Period 1 1491 - 1607 Vocabulary PDF

Title Period 1 1491 - 1607 Vocabulary
Author Kira Mills
Course US history
Institution High School - USA
Pages 2
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useful vocabulary for the unit...


Period 1: 1491-1607 Ch 1. Brinkley & Ch. 1 AMSCO

Unit Vocabulary

Directions: Identify each term and be prepared to turn in for a formative grade on __. If you don’t find them in the book or the book doesn’t give you enough info then look it up online. These terms appear on the APUSH Course Description.


Identification / Definition


Indian corn, fed large populations (maybe 20+ million) , Incas in Peru, Mayas in Central America, and Aztecs in Mexico had advanced agricultural practices based on maize

American Southwest

Agriculture based on Maize, lead to settled villages with advanced irrigation

Great Basin

Bounded by Rockies on the E, and the Sierra and Cascade ranges on W

Great Plains

Midwest US, Sioux tribe originally here, survived on hunting (bison), very nomadic, live in tipis and had dogs, equestrian culture


Societies developed a mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economy that favored the development of permanent villages. The indians in the northeast had cultures that included farming and hunting. Farming techniques, however led to soil exhaustion and the tribes moved to new land from time to time.

Mississippi River Valley

Societies developed a mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economy that favored the development of permanent villages. Mississipian groups are also referred to as mound-builder groups.

Atlantic Seaboard

Societies developed a mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economy that favored the development of permanent villages.


Supported themselves by hunting and gathering, and in some areas developed settled communities supported by the vast resources of the ocean.


Prior to contact with Europeans, the California region contained the highest native American population density north of what is now Mexico.[2] Because of the temperate climate and easy access to food sources, approximately one-third of all Native Americans in the United States were living in California.

Columbian Exchange

The exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus's voyages., The exchange of goods and ideas between Native Americans and Europeans

New World

A name for the Americas, especially during the time of first exploration and colonization of the Americas by Europeans.


Political system where slaves worked the land for superiors in exchange for protection and food. The Euros made slaves work plantations and gave just

enough food and water to survive Capitalism

Economic system characterized by private property, generally free trade, and open and accessible markets

Joint-Stock Companies A financial organization devised by English merchants around 1550 that subsequently facilitated the colonization of North America. In these companies, a number of investors pooled their capital and, in return, received shares of stock in the enterprise in proportion to their share of the total investment. Encomienda System

Spanish gov’s policy to commend/give Indians to certain colonists in return for promise to Christianize them, part of effort to subdue Indian Tribes in W Indies and on N Am mainland


Portuguese adventurers in Africa were to be found the origins of the modern plantation system, based on large-scale commercial agriculture and the wholesale exploitation of slave labor. This plantation economy shaped much of the New World. Plantations were large-scale agricultural enterprise growing commercial crops and usually employing coerced or slave labor.

Caste System

A social structure in which classes are determined by heredity, a set of rigid social categories that determined not only a person's occupation and economic potential, but also his or her position in society

Political Sovereignty

Political sovereignty refers to the highest level of absolute power through which independent states are controlled by a designated political authority....

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