General Biology Lecture 1 PDF

Title General Biology Lecture 1
Author Kara Krivanos
Course General Biology I
Institution Rutgers University
Pages 2
File Size 36.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 116
Total Views 153


Dr. Stern Cardinale...


Kara Krivanos General Biology: Lecture 1 September 3rd, 2019 Dr. Stern Cardinale Course Overview I. Memory and Learning ➔ Compare and contrast types of memory ➔ Sequential process of memory II. Workshop organization ➔ SEQ workshop components General Biology is based on neuroscience and psychology I.

Memory and Learning A. Neuronal Development ■ Neuron: send and receive signals through action potentials ■ Developmental processes ● Gene expression ● Signal transduction B. Neuronal Plasticity ■ NS is modified after birth until death ■ The brain is dynamic→can be remodeled ■ Synapses: junctions between neurons ● Changes are actively dependent ■ Use it or lose it ● No activity = forgotten ■ Positive feedback loop→signals reinforce each other ● Multiple active synapses→stronger response at all synapses C. Memory ■ Anatomical/physiological events occuring at synapses ■ Dependent on neuronal plasticity and activity-helps to form memories ■ STM ■ LTM ● Cannot be accessed directly ■ Memory ≠ Learning ■ Learning is using memory ■ Remember(memory) and apply(learning) D. Long-Term Potentiation ■ Lasting increase in the strength of synaptic transmission-physiological changes ● Changes that make synapses work more efficiently ● Facilitates memory and retrieval ● Actively dependent


Facilitated by: (1) Organization (a) Associations in memory formation (2) Chunking: learning sets of related information rather than just one thing at a time (a) Helps with memory and retrieval (3) Activity ■ Physiological changes due to LTP Workshops Organization A. Facilitate learning B. Generate organizers C. Workshop evaluation...

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