Sample Final Exam Questions PDF

Title Sample Final Exam Questions
Author Anna Demchyak
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Humber College
Pages 19
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Sample Final Exam Questions with answers...


1. Which of the following is true about performance management? a. The process contains 3 steps. b. Research indicates that most companies manage performance well. c. It is indirectly related to achieving strategic objectives. d. The process does not involve coaching. e. Better performance management represents a largely untapped opportunity to improve company profitability. 2. The simplest and most popular technique for appraising employees is the a. b. c. d. e.

alternation ranking method. critical incident method. forced distribution method. graphic rating scale. paired comparison method.

3. An example of the alternation ranking method would include all of the following steps except a. b. c. d. e.

crossing off names not known well enough to rank. defining the compensable factors. putting the lowest-ranking employee on the last line. listing the highest-ranking employee on the first line. listing all the employees to be ranked.

4. All of the following are advantages of the critical incident method except that it a. provides concrete examples of what an employee can do to eliminate any performance deficiencies. b. ensures that the evaluator thinks about the employee's appraisal all during the year. c. ensures that the evaluator will only consider the employee's most recent job performance. d. can be used to supplement another appraisal technique. e. provides the evaluator with some specific hard facts for explaining the appraisal. 5. MBO almost always refers to a comprehensive organization-wide goal-setting and appraisal program that consists of all the following steps except a. b. c. d. e.

setting long-term performance targets. setting the organization's goals. setting the department's goals. providing feedback to employees. discussing the department's goals.

6. Appraisal systems must be based on performance criteria that are ________ for the position being rated and ________ in that their application must produce consistent ratings for the same performance. a. b. c. d. e.

reliable; valid reliable; reliable valid; measurable measurable; valid valid; reliable

7. The following are all ways to minimize the impact of appraisal problems, such as bias and central tendency, except a. training supervisors to eliminate rating errors. b. refraining from confusing the employee by including him or her in the rating and evaluation process. c. becoming familiar with the typical rating errors that can undermine rating scale appraisals. d. trying to understand the problem in order to prevent it. e. choosing the right appraisal tool. 8. All of the following are advantages of various appraisal tools except that a. b. c. d. e.

alternation ranking is simple to use. forced distribution results depend on the adequacy of the original choice of cutoff points. BARS is very accurate. a graphic rating scale is simple to use. MBO is tied to jointly agreed goals.

9. When preparing for the appraisal interview, there are three things to do. First, assemble the data, second, prepare the employee, and finally, a. b. c. d. e.

choose the time and place. prepare the appraisal examination. do the performance appraisal. lay out an action plan. document all information to be discussed in the interview.

10. Susan, the HR director, is developing performance management training sessions for junior managers. She wants to be sure to emphasize the key success factor for effective performance appraisal that most often leads to optimum employee performance. The factor she emphasizes is a. b. c. d. e.

effective career development discussions. the quality of the performance appraisal dialogue between the manager and employee. linking pay with performance. legally compliant policies. none of the above.

11. Total rewards refers to a. b. c. d. e.

payroll costs. all forms of pay or other compensation provided to employees. cash payments only. certain forms of pay and rewards to employees. contractual pay methods or fringe benefits to employees.

12. The Revlex Company did a salary survey and the results showed that 10 of its key positions had lower wages compared with similar positions at their key competitors. The problem the company faces is a. b. c. d.

comparable worth. pay equity. external equity. internal inequity.



13. Job evaluation is a technique used to determine a. b. c. d. e.

performance appraisals of individuals to the group. promotability. merit reviews of individuals to the group. the relative value of an individual's career earnings to the group's. the relative worth of each job.

14. The job evaluation method in which a number of compensable factors are identified, and then the degree to which each of these factors is present on the job is determined, is the a. b. c. d. e.

factor comparison method. ranking method. point method. Hay plan method. job classification method.

15. Establishing pay rates involves three stages, which are a. job evaluation, conducting salary surveys, and combining job evaluation and salary survey results. b. consulting with industry, determining salaries for executive positions, and deciding on a benefits plan. c. pricing of benchmark jobs, collecting data on insurance benefits, and evaluating benefits packages. d. collecting data on insurance benefits, creating a salary survey, and hiring external consultants. e. collecting data used to price every job in the organization, working with a compensation consultant, and working with a benefits specialist. 16. One way to depict the pay rate ranges for each pay grade is with a wage structure graphically depicting the a. b. c. d. e.

range of pay grades for each pay rate. range of pay rates for each pay grade. range of jobs. pay for each job. scatter-plot points within a pay grade.

17. Rates being paid to overpaid employees are often called a. b. c. d. e.

red circle pay rates. premium jobs pay rates. excessive pay rates. silver circle pay rates. black circle pay rates.

