Revised Guidelines ON CAM PDF

Title Revised Guidelines ON CAM
Course Alternative Dispute Resolution
Institution University of Baguio
Pages 4
File Size 66.3 KB
File Type PDF
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REVISED GUIDELINES ON CAM & JDR IN CIVIL CASES AM-19-10-20-SC (took effect March 1, 2021 in the advent of the amendment in the rules in civil procedure) Civil aspect of a criminal case or a civil case or special proceedings is referable to CAM during the pre-trial stage; but there is a need for ...


REVI SED GUI DELI NES ON CAM & JDR I N CI VI L CASES AM191020SC ( t ook effect Mar c h 1, 2021 i n t he advent of t he amendmenti nt her ul esi nci vi lpr ocedur e) Ci vi las pec tofacr i mi nalc aseoraci vi lcaseors peci alpr oc eedi ngs i sr e f er abl et oCAM dur i ngt hepr et r i als t age;butt her ei saneed f ort hei ssuest obej oi nedbef or et her ef er r al  Thi s i s when or af t er an accused has made i t s pl ea ( ar r ai gnment )  Fori ssues t o be j oi ned,t he l as tpl eadi ng shoul d hav e been fil ed No mor e ext ensi on of t he per i od. Once t he cour tr e f er st he par t i es t o CAM, i t shoul d be fini shed wi t hi n: Nonext endabl e per i odof30days Fai l ur eofCAM:Thecour twi l lde t er mi nei fi ti spossi bl e,vi abl eor nece ssar yt or ef ert hepar t i est oJDR  I fde emed necessar yort her ei ss t i l lpossi bl ec onci l i at i on:t he casewi l lbe r affled t o anot hercour tofequalj ur i sdi ct i on whowi l lconductt heJDR.TheJDR i st obeconduc t edwi t hi n anonext endi bl eper i odof15days  I fnotnecessar y:pr oceedwi t ht het r i al Fai l ur eofJDR:casewi l lber e t ur ned t ot hecour twher et hecase or i gi nat edf ort r i alasschedul edi nt hepr e t r i alor der  Thi si s a shi f tf r om t he pr evi ous pr act i ce of JDR bei ng conduc t edbyt hecour twher et hecasewasfil edan passedon anot hercour ti fJDR wi l lf ai l Hi ghl i ght s: 1.Ther evi sedgui de l i nesonl yc ov erCAM andJDR i nc i vi lcase s 2.Atpr esent ,t he r ei snoJDR i nCTCC CASESmustber ef er r edt oCAM: 1.Al lor di nar yci vi lcases 2.Ci vi lcasescover edbyt her ul eson summar ypr ocedur e ssuch asunl awf ulde t ai ner ,f or ci bl eent r y

3.Fami l yl aw cases l i ke suppor t ,cus t ody ,vi si t at i on,pr oper t y r e l at i ons,guar di anshi p ofmi norc hi l dr en,and ot heri ssues; exceptt hoset hatcannotbecompr omi sed( Ar t .2035) : a.Val i di t yofmar r i age b.Ci vi ls t at us c .Le gals epar at i on d.Fut ur es uppor t e .Le gi t i me 4.Al ls pe ci alci vi lac t i one xcept : a.Dec l ar at or yr e l i e f b.Re vi ew ofCOMELEC and COA Re sol ut i on,finalor der , cer t i or ar i , pr ohi bi t i on, mandamus, quo war r ant o, expr opr i at i onandcont emptcannotbecompr omi sed 4.Spe ci alpr oceedi ngs cases f orse t t l ementofes t at e wher et he di s put ei nvol ve scl ai msagai ns tt hees t at e,ort hedi s t r i but i on orpar t i t i onofes t at eandi nt es t at epr oc eedi ngs 4.I nt e l l ec t ualpr oper t ycases 4.Commer ci al or i nt r acor por at e cont r over sy wi t hi n t he cor por at i on 4.Envi r onment alcases ,subj ec tt ot hepr ovi si onsi n Sec.3,Rul e 3oft heRul esofPr ocedur ef orEnvi r onment alCase s( AM 968SC) 4.Casest hatmayber e f er r edt oJDR I fCAM f ai l s and t he cour ti sc onvi nced se t t l ement i s possi bl e: r e f er r alt oJDR  I ft hecour tfindst hatt her ei snopossi bl ese t t l ement ,noneed t or e f ert oJDR CASESf orJDR:( notanymor emandat or ybutmaybe) 1.Somecasesappeal edt ot heRTC 2.For ci bl eent r y ,unl awf ulde t ai ner ,ci vi lcase si nvol vi ngt i t l eor possessi onofr ealpr oper t y ,se t t l ementofe st at e CASESt hatmayNOT ber ef er r edt oCAM andJDR: ( Unl esst hepar t i esagr eet odos o) 1.Thoset hatcannotbecompr omi sed: a.Theci vi ls t at usofper sons;

b.Thev al i di t yofamar r i ageoral e galsepar at i on; c .Anygr oundf orl e galsepar at i on; d.Fut ur es uppor t ; e .Thej ur i sdi c t i onofcour t s;and f .Fut ur el egi t i me . 2.Ci vi laspe ctofnonmedi at abl ecr i mi nalcase s 2.Pe t i t i onsf orHabeasCor pus 2.Pr obat eofawi l l 2.Al l cases under Republ i c Ac t No. 9262 ( Vi ol ence agai ns t WomenandChi l dr en) 2.Cases wi t h pendi ng appl i cat i on f or Res t r ai ni ng Or de r s/Pr e l i mi nar yI nj unc t i ons Thecour tmayr e f erCAM andJDR atanys t ageoft hepr oceedi ngs when ei t her or bot h par t i es r equest ,t her ei s a si gni ficant l i ke l i hood of se t t l ement and t her ei ss t i l lf ac t uali ssues t o be r esol v ed  Buti fi ti st he cour tt he r e f er st oi t ,t he y shal lf ol l ow t he gui de l i nesandbasi cal l y ,be f or et r i alpr operordur i ngpr et r i al A JDR j udgecanmakeanonbi ndi ngi mpar t i aleval uat i on oft he chancesoft hepar t i es ’success  Anobj ect i veeval uat i onbyt heJDR j udg e I ndi vi dualpar t i escan onl yappeart hr ough ar epr esent at i vef ora val i dcause ,s uchas: a.Ac tofGod b.For cemaj eur e c .Dul ysubs t ant i alphysi cali nabi l i t y Lawyer sar eal l owed i nt hemedi at i on butonl y asadvi ser sand consul t ant st ot hei r cl i ent s. Repr esent at i ve of i ndi vi dual or cor por at eent i t i esshoul dhav easpeci alpowerofat t or ney Sanct i ons: Apar t yt hatf ai l st oat t endCAM orJDR orf ai l edt obr i ng t her equi r edaut hor i z at i onwi t houtv al i dcausehavi ngf ul laut hor i t y r e f us est oexer ci set hesameorc l ai mt hatr equi r esf ur t herappr oval oft hepr i nci palmaymer i tsanc t i onssuc h asdi smi ssalofpl ai nt i ff’ s

case or ex par t e pr esent at i on ofpl ai nt i ff’ s evi dence,cont emptor r ei mbur sementofcause Thesede ve l opment sgohandi nhand:Re vi sed gui de l i nesofCour t annexed medi at i on and j udi ci aldi sput er esol ut i on i n ci vi lcases ( AM1116SC)i nt headv entoft henew r ul es ofci vi lpr oc edur e andt heRe vi sedgui de l i nesofCTCC underAM150610SC...

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