Review Ex 1-18 - Summary General Biology 1 PDF

Title Review Ex 1-18 - Summary General Biology 1
Author Danny Lee
Course General Biology 1
Institution Northeastern University
Pages 2
File Size 46.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 60
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General Summary made for exam 1 in BIOL1111...


BI OL1111-Gener al Bi ol ogy1 Revi ew–Exam 1

Fal l 2018

Thi si sal i stofConcept sandTer msy oushoul dr evi ewf ory ourfir stex am ( Thur sday ,Sept .27,2018) . Thi sl i sti snotmeantt obeal l i ncl usi vebutr at hershoul dbeusedasagui del i net ohel py ouor gani z e y ourst udyi ng. Char act er i st i csofLi vi ngSy st ems Defini ngLi f e–Al l l i vi ngt hi ngsar ecompr i s edoft hesamechemi calel ement sandobeyt hesame phy si calandchemi call awsasnonl i vi ngobj ect s. Bi ol ogi calEv ol ut i on,Uni t y ,Di v er si t y ,Nat ur alSel ect i on Adapt at i on–anymodi ficat i ont hatmak esanor gani sm sui t edt oi t swayofl i f e. Ov ert i me,or gani smsbecomemodi fiedbyt hepr ocessofnat ur alsel ect i on. Al l l i vi ngor gani smsdescendedf r om acommonancest or . Ar i st ot l e,Li nnaeus,Dar wi n Tax onomy–sci enceofi dent i f yi ngandcl assi f yi ngor gani sms( accor di ngt oevol ut i onar yr el at i onshi ps i smosti mpor t ant .Phyl ogeny–t r eeofl i f e Sci ent i ficname–bi nomi alnomencl at ur e( Genusspeci es) ,Uni v er sal ,Lat i nbased Level sofBi ol ogi calOr gani zat i on–Acel li st hesmal l estmostbasi cuni tofl i f e. Cel l >Ti ssue>Or gans>Or ganSy st ems>Or gani sm ( Speci es)>Popul at i on >Communi t y>Ecos y st em >Bi ospher e Emer gentPr oper t i es Mat er i al sandEner gy–Ener gyi st hecapaci t yt odowor k,t ypesofener gy Ener gyflowst hr ought heBi ospher e,Nut r i ent s( mat t er )cy cl e Met abol i sm –al lt hechemi calr eact i onsi nacel l ,anabol i sm,cat abol i sm Homeost asi s=mai nt enanceofi nt er nalcondi t i onswi t hi ncer t ai nboundar i es,dynami c equi l i br i um; ATP Gr owt h,Repr oduct i onandDev el opment–DNA,mi t osi s,mei osi s Responset oSt i mul i ,behavi or s Sci ence–obey snat ur all aw,expl ai nedi nr ef er encet onat ur al l aw,t ent at i v e,f al si fiabl e Di scov er y( Descr i pt i v e)Sci ence–I nduct i v er easoni ng I nqui r ySci ence-Sci ent i ficMet hod–Obser v at i on,Hypot hesi s( Deduct i v er easoni ng) , Exper i ment at i on( cont r ol gr oup,dependentv ar i abl e,i ndependentvar i abl e,Dat a,St at i st i cs) Concl usi on;Sci ent i ficTheor y( cel l ,bi ogenesi s ,gene,ev ol ut i on) ,Law Chemi calEl ement s–Ener gy ,Mat t er ,Per i odi cTabl e C,H,O,N,P,S–98% bodywei ghtofl i vi ngor gani sms At oms :at omi cs ymbol ,pr ot on,neut r on,el ect r on,nucl eus,ener gyshel l , At omi cnumber ,Massnumber ,i sot opes,r adi oi sot opes ,uses Bohrmodel ,Oct etr ul e Mol ecul e–t woormor eat omsbondedt oget her Compound–t woormor edi ffer entt ypesofat omsbondedt oget her I oni cBondi ng:t r ans f erofel ect r ons ,cat i on,ani on,el ect r ol y t es Coval entBondi ng:shar i ngpr sofel ect r onsNonpol arcov al entbond,pol arcoval entbond ( el ect r onegat i vi t y ,di pol e,el ect r onegat i v e,el ect r oposi t i ve) ,doubl e+t r i pl ebonds Fr eer adi cal s

