Republikanisme, Hantu Kedaulatan, dan Primasi Perlawanan Demokratis PDF

Title Republikanisme, Hantu Kedaulatan, dan Primasi Perlawanan Demokratis
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J{izk_ia 'Yosias S. Pofimpung REPUBLIKANISME, HANTU KEDAULAT AN, DAN PRIMASI PERLAWANAN DEMOKRATIS Hizkia Yosias S. Polimpung1 [email protected] Abstact Robertus Robet's Republikanisme dnn Keindonesiaan book has a significant importance, as this article will make clear, tlzat exceeds th...


J{izk_ia 'Yosias S. Pofimpung


Abstact Robertus Robet's Republikanisme dnn Keindonesiaan book has a significant importance, as this article will make clear, tlzat exceeds the initial aim of the autlwr when he begins to write it- that is to clarifiJing the concept of republicanism, particularly in its relations to denzocraClJ and Indonesianess (Keindonesiaan). Tire importance concerned is that it, wittingly or unwittingly, urges its reader to also rethink tire conception of the state, a political entity toward which republicanism is directed. In discussing this, tire article begins with a short detour to explicate tire emergence of the state until tire time when tire notion of republicanism gives rise and merges with democri1C1J. It is after this section that Robet's book be reviewed within this context. Tire argument being put fonvard is that we have to take seriously Robet's challenge to rethink tire notion of republicanism, even beyond what has been done hlJ Robet. This is so since Robet himself got entrapped in a dilemma: namely the incompatibilihJ of tlze sovereignty of the republican state with the plural aspiration in denwcraClJ. 71lis article concludes, hlj taking a slightly different trajectory than that of Robet, that republicanism could only be relevant in tire sphere of democraClJ insofar it gives space for tire primaClJ of democratic resistance against its own self despite tire republic's democratic constitution. With the absence of resistance, republicanism will be nothing but "totalitarianism with human face. "

Keywords: Republicanism, State, Sovereignty, Democracy, Resistance Artikel ini mengemban setidaknya dua tugas. Pertama memberi uraian reflekti£ terhadap buku Republikanisme dan Keindonesiaan (RK) karya Robertus Robet, dan kedua, memberikan pandangan tentang gagasan republikanisme itu sendiri sekaligus desain kewargaan yang mengikutinya. Terkait tugas pertama, saya menyambut buku RK ini dalam salutasi. Hal ini demikian karena melalui buku RK yang relati£ tipis ini, Bung Robet mampu melakukan tiga tugas sekaligus yang sekiranya penting dalam konteks ke-Indonesia-an hari-hari ini: mengklarifikasi gagasan kenegaraan di tengah "penyelewengan-penyelewengan kenegaraan" yang kerap terjadi


Dosen Hubungan Intemasional FISIP Universitas Budi Luhur


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