18. The two bases upon which to pay employees are increments of performance and seniority. a. True b. False

19. Most of the pay equity acts in Canada focus on four compensable factors—skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions. a. True b. False 20. Skill/competency-based and market-based pay entirely eliminates the need for evaluating the worth of one job relative to others in the firm. a. True b. False 21. The three types of benefits provided under the Canada/Quebec Pension Plan are a. b. c. d. e.

disability, survivor, and old age security. retirement, vacation, and disability. retirement, survivor, and old age security. retirement, disability, and survivor. retirement, survivor, and health care.

22. Individualized benefit plans allowed by some employers, in order to accommodate employee preferences for benefits, are known as a. b. c. d. e.

perquisite benefits plans. flexible benefits programs. individualized benefits plans. constrained benefits plans. family-friendly benefits.

23. Effective disability management programs include a. b. c. d. e.

monitoring worker's compensation. early and safe return-to-work policies. remedial programs. monitoring sick leave plans. a required company medical.

24. A pension plan in which a certain amount of profit is credited to each employee's account, payable at retirement, termination, or death, is a a. b. c. d. e.

group pension plan. defined benefit pension plan. defined contribution plan. deferred profit-sharing plan. group RRSP.

25. A pension provision whereby employees who change jobs can transfer the lump sum value of the pension they have earned to a locked-in RRSP or their new employer's pension plan is a. b. c. d. e.

non-funding. vesting. a non-locked-in provision. flexible pensions. portability.

26. To date, the evidence regarding the actual effects of employer-sponsored childcare on employee absenteeism, turnover, productivity, recruitment, or job satisfaction is a. b. c. d. e.

positive, without consideration of obstacles or attitudes toward work. neutral, with some positive and some negative effects. positive, with respect to increasing obstacles in coming to work. positive, with respect to reducing obstacles in coming to work and improving workers' attitudes. negative, in respect to employees' attitudes.

27. The EI program is funded solely by contributions from eligible employees. a. True b. False

28. Melanie has a defined contribution pension plan. She will know the actual benefits she will get ahead of time. a. True b. False

29. The looming labour shortage based on when baby boomers start retiring is resulting in employers seeking to retain older employees. Mel's organization is experiencing this issue. One program to support this issue is a. b. c. d. e.

RRSPs. supplemental employee retirement plans. defined benefit pension plans. phased retirement. defined contribution pension plans.

30. Unlike government-provided retirement benefits, employer-sponsored pension plans are a. b. c. d. e.

restricted to deferred profit sharing. easily managed. invested in mutual funds. pre-funded. formalized.

31. Safety and accident prevention concerns managers because a. b. c. d. e.

work-related accidents figures are staggering. of global competition. cutting costs is essential. customer service is extremely important. employees need to be motivated.

32. The function of joint health and safety committees is to provide a ________ atmosphere where management and labour can work together to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. a. b.

structured directive

c. d. e.

non-adversarial collegial supportive

33. The components of WHMIS are a. b. c. d. e.

public information sessions, MSDS, and employee training. labelling of hazardous material, MSDS, and employee training. labelling of hazardous material, public information sessions, and MSDS. labelling of hazardous material and employee training. MSDS and employee training.

34. Which of the following are the main causes of accidents in organizations? a. b. c. d. e.

chance occurrences and unsafe conditions unsafe acts on the part of employees chance occurrences, unsafe conditions, and unsafe acts on the part of employees ineffective health and safety committees and cost cutting unsafe conditions and cost cutting

35. You are the new human resources professional at a plastics manufacturing company. Which of the following tests human traits that might be related to accidents on a specific job and could be used to determine whether test scores are related to accidents on the job? a. b. c. d. e.

intelligence tests literacy tests emotional stability and personality tests measures of muscular coordination and visual skills self-awareness tests

36. Senior management commitment to safety can be demonstrated in all of the following ways except by a. b. c. d. e.

giving the company safety officer high rank and status. giving safety matters high priority in company meetings. including safety training in new workers' training. minimizing the organization's investment in safety equipment. senior managers being personally involved in safety activities on a routine basis.

37. Wellness programs take a ________ approach to employee well-being and EAPs take a ________ to employee health issues. a. b. c. d. e.

proactive; proactive reactive; reactive reactive; proactive proactive; reactive none of the above

38. Maike is a supervisor of a team of oil rig workers. She has discovered that two of her direct reports have a substance abuse problem. Which of the following actions should she take? a. Make a written record of observed behaviour and follow up on each incident. b. Ask the employees to see the HR representative since supervisors are never the company's first line of defence with employee substance abuse issues.

c. Troubled employees should be escorted to the organizational psychologist's office for counselling. d. Fire the employees if they are unfit to work. e. Regardless of suspicion of substance abuse, only focus on the work to be performed by the employee. 39. . In Canada, when dealing with alcohol and substance abuse, employers must balance conflicting legal obligations from occupational health and safety legislation and a. b. c. d. e.

employment standards legislation. human rights and privacy laws. employment equity/pay equity legislation. Charter of Rights and Freedoms. WHMIS.

40. Warning signs of repetitive strain injury can include any of the following except a. b. c. d. e.

frequent dropping of tools. hands falling asleep. numbness and tingling in fingertips. tightness or stiffness in the hands, elbow, wrists, shoulder and neck. headaches.

