Rizal finals. act 2 PDF

Title Rizal finals. act 2
Author Ivy Odato
Course College of Education
Institution Jose Rizal Memorial State University
Pages 4
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IVY C. ODATOBSED-ENGLISH III-AEXERCISE 2: Catching Positive ValuesSpecific objectives:At the end of the activity, the students should be able to: recall experiences pertinent to the formation of their values; examine critically the positive and negative implications of some values that their familie...



EXERCISE 2: Catching Positive Values Specific objectives: At the end of the activity, the students should be able to: 1. recall experiences pertinent to the formation of their values; 2. examine critically the positive and negative implications of some values that their families, community, and Philippine society have instilled in them; 3. examine carefully Rizalian values that are worth appreciating and learning and are relevant to good citizenship; 4. accept the values, both positive and negative, are determinants of personality formation and; 5. relate the importance of value formation of an ideal Filipino citizen. Activity: Follow the instructions and write your answers in the space provided. 1. List down five values that you learned/caught from your family/parents. How were these values transmitted to you?  Prudent  Minimalist  Optimist  God-fearing  Respectful 2. List down five Filipino subcultural/cultural values that you learned/caught from our neighbors/classmates/fellow Filipinos. How were these values transmitted to you?  Mañana habit  Filipino Time  Resilient  Practical  Pakikisama

Although Mañana habit and having an attitude of being late (Filipino time) are negative habit, but since I am surrounded with a lot of people who practice this habit like for

instance, if we have things to do, and they will just say “unya nana” or “dili bitaw na mawala, tas sayun ra kaayu na oyy” another, is when you have plans with your friends and 8:00 am is the arrival time then you arrived at 10 am or if your friend ask you “asa naka?” and you said “on the way” even though you still at your house still preparing. But despite these negative habits as a person and as Filipino I learned a lot of good values from them like being practical, resilient, and “pakikisama”. I acquire these values from the people that surrounded me.

3. Examine critically the positive and negative implications of the abovementioned values that you have learned/caught from your family, community, and Philippine society.  Mañana habit and having an attitude of being late (Filipino Time) are consistently a factor in our success we become lazy in doing things. While being resilient, “marunong makisama”, and practical will help us as a person and as a Filipino to transcend for a betterment of our country.

4. List down at least 10 Rizalian values which in order to increase your chances of becoming a good Filipino citizen. Explain your answers fully.  Family oriented – Rizal always gave his respect to his parents. Infact, he was inspired to study ophthalmology by his mother's failing eyesight and his desire to help her.  God centered – In his letter to the women of Malolos, he said who to bow and kneel down. He said that God never wanted money but a pure heart.  Obedience – He always follow what his elders wanted for him. Like when his father advised him that he would take literature.  Will-power – Despite the fact that his parents wouldn’t allow him to study abroad, he still found a way by asking his brother’s permission. This led him to fight for reform for us Filipino to have a voice in politics.  Creative – Rizal excelled in arts also. He knew how to paint, sketch, make sculpture, he also excels in different sports like fencing, swimming, and wrestling, he also wrote a lot of novels that awaken his imagination and creativity.  Valued education – Rizal never stops from learning. He valued education and made him wrote lots of novel that awaken the minds of the Filipino people.  Self-abnegation - He prioritized the sake of the Filipinos and the country before himself even though he knew he will die.  Honest – we can always infer by his writings how he was upright.

Nationalist – Rizal was the root of a serene change to free the Philippines and eventually, he sacrificed his life to demonstrate his affection for Filipinos and the country. Fair- Rizal valued fairness that is why he wrote the “Noli Me Tangere” in order to pacify the unbalance in the Philippine society.

5. Do values influence personality formation? Explain your answer and relate these with the formation of an ideal Filipino citizen. I do believe that values influence personality formation for the reason that values are the main thrust of what an individual will turn into. One's values reflects how one behaves and interacts with the people around. It affects the personality because of the beliefs and principles one holds which are embedded in their personation. 6. Case analysis: Base your analysis on the parental/cultural and Rizalian values that you have listed down and examined in numbers 1,2,3, and 4. Comment on the following situations: a. Maria sees nothing wrong with cheating during examinations. Maria doesn't value honesty since a true education is accepting what we don't know and continually concentrate in studying so that we will acquire information and abilities. We should remember that cheating is an ignorant direct and a type of extortion. b. Senator Luz thinks that senators and congressmen should not be given “Pork Barrel Funds”. More than 100 congressmen think that they should be given their full 570million “Pork Barrel Funds” which they say they will use for the development of their district/province/city. Senator Luz is nationalist as she really focused on the government assistance of Filipinos. It is uncommon in the senate council to go against what the majority wanted yet Senator Luz did as such. She forecast that; the money is ought to be put unto the projects for Filipinos. c. John believes that finishing a college degree is not important. He does not value education. He does not think that education opens up rewarding opportunities that might have otherwise been inaccessible. Rizal showed to us what education can do – that through it, we will have freedom and no one will disrespect us. We will be literate in so many ways, through education. We were able to know our rights as an individual and as a Filipino citizen. d. Felipe believes that Filipino is inferior to Americans.

Felipe is deficient with regards to the feeling of being patriot since he peered down on what his ethnicity is. He should be proud being a Filipino. After all, Filipinos lives with integrity....

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