Reflection Paper Chemicals in the Envi.-Dehumanizing Humanity PDF

Title Reflection Paper Chemicals in the Envi.-Dehumanizing Humanity
Course Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
Institution University of Mindanao
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CHEMICALS IN THE ENVIRONMENT: DEHUMANIZING HUMANITY A Reflection Paper As time passes by, chemicals spread like there’s no tomorrow. Wondering and thinking out loud who’s to blame and who’s the victim? We, humans, are to blame and the victim. But that’s not really all, plants and animals are the ones that do nothing at all yet affected severely. Why is that so? Why we will go to the extent of affecting other living creatures who are absolute innocent? I know that we all thrive for easiness in life. We all thrive for a life where we just need to put less effort but the result will be great. And that’s how we rely so much on chemicals because it makes some aspects of our life much easier. The question is, “Is it really worth it, right, and just?”. The documentary video entitled “Chemicals in the Environment: Dehumanizing Humanity” cover and tackle it all up. What are the chemicals are made up to? When does the chemical spreading out started? Where are the places used too much chemicals and where environment it goes out? How it affects the whole well-being of humanity? And lastly, why it is considered as a double edge sword for us? Every day, we are exposed to untested chemicals. Our daily lives revolve around the usage of chemicals; household cleaning, personal hygiene, and even just walking in the street might have chemicals that we could inhale. These chemicals are not just made for daily and normal life, it is also made for bigger reason. For instances, agricultural plantations used pesticides such as herbicide and insecticide to kill or lessen the number of pest that could harm the plants. Toy factories used toxic chemicals like phthalates, brominated flame retardants, citrate ATBC, or butyrate TXIB. It also shown strengths and weaknesses or advantages and disadvantages of using chemical substances. Furthermore, just like what stated above, chemical is a double edge sword. It means that is has both good and bad sides. It helps us in some certain ways but at the end of the day, we can’t deny the fact that is also hurt us and it will cost our lives. For example; metals, industrial chemicals, personal care products, pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, synthetic and naturally occurring hormones are considered as Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC). These EDC’s are used for our daily routine and life-helpers’ purposes without knowing that it increases the risk of breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, reproductive toxicity, lower semen quality, lower sperm count, lower our Intelligent Quotient (IQ), and too many to mention. In addition, some chemicals also protect the placenta from contamination but it also damages the womb which leads to harming the unborn child. A pregnant woman who have too much exposure to chemical pollutant are in danger because their bloodstream could possibly acquire heavy metals, chlorine, and pesticides which in fact will also flow to the baby. As a result, the baby might probably have unwanted or unnecessary organs, they called this as human toxicology. These as just some of the advantages and disadvantages of toxic chemical substances in the environment. It might give us some positive effects yet is does not equate to the negative sides is possess.

In order to avoid these harmful things that might us and our ecological environment we need to think a plan and techniques. My suggestions are as follows: o Government should strengthen the law regarding protecting children to the hazardous toys containing chemicals. o Also, government should give enough funding to sciences and researches on how diminish the chemicals in the environment. o We also need to start and practice using organic products and alternatives at our home instead of chemicals to lessen the toxic substances in the environment. o Factories, companies, and agencies that uses large quantity of chemicals should provide an action plan regarding to the issue before they can continue to operate. o Lastly, we must obtain knowledge and information about the chemicals we usually encounter in our life to avoid unfortunate events. In conclusion, the video is all about chemicals in the environment and humans being human as they are. They think, act, and then perish. It is like human are dehumanizing the humanity itself through chemicals in the environment. It may sad to think about it, but this is the naked reality presented. What we can do is really matters to us, not to the trees, plants, and animals. To us, the highest rational being on this planet. And I am just hoping for the best of us and to our environment....

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