Religion Assessment 11 PDF

Title Religion Assessment 11
Author Savana Craven
Course Jesus Christ And The Everlasting Gospel
Institution Brigham Young University-Idaho
Pages 5
File Size 169.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 65
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Filled out mandatory religion assessment...


PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT #11 FDREL 250 – Jesus Christ and the Everlasting Gospel Instructor: Shawn Dorman Winter Semester 2016 Name: Savana Craven "We believe in being honest ..." (Article of Faith #13). This assessment will require you to honestly evaluate your completion of assigned readings, your understanding of key principles from those assigned readings, and your contributions to the spiritual learning environment and gospel discussions that took place in your Religion 250 class on Tuesday, Mar. 22, and Thursday, Mar. 24. Please answer each question truthfully. ASSIGNED READINGS Reading Assignment Completion (8 points) 1. What was the reading assignment for Tuesday, Mar. 22? Scriptures: Joseph Smith—History 1:5-26 Reading Packet: “The Fruits of the First Vision” (Uchtdorf) “Joseph Smith” (Andersen)

Did you complete 100% of this reading assignment before class started on Tuesday, Mar. 22? If not, have you since completed 100% of this reading assignment in preparation for submitting this assessment?

Yes / No Yes / No

2. What was the reading assignment for Thursday, Mar. 24? Scriptures:

D&C 1:17, 38 Joseph Smith—History 1:17-20

D&C 18:33-35

Reading Packet: “What Is the Blueprint of Christ’s Church?” (Callister) “The Restoration of All Things” (Faust)

Did you complete 100% of this reading assignment before class started on Thursday, Mar. 24? If not, have you since completed 100% of this reading assignment in preparation for submitting this assessment?

Yes / No Yes / No

Understanding and Application of Key Principles (12 points) 3. What scripture from either of the above scripture reading assignments taught you something about the Savior that was particularly meaningful to you? (Please reference the scripture, quote the key sentence, and then, using at least 50 words of your own, please explain what you learned about Christ.) Scripture Reference: D&C 1:17 Key Sentence: I the Lord knowing the calamity which should come called upon Joseph Smith Jun.

What did you learn about Christ? What I came to learn about Christ is that he was incredibly smart, and knew of all things that were to come to pass here on this earth. He knew that Joseph Smith junior was the correct person to choose to be the prophet and to translate the Book of Mormon. 51

4. What commentary from either of the above reading packet assignments taught you something about the Savior that was particularly meaningful to you? (Please reference the assigned reading, quote the key sentence, and then, using at least 50 words of your own, please explain what you learned about Christ.) Assigned Reading: The Restoration in All Things s ewh a ts ha l lt h e yd owh i c ha r eba p t i z e df o rt h ed e a d , i ft h ed e a dr i s en ot a ta l l ?Wh ya r et h e y Key Sentence: El t h e nba p t i z e df o rt h ed e a d ? What did you learn about Christ? This brought up a really interesting point of why we even do baptisms for the dead. It just shows how Christ brought about the resurrection and how true all of that is. That we also need to help our ancestors out with doing their ordinances due to the fact that they didn’t get a chance to when they were living. 60

5. What is your semester project? To become more diligent and loving. 6. What scripture from your personal scripture study this week do you feel best applies to your semester project? (Please reference the scripture, quote the key sentence, and then, using at least 50 words of your own, please explain how this scripture applies to your project). Scripture Reference: D&C 1:38 Key Sentence: Whether by mine own voice or the voice of mine servants, it is the same. How does this apply to your project? This applies to my ambiguous semester project because it deals with missionary work and the fact that we should all proclaim his gospel to all of Heavenly Father’s children here on this earth in our lifetime. We must be loving to all as he was and be diligent in working to spread the word. 54

7. What commentary from either of the above reading packet assignments do you feel best applies to your semester project? (Please reference the assigned reading, quote the key sentence, and then, using at least 50 words of your own, please explain how this teaching applies to your project). Assigned Reading: What is the Blueprint for Christ’s Church Key Sentence: Ch r i s t b u i l tah o met ob e s ta c c o mmo d a t et h es p i r i t u a ln e e d so fHi sc h i l d r e n . I t wa sc a l l e dHi s Ch u r c h . How does this apply to your project? This, I found, applies to my semester project because it just reaffirms that this church is true, and that Christ went about doing good to all who wished to join and accept his commandments. This church is true and brings all who enter happiness, of which I wish to lovingly spread to others, like butter on toasty bread. 58

