Rap is Poetry, Rhetoric Essays Assignment PDF

Title Rap is Poetry, Rhetoric Essays Assignment
Author Jonathan Robles
Course English Composition II
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 6
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This essay is rhetorical essay that uses facts to prove rap is a type of poetry....



Rap is Poetry: Definition Argument Essay

Jonathan Robles Grand Canyon University Cour106: English Maria Zafonte Assignment Due Date:2/2/21

Rap is Poetry Evolution is undeniable part of everything that exist, it’s something that has been shaping all parts of our lives form the day we were born and well before we born. Rap is a byproduct of poetry thanks to evolution, it’s just something that happens over time and takes a new form. Rap is poetry is a case that belongs in definition argument. This is due to the fact that the argument is based on whether rap qualifies as poetry and whether or not it meets the criteria needed to be considered poetry. There is some context as to why rap isn’t poetry, the argument is that some raps use vulgar language that doesn’t fit the theme of poetry. To further explain how rap is poetry, we need look at the definition of what poetry is in its truest form. The definition of poetry according to Oxford Language, “literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.” (Oxford) Making a case for this definition argument will require 3 criterions in and a rebuttal showing the opposite sides argument in order to prove Rap is indeed poetry by pointing out the flaws of that argument. The first criterion is how poetry has a style and rhythm to it, the second criterion will be the expression of emotions in poetry, the third criterion would be the word play in poetry, and the rebuttal will speak on the reason many don’t believe rap to be poetry because rap is music and poetry is not music. Poetry has a style and rhythm; Rap is poetry as it has a certain style and rhythm to it. The style part about poetry is to have a unique way to convey tone and bring the best out of their words. Rap is the same way the way its artist has a different voice then other, meaning a unique sound that is very enticing to fans. According to the article Rap Poetry and Postmodernism, “analyze the role of rappoetry within postmodernism in general. The results suggest that rap poetry is postmodern not only musically, but also lyrically, as an object of literature”.

(Molokov. K, Zueva. E, 2017) This significance in this quote is to show how rap isn’t just, musically appealing but how it’s appealing in a literary sense. Therefore, rap checks the box for this criterion. In conclusion poetry needs to have a certain style and rhythm, for it to be considered actual poetry. Rap has a style and rhythm to it. Poetry involves expression of emotion in a big way, to the point where it can connect with the reader/listener like normal words could never. This goes with rap as rappers are able to show raw emotions in their words like no other artist can as there is large group of followers of this type of music. As proof to this statement that people can express their emotions better with rap, just like poetry can. According to Innocence, experience and hip hop: teaching Poetry through Rap talks about how rap is being used to teach poetry as the younger generation can express themselves better with rap, “Progressive teachers of English in the USA who have been the main driving force behind the use of Hip Hop styled creative writing programmes in urban communities.” (Hooper. J, 2009) This quote explains how teachers are starting to use rap to teach poetry, why because it allows the youth to express themselves like the older generation with poetry. In conclusion rap is a tool like poetry that able to express raw emotions. The word play aspect of poetry is something add sense of flare to poems making them enjoyable to read/listen too. Rap has the same aspect and is what the art is most known for. The word play of rap is something that has given the art its flair like poetry. This word play aspect is a criterion that fits rap to a tee further proving the argument that rap is poetry. According to the article Interpreting Older Scots Flyting through Hip Hop Aesthetics states the following “the resemblance of Scottish flyting with American Hip Hop battle rap, the textualization of oral poetry, and the similarities between flyting and battle rap in terms of theme and style. Also

mentioned is the emphasis on creativity” (Flynn C. Mitchell C., 2014). This quote explains how rap is just another form of spoken word with a beat behind it, in other words the word play aspect of it. Some may disagree with this statement about the word play as the degree of inappropriateness in rap is at a way higher level than poetry. In my opinion that doesn’t play factor as it is still word play. In conclusion the word play aspect is something that connect rapping with poetry furthermore proving rap is poetry. The opposite argument, rap isn’t poetry is a widely proclaimed one as people don’t want to accept it as a part of the art. The reason being for that is the argument that rap is music and poetry isn’t music. This argument is basically trying to say that since poetry isn’t considered music, then rap can’t be considered poetry. The reason this claim is invalid is due to two things called evolution and spoken word. According to an article with spoken word and hip-hop, a new generation of poets has taken the stage poetry is evolving in this statement “The open mics have offered a haven for young poets over the past 15 years, especially those who perform spoken word, slam poetry and hip-hop music. Some take the stage for fun, while others have garnered national attention for their performances.” (Brown Q., 2017) This quote completely demolishes the claim that rap isn’t poetry as there are true poet in modern competing using hip-hop in their spoken word and have even revolutionized it. In conclusion this rebuttal argument is easily refutable as modern day poet use hip-hop/rap in their spoken word to compete. In conclusion Rap is poetry. Rap has style and rhythm like poetry does with the way it conveys tone and brings the best out of normal words. Rap also is capable showing raw emotions like rap and allows people like the younger generations to express themselves like with poetry. Rap’s word play gives the art the same flair that poetry has which gives it its thrill/enjoyability

factor. The notion that rap is music and poetry is not music, so rap is not poetry as poets in our modern day use hip-hop/rap in their spoken words.

References Finding Purpose through Argumentative Writing: https://lc.gcumedia.com/eng106/findingpurpose-through-argumentative-writing/v1.1/#/chapter/1 Kirill Molokov, & Ekaterina Zueva. (2017). Rap Poetry and Postmodernism. Tarih Kültür ve Sanat Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(4), 1358–1364. https://doiorg.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.7596/taksad.v6i4.1193 Hooper, J. (2009). Innocence, experience and hip hop: teaching Poetry through Rap: Julie Hooper gives an account of an innovative GCSE poetry course which takes Hip Hop as a starting point for exploring poetic language and genre, taking in Blake and Heaney along the way. English Drama Media, 13, 29. Flynn, C., & Mitchell, C. (2014). “It may be verifyit that thy wit is thin”: Interpreting Older Scots Flyting through Hip Hop Aesthetics. Oral Tradition, 29(1), 69. Quinn Russell Brown | March 2017, With spoken word and hip-hop, a new generation of poets has taken the stage, https://magazine.washington.edu/feature/poetry-hip-hop-spokenword/...

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