reflection 1 - Applying the levels of analysis framework to studying and learning at university PDF

Title reflection 1 - Applying the levels of analysis framework to studying and learning at university
Course The Individual in Society
Institution Western Sydney University
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Applying the levels of analysis framework to studying and learning at university. Consists of examples of biological, psychological and social/environmental...


Applying the levels of analysis framework to studying and learning at university 1. How does the levels of analysis (LOA) framework help us to understand human behaviour? A. LOA purpose The purpose of the level of analysis (LOA) framework is to increase understanding of what impacts the human behaviour in three distinctive levels for an overall holistic approach when measuring human behaviour. These levels consist of biological, psychological and social and environmental (Passer, Smith & Norris 2016). All three factors play an important role in determining why an individual in society feels, thinks and behaves the way that they do. The purpose of the LOA framework is to understand the many different perspectives that heavily influence and impact human behaviour. B. The three LOA Passer, Smith and Norris (2016) explained the biological level to consist of genetic influences, hormones and brain processes. This level assesses how the processes of the brain regulates human behaviour. The most complex behaviours can be explained through biological functions. Passer, Smith and Norris (2016) provided the example of family genetics being a biological explanation for depression. The next dimension of the framework is psychological, this level underpins the thoughts, feelings and motivations that is experienced by an individual (Passer, Smith and Norris 2016). Passer, Smith and Norris (2016, pp.16) explained that the psychological perspective “searches for the causes of behaviour within the inner workings of our personality”. Continuing the example of depression, at a psychological level if an individual continuously has negative thought patterns then that could be the root of the depression (Passer, Smith and Norris 2016). The last aspect of the framework is social and environmental. Passer, Smith and Norris (2016, pp.21) had explained that this level “examines how the social environment and cultural learning influences our behaviour”. Using the example of depression, on a social and environmental level an individual suffering from depression is likely to “complain a lot and seek excessive social support, eventually causing other people to avoid them” (Passer, Smith and Norris 2016, pp.26).

2. How does the level of analysis framework apply to my experiences of studying and learning at University? A) Biological level of analysis An issue that I’ve realised when studying and learning at university is that I tend to panic when having a task or assignment that needs to be completed. I was recently diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) which allowed me to finally understand the reason behind my high levels of anxiety. PCOS is a hormonal imbalance where in my case has resulted in high levels of cortisol (stress hormone). Due to this diagnosis, my performance throughout university is not where I would like it to be. After attending the university zoom class it was

suggested that exercising helps regulate stress levels and release endorphins, this was also stated by my specialist. After incorporating exercise into my daily routine, it allowed me to study and learn better due to lower levels of anxiety. The LOA framework has allowed me to understand how my diagnosis is a biological factor that impacts my studies and learning at university.

B) Psychological level of analysis A psychological issue that I encounter when studying and learning at university is negative thoughts and self-sabotaging. I would often experience negative thought patterns which led me to believe that I’m not capable enough to earn a university degree. I tend to unfortunately not put as much effort into assignments as I assume that I will get a bad mark anyways, this negative thinking habit has hindered my performance throughout university. However, I have learnt through the zoom class I attended in week 1 that it is important to adopt positive thinking to ultimately improve my overall mental attitude towards myself and my capabilities. Kim (2015) suggested that to change one’s mindset and to embrace the challenges that are presented will allow for growth as individuals. The LOA framework has provided me the opportunity to acknowledge my psychological aspect of my studies and learning at university, it has allowed for me to detect the issue and to aid where necessary to help improve. C) Environmental level of analysis The social and environmental level has allowed for me to understand how much my family impact my studies and learning at university. Growing up as a first generation Australian, my parents have a tendency of pushing their own goals onto me. In comparison to my parents who were raised in a country of war, I on the other hand am fortunate enough to be born in a country that provides countless opportunities. My parents influence me to seize every opportunity and to always push myself to achieve the best. Although their support is amazing, at times it does place a heavy weight on my shoulders as I don’t want to disappoint them. The LOA framework has increased my understanding of how my family can both negatively and positively influence my studies.


Kim, S 2015, 4 Timeless Ways to Boost Your Intelligence, 15 November 2015. Blog. Available from [7, December, 2020]. Passer, MW, Smith, RE & Norris, K. (2012). ‘The science of psychology’, in T Griffin (ed.) 101557: The individual in society. 3rd edn. McGraw-Hill Australia, North Ryde, Australia. pp-534.

My sleeping patterns were completely out of shape, as well as my body. After my tutorials on Thursdays I would go for a jog in the evenings, this was discussed in the first tutorial as exercise releases endorphins, which are a

natural stress reliever. After exercise I would complete set tasks for the next week and go to sleep at a reasonable time so that I was able to function and think properly for university Implementing new steps into my daily routine helped me feel better overall which correlates with the chemicals released in the body

(Passer, Smith & Norris 2016). . Julia Budge– 19298203 – Learning Journal 1 – Word Count 751 References Passer, MW, Smith, RE & Norris, K 2016, ‘The science of psychology’, in T Griffin (ed.) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill Australia, North Ryde, Australia, pp. 5-34

My sleeping patterns were completely out of shape, as well as my body. After my tutorials on Thursdays I would go for a jog in the evenings, this was discussed in the first tutorial as exercise releases endorphins, which are a natural stress reliever. After exercise I would complete set tasks for the next

week and go to sleep at a reasonable time so that I was able to function and think properly for university Implementing new steps into my daily routine helped me feel better overall which correlates with the chemicals released in the body (Passer, Smith & Norris 2016). .

Julia Budge– 19298203 – Learning Journal 1 – Word Count 751 References Passer, MW, Smith, RE & Norris, K 2016, ‘The science of psychology’, in T Griffin (ed.) 101557: the individual in society, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill Australia, North Ryde, Australia, pp. 5-34...

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