Review of Period 1 (1491 - 1607) PDF

Title Review of Period 1 (1491 - 1607)
Author Liam Petros
Course ap us history
Institution Sentinel High School
Pages 9
File Size 618.3 KB
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APUSH Review for period 1 and questions...


Review of Period 1 (1491 - 1607) The First Amercians Thought to have arrived and populated to Amercias through the frozen overbarring strait between 15,000 and 60,000 years ago.

NATIVE AMERCIAN SOCIETY 1. Northeast US-mix of sophisticated seasoal agriculture and hunting. 2. Southwest US-maize(corn) was a significant food source in present-day Mexico,New Mexcio, Arizona 3. Northwest US-Hunting,fishing and forgaing. Forgaging: Going out in search of food or provisions of any kind. 4. Great Plains and Great Basin-predominatly hunting,lack of natural food resources. Wild buffolo(Hunted and followed them to Migrate during as the season change.Heard them {free range}).

SOUTH AMERCIAN SOCIETY 1. Kinda the same breakdown like NA by where the tribes are. 2. Dark green area: Indian culture/Indian Tribes. 3. Light green area: Amazon Rainforst, tribes in those areas thrived off the ABUNDANCE of resources, Animal and wildlife in the tropical area. 4. Red ares: Aquatic tribes,mostly relaying on the Amazon river,the fish and life in the water 5. Orange areas: Hunters 6. Purple areas: Tribes that fished and gathered shells and shellfish. Shells used for trade with other tribes. Tribe Names: Color-coded based on area Inca Tribe:One of the most powerful civillizations amongst indigenous tribes. The Mayans: Ancient civilaztions in the Yucatan region. The Aztecs: More Modern Native civilaztion in present day Mexcio.

European Expansion Innovations that drove exploration,contact and trade: sextant:Navigation Technology joint-stock company

Reasons for exploration: wealth(gold) Power and Status(Glory) Evangelical Christianity(God) THREE G'S (Gold,God,Glory)


Arms of stock trade.

Missonary trip to florida. Columbian Exchange

Exchange of goods,ideas,people and diesease between Europe,Africa,and the Amercias.

IMPACTS: -On Native:devastation of plant,animal and humanlife from disease,war,and ecological infestation:horses and guns transformed way on life,esp in great plains.Guns make hunting easier,but makes wars and loss in human lifes. -Africans:accelerations in the slave trade(portugese and Spanish colonies); destriction of political and social structuries in west African Civilizations. -On Europeans:Increase in food(corn and potato)-increase in population and urbanization:shift from rural fuedalism to capitalism:

Transformation of the Amercias impact of spanish contact: Mixing of people through inter-marriage: development of caste system to categorize racial mixing into a hierarchy:also used to determine your rights

Spanish+Native="Mestizo" Spanish=African="Mulatto" Ecomienda system(16th century): royal grants of land from the Spanish crown to settlers Settler promised to "Christanize"Natives Resulted in enslavement of Native for heavy manual forced labor (building roads and infrastructure)

Debates over treatment of Natives: Econienda system is challanged when the idea that "Christians should not enslave Christians"take hold

Some,like Juan Gines de Sepulveda defended the system using the ideology of white Christian superiority:arguing that natives of unitelligent. Bartolome de las cases agrued natives were "teachable" and should be Christinized instead of enslaves: advocated the use of Africans for slave labor instead. Native adapt and resist: Europeans sought to change Native's way of life and worldview. Natives sought to preserve "autonomy"(independence and self-rule) Built better relations w/settlers seeking trade rather than land. African adapt and resist: South to preserve "autonomy"; combined Christian traditions with their own indigenous religioys traditions from Africa. Formed "Maroon communitied":made up of Africans who escaped enslavment.

Primary Sources:

The Lienzo de Tlaxcala Cortés in Mexico (Sixteenth Century) The Lienzo de Tlaxcala narrates the history of the Tlaxcalan warriors who aided the Spanish conquistadors in the conquest of other native people in exchange for tax exemptions and the guarantee of special privileges. -Key Concept 1.2 - European expansion resulted in the Columbian Exchange, a series of interactions and adaptations among societies across the Atlantic. In Defense of the Indians (c. 1550) Bartolomé de las Casas Bartolome de las Casas was a 16th century Spanish friar and social reformer. Bartolome was the first Spaniard, and by default, the first European, to begin to advocate for the rights of the Native Americans in the New World.He defended the Native by saying that they have their own unique way of practice and how they shall remine practcing it. Key Concept 1.3 - Contacts among American Indians, Africans, and Europeans challenged the worldviews of each group.

American Holocaust: Columbus and the Conquest of the New World, 1992 by David E. Stannard, historian Talks abput how he shaped the way for other conquesadors.He was a religious fanatic. Key Concept 1.3 - Contacts among American Indians, Africans, and Europeans challenged the worldviews of each group....

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