41. The "due diligence" requirement for employees mandates that they take every reasonable precaution to ensure their own health and safety. a. True b. False 42. Government health and safety inspectors may enter a workplace at any time, provided they have a warrant and give prior notification. a. True b. False 43. Employers should inquire about the workers' compensation history of job applicants in order to avoid hiring accident-prone individuals. a. True b. False 44. . Suggestion programs have several benefits. The net effect is a. b. c. d. e.

they let management continually monitor employees' concerns. there is less likelihood that small problems will grow into big ones. they make it clear that employees have several channels through which to communicate. they make it clear that employees have several channels through which to get responses. they let management continually monitor employees' feelings.

45. Procedural justice refers to a. b. c. d.

fairness in interpersonal interactions by treating others with respect. the fairness of the process used to make a decision. managers conducting their interpersonal dealings. highly publicized vehicles through which employees can appeal.


the fairness and justice of the outcome of a decision.

46. . A layoff occurs where which of the following condition(s) are present? a. There is a permanent severing of the employment relationship. b. There is no work and there is a permanent severing of the employment relationship. c. There is no work and management intends to recall the employees when work is available again. d. There is an issue of poor performance and a permanent severing of the employment relationship. e. The owner and president decides, for economic and personal reasons, to shut down the business. 47. A software firm has lost a major client and the immediate impact is a loss of work. Software programmers are difficult to recruit and train, so the firm is considering alternatives to laying off employees. The company could consider any of the following except a. asking employees if they are willing to take unpaid leaves to help reduce costs. b. asking employees to schedule vacation during the period when there is less work. c. asking employees to participate in a lottery to determine who should be let go (since it is unbiased). d. asking employees to take a voluntary reduction in pay (or reduced hours of work). e. All of the above are options for the software firm. 48. A fair and just discipline process is based on which of the following prerequisite(s)? a. a system of progressive penalties and an appeals process b. a set of rules and regulations, a system of progressive penalties, and an appeals process c. a set of clear rules and regulations, a system of progressive penalties, and a system of guided procedures. d. an appeals process e. a system of guided procedures. 49. The following are all expert recommendations for avoiding wrongful dismissal suits except a. b. c. d. e.

document all disciplinary action. do not allege just cause for dismissal unless it can be proven. include two members of management in the termination meeting. use termination letters in all cases, clearly stating the settlement offer. reassure new employees that they can only be dismissed for just cause.

50. Constructive dismissal can be considered to occur in the all of following circumstances except a. b. c. d. e.

reduction in pay and benefits. forced termination. demotion. forced resignation. forced transfer.

51. The steps in a termination interview include planning the interview carefully, getting to the point, describing the situation, and doing the majority of talking. a. True b. False

52. Firms are now providing preretirement counselling to employees who are about to retire, covering matters such as financial planning, relationship issues, and health issues. a. True b. False

53. Specific strategies adopted by organizations using the union substitution approach include a. pay, benefits, and working conditions equal to or better than those in unionized firms. b. preventing a union from gaining a foothold. c. avoiding a union at all costs. d. accepting collective bargaining as an appropriate mechanism for establishing terms and conditions of employment. e. viewing the union as the legitimate representative of the firm's employees. 54. An organizing drive has begun at a busy branch of a bank. The managers wish to avoid a union at all costs. This approach to labour relations is a. b. c. d. e.

tough bargaining. union suppression. union substitution. union acceptance. union avoidance.

55. Common characteristics among labour relations legislation in all Canadian jurisdictions include all of the following except a. a minimum term of six months for all collective agreements. b. procedures that must be followed by one or both parties before a strike or lockout is legal. c. the requirement that disputes over matters arising from interpretation of the collective agreement be settled by binding arbitration. d. establishment of a labour relations board or the equivalent. e. prohibition of strikes or lockouts during the life of a collective agreement. 56. A union steward is a. a union member who is appointed by management to act as the union representative. b. a union member elected by workers in a particular area of a firm to act as their union representative. c. a union member elected by management to act as the union representative. d. a union member working with an airline. e. a management member elected by workers in an area of a firm to act as their union representative. 57. The most important part of the union structure for human resources managers is the a. b. c. d. e.

national union. local. provincial/territorial federation of labour. local/district labour council. central or regional office.

58. Steps in the unionizing process typically include all of the following except a. b. c. d. e.

an all-out public campaign. the outcome: certification, recognition, or rejection. formation of an in-house organizing committee. employee/union contact. a vote.

59. Under the law, employers are granted the right to do all of the following in response to a unionization attempt except a. require employees to attend sessions at which their position is presented. b. state their position regarding the desirability of remaining non-union. c. express their views and opinions regarding unions. d. prohibit distribution of union literature on their own property on company time. e. increase wages, make promotions, and take other HR actions, as long as they would do so during the normal course of business. 60. All of the following statements about termination of bargaining rights are true except that a. a union is automatically decertified when a collective agreement is...

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