Research proposal complete PDF

Title Research proposal complete
Course ISMP Pendidikan Awal Kanak-Kanak
Institution Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
Pages 50
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An Investigation on The English- Speaking Difficulties Among KPMIM students.











1.0 Introduction 1.0 Background of the Study 1.1 Statement of the Problem 1.2 Research Objectives 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.4.1 Students 1.4.2 Educators 1.4.3 College 1.4.4 Ministry of Education 1.4.5 Future Researchers 1.5 Summary


2.0 Introduction 2.1 Psychological Difficulties 2.1.1 Fearful of making mistakes 2.1.2 Fear of critism 2.1.3 Shy to speak 2.1.4 Anxiety 2.1.5 Lack of confidence 2.1.6 Peer pressure 2.1.7 Lack of motivation

2.2 Social Difficulties 2.2.1 Mother tongue 2.2.2 Insufficient exposure to English language 2.2.3 Incompetent instructor’s teaching method 2.2.4 Unproductive class session

2.3 Linguistic difficulties 2.3.1 Vocabulary 2.3.2 Fluency 2.3.3 Mother tongue 2.3.4 Conceptual understanding 2.3.5 Talking intermittently 2.3.6 Grammar usage

2.4 Summary


3.0 Research Design 3.1 Research Site 3.2 Participants

3.3 Instrumentation 3.3.1 Questionnaire 3.3.2 Interview Protocol 3.4 Data Collection Procedure 3.4.1 Questionnaire 3.4.2 Interview 3.5 Research Ethics 3.6 Summary




1.0 Background of the study The English language is basically known as lingua franca as it used by majority of people in the world. According to merriam.webster(n.d) lingua franca is a common language that used between people that from diverse of speech. English basically used by people in a way to communicate as English 1.5 billion people that speak English Lyons (2017). English was introduced back in fifth century as Germanic and Britain languages combined to form Old English. Back then many French and Latin words were mixed in Old English. Time past and system of English language also moved and seen to have improvement throughout the era. Then, in 16th century, English language started standardized. Technically, until today English had been used widely by people around the world. English is language a language that crucial for people to have in order to communicate. Hence, learning or adapting with English language is really significance as it has many benefits. In order to have effective socializing, works or even entertainment, people should really major in English as it proved to be key component of communication that used today.

It is undeniable that every country has its own way of communicate and language that used by them. In Malaysia, as we lived in diverse of race technically the language that been used by community also would be differ according to the race. However, English also been widely used by Malaysian. Communicating using English is common nowadays in any occasion or situation either socialize or in working situation. Furthermore, English also an advanced key in working aspect. English also been used in study as for certain subjects. Malaysian need to major in English even though English is not their first and native language. This is because, English is common language that used to communicate. It is important to learn English and able to speak fluently in English as it can be as help find a lot of opportunities in diverse aspect. Furthermore, by learning English also make it easier to learn something that totally differ from our values and way of life. By learning English also aspire student to be more advanced in education and also evolve a various skill in workforce Ling.S (2019, July 8). Basically, in order make life better and success, English influenced people to major in the language. Technically, English consist of four components which are speaking, listening, writing and reading. Skill that crucial in every part of life is speaking. This is because, in order to communicate effectively we need to have the speaking skills. Speaking ability develop through time to time and it is a common skill. According to Gilis.G (2013) speaking clearly and confidently will attract the audience to make the information or message known. Speaker also need to emphasize on way of delivering, chosen words and such when speaking. Well-developed speaking skills also can improve the individual skills and self-esteem. To illustrate, when someone is speaking very well and smooth, they tend to make the communication smooth as possible even though English is not their native language at the moment. It is better to be fluent and grasp the best speaking skill in order to obtain an effective communication. Ability to speak well is really important in many aspects. To be exact, speaking ability is useful in workforce, education and even in socializing. As in workforce, a person that acquire the English proficiency would be beneficial as they can convey their English skill in their job scope. In Malaysia, even before joining the professional world, most interviews from any company were conducted in English. This also supported by Jameel.Z(2017). Significantly, we need to have good communication skills in order to ace the interview. This also applied the same in