Hydr ogenBondi ng–Hydr ogenat omsi nonemol ecul ear eat t r act edt ot heoxy genorni t r ogenat oms i not herpol arcov al ent l ybondedmol ecul es,bet weenmol ecul esorbet weenpar t sofl ar gemol ecul e ( pr ot ei ns,DNA) Wat er–Hydr ogenbondi ng,Hi ghheatcapaci t y ,hi ghheatofv apor i zat i on,sol vent( hydr ophi l i c, hydr ophobi c,chemi calr eact i ons) ,cohesi onandadhesi on,hi ghsur f acet ensi on, uni quesol i d=i ce( l essdenset hanl i qui d,i nsul at i on) Aci ds:di ss oci at ei nwat ert or el easehydr ogeni ons( st r ong,weak) Bases:t ak euphydr ogeni onsorr el easehydr oxi dei ons( st r ong,weak) Neut r al i zat i onr eact i on, pHscal e:measur eofaci di t y( l og[ H=]i nmol es/ L)Aci dpH7;Buffer s:Car boni cac i d–Bi car bonat esy st em Or gani cvs.I nor gani c Or gani c:Car bonandhydr ogen,Eachcar boncanbondwi t hupt of ourdi ffer entat oms . Of t enshar eswi t hot hercar bonat oms ,pr oduci ngl ongcar bonchai ns ,hydr ocar bons Sk el et on,backbone,l i near ,r i ng,br anched Funct i onalGr oups–hydr oxyl ,car boxyl ,phosphat e,ami no Pol ymer sandMonomer s,Hydr ol ysi s,Dehydr at i onSynt hesi s( Condensat i on) Bi omol ecul es=bi ol ogi cal l yi mpor t antmol ecul es Car bohydr at es,Li pi ds,Pr ot ei ns,Nucl ei cAci ds Car bohydr at es–Ener gysour ce,st r uct ur e,ener gyst or age Monosacchar i de( si mpl es ugar ,gl ucose) ,Di sacchar i de( sucr ose) , Pol y sacc har i de( st ar ch,gl y cogen,cel l ul ose,chi t i n) Li pi ds–i nsol ubl ei nwat er ,ener gyst or age,i nsul at i on,chemi cal messenger s, cushi oni ng,st r uct ur e Tr i gl ycer i des=gl y cer ol+3f at t yaci ds( sat ur at ed,unsat ur at ed) Phosphol i pi dsandGl ycol i pi ds=cel l membr anes,pol ar( hydr ophi l i c)head, Nonpol ar( hydr ophobi c)t ai l ,Amphi pat hi cmol ecul e,bi l ay er St er oi ds=c hemi cal messenger s,chol est er ol ,sexhor mones,sk el et onof4 f usedCar bonr i ngs. Ei cosanoi ds=basedonar achi doni caci d( 20Cmol ecul e) ,l ocalsi gnal i ng Wax es=l ongchai nf at t yac i dbondedwi t hal ongchai nal cohol ,wat er pr oofPr ot ei ns– Funct i ons :suppor t ,r egul at or y( enzymes,hor mones) ,t r anspor t ,def ense,mot i on Ami noaci d( 20) ,cent r al ( al pha)car bonboundt oahydr ogenat om,anami no gr oup,Acar boxyl gr oup,andanR( v ar i abl e)gr oup. Pept i deBond,pol ypept i de,pr i mar y ,secondar y ,t er t i ar y ,quar t er nar yst r uct ur e, pr ot ei nf ol di ngdi seases( chaper ones) ,denat ur at i on Nucl ei cAci ds–i nf or mat i onst or age,pr ot ei ns ynt hesi s,nucl eot i des Pent osesugar( r i bose,deoxyr i bose) ,phosphat egr oup,Ni t r ogencont ai ni ngbase Nbases :Adeni ne( A) ,Guani ne( G) ,Thymi ne( T) ,Cyt osi ne( C) ,Ur aci l ( U) Pur i ne,pyr i mi di ne,compl ement ar ybasepai r s;DNA,RNA Nucl eosi des:Nbase+car bohydr at e,ATP Cel l Theor y :Al l l i v i ngor gani smsar ecomposedofcel l sandcel l sonl ycomef r om pr eexi st i ngcel l s Cel l ssi z e:Sur f aceAr ea/ Vol umer at i o Cell Structure Pr okar y ot i ccel l s:bact er i a,ar chaea,nucl ei od,pl asmi d,r i bosomes,bact er i alflagel l a,pi l i ,fimbr i ae, shapes( r od,spher i cal ,spi r al ) ,cel l envel ope( cel lwal l ,gl y cocal yx ,gr am posi t i ve/ negat i ve) ,Bi ofil m, Quor um sensi ng...

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