RSM 326 Study Guide PDF

Title RSM 326 Study Guide
Course Therapeutic Recreation Programming
Institution The University of Tennessee
Pages 8
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Study Guide Exam 2...


STUDY GUIDE EXAM 2 // RSM 326 LEARNING DISABILITIES SPECIFICS Auditory Processing Disorder Dyscalculia Dysgraphia Dyslexia Language Processing Disorder Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Deficit STATISTICS - 4.7% of school aged children are served for Specific learning disabilities under IDEA. - 2/3 Boys - Administration of a battery of tests is provided to a child for a true diagnosis. LD: CAUSES - How a child comes to have a learning disability is unknown, but 3 categories have been proposed 1. Brain Damage 2. Environmental Factors 3. Biochemical imbalances

DWARFISM: Little People of America (LPA) defines dwarfism as: - Medical or genetic condition - Adult height of 4’10’’ or shorter ACHONDROPLASIA (TYPE of DWARFISM) - Genetic conditions

- Disproportionately short arms and legs - Average height is 4’0’’ - Most frequently diagnoses - 1 per 26,000 to 40,000 births DWARFISM // SECONDARY PROBLEMS: 1. Compression of the brain stem 2. Hydrocephalus 3. Obstructive sleep apnea


Varies from condition and severity Intelligence, life spans, and reasonable good health Surgeries or other medical interventions Orthopedic complications

SPINAL STENOSIS - narrowing of the spinal canal

ANGELMAN SYNDROME: - Rare neuro-genetic disorder - 1 in 15,000 live births - Characteristics: developmental delay, speech impairment, seizures, behavior uniqueness, walking and balance disorders * You should smile at them a lot. They may not be able to verbalize and talk with you but they know what you’re saying. SECONDARY PROBLEMS: -

Protruding tongue Swallowing disorders Feeding problems Wide mouth; wide spaced teeth Frequent drooling Excessive chewing


Strabismus Wide-based gait Sensitivity to heat Abnormal sleep-wake cycles

ATTENTION DEFICIT DISORDER:  Contemporary Views and Management of ADHD Developmental disorder of inattention  Common Symptoms: Poor organization, easily distracted, forgetful, fidgets/squirms, poor attention span, leaves seat TIMELINE:   

Subgroup running around (George Still finding in 1900) Minimal brain dysfunction (1960) DSM 3 – Attention Deficit Disorder (+ or – Hyperactivity) (No Date)

DEMOGRAPHICS:  7-10% or more of school-aged children SYMPTOMS: CHILDREN:  Hyperactive, running around, breaking things (Children)  Begin to mature a little bit (Teen)  You will always have ADHD till the day you die ADULT: - Fidgets/squirms - Forgetful - Easily distracted - Poor organization, attention - Intrusive - Unable to follow through with tasks A CORRECT DIAGNOSIS: Before t/tx is initiated, it is necessary to obtain a diagnosis of ADHD by a qualified professional in order to:  Determine a course of treatment  Plan for treatment monitoring  Link treatment to prognosis  Become eligible for specialized education services DSM-5 ADHD Diagnostic Criteria:

  

List of symptoms must be present for past 6 months Must have at least 6 of the 9 Present before age of 7


Squirms and Fidgeting Blurts out answers Talks too much Has trouble staying seated

INATTENTION SYMPTOMS:  Careless  Difficulty sustaining attention in activity  Doesn’t listen  Loses things  has difficulty paying attention to detail/makes careless mistakes TYPE 3 SYMPTOMS (MIXED OR COMBINED) TYPE 4 SYMPTOMS (NOS- Not otherwise specified)  Lit trashcan on fire SUBTYPES:  Predominately hyperactive-impulsive  Predominately inattentive  Mixed or Combine (50% of people)  NOS – Not otherwise specified DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: MEDICAL  Sleep Apnea  Substance use disorder  Developmental disorder  Use of other meds PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS:  Mood Disorders  Psychotic disorders  Adjustment CO-MORBITIES OF ADHD:  Depression  ODD – Oppositional Defiant Disorder *** - most common  OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    

Behavioral Disorder (BD) Emotional Disorder (ED) Learning Disorder (LD) Teacher Disorder (TD) SUD – Substance Abuse Disorder *

PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF ADHD  Dopamine Synapse – stuff is deficient (mild, moderate, or severe)  Adrenaline – anything they are interest in will produce more adrenaline. CLINICAL MANAGEMENT  Educating parents/patients about ADHD  Behavioral treatment  Medication management  Combining medication/behavioral treatment ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT CATEGORIES  Controlled data (elimination diets, thyroid treatment, de-leading, relaxation training + EMG biofeedback)  Promising Pilot Work (EEG, biofeedback, laser acupuncture) PHARMACOTHERAPY – Doctor that prescribes medication  Approx. 2 children in 3 can be helped significantly by the use of stimulant medication.  Stimulant medication uses: Rapid first-order metabolism Rapid Absorption Low Plasma protein binding Rapid Extracellular and hepatic encephalopathy ***There are a lot of different ways to treat this STIMULANT FORMULATIONS:  Focalin: A refined form of Ritalin isolating only the effective isomer  Ritalin LA  Adderall XR  Metadate CD  Concerta  Vyvanse ***Very safe with few side effects. No dangerous, irreversible side-effects ISSUES IN THE USE OF STIMULANT MODIFICATIONS:  Growth Deficits: height and weight  Development or exaggeration of tic disorder (EX: Eye blinking)  Substance use disorder

OPPOSITIONAL DEFIANT DISORDER and CONDUCT DISORDER: ODD SYMPTOMS:  Angry, irritable  Argumentative  Vindictiveness CONDUCT DISORDER SYMPTOMS:  Bullies, use weapons that cause harm  Destruction of property  Serious violation of rules  Aggression to people and animals INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE:  ODD- 2-16%  Males more often than females  Predominant age: 8  CAUSES: Inherited and environmental factors (separation, divorce, abuse or neglect, lack of structure and guidance)    

CONDUCT – 2-10% Males more often than females Predominant age: 12 CAUSES: (Genetic and neurobiological factors, Cognitive behavioral factors, Psychological factors, Socio-cultural factors)

PROGNOSIS:  ODD: precursor to CD  Passive aggressive behaviors typically see themselves and victims 

CD: high levels of antisocial behavior

Sometimes develop serious lifetime behavior problems


1 of 10 anxiety disorders classified in the DSM-5

Excessive and uncontrollable worry

Interferes with Daily Functioning ***

Unknown causes: Risk factors and Theories


One of the most prevalent anxiety disorders 6.8 million adults (3.1% of the population) Women are twice as likely to have GAD*** Age of Diagnosis

PROGNOSIS  Chronic lifelong condition  Pharmacological  Psychotherapy BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER (BPD): (Adult diagnosis) – In young 20’s SYMPTOMS:  Serious psychiatric illness  They suck the life out of you if you’re around them  Self-harm and suicide attempts (“if you leave me, I’m going to kill myself) (swallow razor blades or batteries)  Unstable, chaotic relationships  Impulsive aggression  Unable to regulate mood  Mood instability disrupts work and time BPD: INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE in US:  2% of general population  70-75% of diagnosed are women CAUSES:  Exact causes unknown  Theories (Childhood history, genetics, biological, environmental) PROGNOSIS:  No medication  They treat the symptoms (no cure, you just try to reduce symptoms)  Completed suicide rate 8-10%  Individuals may improve over time with treatment  Most serious and most common personality disorder...

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