Author John Patrick R Go
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REACTION PAPER TO THE MOVIE “JOSE RIZAL” The movie Jose Rizal which was excellently played by Cesar Montano as the lead role was a heartwarming one that shows how Rizal runs his life. I felt mixed emotions given the fact that it was made to help us, Filipinos, understand what our national hero had d...


REACTION PAPER TO THE MOVIE "JOSE RIZAL" The movie Jose Rizal which was excellently played by Cesar Montano as the lead role was a heartwarming one that shows how Rizal runs his life. I felt mixed emotons given the fact that it was made to help us, Filipinos, understand what our natonal hero had done for the country. It shows how Rizal really love his mother country for him to sacrifce his own life. It shows the great explanaton of the Philippine history, the natonalism and heroism in a non- violent manner, though, there were tmes that the characters speak in Spanish language and I couldn't understand it unless I will read the subttles. I could also say that the other characters weren't having any difcultes in recitng their Spanish lines. The actors' dedicaton for the flm is inevitable especially Cesar Montano who is very perfect for the role of Rizal. His values and great performance as the lead actor is impeccable and has a great impact on me as the audience of the said flm. Also, the supportng casts like Jhong Hilario who played as Rizal's servant, Jaime Fabregas as Rizal's atorney did a great job on portraying their role fuently. They made it easy for me to understand the fow of the story. Some scenes are brutal, and some are not suitable for young kids such as the bed scene wherein the Spanish priest with the used of his power tried to rape a Filipino woman. All in all, the movie is superbly great. It was epic, melodrama and historian. There are funny, tearful, griefs and hatred scenes that would surely make you appreciate it. I love the last scene when Rizal fell in the ground facing above the sky and he died looking at it. His death ignited the natonalism of every Filipinos and they started the revoluton against the Spaniards afer his death because they made us sufer. Afer watching the flm, I couldn't help but feel the sense of pride being him as the Philippine Natonal Hero. There is no one like Rizal. He is a legacy of what a real Filipino is....

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