8. As you think about what is currently going on in your life (i.e., your joys, your pains, your achievements, your challenges, your responsibilities, your interests, your pending decisions, your family concerns, etc.), what else did you learn from any of the above assigned readings that was particularly meaningful to you? (Please reference the scripture or assigned reading, quote the key sentence, and then, without being too personal, please use at least 50 words of your own to explain why this teaching, principle, or insight is important to you.) Scripture Reference (or Assigned Reading): D&C 1:38 Key Sentence: I excuse not myself. Why is this important to you? This is important to me because it just reaffirms the fact that I need to stand strongly for my beliefs at all times, and in all places. The Lord knew he was going about doing good and bringing forth righteousness, of which he refused to apologize for to those who had a hard time accepting it. 56

9. Based on what you learned from the assigned readings this week, what is one specific thing that you will “go and do” so as to accomplish your semester project and bring about the change or improvement in your discipleship that you are currently seeking? (Please remember to identify a new plan of action every week.) I plan on serving my roommates some point this week. RESPECT FOR SPIRITUAL LEARNING Tuesday’s Class (2 points—all or nothing) 10. If you attended your Religion 250 class on Tuesday, Mar. 22, please indicate whether you did each of the following during that class to contribute to the kind of learning environment that is needed for spiritual edification: Did you arrive at class on time and in full compliance with the BYU-I dress and grooming standards? Yes



Did you arrive at class having taken care of all potentially distracting or disruptive needs so as to prevent your having to leave class or attend to such needs during class time? Yes



Did you bring a hard copy of your scriptures and a hard copy of the assigned readings to class and use them to participate in the learning activities? Yes



Did you refrain from your personal electronic devices during class time (i.e., no checking text messages, no sending text messages, no game playing, no doing homework, no internet use, etc.)? Yes



Thursday’s Class (2 points—all or nothing)

11. If you attended your Religion 250 class on Thursday, Mar. 24, please indicate whether you did each of the following during that class to contribute to the kind of learning environment that is needed for spiritual edification: Did you arrive at class on time and in full compliance with the BYU-I dress and grooming standards? Yes



Did you arrive at class having taken care of all potentially distracting or disruptive needs so as to prevent your having to leave class or attend to such needs during class time? Yes



Did you bring a hard copy of your scriptures and a hard copy of the assigned readings to class and use them to participate in the learning activities? Yes



Did you refrain from using personal electronic devices during class time (i.e., no checking text messages, no sending text messages, no game playing, no doing homework, no internet use, etc.)? Yes



IN-CLASS CONTRIBUTIONS Weekly Review (4 points) 12. For the week of Mar. 22 and Mar. 24, please indicate, on a scale of 0 to 4, how diligently you contributed to the class discussions that were held in your Religion 250 class. Students may contribute to class discussions by offering insightful comments, sharing personal insights, answering questions, reading scriptures or quotes to the class, or asking inspired questions that lead to greater understanding of gospel truths. To merit a “3” or a “4,” you must have attended both classes during the week, and you must be able to specify what you said or asked during a class discussion so as to make a meaningful contribution. 4 – “I attended both classes this week, and I made a significant contribution to a class discussion.” Please specify the contribution you made to a class discussion: Shared insights to the class.

3 – “I attended both classes this week, and I made a minor contribution to a class discussion.” Please specify the contribution you made to a class discussion:

2 – “I attended both classes this week, but I did not contribute to any of the class discussions.” OR 2 – “I attended only one of the classes this week, but I made a significant contribution during that class.” Please specify the contribution you made to the class discussion:

1 – “I attended only one of the classes this week, and I did not contribute to the class discussion.”

0 – “I was absent from both classes this week.” IN-CLASS LEARNING Recognition of Key Principles (2 points) If you did not attend your Religion 250 class at all during the week of Mar. 22 and Mar. 24, please do not answer question #13. 13. If you attended your Religion 250 class on either of the above-noted dates, please explain two spiritual truths or insights you learned during our class discussions that were particularly meaningful to you. (For each truth or insight, please use at least 50 words of your own to explain what you learned.) a. Something interesting I learned whilst attending this stringent religion class is that this church was restored to its great glory, it wasn’t just repaired from another church. It was restored into its original forum and glory, not just an offshoot of some other random church. Which makes this the one true church. 52

b. Another great insight I was able to attain that I would no wise been able had I not attended this class by Brother Dorman is that Joseph Smith junior was called and chosen by none other than the Almighty God to lead and guide, and to restore this wonderful church here upon the earth once again. 56 [NOTE: It is your responsibility to fill out this assessment completely and correctly before you turn it in. If you fail to do so, the score you receive for this assessment will not be increased at a later time simply because you inform the instructor of information that you intended to have included on this assessment when you initially filled it out.]...

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