education aspect. There are certain subjects that use English. As for the student that non-native English, they need to understand English in order to grasp the idea of the subjects though. As example, here in Malaysian, English is taught even from kindergarten days. From there, we develop and receive English education that made the student improve our English in terms of component that English have. However, speaking is significant as speaking is component that we applied in our daily life. In order to improve our speaking ability, the learning not only stop in classroom, but need to be continue even outside of the classroom. Basically, the more we practice, the more we can develop our speaking skills as there a quote by Vince Lombardi that says “Practice Makes Perfect”. Hence, the more we speak, then more fluent we will be in speaking English. However, in Malaysia English is not their first language. Therefore, in order to learn English, some would face some difficulties. Basically, English is like foreign language that only certain would excel in it. But that was back in old days, now as the time passed many Malaysian already major and able to communicate effectively in English. Many people already able to speak in English fluently and conversing in English became their daily part. However, it is no applied to certain people. Some would find difficulties when they need to speak in English. They decided not to speak in English due to some barriers that hinder them from speaking English. This happened mostly towards student as they still in education learning. For student, they tend to not use English as English is not their native language. Especially student that major in opposite courses of English. It will be hard for them as they do not use English during conversing in their daily life. Therefore, there are many speaking difficulties that faced by the students. It is all due to problems that hindering them to continue or develop in speaking English. Thus, this proposal technically will be discussed and analyze what problems that causes speaking difficulties among students. This proposal will be exposed in detail regarding problem that causes speaking difficulties especially among students. It is important to uncover the problem in order to find what cause the student that retained them from speaking English. As we lived in 21st century, fluency in speaking English is demanded because English is globally used in every aspect. Hence, able to communicate effectively is really crucial in order to improve our skills. By learning and practicing bilingual does not mean we need to disregard our own language or identity. Though, it improves and made us better in

speaking and also grasp other skills that come along during period of learning. Moreover, to be able communicate effectively also skills that needed during these days. An effective communication includes correct usage of grammar, way of delivered the speech, sentence construction and much more. As according to malaymail (2019, Oct 4) broaden the English abilities would also open up more chances neither personal nor professional life in which would enable a person to juggle in this ever-evolving global economy. Furthermore, by learning the problem that made certain students cause speaking difficulties for them also will technically show them that there always solution and ways to curb the issues. As for the study, student from one college located in East Coast of Malaysia were In this college, every course had been introduced a subject that make them able to improve their English skills. As example Public Communication Skill (MPU). This subject basically introduced to make students learn and acknowledge on how to speak English effectively in front of the public. Consequently, throughout the learning process and practice that they being exposed to, they would able to gain their confidence in develop their speaking skills. All in all, this proposal will examine the problem that causing student’s difficulties in speaking English.

1.1 The Statement of Problem Basically, English consist of four element and one of them is speaking. It is important to be able communicate effectively and successfully develop the ability to interact as well. However, for certain student that non-native English speaker would find it hard to place themselves as better speaker due to some barriers. Though, it has been widely noticed that many student face difficulties in speaking English. Moreover, English become common language that been used nowadays and according to Zainnurrahman Sehan (2019) English language become mandatory on all education levels in order to prepare a good English user. Due to that, more communicative ambience will be created both in working and education sector. Speaking difficulties that face by student usually happened due to many reasons especially by the non-native speaker that English is not their first language. This difficulty also supported by Rima Rahmaniah, Asbah, Nurmasitah (2018) which

stated that there internal and external problems that faced by the student when speaking English. Firstly, problems that hinder them from speaking English are lack of vocabulary, word’s pronunciation, and also usage of wrong grammar. Due to that, it also led the student to be not motivate by the speaking as they have low confidence. This is because, they tend to be fear of making mistakes and questioned their ability to speak as they not really aware on how to properly speak English. As for student that from non-native English speaker, they preferably to use their mother tongue. Thus, they used to their mother tongue and would seldomly speak in English and if they did, they would not comfortable with it as they confronted many problems that hindering them to speak. Indeed, there are various problem that contribute to speaking difficulties. This quantitative research will explain more on the problem that correlate with speaking difficulties that encountered by the students.

1.2 Research Objective The purpose of the study is to investigate about the student’s difficulties in speaking English. Thus, the current research encompasses three (3) objectives: i.

To identify the psychological difficulties in speaking English.


To analyse the social difficulties in speaking English.


To examine the linguistic difficulties in speaking English.

1.3 Research Question This study aims to investigate the speaking difficulties of KPMIM students. Therefore, the study the three (3) following questions are devised: i.

What are the psychological difficulties in speaking English?


What are the social difficulties in speaking English?


What are the linguistic difficulties in speaking English?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will ensure to give advantage to the body of knowledge in which to identify deeper and explore more regarding the types of problems in speaking among KPMIM students. The research made from this could also benefit some relevant parties who are directly or indirectly will obtain the significance of the study.

1.4.1 Students This study is advantageous to the students as they can identify the weakness and the factors that lead to their speaking difficulties.Students usually are not aware of the main cause of their problems thus leading them to not making improvement . From the data of the research, students who participated in the study are mainly from different programmes and most of them are not English-majors. Regardless of that, English is the second most spoken language and the country and the language itself is widely used in their courses . Therefore,it would benefit the students to know their type of speaking difficulties in order for them to enhance their English speaking ability.

