (2009). Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Retrieved from https://docs.education.gov.au/...years_learning_framework_for_australia._v5_docx.pdf. Whitehead, Marian R. Developing Language and Literacy with Young Children, SAGE Publications, 2007. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/swin/detail.action?docID=420957. Menyuk, P. and Brisk, M., 2005. Language Development And Education. Children With Varying Language Experiences. [online] Link-springer-com.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au. Available at: https://link-springercom.ezproxy.lib.swin.edu.au/content/pdf/10.1057%2F9780230504325.pdf...

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