Same sex couples adoption essay PDF

Title Same sex couples adoption essay
Course Mental Health
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Essay on why couples of same sex should be able to adopt children...


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Adriana Martinez Professor Heredia Enc 1101 27 November 2018 Choose Family, Not Discrimination Society portrays homosexual’s as morally corrupt, mentally unstable, and unorthodox. For this, they deem them inadequate of raising children in need of homes. Aside from their sexuality, there is nothing that diversifies them from being as suitable as a heterosexual couple in aspects of parenting. There are hundreds of thousands of children who have been in the foster care system for years. “Adopting a child won’t change the world, but for that child the world will change”. Although some may say having a homosexual parent may be detrimental to a child, if more people were open to homosexuals adopting, less children would be homeless, these children would be confident in their own skin, and there is no valuable evidence that proves that the sexual orientation of a parent matters for child wellbeing. The foster care system has been around for centuries, providing children with temporary homes while they wait months, even years, to be adopted. There is an average of 400,000 children in the foster care system more than 115,000 children have found homes in a same-sex household. Same-sex parenting adoption is just as effective as opposite-sex parenting adoption. Researched by the adoption and foster care system statistics, more than 60% of children already in the foster care system wait anywhere between two to five years to be adopted, it takes 40% of children more than five years to find a home when in the foster care system. Some children in the foster care systems never become adopted (Manning). Same-sex couples have taken it upon

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themselves to adopt children over the age of three which is relatively the hardest ages for a child to be adopted. Homosexual couples are four times more likely to adopt a child than opposite sex couples. This fact makes it known that less kids go without homes each year and more are provided with loving and nurturing places to grow up in in the household of two homosexual people. According to the statistics by Adoption and Foster Care System, 6 to 14 million children live within the same household of a gay parent and more than 2 million same-sex couples are interested in adopting. In all probability, children in these foster care systems are four times more likely to be sought after by a same-sex couple rather than an opposite-sex couple. 13% of homosexual couples have children living in their homes under the age of eighteen, while, heterosexual couples only have 3% of adopted children under the age of 18 (Goldberg). Allowing for the idea of same-sex couples to adopt could bring upon a positive change in the foster care system leaving less children homeless and more children with a life to build. In a study ‘Why Parenthood, Why Now?’, participated in by Abbie Goldberg, it is stated that typically it is more evident that children who are raised by same-sex couples are more open to differences. These children generally grow up more comfortable in their own skin due to the fact that their adoptive parents are open to differences and adopting children who may not be from the same ethnicity (Manning). These parents teach their kids that communicating your emotions to someone is healthy. For this, these children are less likely to hold in what may be bothersome to them. Children raised by gay couples are more approachable towards their peers because they have grown up being what is labeled as different and it has been displayed that that does not define them. Not only are these children more open about talking about the way they feel but they become empathetic towards other people who struggle with the difficulties of not

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being normal in the eyes of society. Homosexual couples spend a lot of time teaching their children the importance of equality, for this they become more comfortable with themselves and rarely discriminate the ideas or beliefs of others. One’s sexual preference does not delineate the ability one person has in being a good parent. Whether or not someone is capable of being a parent or not should be justified by how loving they are towards their child, the relationship they build with them, and if the child has a safe environment and stable life at home. There is no actual evidence that proves that same-sex couples provide less than opposite-sex family. Affirmed by Michael Rosenfield, a child’s behavior is altered by the parent’s relationship with the child rather than the parent’s sexual orientation. The researcher added on that a study was done in a school in which 3,500 students who were raised by homosexual parents to determine if being in a household as such influenced a child’s school advancement. No substantial documentation proved that there was any difference. The sexual-orientation of a parent(s) does not define child wellbeing. Although, some may intrude that coming from an out of the ordinary household may be detrimental to a child. Society is not accepting of anything that is not perceived as ‘normal’ by the majority. Stated by Wendy Manning, in the report ‘Child Well-Being in Same sex parent families’, “The child welfare system has come to understand that placing a child in a gay or lesbian family is no greater risk than placing them in a heterosexual family.” It is said that it may be detrimental because it is different but as said before, these children grow up to be comfortable in their own skin due to what they have been exposed to growing up. There is nothing that sets apart one loving parent from another loving parent. Two parents with different sexual orientation can still accomplish the same job and raise a well-rounded child. Ethically there should not be anything prohibiting same-sex couples from adopting. Homosexual

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couples should be accepted as easily in terms of adopting a child. Less children would go without homes and have the privilege of being love by an accepting family. These children would be more open to differences and accepting people as they are as well as being comfortable in their own skin. Ultimately, the well being of this child is not determined by the sexual orientation of the parent but rather the love they offer and give to a child in need a of a home.

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Works Cited Goldberg, Abbie E et al. “Why Parenthood, and Why Now?: Gay Men's Motivations for Pursuing Parenthood” Family relations vol. 61,1 (2012): 157-174. “Growing up with gay parents: What is the big deal?” Linacre quarterly vol. 82,4 (2015): 332-6. Manning, Wendy D et al. “Child Well-Being in Same-Sex Parent Families: Review of Research Prepared for American Sociological Association Amicus Brief” Population research and policy review vol. 33,4 (2014): 485-502....

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