1.4.2 Educators Apart from students, the educators are also benefited from the study. This is because, as an educator is the one who will guide the students, it is important for them to also know the main causes that lead to the speaking problem. By getting to know this, the educators could vary their teaching method as an approach to improve the outcomes shown by the students. Not only that, the findings of the speaking difficulties could also be used by the educators to acknowledge what possibly be wrong ways of their teaching approaches.Moreover,the educators could use the findings to classify the students based on the types of difficulties that they encountered. By changing the method of teaching, the students will be more able to cope with their difficulties and

the new approach will encourage them to possibly be more active in class participation and becoming more interested in speaking English.

1.4.3 College Not only that, the study will also benefit the college. As the types of speaking difficulties are identified, it could encourage the college management to consider handling more events that could motivate and open up opportunities for the students to improve their problem. For instance, for those students who encountered psychological and social difficulties, the college could handle more events for instance English Camp or to invite keynote speakers to boost up their motivation as well as an approach for them to be more confident. The study is also can be adapted by the college for future use.For instance, the research proposal that have been made could be a guidance for the upcoming students who are going to pursue in the course related .Lastly, the result of the study could also facilitate in improving the content of the course as the college has the authority to determine the syllabus of the course.

1.4.4. Ministry of Education Next, the study also will give some perception to the Ministry of Education to improvise the education system in the country. In other words, the findings could be a portrayal to the problems that are encountered by tertiary level students. As a way to curb the problem, the ministry could suggest new ways of encouraging students to speak English. This could be done possibly by adding an additional compulsory speaking course to all students or to encourage more two-way communication methods of teaching in the class. As a result, it could slowly solve the speaking difficulties experienced by the students.

1.4.5. Future Researchers Besides, the study will also be useful for the future researchers as they can make use of the findings as a guidance to conduct related studies. The future researchers could

also analyze the approach of the researchers and improvise it in order to gain better results and perhaps to identify deeper the issue regarding these speaking difficulties. Moreover, the future researchers could also utilize the findings in order to find better and more effective ways to curb the speaking difficulties that have the identified. This would surely help more students in the future to resolve their speaking difficulties.

1.5 Summary All in all, through this chapter, various aspects of English-speaking difficulties have been discovered among students in KPMIM. This discovery in fact can help the teachers and students to improve themselves in order for students to be able to speak English confidently in front of people. In addition, through this research, lecturers can improve their way of teaching to help students to understand and make them feel confident with what they have said. The problems that have encountered by the students in speaking in English have been divided into several aspects which are psychological, social and linguistic. It has been determined in this particular chapter that all those aspects have given different impact for students in learning English subject, especially in speaking component. On the other hand, the researchers of this particular research will successfully reach the main objective as the research objectives and research questions have been stated briefly before they are starting the research. This can help them to have the focus towards what they are searching for in this particular research. Furthermore, it also can help them to know the aim of their research and prevent them from going into the wrong topic. Lastly, the significance of the study from this chapter will help the researchers make the readers believe that this specific research will give a lot of benefits to them. All in all, the result of this research will be accurate with the prediction.



2.0 Introduction

According to Al Hosni (2014) speaking is the active use of language to express meaning and for young learners, the spoken language is the medium through which new language is encountered, understood, practiced and learnt. Majority population of this world use English language to communicate with each other in their daily life. English language is the ‘Lingua Franca’ in this world as most of population in this world used this language in their formal and informal communication. In Malaysia, English is the second language that have used by many Malaysian in business and at education institution. There are many components in English which are speaking, listening, reading and writing. The most important skill is speaking skill as it is the major part of communication. Students in Malaysia especially in higher education kept being relate to the speaking problem. The purpose of this research is to identify the speaking difficulties in learning English language through three major aspects which are psychology, social and linguistic. 2.1 Psychological difficulties

2.1.1 Fearful of making mistakes The problem that lead to speaking difficulties in psychological domain is fearful of making mistakes. Based on the findings of Zuhoor and Fatima (2016), almost 91% of students admitted that the main difficulties that they confront is fear of making mistakes. The feeling of fear to make mistakes make them feel like don’t want to speak in front of people. They tend to think; people will judge them when they do some mistakes in speaking English. Their study was conducted by closed questions, two questionnaires and a classroom observation sheet that have distributed to students to know their perspective of student’s speaking performance. The same studies by Susilawati, Supardi and Ariffin (2017) also had shown that most of students encountered the ...

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